Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, args, project):
     # We choose 8 as a rough approximation of the best parallelism level required. 8 is convenient because:
     #  (1) laptops don't have more than 8 cores so developers will only have 1 process running
     #  (2) small-to-mid-sized images exhibit roughly that parallelism level (JIT not taken into account)
     #  (3) on 32 core machines it shows best results in terms of image build time in GraalVM
     super(SVMImageBuildTask, self).__init__(args, min(8, mx.cpu_count()), project)
     self._newestOutput = None
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, args, project):
     super(NativeImageBootstrapTask, self).__init__(args,
                                                    min(8, mx.cpu_count()),
     self._newestOutput = None
Esempio n. 3
from distutils.dir_util import mkpath, copy_tree, remove_tree  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from os.path import join, exists, basename, dirname, islink
import functools

import mx
import mx_compiler
import mx_gate
import mx_unittest
import mx_urlrewrites
from mx_compiler import GraalArchiveParticipant
from mx_compiler import run_java
from mx_gate import Task
from mx_substratevm_benchmark import run_js, host_vm_tuple, output_processors, rule_snippets  # pylint: disable=unused-import
from mx_unittest import _run_tests, _VMLauncher

JVM_COMPILER_THREADS = 2 if mx.cpu_count() <= 4 else 4

    '-XX:CICompilerCount=' + str(JVM_COMPILER_THREADS),
    '-Dtruffle.TrustAllTruffleRuntimeProviders=true',  # GR-7046
    '-H:+VerifyGraalGraphs', '-H:+VerifyGraalGraphEdges', '-H:+VerifyPhases'
Esempio n. 4
 def machineCpuCores(self):
     return mx.cpu_count()
Esempio n. 5
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
from argparse import ArgumentParser

import mx
import mx_compiler
import mx_gate
import mx_unittest
import mx_urlrewrites
import mx_sdk
from mx_compiler import GraalArchiveParticipant
from mx_compiler import run_java
from mx_gate import Task
from mx_substratevm_benchmark import run_js, host_vm_tuple, output_processors, rule_snippets # pylint: disable=unused-import
from mx_unittest import _run_tests, _VMLauncher

JVM_COMPILER_THREADS = 2 if mx.cpu_count() <= 4 else 4

GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS = ['-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler', '-Dgraal.CompileGraalWithC1Only=false', '-XX:CICompilerCount=' + str(JVM_COMPILER_THREADS),
                        '-Dtruffle.TrustAllTruffleRuntimeProviders=true', # GR-7046
                        '-Dgraal.VerifyGraalGraphs=false', '-Dgraal.VerifyGraalGraphEdges=false', '-Dgraal.VerifyGraalPhasesSize=false', '-Dgraal.VerifyPhases=false']
if mx.get_jdk(tag='default').javaCompliance <= mx.JavaCompliance('1.8'):
    GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['-XX:-UseJVMCIClassLoader']
    # JVMCI access
    GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-exports', '']
    GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-exports', '']
    GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-exports', '']
    # Reflective access
    GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-exports', 'jdk.unsupported/sun.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED']
    # Reflective access to private fields of java.lang.Class.
    GRAAL_COMPILER_FLAGS += ['--add-opens', 'java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED']
Esempio n. 6
 def machineCpuCores(self):
     return mx.cpu_count()