Esempio n. 1
def _espresso_command(launcher, args):
    import mx_sdk_vm_impl
    bin_dir = join(mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_home(fatalIfMissing=True), 'bin')
    exe = join(bin_dir, mx.exe_suffix(launcher))
    if not os.path.exists(exe):
        exe = join(bin_dir, mx.cmd_suffix(launcher))
    return [exe] + args
Esempio n. 2
def java_base_unittest(args):
    """tests whether graal compiler runs on JDK9 with limited set of modules"""
    jlink = mx.exe_suffix(join(jdk.home, 'bin', 'jlink'))
    if not exists(jlink):
        raise mx.JDKConfigException('jlink tool does not exist: ' + jlink)
    basejdk_dir = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'jdkbase')
    basemodules = 'java.base,,jdk.unsupported'
    if exists(basejdk_dir):
        shutil.rmtree(basejdk_dir)[jlink, '--output', basejdk_dir, '--add-modules', basemodules, '--module-path', join(jdk.home, 'jmods')])
    jdwp = mx.add_lib_suffix(mx.add_lib_prefix('jdwp'))
    shutil.copy(join(jdk.home, 'lib', jdwp), join(basejdk_dir, 'lib', jdwp))
    dt_socket = mx.add_lib_suffix(mx.add_lib_prefix('dt_socket'))
    shutil.copy(join(jdk.home, 'lib', dt_socket), join(basejdk_dir, 'lib', dt_socket))

    if not args:
        args = []

    fakeJavac = join(basejdk_dir, 'bin', 'javac')
    open(fakeJavac, 'a').close()

    basejdk = mx.JDKConfig(basejdk_dir)
    savedJava =
    try: =
        if mx_gate.Task.verbose:
            extra_args = ['--verbose', '--enable-timing']
            extra_args = []
        mx_unittest.unittest(['--suite', 'compiler', '--fail-fast'] + extra_args + args)
    finally: = savedJava
Esempio n. 3
def jdk_omits_warning_for_jlink_set_ThreadPriorityPolicy(jdk):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    Determines if the `jdk` suppresses a warning about ThreadPriorityPolicy when it
    is non-zero if the value is set from the jimage.
    if not hasattr(jdk, '.omits_ThreadPriorityPolicy_warning'):
        out = mx.OutputCapture()
        sink = lambda x: x
        tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(
        jlink_exe = jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jlink')[
            jlink_exe, '--add-options=-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1',
            '--output=' + join(tmpdir, 'jdk'), '--add-modules=java.base'
        ])[mx.exe_suffix(join(tmpdir, 'jdk', 'bin', 'java')), '-version'],
            jdk, '.omits_ThreadPriorityPolicy_warning',
            '-XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1 may require system level permission'
            not in
    return getattr(jdk, '.omits_ThreadPriorityPolicy_warning')
Esempio n. 4
    def getResults(self):
        output_dir = self.getOutputDir()
        subdirs = set()
        for root, filename in self.getProgramSources():
            subdir = os.path.relpath(root, self.getSourceDir())
            build_output_name = lambda ext: os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, remove_extension(filename) + ext)
            node_build_output_name = lambda ext: os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, NODE_BENCH_DIR, remove_extension(filename) + ext)
            native_build_output_name = lambda ext: os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, NATIVE_BENCH_DIR, remove_extension(filename) + ext)

            result_path = os.path.join(root, remove_extension(filename) + ".result")
            # The result files may be optional in some cases.
            if os.path.isfile(result_path):
                yield build_output_name(".result")
            opts_path = os.path.join(root, remove_extension(filename) + ".opts")
            # Some benchmarks may specify custom options.
            if os.path.isfile(opts_path):
                yield build_output_name(".opts")
            # Textual WebAssembly file is included for convenience.
            yield build_output_name(".wat")
            # A binary WebAssembly file contains the program.
            yield build_output_name(".wasm")
            if filename.endswith(".c"):
                # C-compiled sources generate an initialization file.
                yield build_output_name(".init")
            if self.isBenchmarkProject():
                # The JS file and the WebAssembly binary are used by Node.
                yield node_build_output_name(".js")
                yield node_build_output_name(".wasm")
                # The raw binary is used to run the program directly.
                yield native_build_output_name(mx.exe_suffix(""))
        for subdir in subdirs:
            yield os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, "wasm_test_index")
Esempio n. 5
 def get_output_binary_name(self):
     if self.type == SVMImageProject.Type.SHARED_LIBRARY:
         return mx.add_lib_suffix(self.get_image_builder_binary_name())
     elif self.type == SVMImageProject.Type.EXECUTABLE:
         return mx.exe_suffix(self.get_image_builder_binary_name())
         mx.abort("Unsupported type: " + str(self.type))
Esempio n. 6
def _espresso_java_command(args):
    """Java launcher using libespresso in GraalVM + arguments"""
    import mx_sdk_vm_impl
    bin_dir = os.path.join(mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_home(fatalIfMissing=True),
    exe = os.path.join(bin_dir, mx.exe_suffix('java'))
    if not os.path.exists(exe):
        exe = os.path.join(bin_dir, mx.cmd_suffix('java'))
    return [exe, '-truffle'] + args
Esempio n. 7
def _espresso_launcher_command(args):
    """Espresso launcher embedded in GraalVM + arguments"""
    import mx_sdk_vm_impl
    bin_dir = os.path.join(mx_sdk_vm_impl.graalvm_home(fatalIfMissing=True),
    exe = os.path.join(bin_dir, mx.exe_suffix('espresso'))
    if not os.path.exists(exe):
        exe = os.path.join(bin_dir, mx.cmd_suffix('espresso'))
    return [exe] + args
Esempio n. 8
def makegraaljdk(args):
    """make a JDK with Graal as the default top level JIT"""
    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx makegraaljdk')
                        help='overwrite existing GraalJDK')
                        help='name of archive to create',
                        help='destination directory for GraalJDK',
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    if isJDK8:
        dstJdk = os.path.abspath(args.dest)
        srcJdk = jdk.home
        if exists(dstJdk):
            if args.force:
                mx.abort('Use --force to overwrite existing directory ' +
        mx.log('Creating {} from {}'.format(dstJdk, srcJdk))
        shutil.copytree(srcJdk, dstJdk)

        bootDir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(dstJdk, 'jre', 'lib', 'boot'))
        jvmciDir = join(dstJdk, 'jre', 'lib', 'jvmci')
        assert exists(jvmciDir), jvmciDir + ' does not exist'
        with open(join(jvmciDir, 'compiler-name'), 'w') as fp:
            print >> fp, 'graal'
        for e in _jvmci_classpath:
            src = basename(e.get_path())
            mx.log('Copying {} to {}'.format(src, jvmciDir))
            with open(join(dstJdk, 'release'), 'a') as fp:
                d = e.dist()
                s = d.suite
                print >> fp, '{}={}'.format(,
            shutil.copyfile(e.get_path(), join(jvmciDir, src))
        for e in _bootclasspath_appends:
            src = basename(e.classpath_repr())
            mx.log('Copying {} to {}'.format(src, bootDir))
            with open(join(dstJdk, 'release'), 'a') as fp:
                s = e.suite
                print >> fp, '{}={}'.format(,
            shutil.copyfile(e.classpath_repr(), join(bootDir, src))
        exe = join(dstJdk, 'bin', mx.exe_suffix('java'))[exe, '-XX:+BootstrapJVMCI', '-version'])
        if args.archive:
            mx.log('Archiving {}'.format(args.archive))
            create_archive(dstJdk, args.archive, basename(args.dest) + '/')
        mx.abort('Can only make GraalJDK for JDK 8 currently')
 def getResults(self, replaceVar=mx_subst.results_substitutions):
     if not self.results:
         self.results = []
         for t in self.getTests():
             t = t + self.getTestDirExt()
             if self.buildRef:
                     os.path.join(t, mx.exe_suffix('ref.out')))
             for v in self.getVariants():
                 result_file = v + '.so' if self.buildSharedObject else v + '.bc'
                 self.results.append(os.path.join(t, result_file))
     return super(SulongTestSuiteMixin,
Esempio n. 10
 def run_vm(self, args, out=None, err=None, cwd=None, nonZeroIsFatal=False):
     jar, suite, benchmark = self.parse_jar_suite_benchmark(args)
     tmp_dir = None
         mode = self.config_name()
         tmp_dir = self.extract_jar_to_tempdir(jar, mode, suite, benchmark)
         binary_path = os.path.join(tmp_dir, "bench", suite, mode, mx.exe_suffix(benchmark))
         os.chmod(binary_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IXUSR)
         cmd_line = [binary_path]
         mx.log("Running benchmark " + benchmark + " natively."), cwd=tmp_dir, out=out, err=err, nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal)
         if tmp_dir:
     return 0
Esempio n. 11
def findBundledLLVMProgram(llvm_program):
    llvm_dist = 'LLVM_TOOLCHAIN'
    dep = mx.dependency(llvm_dist, fatalIfMissing=True)
    return os.path.join(dep.get_output(), 'bin', mx.exe_suffix(llvm_program))
Esempio n. 12
import mx

_suite = mx.suite('aot-bench')

jdk = mx.get_jdk()
jdk.aot_image = mx.exe_suffix(mx.join(jdk.home, 'bin', 'aot-image'))

_bench_suite = {
    'fannkuchredux': [('15000', '10', '9'), ['-H:+MultiThreaded']],
    'mandelbrot': [('15000', '10', '500'), ['-H:+MultiThreaded']],
    'binarytrees': [('15000', '10', '14'), ['-H:+MultiThreaded']],
    'nbody': [('10000', '10', '100000'), []],
    # Throws NPE at the moment
    # 'javac': [('1000', '10'), [
    #     '-H:+ReportUnsupportedElementsAtRuntime',
    #     ',,',
    # ]],
    'spectralnorm': [('5000', '10', '500'), ['-H:+MultiThreaded']],
    'pidigits': [('7500', '50', '500'), []],
    'scalariform': [('10000', '10'), []],
    'chameneosredux': [('10000', '10', '12000'), ['-H:+MultiThreaded']],
    'meteor': [('1000', '10'), []],

class Bench(object):
    def __init__(self, src_file, class_file, classpath, runtime_args,
        self.src_file = src_file
        self.class_file = class_file
        self.classpath = classpath
Esempio n. 13
def makegraaljdk(args):
    """make a JDK with Graal as the default top level JIT"""
    parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx makegraaljdk')
    parser.add_argument('-f', '--force', action='store_true', help='overwrite existing GraalJDK')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--archive', action='store', help='name of archive to create', metavar='<path>')
    parser.add_argument('dest', help='destination directory for GraalJDK', metavar='<path>')
    args = parser.parse_args(args)
    if isJDK8:
        dstJdk = os.path.abspath(args.dest)
        srcJdk = jdk.home
        if exists(dstJdk):
            if args.force:
                mx.abort('Use --force to overwrite existing directory ' + dstJdk)
        mx.log('Creating {} from {}'.format(dstJdk, srcJdk))
        shutil.copytree(srcJdk, dstJdk)

        bootDir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(dstJdk, 'jre', 'lib', 'boot'))
        jvmciDir = join(dstJdk, 'jre', 'lib', 'jvmci')
        assert exists(jvmciDir), jvmciDir + ' does not exist'

        if mx.get_os() == 'darwin' or mx.get_os() == 'windows':
            jvmlibDir = join(dstJdk, 'jre', 'lib', 'server')
            jvmlibDir = join(dstJdk, 'jre', 'lib', mx.get_arch(), 'server')
        jvmlib = join(jvmlibDir, mx.add_lib_prefix(mx.add_lib_suffix('jvm')))
        assert exists(jvmlib), jvmlib + ' does not exist'

        with open(join(jvmciDir, 'compiler-name'), 'w') as fp:
            print >> fp, 'graal'
        vmName = 'Graal'
        mapFiles = set()
        for e in _jvmci_classpath:
            src = basename(e.get_path())
            mx.log('Copying {} to {}'.format(e.get_path(), jvmciDir))
            candidate = e.get_path() + '.map'
            if exists(candidate):
            with open(join(dstJdk, 'release'), 'a') as fp:
                d = e.dist()
                s = d.suite
                print >> fp, '{}={}'.format(,
                vmName = vmName + ':' + + '_' + s.version()
            shutil.copyfile(e.get_path(), join(jvmciDir, src))
        for e in _bootclasspath_appends:
            src = basename(e.classpath_repr())
            mx.log('Copying {} to {}'.format(e.classpath_repr(), bootDir))
            candidate = e.classpath_repr() + '.map'
            if exists(candidate):

            with open(join(dstJdk, 'release'), 'a') as fp:
                s = e.suite
                print >> fp, '{}={}'.format(,
            shutil.copyfile(e.classpath_repr(), join(bootDir, src))

        out = mx.LinesOutputCapture()[, '-version'], err=out)
        line = None
        pattern = re.compile(r'(.* )(?:Server|Graal) VM \(build.*')
        for line in out.lines:
            m = pattern.match(line)
            if m:
                with open(join(jvmlibDir, ''), 'w') as fp:
                    # Modify VM name in `java -version` to be Graal along
                    # with a suffix denoting the commit of each Graal jar.
                    # For example:
                    # Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Graal:compiler_88847fb25d1a62977a178331a5e78fa5f8fcbb1a (build 25.71-b01-internal-jvmci-0.34, mixed mode)
                    print >> fp, 'name=' + + vmName
                line = True
        if line is not True:
            mx.abort('Could not find "{}" in output of `java -version`:\n{}'.format(pattern.pattern, os.linesep.join(out.lines)))

        exe = join(dstJdk, 'bin', mx.exe_suffix('java'))
        with StdoutUnstripping(args=[], out=None, err=None, mapFiles=mapFiles) as u:
  [exe, '-XX:+BootstrapJVMCI', '-version'], out=u.out, err=u.err)
        if args.archive:
            mx.log('Archiving {}'.format(args.archive))
            create_archive(dstJdk, args.archive, basename(args.dest) + '/')
        mx.abort('Can only make GraalJDK for JDK 8 currently')
Esempio n. 14
def jlink_new_jdk(jdk, dst_jdk_dir, module_dists, ignore_dists,
                  with_source=lambda x: True,
    Uses jlink from `jdk` to create a new JDK image in `dst_jdk_dir` with `module_dists` and
    their dependencies added to the JDK image, replacing any existing modules of the same name.

    :param JDKConfig jdk: source JDK
    :param str dst_jdk_dir: path to use for the jlink --output option
    :param list module_dists: list of distributions defining modules
    :param list ignore_dists: list of distributions that should be ignored for missing_export_target_action
    :param list root_module_names: list of strings naming the module root set for the new JDK image.
                     The named modules must either be in `module_dists` or in `jdk`. If None, then
                     the root set will be all the modules in ``module_dists` and `jdk`.
    :param str missing_export_target_action: the action to perform for a qualified export target that
                     is not present in `module_dists` and does not have a hash stored in java.base.
                     The choices are:
                       "create" - an empty module is created
                        "error" - raise an error
                           None - do nothing
    :param lambda with_source: returns True if the sources of a module distribution must be included in the new JDK
    :param dict vendor_info: values for the jlink vendor options added by JDK-8232080
    :param bool use_upgrade_module_path: if True, then instead of linking `module_dists` into the image, resolve
                     them via --upgrade-module-path at image runtime
    :return bool: False if use_upgrade_module_path == True and the existing image is up to date otherwise True
    assert callable(with_source)

    if jdk.javaCompliance < '9':
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' with jlink since it is not JDK 9 or later')

    exploded_java_base_module = join(jdk.home, 'modules', 'java.base')
    if exists(exploded_java_base_module):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since it appears to be a developer build with exploded modules')

    jimage = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'modules')
    jmods_dir = join(jdk.home, 'jmods')
    if not isfile(jimage):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jimage + ' is missing or is not an ordinary file')
    if not isdir(jmods_dir):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jmods_dir + ' is missing or is not a directory')

    # Exclude jdk.aot due to GR-10545 and JDK-8255616
    jdk_modules = { jmd for jmd in jdk.get_modules() if != 'jdk.aot'}
    modules = [as_java_module(dist, jdk) for dist in module_dists]
    module_names = frozenset(( for m in modules))
    all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys())) | module_names

    # Read hashes stored in java.base (the only module in the JDK where hashes are stored)
    hashes = _read_java_base_hashes(jdk)

    build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(dst_jdk_dir + ".build"))

    # Directory under dst_jdk_dir for artifacts related to use_upgrade_module_path
    upgrade_dir = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'upgrade_modules_support')

    # Map from JavaModuleDescriptors to post-jlink jar location.
    synthetic_modules = OrderedDict()
        ignore_module_names = set(mx_javamodules.get_module_name(mx.dependency(ignore_dist)) for ignore_dist in ignore_dists)
        # Synthesize modules for targets of qualified exports that are not present in `modules`.
        # Without this, runtime module resolution will fail due to missing modules.
        target_requires = {}
        for jmd in modules:
            for targets in jmd.exports.values():
                for target in targets:
                    if target not in all_module_names and target not in ignore_module_names and target not in hashes:
                        target_requires.setdefault(target, set()).add(
        if target_requires and missing_export_target_action is not None:
            if missing_export_target_action == 'error':
                mx.abort('Target(s) of qualified exports cannot be resolved: ' + '.'.join(target_requires.keys()))
            assert missing_export_target_action == 'create', 'invalid value for missing_export_target_action: ' + str(missing_export_target_action)

            for name, requires in sorted(target_requires.items()):
                module_jar = join(build_dir, name + '.jar')
                jmd = JavaModuleDescriptor(name, {}, requires={module: [] for module in requires}, uses=set(), provides={}, jarpath=module_jar)
                module_build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(build_dir, name))
                module_info = jmd.as_module_info()
                module_info_java = join(module_build_dir, '')
                module_info_class = join(module_build_dir, 'module-info.class')
                dst_module_jar = join(upgrade_dir, name + '.jar')
                synthetic_modules[jmd] = dst_module_jar
                if use_upgrade_module_path and exists(dst_module_jar):
                    with ZipFile(dst_module_jar, 'r') as zf:
                        previous_module_info ='').decode()
                    if previous_module_info == module_info:
                        mx.logv('[Reusing synthetic module {}]'.format(name))
                        os.rename(dst_module_jar, module_jar)
                    mx.logv('[Rebuilding synthetic module {} as module descriptor changed]'.format(name))

                with open(module_info_java, 'w') as fp:
      [jdk.javac, '-d', module_build_dir,
                        '--limit-modules=java.base,' + ','.join(jmd.requires.keys()),
                        '--module-path=' + os.pathsep.join((m.jarpath for m in modules)),
                with ZipFile(module_jar, 'w') as zf:
                    zf.write(module_info_java, '')
                    zf.write(module_info_class, 'module-info.class')
                if exists(jmd.get_jmod_path()):
                if not use_upgrade_module_path:
          [jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jmod'), 'create', '--class-path=' + module_build_dir, jmd.get_jmod_path()])

            module_names = frozenset(( for m in modules))
            all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys())) | module_names

        # Edit lib/security/default.policy in java.base
        patched_java_base = _patch_default_security_policy(build_dir, jmods_dir, dst_jdk_dir)

        # Now build the new JDK image with jlink
        jlink = [jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jlink')]

        if jdk_enables_jvmci_by_default(jdk):
            # On JDK 9+, +EnableJVMCI forces to be in the root set
            jlink += ['-J-XX:-EnableJVMCI', '-J-XX:-UseJVMCICompiler']

        jlink.append('--add-modules=' + ','.join(_get_image_root_modules(root_module_names, module_names, jdk_modules.keys(), use_upgrade_module_path)))

        module_path = patched_java_base + os.pathsep + jmods_dir
        if modules and not use_upgrade_module_path:
            module_path = os.pathsep.join((m.get_jmod_path(respect_stripping=True) for m in modules)) + os.pathsep + module_path
        jlink.append('--module-path=' + module_path)
        jlink.append('--output=' + dst_jdk_dir)

        # These options are derived from how OpenJDK runs jlink to produce the final runtime image.
        jlink.extend(['-J-XX:+UseSerialGC', '-J-Xms32M', '-J-Xmx512M', '-J-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1'])
        if dedup_legal_notices:
        jlink.append('--keep-packaged-modules=' + join(dst_jdk_dir, 'jmods'))

        vm_options_path = join(upgrade_dir, 'vm_options')
        vm_options = _get_image_vm_options(jdk, use_upgrade_module_path, modules, synthetic_modules)
        if vm_options:
            jlink.append('--add-options=' + ' '.join(vm_options))

        if jdk_has_new_jlink_options(jdk) and vendor_info is not None:
            for name, value in vendor_info.items():
                jlink.append('--' + name + '=' + value)

        release_file = join(jdk.home, 'release')
        if isfile(release_file):
            jlink.append('--release-info=' + release_file)

        if exists(dst_jdk_dir):
            if use_upgrade_module_path and _vm_options_match(vm_options, vm_options_path):
                mx.logv('[Existing JDK image {} is up to date]'.format(dst_jdk_dir))
                return False

        # TODO: investigate the options below used by OpenJDK to see if they should be used:
        # --order-resources: specifies order of resources in generated lib/modules file.
        #       This is apparently not so important if a CDS archive is available.
        # --generate-jli-classes: pre-generates a set of java.lang.invoke classes.
        #       See
        mx.logv('[Creating JDK image in {}]'.format(dst_jdk_dir))

        if use_upgrade_module_path:
            # Move synthetic upgrade modules into final location
            for jmd, jarpath in synthetic_modules.items():
                os.rename(jmd.jarpath, jarpath)
            # Persist VM options cooked into image to be able to skip a subsequent
            # jlink execution if the options do not change.
            with open(vm_options_path, 'w') as fp:

        # Create in new JDK image
        _copy_src_zip(jdk.home, dst_jdk_dir, modules, lambda jmd: not use_upgrade_module_path and with_source(jmd.dist))

        mx.logv('[Copying static libraries]')
        lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'static')
        if exists(lib_directory):
            dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib', 'static')
                mx.copytree(lib_directory, dst_lib_directory)
            except shutil.Error as e:
                # On AArch64, there can be a problem in the copystat part
                # of copytree which occurs after file and directory copying
                # has successfully completed. Since the metadata doesn't
                # matter in this case, just ensure that the content was copied.
                for root, _, lib_files in os.walk(lib_directory):
                    relative_root = os.path.relpath(root, dst_lib_directory)
                    for lib in lib_files:
                        src_lib_path = join(root, lib)
                        dst_lib_path = join(dst_lib_directory, relative_root, lib)
                        if not exists(dst_lib_path):
                            mx.abort('Error copying static libraries: {} missing in {}{}Original copytree error: {}'.format(
                                join(relative_root, lib), dst_lib_directory, os.linesep, e))
                        src_lib_hash = mx.sha1OfFile(src_lib_path)
                        dst_lib_hash = mx.sha1OfFile(dst_lib_path)
                        if src_lib_hash != dst_lib_hash:
                            mx.abort('Error copying static libraries: {} (hash={}) and {} (hash={}) differ{}Original copytree error: {}'.format(
                                src_lib_path, src_lib_hash,
                                dst_lib_path, dst_lib_hash,
                                os.linesep, e))
        # Allow older JDK versions to work
            lib_prefix = mx.add_lib_prefix('')
            lib_suffix = mx.add_static_lib_suffix('')
            lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib')
            dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib')
            for f in os.listdir(lib_directory):
                if f.startswith(lib_prefix) and f.endswith(lib_suffix):
                    lib_path = join(lib_directory, f)
                    if isfile(lib_path):
                        shutil.copy2(lib_path, dst_lib_directory)
        if not mx.get_opts().verbose:
            # Preserve build directory so that javac command can be re-executed
            # by cutting and pasting verbose output.

    if not use_upgrade_module_path:
        # Create CDS archive (
        out = mx.OutputCapture()
        mx.logv('[Creating CDS shared archive]')
        if[mx.exe_suffix(join(dst_jdk_dir, 'bin', 'java')), '-Xshare:dump', '-Xmx128M', '-Xms128M'], out=out, err=out, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
            mx.abort('Error generating CDS shared archive')
        # -Xshare is incompatible with --upgrade-module-path
    return True
Esempio n. 15
def jlink_new_jdk(jdk, dst_jdk_dir, module_dists,
                  with_source=lambda x: True,
    Uses jlink from `jdk` to create a new JDK image in `dst_jdk_dir` with `module_dists` and
    their dependencies added to the JDK image, replacing any existing modules of the same name.

    :param JDKConfig jdk: source JDK
    :param str dst_jdk_dir: path to use for the jlink --output option
    :param list module_dists: list of distributions defining modules
    :param list root_module_names: list of strings naming the module root set for the new JDK image.
                     The named modules must either be in `module_dists` or in `jdk`. If None, then
                     the root set will be all the modules in ``module_dists` and `jdk`.
    :param str missing_export_target_action: the action to perform for a qualifed export target that
                     is not present in `module_dists` and does not have a hash stored in java.base.
                     The choices are:
                       "create" - an empty module is created
                        "error" - raise an error
                           None - do nothing
    :param lambda with_source: returns True if the sources of a module distribution must be included in the new JDK
    :param dict vendor_info: values for the jlink vendor options added by JDK-8232080
    assert callable(with_source)

    if jdk.javaCompliance < '9':
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' with jlink since it is not JDK 9 or later')

    exploded_java_base_module = join(jdk.home, 'modules', 'java.base')
    if exists(exploded_java_base_module):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since it appears to be a developer build with exploded modules')

    jimage = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'modules')
    jmods_dir = join(jdk.home, 'jmods')
    if not isfile(jimage):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jimage + ' is missing or is not an ordinary file')
    if not isdir(jmods_dir):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jmods_dir + ' is missing or is not a directory')

    # Exclude jdk.aot due to GR-10545 and JDK-8255616
    jdk_modules = { jmd for jmd in jdk.get_modules() if != 'jdk.aot'}
    modules = [as_java_module(dist, jdk) for dist in module_dists]
    all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys()) + [ for m in modules])

    # Read hashes stored in java.base (the only module in the JDK where hashes are stored)
    out = mx.LinesOutputCapture()[jdk.exe_path('jmod'), 'describe', jdk_modules['java.base'].get_jmod_path()], out=out)
    lines = out.lines
    hashes = {}
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith('hashes'):
            parts = line.split()
            assert len(parts) == 4, 'expected hashes line to have 4 fields, got {} fields: {}'.format(len(parts), line)
            _, module_name, algorithm, hash_value = parts
            hashes[module_name] = (algorithm, hash_value)

    build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(dst_jdk_dir + ".build"))
        # Handle targets of qualified exports that are not present in `modules`
        target_requires = {}
        for jmd in modules:
            for targets in jmd.exports.values():
                for target in targets:
                    if target not in all_module_names and target not in hashes:
                        target_requires.setdefault(target, set()).add(
        if target_requires and missing_export_target_action is not None:
            if missing_export_target_action == 'error':
                mx.abort('Target(s) of qualified exports cannot be resolved: ' + '.'.join(target_requires.keys()))
            assert missing_export_target_action == 'create', 'invalid value for missing_export_target_action: ' + str(missing_export_target_action)

            extra_modules = []
            for name, requires in target_requires.items():
                module_jar = join(build_dir, name + '.jar')
                jmd = JavaModuleDescriptor(name, {}, requires={module: [] for module in requires}, uses=set(), provides={}, jarpath=module_jar)
                module_build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(build_dir, name))
                module_info_java = join(module_build_dir, '')
                module_info_class = join(module_build_dir, 'module-info.class')
                with open(module_info_java, 'w') as fp:
                    print(jmd.as_module_info(), file=fp)
      [jdk.javac, '-d', module_build_dir,
                        '--limit-modules=java.base,' + ','.join(jmd.requires.keys()),
                        '--module-path=' + os.pathsep.join((m.jarpath for m in modules)),
                with ZipFile(module_jar, 'w') as zf:
                    zf.write(module_info_class, basename(module_info_class))
                if exists(jmd.get_jmod_path()):
      [jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jmod'), 'create', '--class-path=' + module_build_dir, jmd.get_jmod_path()])

            all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys()) + [ for m in modules])

        # Extract from source JDK
        jdk_src_zip = join(jdk.home, 'lib', '')
        dst_src_zip_contents = {}
        if isfile(jdk_src_zip):
            mx.logv('[Extracting ' + jdk_src_zip + ']')
            with ZipFile(jdk_src_zip, 'r') as zf:
                for name in zf.namelist():
                    if not name.endswith('/'):
                        dst_src_zip_contents[name] =
            mx.warn("'{}' does not exist or is not a file".format(jdk_src_zip))

        # Edit lib/security/default.policy in java.base
        patched_java_base = join(build_dir, 'java.base.jmod')
        with open(join(jmods_dir, 'java.base.jmod'), 'rb') as src_f, open(patched_java_base, 'wb') as dst_f:
            jmod_header =
            if len(jmod_header) != 4 or jmod_header != b'JM\x01\x00':
                raise mx.abort("Unexpected jmod header: " + b2a_hex(jmod_header).decode('ascii'))
            policy_result = 'not found'
            with ZipFile(src_f, 'r') as src_zip, ZipFile(dst_f, 'w', src_zip.compression) as dst_zip:
                for i in src_zip.infolist():
                    if i.filename[-1] == '/':
                    src_member =
                    if i.filename == 'lib/security/default.policy':
                        policy_result = 'unmodified'
                        if 'grant codeBase "jrt:/"'.encode('utf-8') not in src_member:
                            policy_result = 'modified'
                            src_member += """
grant codeBase "jrt:/" {
                        if 'grant codeBase "jrt:/org.graalvm.truffle"'.encode('utf-8') not in src_member:
                            policy_result = 'modified'
                            src_member += """
grant codeBase "jrt:/org.graalvm.truffle" {

grant codeBase "jrt:/org.graalvm.sdk" {

grant codeBase "jrt:/org.graalvm.locator" {
  permission "<<ALL FILES>>", "read";
  permission java.util.PropertyPermission "*", "read,write";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "createClassLoader";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getClassLoader";
  permission java.lang.RuntimePermission "getenv.*";

grant codeBase "file:${java.home}/languages/-" {
                    dst_zip.writestr(i, src_member)
            if policy_result == 'not found':
                raise mx.abort("Couldn't find `lib/security/default.policy` in " + join(jmods_dir, 'java.base.jmod'))

        for jmd in modules:
            # Remove existing sources for all the modules that we include
            dst_src_zip_contents = {key: dst_src_zip_contents[key] for key in dst_src_zip_contents if not key.startswith(}

            if with_source(jmd.dist):
                # Add the sources that we can share.
                # Extract module sources
                jmd_src_zip = jmd.jarpath[0:-len('.jar')] + ''
                if isfile(jmd_src_zip):
                    mx.logv('[Extracting ' + jmd_src_zip + ']')
                    with ZipFile(jmd_src_zip, 'r') as zf:
                        for name in zf.namelist():
                            if not name.endswith('/'):
                                dst_src_zip_contents[ + '/' + name] =

                # Add to sources
                dst_src_zip_contents[ + '/'] = jmd.as_module_info(extras_as_comments=False)

        # Now build the new JDK image with jlink
        jlink = [jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jlink')]

        if jdk_enables_jvmci_by_default(jdk):
            # On JDK 9+, +EnableJVMCI forces to be in the root set
            jlink += ['-J-XX:-EnableJVMCI', '-J-XX:-UseJVMCICompiler']
        if root_module_names is not None:
            missing = frozenset(root_module_names) - all_module_names
            if missing:
                mx.abort('Invalid module(s): {}.\nAvailable modules: {}'.format(','.join(missing), ','.join(sorted(all_module_names))))
            jlink.append('--add-modules=' + ','.join(root_module_names))
            jlink.append('--add-modules=' + ','.join(sorted(all_module_names)))

        module_path = patched_java_base + os.pathsep + jmods_dir
        if modules:
            module_path = os.pathsep.join((m.get_jmod_path(respect_stripping=True) for m in modules)) + os.pathsep + module_path
        jlink.append('--module-path=' + module_path)
        jlink.append('--output=' + dst_jdk_dir)

        # These options are derived from how OpenJDK runs jlink to produce the final runtime image.
        jlink.extend(['-J-XX:+UseSerialGC', '-J-Xms32M', '-J-Xmx512M', '-J-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1'])
        if dedup_legal_notices:
        jlink.append('--keep-packaged-modules=' + join(dst_jdk_dir, 'jmods'))

        if jdk_has_new_jlink_options(jdk):
            if jdk_omits_warning_for_jlink_set_ThreadPriorityPolicy(jdk):
                thread_priority_policy_option = ' -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1'
                mx.logv('[Creating JDK without -XX:ThreadPriorityPolicy=1]')
                thread_priority_policy_option = ''

            if jdk_supports_enablejvmciproduct(jdk):
                if any(( == 'jdk.internal.vm.compiler' for m in modules)):
                    jlink.append('--add-options=-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCIProduct -XX:-UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' + thread_priority_policy_option)
                    # Don't default to using JVMCI as JIT unless Graal is being updated in the image.
                    # This avoids unexpected issues with using the out-of-date Graal compiler in
                    # the JDK itself.
                    jlink.append('--add-options=-XX:+UnlockExperimentalVMOptions -XX:+EnableJVMCIProduct -XX:-UseJVMCICompiler -XX:-UnlockExperimentalVMOptions' + thread_priority_policy_option)
                mx.logv('[Creating JDK without -XX:+EnableJVMCIProduct]')
                if thread_priority_policy_option:
                    jlink.append('--add-options=' + thread_priority_policy_option.strip())
            if vendor_info is not None:
                for name, value in vendor_info.items():
                    jlink.append('--' + name + '=' + value)

        release_file = join(jdk.home, 'release')
        if isfile(release_file):
            jlink.append('--release-info=' + release_file)

        # TODO: investigate the options below used by OpenJDK to see if they should be used:
        # --order-resources: specifies order of resources in generated lib/modules file.
        #       This is apparently not so important if a CDS archive is available.
        # --generate-jli-classes: pre-generates a set of java.lang.invoke classes.
        #       See
        mx.logv('[Creating JDK image in {}]'.format(dst_jdk_dir))

        dst_src_zip = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib', '')
        mx.logv('[Creating ' + dst_src_zip + ']')
        with ZipFile(dst_src_zip, 'w', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zf:
            for name, contents in sorted(dst_src_zip_contents.items()):
                zf.writestr(name, contents)

        mx.logv('[Copying static libraries]')
        lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'static')
        if exists(lib_directory):
            dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib', 'static')
                mx.copytree(lib_directory, dst_lib_directory)
            except shutil.Error as e:
                # On AArch64, there can be a problem in the copystat part
                # of copytree which occurs after file and directory copying
                # has successfully completed. Since the metadata doesn't
                # matter in this case, just ensure that the content was copied.
                for root, _, lib_files in os.walk(lib_directory):
                    relative_root = os.path.relpath(root, dst_lib_directory)
                    for lib in lib_files:
                        src_lib_path = join(root, lib)
                        dst_lib_path = join(dst_lib_directory, relative_root, lib)
                        if not exists(dst_lib_path):
                            mx.abort('Error copying static libraries: {} missing in {}{}Original copytree error: {}'.format(
                                join(relative_root, lib), dst_lib_directory, os.linesep, e))
                        src_lib_hash = mx.sha1OfFile(src_lib_path)
                        dst_lib_hash = mx.sha1OfFile(dst_lib_path)
                        if src_lib_hash != dst_lib_hash:
                            mx.abort('Error copying static libraries: {} (hash={}) and {} (hash={}) differ{}Original copytree error: {}'.format(
                                src_lib_path, src_lib_hash,
                                dst_lib_path, dst_lib_hash,
                                os.linesep, e))
        # Allow older JDK versions to work
            lib_prefix = mx.add_lib_prefix('')
            lib_suffix = mx.add_static_lib_suffix('')
            lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib')
            dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib')
            for f in os.listdir(lib_directory):
                if f.startswith(lib_prefix) and f.endswith(lib_suffix):
                    lib_path = join(lib_directory, f)
                    if isfile(lib_path):
                        shutil.copy2(lib_path, dst_lib_directory)
        if not mx.get_opts().verbose:
            # Preserve build directory so that javac command can be re-executed
            # by cutting and pasting verbose output.

    # Create CDS archive (
    out = mx.OutputCapture()
    mx.logv('[Creating CDS shared archive]')
    if[mx.exe_suffix(join(dst_jdk_dir, 'bin', 'java')), '-Xshare:dump', '-Xmx128M', '-Xms128M'], out=out, err=out, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
        mx.abort('Error generating CDS shared archive')
Esempio n. 16
def jlink_new_jdk(jdk, dst_jdk_dir, module_dists, root_module_names=None, missing_export_target_action='create', with_source=lambda x: True):
    Uses jlink from `jdk` to create a new JDK image in `dst_jdk_dir` with `module_dists` and
    their dependencies added to the JDK image, replacing any existing modules of the same name.

    :param JDKConfig jdk: source JDK
    :param str dst_jdk_dir: path to use for the jlink --output option
    :param list module_dists: list of distributions defining modules
    :param list root_module_names: list of strings naming the module root set for the new JDK image.
                     The named modules must either be in `module_dists` or in `jdk`. If None, then
                     the root set will be all the modules in ``module_dists` and `jdk`.
    :param str missing_export_target_action: the action to perform for a qualifed export target that
                     is not present in `module_dists` and does not have a hash stored in java.base.
                     The choices are:
                       "create" - an empty module is created
                        "error" - raise an error
                           None - do nothing
    :param lambda with_source: returns True if the sources of a module distribution must be included in the new JDK
    assert callable(with_source)

    if jdk.javaCompliance < '9':
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' with jlink since it is not JDK 9 or later')

    exploded_java_base_module = join(jdk.home, 'modules', 'java.base')
    if exists(exploded_java_base_module):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since it appears to be a developer build with exploded modules')

    jimage = join(jdk.home, 'lib', 'modules')
    jmods_dir = join(jdk.home, 'jmods')
    if not isfile(jimage):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jimage + ' is missing or is not an ordinary file')
    if not isdir(jmods_dir):
        mx.abort('Cannot derive a new JDK from ' + jdk.home + ' since ' + jmods_dir + ' is missing or is not a directory')

    jdk_modules = { : jmd for jmd in jdk.get_modules()}
    modules = [as_java_module(dist, jdk) for dist in module_dists]
    all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys()) + [ for m in modules])

    # Read hashes stored in java.base (the only module in the JDK where hashes are stored)
    out = mx.LinesOutputCapture()[jdk.exe_path('jmod'), 'describe', jdk_modules['java.base'].get_jmod_path()], out=out)
    lines = out.lines
    hashes = {}
    for line in lines:
        if line.startswith('hashes'):
            parts = line.split()
            assert len(parts) == 4, 'expected hashes line to have 4 fields, got {} fields: {}'.format(len(parts), line)
            _, module_name, algorithm, hash_value = parts
            hashes[module_name] = (algorithm, hash_value)

    build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(dst_jdk_dir + ".build"))
        # Handle targets of qualified exports that are not present in `modules`
        target_requires = {}
        for jmd in modules:
            for targets in jmd.exports.values():
                for target in targets:
                    if target not in all_module_names and target not in hashes:
                        target_requires.setdefault(target, set()).add(
        if target_requires and missing_export_target_action is not None:
            if missing_export_target_action == 'error':
                mx.abort('Target(s) of qualified exports cannot be resolved: ' + '.'.join(target_requires.keys()))
            assert missing_export_target_action == 'create', 'invalid value for missing_export_target_action: ' + str(missing_export_target_action)

            extra_modules = []
            for name, requires in target_requires.items():
                module_jar = join(build_dir, name + '.jar')
                jmd = JavaModuleDescriptor(name, {}, requires={module : [] for module in requires}, uses=set(), provides={}, jarpath=module_jar)
                module_build_dir = mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(build_dir, name))
                module_info_java = join(module_build_dir, '')
                module_info_class = join(module_build_dir, 'module-info.class')
                with open(module_info_java, 'w') as fp:
                    print(jmd.as_module_info(), file=fp)
      [jdk.javac, '-d', module_build_dir, \
                        '--limit-modules=java.base,' + ','.join(jmd.requires.keys()), \
                        '--module-path=' + os.pathsep.join((m.jarpath for m in modules)), \
                with ZipFile(module_jar, 'w') as zf:
                    zf.write(module_info_class, basename(module_info_class))
                if exists(jmd.get_jmod_path()):
      [jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jmod'), 'create', '--class-path=' + module_build_dir, jmd.get_jmod_path()])

            all_module_names = frozenset(list(jdk_modules.keys()) + [ for m in modules])

        # Extract from source JDK
        jdk_src_zip = join(jdk.home, 'lib', '')
        dst_src_zip_contents = {}
        if isfile(jdk_src_zip):
            mx.logv('[Extracting ' + jdk_src_zip + ']')
            with ZipFile(jdk_src_zip, 'r') as zf:
                for name in zf.namelist():
                    if not name.endswith('/'):
                        dst_src_zip_contents[name] =
            mx.warn("'{}' does not exist or is not a file".format(jdk_src_zip))

        for jmd in modules:
            # Remove existing sources for all the modules that we include
            dst_src_zip_contents = {key : dst_src_zip_contents[key] for key in dst_src_zip_contents if not key.startswith(}

            if with_source(jmd.dist):
                # Add the sources that we can share.
                # Extract module sources
                jmd_src_zip = jmd.jarpath[0:-len('.jar')] + ''
                if isfile(jmd_src_zip):
                    mx.logv('[Extracting ' + jmd_src_zip + ']')
                    with ZipFile(jmd_src_zip, 'r') as zf:
                        for name in zf.namelist():
                            if not name.endswith('/'):
                                dst_src_zip_contents[ + '/' + name] =

                # Add to sources
                dst_src_zip_contents[ + '/'] = jmd.as_module_info(extras_as_comments=False)

        # Now build the new JDK image with jlink
        jlink = [jdk.javac.replace('javac', 'jlink')]

        if jdk_enables_jvmci_by_default(jdk):
            # On JDK 9+, +EnableJVMCI forces to be in the root set
        if root_module_names is not None:
            missing = frozenset(root_module_names) - all_module_names
            if missing:
                mx.abort('Invalid module(s): {}.\nAvailable modules: {}'.format(','.join(missing), ','.join(sorted(all_module_names))))
            jlink.append('--add-modules=' + ','.join(root_module_names))
            jlink.append('--add-modules=' + ','.join(sorted(all_module_names)))

        module_path = jmods_dir
        if modules:
            module_path = os.pathsep.join((m.get_jmod_path(respect_stripping=True) for m in modules)) + os.pathsep + module_path
        jlink.append('--module-path=' + module_path)
        jlink.append('--output=' + dst_jdk_dir)

        # These options are inspired by how OpenJDK runs jlink to produce the final runtime image.
        jlink.extend(['-J-XX:+UseSerialGC', '-J-Xms32M', '-J-Xmx512M', '-J-XX:TieredStopAtLevel=1'])
        jlink.append('--keep-packaged-modules=' + join(dst_jdk_dir, 'jmods'))

        # TODO: investigate the options below used by OpenJDK to see if they should be used:
        # --release-info: this allow extra properties to be written to the <jdk>/release file
        # --order-resources: specifies order of resources in generated lib/modules file.
        #       This is apparently not so important if a CDS archive is available.
        # --generate-jli-classes: pre-generates a set of java.lang.invoke classes.
        #       See
        mx.logv('[Creating JDK image]')

        dst_src_zip = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib', '')
        mx.logv('[Creating ' + dst_src_zip + ']')
        with ZipFile(dst_src_zip, 'w', compression=ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True) as zf:
            for name, contents in sorted(dst_src_zip_contents.items()):
                zf.writestr(name, contents)

        mx.logv('[Copying static libraries]')
        lib_prefix = mx.add_lib_prefix('')
        lib_suffix = '.lib' if mx.is_windows() else '.a'
        lib_directory = join(jdk.home, 'lib')
        dst_lib_directory = join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib')
        for f in os.listdir(lib_directory):
            if f.startswith(lib_prefix) and f.endswith(lib_suffix):
                lib_path = join(lib_directory, f)
                if isfile(lib_path):
                    shutil.copy2(lib_path, dst_lib_directory)

        # Build the list of modules whose classes might have annotations
        # to be processed by native-image (GR-15192).
        with open(join(dst_jdk_dir, 'lib', 'native-image-modules.list'), 'w') as fp:
            print('# Modules whose classes might have annotations processed by native-image', file=fp)
            for m in modules:
                print(, file=fp)

        if not mx.get_opts().verbose:
            # Preserve build directory so that javac command can be re-executed
            # by cutting and pasting verbose output.

    # Create CDS archive (
    out = mx.OutputCapture()
    mx.logv('[Creating CDS shared archive]')
    if[mx.exe_suffix(join(dst_jdk_dir, 'bin', 'java')), '-Xshare:dump', '-Xmx128M', '-Xms128M'], out=out, err=out, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
        mx.abort('Error generating CDS shared archive')
Esempio n. 17
    def build(self):
        source_dir = self.subject.getSourceDir()
        output_dir = self.subject.getOutputDir()
        if not emcc_dir:
                "No EMCC_DIR specified - the source programs will not be compiled to .wasm."
        emcc_cmd = os.path.join(emcc_dir, "emcc")
        gcc_cmd = os.path.join(gcc_dir, "gcc")
        if[emcc_cmd, "-v"], nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
            mx.abort("Could not check the emcc version.")
        if[gcc_cmd, "--version"], nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
            mx.abort("Could not check the gcc version.")
        if not wabt_dir:
                "Set WABT_DIR if you want the binary to include .wat files.")
        mx.log("Building files from the source dir: " + source_dir)
        cc_flags = ["-g2", "-O3"]
        include_flags = []
        if hasattr(self.project, "includeset"):
            include_flags = [
                os.path.join(_suite.dir, "includes", self.project.includeset)
        emcc_flags = [
            "-s", "EXIT_RUNTIME=1", "-s", "STANDALONE_WASM", "-s",
        ] + cc_flags
        if self.project.isBenchmarkProject():
            emcc_flags = emcc_flags + [
                "-s", "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=" +
                str(self.benchmark_methods()).replace("'", "\"") + ""
        subdir_program_names = defaultdict(lambda: [])
        for root, filename in self.subject.getProgramSources():
            if filename.startswith("_"):
                # Ignore files starting with an underscore

            subdir = os.path.relpath(root, self.subject.getSourceDir())
            mx.ensure_dir_exists(os.path.join(output_dir, subdir))

            basename = remove_extension(filename)
            source_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
            output_wasm_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir,
                                            basename + ".wasm")
            output_js_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, basename + ".js")
            timestampedSource = mx.TimeStampFile(source_path)
            timestampedOutput = mx.TimeStampFile(output_wasm_path)
            mustRebuild = timestampedSource.isNewerThan(
                timestampedOutput) or not timestampedOutput.exists()

            # Step 1: build the .wasm binary.
            if mustRebuild:
                if filename.endswith(".c"):
                    # This generates both a js file and a wasm file.
                    # See
                    build_cmd_line = [emcc_cmd] + emcc_flags + [
                        source_path, "-o", output_js_path
                    ] + include_flags
                    if, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not build the wasm-only output of " +
                                 filename + " with emcc.")
                elif filename.endswith(".wat"):
                    # Step 1: compile the .wat file to .wasm.
                    wat2wasm_cmd = os.path.join(wabt_dir, "wat2wasm")
                    build_cmd_line = [
                        wat2wasm_cmd, "-o", output_wasm_path, source_path
                    if, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not translate " + filename +
                                 " to binary format.")
                elif filename.endswith(".wasm"):
                    shutil.copyfile(source_path, output_wasm_path)

                mx.logv("skipping, file is up-to-date: " + source_path)

            # Step 2: copy the result file if it exists.
            result_path = os.path.join(root, basename + ".result")
            if os.path.isfile(result_path):
                result_output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir,
                                                  basename + ".result")
                shutil.copyfile(result_path, result_output_path)

            # Step 3: copy the opts file if it exists.
            opts_path = os.path.join(root, basename + ".opts")
            if os.path.isfile(opts_path):
                opts_output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir,
                                                basename + ".opts")
                shutil.copyfile(opts_path, opts_output_path)

            output_wat_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir,
                                           basename + ".wat")
            if mustRebuild:
                if filename.endswith(".c"):
                    # Step 4: produce the .wat files, for easier debugging.
                    wasm2wat_cmd = os.path.join(wabt_dir, "wasm2wat")
                            wasm2wat_cmd, "-o", output_wat_path,
                              nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not compile .wat file for " + filename)
                elif filename.endswith(".wat"):
                    # Step 4: copy the .wat file, for easier debugging.
                    wat_path = os.path.join(root, basename + ".wat")
                    shutil.copyfile(wat_path, output_wat_path)

            # Step 5: if this is a benchmark project, create native binaries too.
            if mustRebuild:
                if filename.endswith(".c"):
                        os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, NATIVE_BENCH_DIR))
                    output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir,
                    link_flags = ["-lm"]
                    gcc_cmd_line = [gcc_cmd] + cc_flags + [
                        source_path, "-o", output_path
                    ] + include_flags + link_flags
                    if, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not build the native binary of " +
                                 filename + ".")
                             stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR)
                elif filename.endswith(".wat"):
                        "The .wat files are not translated to native binaries: "
                        + filename)

            # Remember the source name.
        for subdir in subdir_program_names:
            with open(os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, "wasm_test_index"),
                      "w") as f:
                for name in subdir_program_names[subdir]:
Esempio n. 18
    def build(self):
        source_dir = self.subject.getSourceDir()
        output_dir = self.subject.getOutputDir()
        if not emcc_dir:
            mx.abort("No EMCC_DIR specified - the source programs will not be compiled to .wasm.")
        emcc_cmd = os.path.join(emcc_dir, "emcc")
        gcc_cmd = os.path.join(gcc_dir, "gcc")
        if[emcc_cmd, "-v"], nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
            mx.abort("Could not check the emcc version.")
        if[gcc_cmd, "--version"], nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
            mx.abort("Could not check the gcc version.")
        if not wabt_dir:
            mx.abort("Set WABT_DIR if you want the binary to include .wat files.")
        mx.log("Building files from the source dir: " + source_dir)
        cc_flags = ["-O3", "-g2"]
        include_flags = []
        disable_test_api_flags = ["-DDISABLE_TEST_API"]
        if hasattr(self.project, "includeset"):
            include_flags = ["-I", os.path.join(_suite.dir, "includes", self.project.includeset)]
        emcc_flags = cc_flags
        if self.project.isBenchmarkProject():
            emcc_flags = emcc_flags + ["-s", "EXPORTED_FUNCTIONS=" + str(benchmark_methods).replace("'", "\"") + ""]
        subdir_program_names = defaultdict(lambda: [])
        for root, filename in self.subject.getProgramSources():
            subdir = os.path.relpath(root, self.subject.getSourceDir())
            mx.ensure_dir_exists(os.path.join(output_dir, subdir))

            basename = remove_extension(filename)
            source_path = os.path.join(root, filename)
            output_wasm_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, basename + ".wasm")
            timestampedSource = mx.TimeStampFile(source_path)
            timestampedOutput = mx.TimeStampFile(output_wasm_path)
            mustRebuild = timestampedSource.isNewerThan(timestampedOutput) or not timestampedOutput.exists()

            # Step 1: build the .wasm binary.
            if mustRebuild:
                if filename.endswith(".c"):
                    # Step 1a: compile with the JS file, and store as files for running Node, if necessary.
                    output_js_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, basename + ".js")
                    build_cmd_line = [emcc_cmd] + emcc_flags + disable_test_api_flags + [source_path, "-o", output_js_path] + include_flags
                    if, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not build the JS output of " + filename + " with emcc.")
                    if self.subject.isBenchmarkProject():
                        node_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, NODE_BENCH_DIR)
                        shutil.copyfile(output_js_path, os.path.join(node_dir, basename + ".js"))
                        shutil.copyfile(output_wasm_path, os.path.join(node_dir, basename + ".wasm"))

                    # Step 1b: extract the relevant information out of the JS file, and record it into an initialization file.
                    init_info = self.extractInitialization(output_js_path)
                    with open(os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, basename + ".init"), "w") as f:

                    # Step 1c: compile to just a .wasm file, to avoid name mangling.
                    build_cmd_line = [emcc_cmd] + emcc_flags + ["-s", "ERROR_ON_UNDEFINED_SYMBOLS=0"] + [source_path, "-o", output_wasm_path] + include_flags
                    if, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not build the wasm-only output of " + filename + " with emcc.")
                elif filename.endswith(".wat"):
                    # Step 1: compile the .wat file to .wasm.
                    wat2wasm_cmd = os.path.join(wabt_dir, "wat2wasm")
                    build_cmd_line = [wat2wasm_cmd, "-o", output_wasm_path, source_path]
                    if, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not translate " + filename + " to binary format.")
                mx.logv("skipping, file is up-to-date: " + source_path)

            # Step 2: copy the result file if it exists.
            result_path = os.path.join(root, basename + ".result")
            if os.path.isfile(result_path):
                result_output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, basename + ".result")
                shutil.copyfile(result_path, result_output_path)

            # Step 3: copy the opts file if it exists.
            opts_path = os.path.join(root, basename + ".opts")
            if os.path.isfile(opts_path):
                opts_output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, basename + ".opts")
                shutil.copyfile(opts_path, opts_output_path)

            output_wat_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, basename + ".wat")
            if mustRebuild:
                if filename.endswith(".c"):
                    # Step 4: produce the .wat files, for easier debugging.
                    wasm2wat_cmd = os.path.join(wabt_dir, "wasm2wat")
                    if[wasm2wat_cmd, "-o", output_wat_path, output_wasm_path], nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not compile .wat file for " + filename)
                elif filename.endswith(".wat"):
                    # Step 4: copy the .wat file, for easier debugging.
                    wat_path = os.path.join(root, basename + ".wat")
                    shutil.copyfile(wat_path, output_wat_path)

            # Step 5: if this is a benchmark project, create native binaries too.
            if mustRebuild:
                mx.ensure_dir_exists(os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, NATIVE_BENCH_DIR))
                if filename.endswith(".c"):
                    output_path = os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, NATIVE_BENCH_DIR, mx.exe_suffix(basename))
                    link_flags = ["-lm"]
                    gcc_cmd_line = [gcc_cmd] + cc_flags + disable_test_api_flags + [source_path, "-o", output_path] + include_flags + link_flags
                    if, nonZeroIsFatal=False) != 0:
                        mx.abort("Could not build the native binary of " + filename + ".")
                    os.chmod(output_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR | stat.S_IXUSR)
                elif filename.endswith(".wat"):
                    mx.warn("The .wat files are not translated to native binaries: " + filename)

            # Remember the source name.
        for subdir in subdir_program_names:
            with open(os.path.join(output_dir, subdir, "wasm_test_index"), "w") as f:
                for name in subdir_program_names[subdir]:
Esempio n. 19
def wat2wasm_binary():
    return mx.exe_suffix("wat2wasm")