def python_svm(args): mx.run_mx(_SVM_ARGS + ["build"]) out = mx.OutputCapture() mx.run_mx(_SVM_ARGS + ["graalvm-home"], out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(out)) svm_image = os.path.join(, "bin", "graalpython")[svm_image] + args) return svm_image
def python_build_svm(args): mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "/substratevm,/vm", "build", "--force-deprecation-as-warning", "--dependencies", "GRAAL_MANAGEMENT,graalpython.image" ], nonZeroIsFatal=True) shutil.copy(__get_svm_binary_from_graalvm(), _get_svm_binary())
def build(self): if not mx.log("...skip build of {}".format(self.subject)) return mx.log('...perform build of {}'.format(self.subject)) rubyDir = _suite.dir mavenDir = os.path.join(rubyDir, 'mxbuild', 'mvn') # HACK: since the maven executable plugin does not configure the # java executable that is used we unfortunately need to append it to the PATH javaHome = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME') if javaHome: os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ[ "JAVA_HOME"] + '/bin' + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"] mx.logv('Setting PATH to {}'.format(os.environ["PATH"])) mx.logv('Calling java -version')['java', '-version']) # Truffle version truffle = mx.suite('truffle') truffle_commit = maven_version_arg = '-Dtruffle.version=' + truffle_commit maven_repo_arg = '-Dmaven.repo.local=' + mavenDir mx.run_mx(['maven-install', '--repo', mavenDir], suite=truffle) open(os.path.join(rubyDir, 'VERSION'), 'w').write('graal-vm\n') # Build jruby-truffle mx.run_maven(['--version', maven_repo_arg], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('Building without tests') mx.run_maven(['-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('Building complete version') mx.run_maven( ['-Pcomplete', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=rubyDir)[ 'zip', '-d', 'maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar', 'META-INF/jruby.home/lib/*' ], cwd=rubyDir)['bin/jruby', 'bin/gem', 'install', 'bundler', '-v', '1.10.6'], cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('...finished build of {}'.format(self.subject))
def _squeak_graalvm_launcher(args): """Build and run a GraalVM graalsqueak launcher""" dy = ['--dynamicimports', '/vm'] mx.run_mx(dy + ['--env', 'ce-graalsqueak', 'build']) out = mx.OutputCapture() mx.run_mx(dy + ["graalvm-home"], out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(out)) launcher = os.path.join(, "bin", "graalsqueak").split("\n")[-1].strip() mx.log(launcher) if args:[launcher] + args) return launcher
def benchmark_callback(suite, commit):, commit) mx.run_mx(['sforceimports'], suite=suite) mx.run_mx(['--env', 'ce', 'sforceimports'], suite=get_suite('/vm')) if args.enterprise and != 'vm-enterprise': checkout_args = [ '--dynamicimports', '/vm-enterprise', 'checkout-downstream', 'vm', 'vm-enterprise' ] if fetched_enterprise[0]: checkout_args.append('--no-fetch') mx.run_mx(checkout_args, out=mx.OutputCapture()) # Make sure vm is imported before vm-enterprise get_suite('/vm') mx.run_mx(['--env', 'ee', 'sforceimports'], suite=get_suite('/vm-enterprise')) fetched_enterprise[0] = True, commit) mx.run_mx(['sforceimports'], suite=suite) debug_str = "debug: graalpython={} graal={}".format( get_commit(get_suite('graalpython')), get_commit(get_suite('/vm'))) if args.enterprise: debug_str += " graal-enterprise={}".format( get_commit(get_suite('/vm-enterprise'))) print(debug_str) build_command = shlex.split(args.build_command) if not args.no_clean: try: clean_command = build_command[:build_command. index('build')] + ['clean'] retcode =, nonZeroIsFatal=False) if retcode: print("Warning: clean command failed") except ValueError: pass retcode =, nonZeroIsFatal=False) if retcode: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to execute the build command for {}".format(commit)) output = mx.OutputCapture() retcode =, out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(output), nonZeroIsFatal=False) if retcode: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to execute benchmark for {}".format(commit)) match = r'{}.*duration: ([\d.]+)'.format( re.escape(args.benchmark_criterion)), if not match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get result from the benchmark") return float(
def python_svm(args): mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "/substratevm,/vm", "build", "--force-deprecation-as-warning", "--dependencies", "GRAAL_MANAGEMENT,graalpython.image" ], nonZeroIsFatal=True) vmdir = os.path.join(mx.suite("truffle").dir, "..", "vm") svm_image = os.path.join(vmdir, "mxbuild", "-".join([mx.get_os(), mx.get_arch()]), "graalpython.image", "graalpython") shutil.copy(svm_image, os.path.join(_suite.dir, "graalpython-svm"))[svm_image] + args) return svm_image
def _python_graalvm_launcher(args): dy = "/vm,/tools,/substratevm" if "sandboxed" in args: args.remove("sandboxed") dy += ",/sulong-managed" dy = ["--dynamicimports", dy] mx.run_mx(dy + ["build"]) out = mx.OutputCapture() mx.run_mx(dy + ["graalvm-home"], out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(out)) launcher = os.path.join(, "bin", "graalpython").split("\n")[-1].strip() mx.log(launcher) if args:[launcher] + args) return launcher
def build(self): if not mx.log("...skip build of {}".format(self.subject)) return mx.log('...perform build of {}'.format(self.subject)) rubyDir = _suite.dir mavenDir = os.path.join(rubyDir, 'mxbuild', 'mvn') # HACK: since the maven executable plugin does not configure the # java executable that is used we unfortunately need to append it to the PATH javaHome = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME') if javaHome: os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] + '/bin' + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"] mx.logv('Setting PATH to {}'.format(os.environ["PATH"])) mx.logv('Calling java -version')['java', '-version']) # Truffle version truffle = mx.suite('truffle') truffle_commit = maven_version_arg = '-Dtruffle.version=' + truffle_commit maven_repo_arg = '-Dmaven.repo.local=' + mavenDir mx.run_mx(['maven-install', '--repo', mavenDir, '--only', 'TRUFFLE_API,TRUFFLE_DEBUG,TRUFFLE_DSL_PROCESSOR,TRUFFLE_TCK'], suite=truffle) open(os.path.join(rubyDir, 'VERSION'), 'w').write('graal-vm\n') # Build jruby-truffle env = os.environ.copy() env['JRUBY_BUILD_MORE_QUIET'] = 'true' mx.run_maven(['-q', '--version', maven_repo_arg], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir, env=env) mx.log('Building without tests') mx.run_maven(['-q', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=rubyDir, env=env) mx.log('Building complete version') mx.run_maven(['-q', '-Pcomplete', '-DskipTests', maven_version_arg, maven_repo_arg], cwd=rubyDir, env=env)['zip', '-d', 'maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar', 'META-INF/jruby.home/lib/*'], cwd=rubyDir)['bin/jruby', 'bin/gem', 'install', 'bundler', '-v', '1.10.6'], cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('...finished build of {}'.format(self.subject))
def testgraal(args): cloneFrom = mx.get_env("GRAAL_URL") if not cloneFrom: cloneFrom = "" graalSuiteSubDir = mx.get_env("GRAAL_SUITE_SUBDIR") suite = mx.suite('truffle') suiteDir = suite.dir workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'sanitycheck') mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(workDir, for f in os.listdir(suiteDir): subDir = os.path.join(suiteDir, f) if subDir == suite.get_output_root(): continue src = join(suiteDir, f) tgt = join(workDir,, f) if isdir(src): if exists(tgt): shutil.rmtree(tgt) shutil.copytree(src, tgt) else: shutil.copy(src, tgt) sanityDir = join(workDir, 'sanity') git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(sanityDir): git.pull(sanityDir) else: git.clone(cloneFrom, sanityDir) sanitySuiteDir = sanityDir if graalSuiteSubDir is None else join(sanityDir, graalSuiteSubDir) return mx.run_mx(['--java-home=' + mx.get_jdk().home, 'gate', '-B--force-deprecation-as-warning', '--tags', 'build,test'], sanitySuiteDir)
def benchmark_callback(suite, commit):, commit) mx.run_mx(['sforceimports'], suite=suite) mx.run_mx(['--env', 'ce', 'sforceimports'], suite=get_suite('/vm')) if args.enterprise and != 'vm-enterprise': checkout_args = [ '--dynamicimports', '/vm-enterprise', 'checkout-downstream', 'vm', 'vm-enterprise' ] if fetched_enterprise[0]: checkout_args.append('--no-fetch') mx.run_mx(checkout_args, out=mx.OutputCapture()) # Make sure vm is imported before vm-enterprise get_suite('/vm') mx.run_mx(['--env', 'ee', 'sforceimports'], suite=get_suite('/vm-enterprise')) fetched_enterprise[0] = True, commit) mx.run_mx(['sforceimports'], suite=suite) debug_str = "debug: graalpython={} graal={}".format( get_commit(get_suite('graalpython')), get_commit(get_suite('/vm'))) if args.enterprise: debug_str += " graal-enterprise={}".format( get_commit(get_suite('/vm-enterprise'))) print(debug_str) env = os.environ.copy() env['MX_ALT_OUTPUT_ROOT'] = 'mxbuild-{}'.format(commit) retcode =, env=env, nonZeroIsFatal=False) if retcode: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to execute the build command for {}".format(commit)) output = mx.OutputCapture() retcode =, env=env, out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(output), nonZeroIsFatal=False) if retcode: raise RuntimeError( "Failed to execute benchmark for {}".format(commit)) match = r'{}.*duration: ([\d.]+)'.format( re.escape(args.benchmark_criterion)), if not match: raise RuntimeError("Failed to get result from the benchmark") return float(
def verify_graalvm_configs(suites=None): """ Check the consistency of registered GraalVM configs. :param suites: optionally restrict the check to the configs registered by this list of suites. :type suites: list[str] or None """ import mx_sdk_vm_impl child_env = os.environ.copy() for env_var in ['DYNAMIC_IMPORTS', 'DEFAULT_DYNAMIC_IMPORTS', 'COMPONENTS', 'EXCLUDE_COMPONENTS', 'SKIP_LIBRARIES', 'NATIVE_IMAGES', 'FORCE_BASH_LAUNCHERS', 'DISABLE_POLYGLOT', 'DISABLE_LIBPOLYGLOT']: if env_var in child_env: del child_env[env_var] for dist_name, _, components, suite, env_file in _vm_configs: if env_file is not False and (suites is None or in suites): _env_file = env_file or dist_name graalvm_dist_name = '{base_name}_{dist_name}_JAVA{jdk_version}'.format(base_name=mx_sdk_vm_impl._graalvm_base_name, dist_name=dist_name, jdk_version=mx_sdk_vm_impl._src_jdk_version).upper().replace('-', '_') mx.log("Checking that the env file '{}' in suite '{}' produces a GraalVM distribution named '{}'".format(_env_file,, graalvm_dist_name)) out = mx.LinesOutputCapture() err = mx.LinesOutputCapture() retcode = mx.run_mx(['--quiet', '--no-warning', '--env', _env_file, 'graalvm-dist-name'], suite, out=out, err=err, env=child_env, nonZeroIsFatal=False) if retcode != 0: mx.abort("Unexpected return code '{}' for 'graalvm-dist-name' for env file '{}' in suite '{}'. Output:\n{}\nError:\n{}".format(retcode, _env_file,, '\n'.join(out.lines), '\n'.join(err.lines))) if len(out.lines) != 1 or out.lines[0] != graalvm_dist_name: out2 = mx.LinesOutputCapture() retcode2 = mx.run_mx(['--no-warning', '--env', _env_file, 'graalvm-components'], suite, out=out2, err=out2, env=child_env, nonZeroIsFatal=False) if retcode2 or len(out2.lines) != 1: got_components = '<error>' diff = '' else: got_components = out2.lines[0] # example string: "['bpolyglot', 'cmp']" got_components_set = set(got_components[1:-1].replace('\'', '').split(', ')) components_set = set(components) added = list(got_components_set - components_set) removed = list(components_set - got_components_set) diff = ('Added:\n{}\n'.format(added) if added else '') + ('Removed:\n{}\n'.format(removed) if removed else '') mx.abort("""\ Unexpected GraalVM dist name for env file '{}' in suite '{}'. Expected dist name: '{}' Actual dist name: '{}'. Expected component list: {} Actual component list: {} {}Did you forget to update the registration of the GraalVM config?""".format(_env_file,, graalvm_dist_name, '\n'.join(out.lines + err.lines), sorted(components), got_components, diff))
def build(self): if not mx.log("...skip build of {}".format(self.subject)) return mx.log('...perform build of {}'.format(self.subject)) rubyDir = _suite.dir # HACK: since the maven executable plugin does not configure the # java executable that is used we unfortunately need to append it to the PATH javaHome = os.getenv('JAVA_HOME') if javaHome: os.environ["PATH"] = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] + '/bin' + os.pathsep + os.environ["PATH"] mx.logv('Setting PATH to {}'.format(os.environ["PATH"])) mx.logv('Calling java -version')['java', '-version']) # Truffle version truffle = mx.suite('truffle') truffle_commit = mx.run_mx(['maven-install'], suite=truffle) open(join(rubyDir, 'VERSION'), 'w').write('graal-vm\n') # Build jruby-truffle and['find', '.'], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir) mx.run_maven(['--version'], nonZeroIsFatal=False, cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('Building without tests') mx.run_maven(['-DskipTests', '-Dtruffle.version=' + truffle_commit], cwd=rubyDir) mx.log('Building complete version') mx.run_maven(['-Pcomplete', '-DskipTests', '-Dtruffle.version=' + truffle_commit], cwd=rubyDir)['zip', '-d', 'maven/jruby-complete/target/jruby-complete-graal-vm.jar', 'META-INF/jruby.home/lib/*'], cwd=rubyDir)['bin/jruby', 'bin/gem', 'install', 'bundler', '-v', '1.10.6'], cwd=rubyDir)
def checkout_suite(suite, commit):, commit) mx.run_mx(['sforceimports'], suite=suite) mx.run_mx(['--env', 'ce', 'sforceimports'], suite=get_suite('/vm')) if args.enterprise and != 'vm-enterprise': checkout_enterprise() # Make sure vm is imported before vm-enterprise get_suite('/vm') mx.run_mx(['--env', 'ee', 'sforceimports'], suite=get_suite('/vm-enterprise')), commit) mx.run_mx(['sforceimports'], suite=suite) debug_str = "debug: graalpython={} graal={}".format( get_commit(get_suite('graalpython')), get_commit(get_suite('/vm'))) if args.enterprise: debug_str += " graal-enterprise={}".format(get_commit(get_suite('/vm-enterprise'))) print(debug_str)
def testdownstream(args): """test downstream users of GraalCore""" parser = ArgumentParser(prog='mx testdownstream') parser.add_argument('--target', action='store', help='URL of client repo to clone', required=True, metavar='<url>') parser.add_argument('--suitedir', action='store', help='directory of target suite in client repo', default='.', metavar='<path>') parser.add_argument('-C', dest='clientMxCmd', action='append', help='arg to mx command run on client (e.g., -C-v -C--strict-compliance -Cgate)', default=[], metavar='<arg>') args = parser.parse_args(args) workDir = join(_suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream') mirror = join(workDir, if exists(mirror): shutil.rmtree(mirror) mx.ensure_dir_exists(mirror) for f in os.listdir(_suite.dir): subDir = join(_suite.dir, f) if subDir == _suite.get_output_root(): continue src = join(_suite.dir, f) dst = join(mirror, f) mx.logv('[Creating symlink from {} to {}]'.format(dst, src)) os.symlink(src, dst) # Deduce a target name from the target URL url = urlparse( targetName = url.path if targetName.rfind('/') != -1: targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:] if targetName.endswith('.git'): targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')] targetDir = join(workDir, targetName) git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(targetDir): git.pull(targetDir) else: git.clone(, targetDir) # See if there's a matching (non-master) branch downstream and use it if there is branch = git.git_command(_suite.dir, ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() if branch != 'master': git.git_command(targetDir, ['checkout', branch], abortOnError=False) targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, args.suitedir) cmd = ['--java-home=' + mx.get_jdk().home] + args.clientMxCmd mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(cmd) + '" in ' + targetSuiteDir + ']') return mx.run_mx(cmd, targetSuiteDir)
def testgraal(args): cloneFrom = mx.get_env("GRAAL_URL") if not cloneFrom: cloneFrom = "" graalSuiteSubDir = mx.get_env("GRAAL_SUITE_SUBDIR") suite = mx.suite('truffle') suiteDir = suite.dir workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'sanitycheck') mx.ensure_dir_exists(join(workDir, for f in os.listdir(suiteDir): subDir = os.path.join(suiteDir, f) if subDir == suite.get_output_root(): continue src = join(suiteDir, f) tgt = join(workDir,, f) if isdir(src): if exists(tgt): shutil.rmtree(tgt) shutil.copytree(src, tgt) else: shutil.copy(src, tgt) sanityDir = join(workDir, 'sanity') git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(sanityDir): git.pull(sanityDir) else: git.clone(cloneFrom, sanityDir) sanitySuiteDir = sanityDir if graalSuiteSubDir is None else join( sanityDir, graalSuiteSubDir) return mx.run_mx([ '-v', '--java-home=' + mx.get_jdk().home, 'gate', '-B--force-deprecation-as-warning', '--tags', 'build,test' ], sanitySuiteDir)
def graalpython_gate_runner(args, tasks): with Task('GraalPython JUnit', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.junit]) as task: if task: punittest(['--verbose']) with Task('GraalPython Python tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.unittest]) as task: if task: gate_unittests() with Task('GraalPython C extension tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext]) as task: if task: gate_unittests(subdir="cpyext/") with Task('GraalPython C extension managed tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext_managed]) as task: if task: mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "sulong-managed", "python-gate-unittests", "--llvm.configuration=managed", "--subdir=cpyext", "--" ]) with Task('GraalPython C extension sandboxed tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext_sandboxed]) as task: if task: mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "sulong-managed", "python-gate-unittests", "--llvm.configuration=sandboxed", "--subdir=cpyext", "--" ]) with Task('GraalPython Python tests on SVM', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.svmunit]) as task: if task: svm_image_name = "./graalpython-svm" if not os.path.exists(svm_image_name): python_svm(["-h"]) else: llvm_home = mx_subst.path_substitutions.substitute( '--native.Dllvm.home=<path:SULONG_LIBS>') args = [ "--python.CoreHome=%s" % os.path.join(_suite.dir, "graalpython", "lib-graalpython"), "--python.StdLibHome=%s" % os.path.join(_suite.dir, "graalpython", "lib-python/3"), llvm_home ] run_python_unittests(svm_image_name, args) with Task('GraalPython apptests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.apptests]) as task: if task: apprepo = os.environ["GRAALPYTHON_APPTESTS_REPO_URL"] _apptest_suite = _suite.import_suite( "graalpython-apptests", version="f40fcf3af008d30a67e0dbc325a0d90f1e68f0c0", urlinfos=[ mx.SuiteImportURLInfo(mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(apprepo), "git", mx.vc_system("git")) ]) mx.run_mx(["-p", _apptest_suite.dir, "graalpython-apptests"]) with Task('GraalPython license header update', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.license]) as task: if task: python_checkcopyrights([]) with Task('GraalPython GraalVM shared-library build', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.graalvm]) as task: if task: run_shared_lib_test() with Task('GraalPython GraalVM build', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.graalvm]) as task: if task: svm_image = python_svm(["--version"]) benchmark = os.path.join(PATH_MESO, "") out = mx.OutputCapture()[svm_image, benchmark], nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(out)) success = "\n".join([ "[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 10, 3, 10, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]", ]) if success not in mx.abort('Output from generated SVM image "' + svm_image + '" did not match success pattern:\n' + success)
def testdownstream(suite, repoUrls, relTargetSuiteDir, mxCommands, branch=None): """ Tests a downstream repo against the current working directory state of `suite`. :param mx.Suite suite: the suite to test against the downstream repo :param list repoUrls: URLs of downstream repos to clone, the first of which is the repo being tested :param str relTargetSuiteDir: directory of the downstream suite to test relative to the top level directory of the downstream repo being tested :param list mxCommands: argument lists for the mx commands run in downstream suite being tested :param str branch: name of branch to look for in downstream repo(s) """ assert len(repoUrls) > 0 workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream') # A mirror of each suites in the same repo as `suite` is created via copying rel_mirror = os.path.relpath(suite.dir, mx.SuiteModel.siblings_dir(suite.dir)) in_subdir = os.sep in rel_mirror suites_in_repo = [suite] if in_subdir: base = os.path.dirname(suite.dir) for e in os.listdir(base): candidate = join(base, e) if candidate != suite.dir: mxDir = mx._is_suite_dir(candidate) if mxDir: matches = [s for s in mx.suites() if s.dir == candidate] if len(matches) == 0: suites_in_repo.append(mx.SourceSuite(mxDir, primary=False, load=False)) else: suites_in_repo.append(matches[0]) for suite_in_repo in suites_in_repo: if suite_in_repo.vc_dir and suite_in_repo.dir != suite_in_repo.vc_dir: mirror = join(workDir, basename(suite_in_repo.vc_dir), else: mirror = join(workDir, if exists(mirror): shutil.rmtree(mirror) output_root = suite_in_repo.get_output_root() def ignore_output_root(d, names): mx.log('Copying ' + d) if d == os.path.dirname(output_root): mx.log('Omitting ' + output_root) return [os.path.basename(output_root)] return [] shutil.copytree(suite_in_repo.dir, mirror, ignore=ignore_output_root) targetDir = None for repoUrl in repoUrls: # Deduce a target name from the target URL url = urlparse(repoUrl) targetName = url.path if targetName.rfind('/') != -1: targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:] if targetName.endswith('.git'): targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')] repoWorkDir = join(workDir, targetName) git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(repoWorkDir): git.pull(repoWorkDir) else: git.clone(repoUrl, repoWorkDir) # See if there's a matching (non-master) branch and use it if there is if not branch: branch = git.git_command(suite.dir, ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() if branch != 'master': git.git_command(repoWorkDir, ['checkout', branch], abortOnError=False) if not targetDir: targetDir = repoWorkDir assert not isabs(relTargetSuiteDir) targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, relTargetSuiteDir) assert targetSuiteDir.startswith(targetDir) mxpy = None if suite != mx._mx_suite else join(mirror, '') for command in mxCommands: mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(command) + '" in ' + targetSuiteDir + ']') mx.run_mx(command, targetSuiteDir, mxpy=mxpy)
def graalpython_gate_runner(args, tasks): _graalpytest_driver = "graalpython/" _test_project = "graalpython/" with Task('GraalPython JUnit', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.junit]) as task: if task: punittest(['--verbose']) with Task('GraalPython Python tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.unittest]) as task: if task: test_args = [ _graalpytest_driver, "-v", _test_project + "src/tests/" ] mx.command_function( "python")(["--python.CatchAllExceptions=true"] + test_args) if platform.system() != 'Darwin': # TODO: re-enable when python3 is available on darwin mx.log("Running tests with CPython")["python3"] + test_args, nonZeroIsFatal=True) with Task('GraalPython C extension tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext]) as task: if task: test_args = [ _graalpytest_driver, "-v", _test_project + "src/tests/cpyext/" ] mx.command_function("python")(test_args) if platform.system() != 'Darwin': # TODO: re-enable when python3 is available on darwin mx.log("Running tests with CPython")["python3"] + test_args, nonZeroIsFatal=True) with Task('GraalPython Python tests on SVM', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.svmunit]) as task: if task: if not os.path.exists("./graalpython-svm"): python_svm(["-h"]) if os.path.exists("./graalpython-svm"): langhome = mx_subst.path_substitutions.substitute( '--native.Dllvm.home=<path:SULONG_LIBS>') # tests root directory tests_folder = "graalpython/" # list of excluded tests excluded = [""] def is_included(path): if path.endswith(".py"): basename = path.rpartition("/")[2] return basename.startswith( "test_") and basename not in excluded return False # list all 1st-level tests and exclude the SVM-incompatible ones testfiles = [] paths = [tests_folder] while paths: path = paths.pop() if is_included(path): testfiles.append(path) else: try: paths += [ (path + f if path.endswith("/") else "%s/%s" % (path, f)) for f in os.listdir(path) ] except OSError: pass test_args = [ "graalpython/", "-v" ] + testfiles[ "./graalpython-svm", "--python.CoreHome=graalpython/lib-graalpython", "--python.StdLibHome=graalpython/lib-python/3", langhome ] + test_args, nonZeroIsFatal=True) with Task('GraalPython downstream R tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.R]) as task: script_r2p = os.path.join(_suite.dir, "graalpython", "benchmarks", "src", "benchmarks", "interop", "r_python_image_demo.r") script_p2r = os.path.join(_suite.dir, "graalpython", "benchmarks", "src", "benchmarks", "interop", "") pythonjars = os.pathsep.join([ os.path.join(_suite.dir, "mxbuild", "dists", "graalpython.jar"), os.path.join(_suite.dir, "mxbuild", "dists", "graalpython-env.jar") ]) if task: rrepo = os.environ["FASTR_REPO_URL"] testdownstream(_suite, [ rrepo, mx.suite("truffle").vc._remote_url( mx.suite("truffle").dir, "origin") ], ".", [[ "--dynamicimports", "graalpython", "--version-conflict-resolution", "latest_all", "build", "--force-deprecation-as-warning" ], [ "--cp-sfx", pythonjars, "r", "--polyglot", "--file=%s" % script_r2p ]]) testdownstream(_suite, [ rrepo, mx.suite("truffle").vc._remote_url( mx.suite("truffle").dir, "origin") ], ".", [[ "--dynamicimports", "graalpython", "--version-conflict-resolution", "latest_all", "build", "--force-deprecation-as-warning" ], [ "-v", "--cp-sfx", pythonjars, "r", "--jvm", "--polyglot", "-e", "eval.polyglot('python', path='%s')" % str(script_p2r) ]]) with Task('GraalPython apptests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.apptests]) as task: if task: apprepo = os.environ["GRAALPYTHON_APPTESTS_REPO_URL"] _apptest_suite = _suite.import_suite( "graalpython-apptests", urlinfos=[ mx.SuiteImportURLInfo(mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(apprepo), "git", mx.vc_system("git")) ]) mx.run_mx(["-p", _apptest_suite.dir, "graalpython-apptests"]) with Task('GraalPython license header update', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.license]) as task: if task: python_checkcopyrights([]) with Task('GraalPython GraalVM shared-library build', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.graalvm]) as task: if task: run_shared_lib_test() with Task('GraalPython GraalVM build', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.graalvm]) as task: if task: svm_image = python_svm(["--version"]) benchmark = os.path.join("graalpython", "benchmarks", "src", "benchmarks", "") out = mx.OutputCapture()[svm_image, benchmark], nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(out)) success = "\n".join([ "[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20, 0, 0, 20, 20, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]", "[11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55]", "[11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 31, 32, 36, 36, 35, 41, 41, 40, 40, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55]" ]) if success not in mx.abort('Output from generated SVM image "' + svm_image + '" did not match success pattern:\n' + success) for name, iterations in sorted(python_test_benchmarks.iteritems()): with Task('PythonBenchmarksTest:' + name, tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.benchmarks]) as task: if task: _gate_python_benchmarks_tests( "graalpython/benchmarks/src/benchmarks/" + name + ".py", iterations)
def testdownstream(suite, repoUrls, relTargetSuiteDir, mxCommands, branch=None): """ Tests a downstream repo against the current working directory state of `suite`. :param mx.Suite suite: the suite to test against the downstream repo :param list repoUrls: URLs of downstream repos to clone, the first of which is the repo being tested :param str relTargetSuiteDir: directory of the downstream suite to test relative to the top level directory of the downstream repo being tested :param list mxCommands: argument lists for the mx commands run in downstream suite being tested :param str branch: name of branch to look for in downstream repo(s) """ assert len(repoUrls) > 0 workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream') # A mirror of each suites in the same repo as `suite` is created with symlinks rel_mirror = os.path.relpath(suite.dir, mx.SuiteModel.siblings_dir(suite.dir)) in_subdir = os.sep in rel_mirror suites_in_repo = [suite] if in_subdir: base = os.path.dirname(suite.dir) for e in os.listdir(base): candidate = join(base, e) if candidate != suite.dir: mxDir = mx._is_suite_dir(candidate) if mxDir: matches = [s for s in mx.suites() if s.dir == candidate] if len(matches) == 0: suites_in_repo.append( mx.SourceSuite(mxDir, primary=False, load=False)) else: suites_in_repo.append(matches[0]) for suite_in_repo in suites_in_repo: rel_mirror = os.path.relpath( suite_in_repo.dir, mx.SuiteModel.siblings_dir(suite_in_repo.dir)) mirror = join(workDir, rel_mirror) if exists(mirror): shutil.rmtree(mirror) mx.ensure_dir_exists(mirror) for f in os.listdir(suite_in_repo.dir): subDir = join(suite_in_repo.dir, f) if subDir == suite_in_repo.get_output_root(): continue src = join(suite_in_repo.dir, f) dst = join(mirror, f) mx.logv('[Creating symlink from {} to {}]'.format(dst, src)) relsrc = os.path.relpath(src, os.path.dirname(dst)) os.symlink(relsrc, dst) targetDir = None for repoUrl in repoUrls: # Deduce a target name from the target URL url = urlparse(repoUrl) targetName = url.path if targetName.rfind('/') != -1: targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:] if targetName.endswith('.git'): targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')] repoWorkDir = join(workDir, targetName) git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(repoWorkDir): git.pull(repoWorkDir) else: git.clone(repoUrl, repoWorkDir) # See if there's a matching (non-master) branch and use it if there is if not branch: branch = git.git_command( suite.dir, ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() if branch != 'master': git.git_command(repoWorkDir, ['checkout', branch], abortOnError=False) if not targetDir: targetDir = repoWorkDir assert not isabs(relTargetSuiteDir) targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, relTargetSuiteDir) assert targetSuiteDir.startswith(targetDir) mxpy = None if suite != mx._mx_suite else join(mirror, '') for command in mxCommands: mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(command) + '" in ' + targetSuiteDir + ']') mx.run_mx(command, targetSuiteDir, mxpy=mxpy)
def _mx_vm(args, config, nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=None, err=None, timeout=None, env=None, quiet=False): return mx.run_mx(config.mx_args() + args, suite=_vm_suite_dir(), nonZeroIsFatal=nonZeroIsFatal, out=out, err=err, timeout=timeout, env=env, quiet=quiet)
def python_coverage(args): "Generate coverage report running args" mx.run_mx( ['--jacoco=on', ''] + args) mx.command_function("jacocoreport")(["--omit-excluded", "--format=html"])
def testdownstream(suite, repoUrls, relTargetSuiteDir, mxCommands, branch=None): """ Tests a downstream repo against the current working directory state of `suite`. :param mx.Suite suite: the suite to test against the downstream repo :param list repoUrls: URLs of downstream repos to clone, the first of which is the repo being tested :param str relTargetSuiteDir: directory of the downstream suite to test relative to the top level directory of the downstream repo being tested :param list mxCommands: argument lists for the mx commands run in downstream suite being tested :param str branch: name(s) of branch to look for in downstream repo(s) """ assert len(repoUrls) > 0 repoUrls = [mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(url) for url in repoUrls] workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream') # A mirror of each suites in the same repo as `suite` is created via copying rel_mirror = os.path.relpath(suite.dir, mx.SuiteModel.siblings_dir(suite.dir)) in_subdir = os.sep in rel_mirror suites_in_repo = [suite] if in_subdir: base = os.path.dirname(suite.dir) for e in os.listdir(base): candidate = join(base, e) if candidate != suite.dir: mxDir = mx._is_suite_dir(candidate) if mxDir: matches = [s for s in mx.suites() if s.dir == candidate] if len(matches) == 0: suites_in_repo.append( mx.SourceSuite(mxDir, primary=False, load=False)) else: suites_in_repo.append(matches[0]) if vc_metadir = mx._safe_path(mx.VC.get_vc(suite.vc_dir).metadir()) blacklist = {suite.vc_dir: [join(suite.vc_dir, vc_metadir)]} else: blacklist = {} for suite_in_repo in suites_in_repo: output_root = mx._safe_path(suite_in_repo.get_output_root()) blacklist.setdefault(dirname(output_root), []).append(output_root) def omitted_dirs(d, names): mx.log('Copying ' + d) to_omit = [] for blacklisted_dir in blacklist.get(d, []): mx.log('Omitting ' + blacklisted_dir) to_omit.append(basename(blacklisted_dir)) return to_omit if suite.vc_dir and suite.dir != suite.vc_dir: mirror = join(workDir, basename(suite.vc_dir)) else: mirror = join(workDir, if exists(mirror): mx.rmtree(mirror) mx.copytree(suite.vc_dir, mirror, ignore=omitted_dirs, symlinks=True) targetDir = None for repoUrl in repoUrls: # Deduce a target name from the target URL url = _urllib_parse.urlparse(repoUrl) targetName = url.path if targetName.rfind('/') != -1: targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:] if targetName.endswith('.git'): targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')] repoWorkDir = join(workDir, targetName) git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(repoWorkDir): git.pull(repoWorkDir) else: git.clone(repoUrl, repoWorkDir) if branch is None: branch = [] elif isinstance(branch, str): branch = [branch] else: assert isinstance(branch, list) # fall back to the branch of the main repo active_branch = git.active_branch(suite.dir, abortOnError=False) if active_branch: branch.append(active_branch) updated = False for branch_name in branch: if git.update_to_branch(repoWorkDir, branch_name, abortOnError=False): updated = True break if not updated: mx.warn('Could not update {} to any of the following branches: {}'. format(repoWorkDir, ', '.join(branch))) if not targetDir: targetDir = repoWorkDir assert not isabs(relTargetSuiteDir) targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, relTargetSuiteDir) assert targetSuiteDir.startswith(targetDir) mxpy = None if suite != mx._mx_suite else join(mirror, '') for command in mxCommands: mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(command) + '" in ' + targetSuiteDir + ']') mx.run_mx(command, targetSuiteDir, mxpy=mxpy)
def graalpython_gate_runner(args, tasks): with Task('GraalPython JUnit', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.junit]) as task: if task: punittest(['--verbose']) with Task('GraalPython Python tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.unittest]) as task: if task: gate_unittests() with Task('GraalPython C extension tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext]) as task: if task: # we deliberately added this to test the combination of Sulong and 'mx_unittest' unittest([ '--regex', re.escape( ''), "-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true" ]) gate_unittests(subdir="cpyext/") with Task('GraalPython C extension managed tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext_managed]) as task: if task: mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "sulong-managed", "python-gate-unittests", "--llvm.configuration=managed", "--subdir=cpyext", "--" ]) with Task('GraalPython C extension sandboxed tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext_sandboxed]) as task: if task: mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "sulong-managed", "python-gate-unittests", "--llvm.configuration=sandboxed", "--subdir=cpyext", "--" ]) with Task('GraalPython Python tests on SVM', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.svmunit]) as task: if task: svm_image_name = "./graalpython-svm" if not os.path.exists(svm_image_name): svm_image_name = python_svm(["-h"]) llvm_home = mx_subst.path_substitutions.substitute( '--native.Dllvm.home=<path:SULONG_LIBS>') args = [ "--python.CoreHome=%s" % os.path.join(SUITE.dir, "graalpython", "lib-graalpython"), "--python.StdLibHome=%s" % os.path.join(SUITE.dir, "graalpython", "lib-python/3"), llvm_home ] run_python_unittests(svm_image_name, args) with Task('GraalPython apptests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.apptests]) as task: if task: apprepo = os.environ["GRAALPYTHON_APPTESTS_REPO_URL"] _apptest_suite = SUITE.import_suite( "graalpython-apptests", version="1fc0e86a54cbe090d36f262c062d8f4eee8f2e6d", urlinfos=[ mx.SuiteImportURLInfo(mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(apprepo), "git", mx.vc_system("git")) ]) mx.log( " ".join(["Running", "mx"] + ["-p", _apptest_suite.dir, "graalpython-apptests"])) mx.run_mx(["-p", _apptest_suite.dir, "graalpython-apptests"]) with Task('GraalPython license header update', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.license]) as task: if task: python_checkcopyrights([]) with Task('GraalPython GraalVM shared-library build', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.graalvm]) as task: if task: run_shared_lib_test() with Task('GraalPython GraalVM build', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.graalvm]) as task: if task: svm_image = python_svm(["--version"]) benchmark = os.path.join(PATH_MESO, "") out = mx.OutputCapture()[svm_image, benchmark], nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(out)) success = "\n".join([ "[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 10, 3, 10, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]", ]) if success not in mx.abort('Output from generated SVM image "' + svm_image + '" did not match success pattern:\n' + success) llvm_home = mx_subst.path_substitutions.substitute( '--native.Dllvm.home=<path:SULONG_LIBS>') args = [ "--python.CoreHome=%s" % os.path.join(SUITE.dir, "graalpython", "lib-graalpython"), "--python.StdLibHome=%s" % os.path.join(SUITE.dir, "graalpython", "lib-python/3"), llvm_home ] run_python_unittests(svm_image, args)
def testdownstream(suite, repoUrls, relTargetSuiteDir, mxCommands, branch=None): """ Tests a downstream repo against the current working directory state of `suite`. :param mx.Suite suite: the suite to test against the downstream repo :param list repoUrls: URLs of downstream repos to clone, the first of which is the repo being tested :param str relTargetSuiteDir: directory of the downstream suite to test relative to the top level directory of the downstream repo being tested :param list mxCommands: argument lists for the mx commands run in downstream suite being tested :param str branch: name of branch to look for in downstream repo(s) """ assert len(repoUrls) > 0 workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream') # A mirror of the current suite is created with symlinks mirror = join(workDir, if exists(mirror): shutil.rmtree(mirror) mx.ensure_dir_exists(mirror) for f in os.listdir(suite.dir): subDir = join(suite.dir, f) if subDir == suite.get_output_root(): continue src = join(suite.dir, f) dst = join(mirror, f) mx.logv('[Creating symlink from {} to {}]'.format(dst, src)) relsrc = os.path.relpath(src, os.path.dirname(dst)) os.symlink(relsrc, dst) targetDir = None for repoUrl in repoUrls: # Deduce a target name from the target URL url = urlparse(repoUrl) targetName = url.path if targetName.rfind('/') != -1: targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:] if targetName.endswith('.git'): targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')] repoWorkDir = join(workDir, targetName) git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(repoWorkDir): git.pull(repoWorkDir) else: git.clone(repoUrl, repoWorkDir) # See if there's a matching (non-master) branch downstream and use it if there is if not branch: branch = git.git_command(suite.dir, ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() if branch != 'master': git.git_command(repoWorkDir, ['checkout', branch], abortOnError=False) if not targetDir: targetDir = repoWorkDir assert not isabs(relTargetSuiteDir) targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, relTargetSuiteDir) assert targetSuiteDir.startswith(targetDir) mxpy = None if suite != mx._mx_suite else join(mirror, '') for command in mxCommands: mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(command) + '" in ' + targetSuiteDir + ']') mx.run_mx(command, targetSuiteDir, mxpy=mxpy)
def graalpython_gate_runner(args, tasks): with Task('GraalPython JUnit', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.junit]) as task: if task: punittest(['--verbose']) with Task('GraalPython Python tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.unittest]) as task: if task: gate_unittests() with Task('GraalPython C extension tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext]) as task: if task: # we deliberately added this to test the combination of Sulong and 'mx_unittest' unittest([ '--regex', re.escape( ''), "-Dgraal.TraceTruffleCompilation=true" ]) gate_unittests(subdir="cpyext/") with Task('GraalPython C extension managed tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext_managed]) as task: if task: mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "sulong-managed", "python-gate-unittests", "--llvm.configuration=managed", "--subdir=cpyext", "--" ]) with Task('GraalPython C extension sandboxed tests', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.cpyext_sandboxed]) as task: if task: mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "sulong-managed", "python-gate-unittests", "--llvm.configuration=sandboxed", "--subdir=cpyext", "--" ]) with Task('GraalPython Python tests on SVM', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.svmunit]) as task: if task: svm_image_name = python_svm(["-h"]) run_python_unittests(svm_image_name) with Task('GraalPython license header update', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.license]) as task: if task: python_checkcopyrights([]) with Task('GraalPython GraalVM shared-library build', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.graalvm]) as task: if task: run_shared_lib_test() with Task('GraalPython GraalVM build', tasks, tags=[GraalPythonTags.downstream, GraalPythonTags.graalvm]) as task: if task: svm_image = python_svm(["--version"]) benchmark = os.path.join(PATH_MESO, "") out = mx.OutputCapture()[svm_image, benchmark], nonZeroIsFatal=True, out=mx.TeeOutputCapture(out)) success = "\n".join([ "[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 10, 3, 10, 0, 0, 10, 10, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]", ]) if success not in mx.abort('Output from generated SVM image "' + svm_image + '" did not match success pattern:\n' + success)
def run_shared_lib_test(args=None): mx.run_mx([ "--dynamicimports", "/substratevm,/vm", "build", "--force-deprecation-as-warning", "--dependencies", "GRAAL_MANAGEMENT,POLYGLOT_NATIVE_API_HEADERS," ], nonZeroIsFatal=True) vmdir = os.path.join(mx.suite("truffle").dir, "..", "vm") svm_lib_path = os.path.join(vmdir, "mxbuild", "-".join([mx.get_os(), mx.get_arch()]), "") fd = name = progname = None try: fd, name = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix='.c') os.write( fd, """ #include "stdio.h" #include "polyglot_api.h" #define assert_ok(msg, f) { if (!(f)) { \\ const poly_extended_error_info* error_info; \\ poly_get_last_error_info(isolate_thread, &error_info); \\ fprintf(stderr, "%s\\n", error_info->error_message); \\ return fprintf(stderr, "%s\\n", msg); } } while (0) poly_isolate global_isolate; poly_thread isolate_thread; poly_engine engine; poly_context context; static poly_status create_context() { poly_status status; if (poly_attach_thread(global_isolate, &isolate_thread)) { return poly_generic_failure; } poly_engine_builder engine_builder; status = poly_create_engine_builder(isolate_thread, &engine_builder); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } status = poly_engine_builder_build(isolate_thread, engine_builder, &engine); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } poly_context_builder builder; status = poly_create_context_builder(isolate_thread, NULL, 0, &builder); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } status = poly_context_builder_engine(isolate_thread, builder, engine); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } status = poly_context_builder_option(isolate_thread, builder, "python.VerboseFlag", "true"); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } status = poly_context_builder_allow_io(isolate_thread, builder, true); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } status = poly_context_builder_build(isolate_thread, builder, &context); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } poly_destroy_handle(isolate_thread, engine_builder); poly_destroy_handle(isolate_thread, builder); return poly_ok; } static poly_status tear_down_context() { poly_status status = poly_context_close(isolate_thread, context, true); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } status = poly_destroy_handle(isolate_thread, context); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } status = poly_engine_close(isolate_thread, engine, true); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } status = poly_destroy_handle(isolate_thread, engine); if (status != poly_ok) { return status; } if (poly_detach_thread(isolate_thread)) { return poly_ok; } return poly_ok; } static int test_basic_python_function() { assert_ok("Context creation failed.", create_context() == poly_ok); poly_value func; assert_ok("function eval failed", poly_context_eval(isolate_thread, context, "python", "test_func", "def test_func(x):\\n return x * x\\ntest_func", &func) == poly_ok); int32_t arg_value = 42; poly_value primitive_object; assert_ok("create argument failed", poly_create_int32(isolate_thread, context, arg_value, &primitive_object) == poly_ok); poly_value arg[1] = {primitive_object}; poly_value value; assert_ok("invocation was unsuccessful", poly_value_execute(isolate_thread, func, arg, 1, &value) == poly_ok); int32_t result_value; poly_value_as_int32(isolate_thread, value, &result_value); assert_ok("primitive free failed", poly_destroy_handle(isolate_thread, primitive_object) == poly_ok); assert_ok("value free failed", poly_destroy_handle(isolate_thread, value) == poly_ok); assert_ok("value computation was incorrect", result_value == 42 * 42); assert_ok("func free failed", poly_destroy_handle(isolate_thread, func) == poly_ok); assert_ok("Context tear down failed.", tear_down_context() == poly_ok); return 0; } int32_t main(int32_t argc, char **argv) { poly_isolate_params isolate_params = {}; if (poly_create_isolate(&isolate_params, &global_isolate)) { return 1; } return test_basic_python_function(); } """) os.close(fd) progname = os.path.join(_suite.dir, "graalpython-embedded-tool") mx.log("".join([ "Running ", "'clang", "-I%s" % svm_lib_path, "-L%s" % svm_lib_path, name, "-o", progname, "-lpolyglot" ]))[ "clang", "-I%s" % svm_lib_path, "-L%s" % svm_lib_path, name, "-o%s" % progname, "-lpolyglot" ], nonZeroIsFatal=True) mx.log("Running " + progname + " with LD_LIBRARY_PATH " + svm_lib_path)["ls", "-l", progname])["ls", "-l", svm_lib_path]) run_env = { "LD_LIBRARY_PATH": svm_lib_path, "GRAAL_PYTHONHOME": os.environ["GRAAL_PYTHONHOME"] } print(run_env)[progname], env=run_env) finally: try: os.unlink(progname) except: pass try: os.close(fd) except: pass try: os.unlink(name) except: pass
def gate_body(args, tasks): with Task('Vm: Basic GraalVM Tests', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.compiler]) as t: if t and mx_vm.has_component('GraalVM compiler'): # 1. the build must be a GraalVM # 2. the build must be JVMCI-enabled since the 'GraalVM compiler' component is registered mx_vm.check_versions( mx_vm.graalvm_output(), graalvm_version_regex=mx_vm.graalvm_version_regex, expect_graalvm=True, check_jvmci=True) with Task('Vm: GraalVM dist names', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.integration]) as t: if t: for suite, env_file_name, graalvm_dist_name in env_tests: out = mx.LinesOutputCapture() mx.run_mx([ '--no-warning', '--env', env_file_name, 'graalvm-dist-name' ], suite, out=out, err=out, env={}) mx.log( "Checking that the env file '{}' in suite '{}' produces a GraalVM distribution named '{}'" .format(env_file_name,, graalvm_dist_name)) if len(out.lines) != 1 or out.lines[0] != graalvm_dist_name: mx.abort( "Unexpected GraalVM dist name for env file '{}' in suite '{}'.\nExpected: '{}', actual: '{}'.\nDid you forget to update the registration of the GraalVM config?" .format(env_file_name,, graalvm_dist_name, '\n'.join(out.lines))) if mx_vm.has_component('LibGraal'): libgraal_location = mx_vm.get_native_image_locations( 'LibGraal', 'jvmcicompiler') if libgraal_location is None: mx.warn( "Skipping libgraal tests: no library enabled in the LibGraal component" ) else: extra_vm_arguments = [ '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler', '-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary', '-XX:JVMCILibPath=' + dirname(libgraal_location) ] if args.extra_vm_argument: extra_vm_arguments += args.extra_vm_argument import mx_compiler # run avrora on the GraalVM binary itself with Task('LibGraal Compiler:GraalVM DaCapo-avrora', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t: if t:[ join(mx_vm.graalvm_home(), 'bin', 'java'), '-XX:+UseJVMCICompiler', '-XX:+UseJVMCINativeLibrary', '-jar', mx.library('DACAPO').get_path(True), 'avrora' ]) with Task('LibGraal Compiler:CTW', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t: if t: mx_compiler.ctw([ '-DCompileTheWorld.Config=Inline=false CompilationFailureAction=ExitVM', '-esa', '-XX:+EnableJVMCI', '-DCompileTheWorld.MultiThreaded=true', '-Dgraal.InlineDuringParsing=false', '-Dgraal.TrackNodeSourcePosition=true', '-DCompileTheWorld.Verbose=false', '-XX:ReservedCodeCacheSize=300m', ], extra_vm_arguments) mx_compiler.compiler_gate_benchmark_runner( tasks, extra_vm_arguments, prefix='LibGraal Compiler:') with Task('LibGraal Truffle:unittest', tasks, tags=[VmGateTasks.libgraal]) as t: if t: def _unittest_config_participant(config): vmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs = config def is_truffle_fallback(arg): fallback_args = [ "", "-Dgraalvm.ForcePolyglotInvalid=true" ] return arg in fallback_args newVmArgs = [ arg for arg in vmArgs if not is_truffle_fallback(arg) ] return (newVmArgs, mainClass, mainClassArgs) mx_unittest.add_config_participant( _unittest_config_participant) excluded_tests = environ.get("TEST_LIBGRAAL_EXCLUDE") if excluded_tests: with NamedTemporaryFile(prefix='blacklist.', mode='w', delete=False) as fp: fp.file.writelines( [l + '\n' for l in excluded_tests.split()]) unittest_args = ["--blacklist",] else: unittest_args = [] unittest_args = unittest_args + [ "--enable-timing", "--verbose" ] mx_unittest.unittest(unittest_args + extra_vm_arguments + [ "-Dgraal.TruffleCompileImmediately=true", "-Dgraal.TruffleBackgroundCompilation=false", "truffle" ]) else: mx.warn("Skipping libgraal tests: component not enabled") gate_substratevm(tasks) gate_sulong(tasks) gate_ruby(tasks) gate_python(tasks) gate_svm_truffle_tck_js(tasks)
def testdownstream(suite, repoUrls, relTargetSuiteDir, mxCommands, branch=None): """ Tests a downstream repo against the current working directory state of `suite`. :param mx.Suite suite: the suite to test against the downstream repo :param list repoUrls: URLs of downstream repos to clone, the first of which is the repo being tested :param str relTargetSuiteDir: directory of the downstream suite to test relative to the top level directory of the downstream repo being tested :param list mxCommands: argument lists for the mx commands run in downstream suite being tested :param str branch: name of branch to look for in downstream repo(s) """ assert len(repoUrls) > 0 repoUrls = [mx_urlrewrites.rewriteurl(url) for url in repoUrls] workDir = join(suite.get_output_root(), 'testdownstream') # A mirror of each suites in the same repo as `suite` is created via copying rel_mirror = os.path.relpath(suite.dir, mx.SuiteModel.siblings_dir(suite.dir)) in_subdir = os.sep in rel_mirror suites_in_repo = [suite] if in_subdir: base = os.path.dirname(suite.dir) for e in os.listdir(base): candidate = join(base, e) if candidate != suite.dir: mxDir = mx._is_suite_dir(candidate) if mxDir: matches = [s for s in mx.suites() if s.dir == candidate] if len(matches) == 0: suites_in_repo.append( mx.SourceSuite(mxDir, primary=False, load=False)) else: suites_in_repo.append(matches[0]) for suite_in_repo in suites_in_repo: if suite_in_repo.vc_dir and suite_in_repo.dir != suite_in_repo.vc_dir: mirror = join(workDir, basename(suite_in_repo.vc_dir), else: mirror = join(workDir, if exists(mirror): mx.rmtree(mirror) output_root = mx._safe_path(suite_in_repo.get_output_root()) def ignore_output_root(d, names): mx.log('Copying ' + d) if d == os.path.dirname(output_root): mx.log('Omitting ' + output_root) return [os.path.basename(output_root)] return [] mx.copytree(suite_in_repo.dir, mirror, ignore=ignore_output_root, symlinks=True) targetDir = None for repoUrl in repoUrls: # Deduce a target name from the target URL url = _urllib_parse.urlparse(repoUrl) targetName = url.path if targetName.rfind('/') != -1: targetName = targetName[targetName.rfind('/') + 1:] if targetName.endswith('.git'): targetName = targetName[0:-len('.git')] repoWorkDir = join(workDir, targetName) git = mx.GitConfig() if exists(repoWorkDir): git.pull(repoWorkDir) else: git.clone(repoUrl, repoWorkDir) # See if there's a matching (non-master) branch and use it if there is if not branch: branch = git.git_command( suite.dir, ['rev-parse', '--abbrev-ref', 'HEAD']).strip() if branch != 'master': git.git_command(repoWorkDir, ['checkout', branch], abortOnError=False) if not targetDir: targetDir = repoWorkDir assert not isabs(relTargetSuiteDir) targetSuiteDir = join(targetDir, relTargetSuiteDir) assert targetSuiteDir.startswith(targetDir) mxpy = None if suite != mx._mx_suite else join(mirror, '') for command in mxCommands: mx.logv('[running "mx ' + ' '.join(command) + '" in ' + targetSuiteDir + ']') mx.run_mx(command, targetSuiteDir, mxpy=mxpy)