Esempio n. 1
def EntropyLoss1(y_pred, y_true, train_pos_ratio):
    scale = 10
    train_pos_ratio = array(
        train_pos_ratio, ctx=y_pred.context, dtype=np.float32) * scale
    train_neg_ratio = (scale - train_pos_ratio)
    L = -y_true * nd.log2(y_pred) * train_neg_ratio - (
        1 - y_true) * nd.log2(1 - y_pred) * train_pos_ratio
    return nd.mean(L)
Esempio n. 2
def EntropyLoss1(y_pred, y_true):
    train_pos_ratio = array([
        0.09584448, 0.00999555, 0.05294822, 0.00299553, 0.04936361, 0.00880486
                            dtype=np.float32) * 10
    train_neg_ratio = (1.0 - train_pos_ratio) * 10
    L = -y_true * nd.log2(y_pred) * train_neg_ratio - (
        1 - y_true) * nd.log2(1 - y_pred) * train_pos_ratio
    return nd.mean(L)
Esempio n. 3
def test_exponent_logarithm_operators():
    a = 2 * nd.ones(shape=LARGE_X)
    # exponent
    result = nd.exp(a)
    assert result[-1] == 7.389056
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # exponent minus 1
    result = nd.expm1(a)
    assert result[-1] == 6.389056
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # log2
    result = nd.log2(a)
    assert result[-1] == 1
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # log10
    result = nd.log10(a)
    assert result[-1] == 0.30103
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # log1p
    result = nd.log1p(a)
    assert result[-1] == 1.0986123
    assert result.shape == a.shape

    # log
    result = nd.log(a)
    assert result[-1] == 0.6931472
    assert result.shape == a.shape
Esempio n. 4
def quantize_to(x, bits=8):
    max_v = nd.max(nd.abs(x))
    if max_v == 0:
        return x.astype(np.int8), 8
    int_len = nd.ceil(nd.log2(max_v)).asscalar()
    sb = bits - int_len
    f = 2**sb
    y = nd.floor(x * f)
    y = nd.clip(y, a_min=-2**(bits - 1), a_max=2**(bits - 1) - 1)
    return y, sb
Esempio n. 5
 def quantize(self, x):
     max = nd.max(nd.abs(x))
     if max != 0:
         int_len = (nd.ceil(nd.log2(nd.max(nd.abs(x))))).astype('float32')
         num_bit = self.num_bit.as_in_context(x.context)
         frac_len = num_bit - int_len
         f = (2**(frac_len)).astype('float32')
         y = ((x * f)).floor() * (1 / f)
         return y
     return x
Esempio n. 6
 def int_inference(self, x):
     max = nd.max(nd.abs(x))
     if max != 0:
         int_len = (nd.ceil(nd.log2(nd.max(nd.abs(x))))).astype('float32')
         num_bit = self.num_bit.as_in_context(x.context)
         frac_len = num_bit - int_len
         f = (2**(frac_len)).astype('float32')
         y = ((x * f)).round()
         return y.astype('int8'), frac_len
     return x.astype('int8'), 0
Esempio n. 7
 def int_quantize(self, x):
     max = nd.max(nd.abs(x))
     if max != 0:
         int_len = (nd.ceil(nd.log2(nd.max(nd.abs(x))))).astype('float32')
         num_bit = self.num_bit.as_in_context(x.context)
         frac_len = num_bit - int_len
         f = (2**(frac_len)).astype('float32')
         y = ((x * f)).floor()
         y = nd.clip(y, a_min=-128, a_max=127)
         return y, frac_len
     return x, 0
Esempio n. 8
 def forward(self, is_train, req, in_data, out_data, aux):
     x = in_data[0]
     y = out_data[0]
     in_max = nd.max(nd.abs(x))
     if in_max != 0:
         int_len = (nd.ceil(nd.log2(nd.max(nd.abs(x))))).astype('float32')
         num_bit = self.num_bit.as_in_context(x.context)
         frac_len = num_bit - int_len
         f = (2**(frac_len)).astype('float32')
         y = ((x * f)).round() * (1 / f)
     y = x
     self.assign(out_data[0], req[0], mx.nd.array(y))
Esempio n. 9
 def int_quantize_double(self, x, w):
     max1 = nd.max(nd.abs(x))
     max2 = nd.max(nd.abs(w))
     if max1 > max2:
         max = max1
         max = max2
     if max != 0:
         int_len = (nd.ceil(nd.log2(max))).astype('float32')
         num_bit = self.num_bit.as_in_context(x.context)
         frac_len = num_bit - int_len
         f = (2**(frac_len)).astype('float32')
         int_x = ((x * f)).floor()
         int_w = ((w * f)).floor()
         return int_x, int_w, frac_len
     return x, w, 0
Esempio n. 10
def quantize_vector(x, bits=8):
    """Quantize vertor with precision 'bits'

    x: NDArray
        shape is (1, n)
    bits: int
        vector after quantize preserve bits' precision

    y, sb: vector after quantization should be left_shift 'sb' bit
        to backward original value.
    max_v = nd.max(nd.abs(x))
    if max_v == 0:
        return x.astype(np.int8), 8
    int_len = nd.ceil(nd.log2(max_v)).asscalar()
    sb = bits - int_len
    f = 2**sb
    y = nd.floor(x * f)
    y = nd.clip(y, a_min=-2**(bits - 1), a_max=2**(bits - 1) - 1)
    return y, sb
Esempio n. 11
def accuracy(output, label):
    L = -label*nd.log2(output) - (1-label) * nd.log2(1-output)
    return nd.mean(L).asscalar()
Esempio n. 12
 def log2(x):
     return nd.log2(x)
Esempio n. 13
    def forward(self, features, proposals):

        :param features: OrderedDict, each features: (B, C, H, W)
        :param proposals:
        device = features[self.feature_map_names[0]].context
        batch_ids = [
            nd.full(len(ps), i, ctx=device) for i, ps in enumerate(proposals)
        B = len(batch_ids)
        batch_ids = nd.concat(*batch_ids, dim=0)
        batch_proposals = nd.concat(*proposals, dim=0)

        if self.use_fpn:
            proposals = nd.concat(batch_ids.reshape(-1, 1),
            ws = batch_proposals[:, 2] - batch_proposals[:, 0]
            hs = batch_proposals[:, 3] - batch_proposals[:, 1]
            areas = ws * hs
            ks = nd.floor(4 + nd.log2(nd.sqrt(areas) / 224))
            ks = nd.clip(ks, self.levels_min, self.levels_max)
            ks = ks.asnumpy()
            batch_indices = np.arange(len(batch_ids))

            _batch_ids = []
            _roi_features = []
            for level, name in self.levels_map.items():
                level_indices = batch_indices[ks == level]
                if len(level_indices) == 0:
                level_batch_ids = batch_ids[level_indices]
                roi_features = contrib.ndarray.ROIAlign(
                    features[name], proposals[level_indices], (7, 7),
            batch_ids = nd.concat(*_batch_ids, dim=0)
            batch_ids = batch_ids.asnumpy()
            roi_features = nd.concat(*_roi_features, dim=0)
            features_split = []
            for i in range(B):
                i_mask = batch_ids == i
                i_indices = batch_indices[i_mask]
            return features_split

            features = features[self.feature_map_names[0]]
            features = contrib.ndarray.ROIAlign(
                nd.concat(batch_ids.reshape(-1, 1), batch_proposals, dim=1),
                (7, 7), 0.5**4)
            features_split = []
            idx = 0
            for num_proposals in [len(ps) for ps in proposals]:
                features_split.append(features[idx:idx + num_proposals])
                idx = idx + num_proposals
            return features_split
Esempio n. 14
def EntropyLoss(y_pred, y_true):
    L = -y_true * nd.log2(y_pred) - (1 - y_true) * nd.log2(1 - y_pred)
    return nd.mean(L)
Esempio n. 15
def EntropyLoss(y_pred, y_true, train_pos_ratio=None):
    L = -y_true * (1 - y_pred)**2 * nd.log2(y_pred) - (
        1 - y_true) * nd.log2(1 - y_pred) * y_pred**2
    return nd.mean(L)