Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, size, mean, std, max_intensity=255.0):
     super(VideoGroupValTransform, self).__init__()
     if isinstance(size, numbers.Number):
         self.size = (int(size), int(size))
         self.size = size
     self.mean = np.array(mean).reshape((len(mean), 1, 1))
     self.std = np.array(std).reshape((len(std), 1, 1))
     self.max_intensity = max_intensity
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, size, scale_ratios, mean, std, fix_crop=True,
              more_fix_crop=True, max_distort=1, prob=0.5, max_intensity=255.0):
     super(VideoGroupTrainTransform, self).__init__()
     self.height = size[0]
     self.width = size[1]
     self.scale_ratios = scale_ratios
     self.fix_crop = fix_crop
     self.more_fix_crop = more_fix_crop
     self.max_distort = max_distort
     self.prob = prob
     self.max_intensity = max_intensity
     self.mean = np.array(mean).reshape((len(mean), 1, 1))
     self.std = np.array(std).reshape((len(std), 1, 1))
Esempio n. 3
    def transform(self, labels, categories=None):
        Convert a list of labels into a one-hot encoding.

        labels : list of length `N`
            A list of category labels.
        categories : list of length `C`
            List of the unique category labels for the items to encode. Default
            is None.

        Y : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N, C)`
            The one-hot encoded labels. Each row corresponds to an example,
            with a single 1 in the column corresponding to the respective
        if not self._is_fit:
            categories = set(labels) if categories is None else categories
        unknown = list(set(labels.asnumpy()) - set(self.cat2idx.keys()))
        assert len(unknown) == 0, "Unrecognized label(s): {}".format(unknown)

        N, C = len(labels), len(self.cat2idx)
        cols = np.array([self.cat2idx[c.item()] for c in labels])

        Y = np.zeros((N, C))
        Y[np.arange(N), cols] = 1
        return Y
Esempio n. 4
    def fit(self, X):
        Store the feature-wise mean and standard deviation across the samples
        in `X` for future scaling.

        X : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N, C)`
            An array of N samples, each with dimensionality `C`
        if not isinstance(X, np.ndarray):
            X = np.array(X)

        if X.shape[0] < 2:
            raise ValueError("`X` must contain at least 2 samples")

        std = np.ones(X.shape[1])
        mean = np.zeros(X.shape[1])

        if self.with_mean:
            mean = np.mean(X, axis=0)

        if self.with_std:
            std = np.std(X, axis=0, ddof=0)
        self._mean = mean
        self._std = std
        self._is_fit = True
Esempio n. 5
    def _steps_without_decrease(self, robust=False, check_all=False):
        Returns the maximum number of timesteps for which `P(loss is decreasing)
        < 0.51`.

        robust : bool
            If `robust=True`, first filter out the largest 10% of the loss
            values to remove transient spikes in the loss due to, e.g., a few
            bad minibatches. Default is False.
        check_all : bool
            If False, returns the maximum number of timesteps for which P(loss
            is decreasing) < 0.51. If True, only checks whether the number of
            timesteps for which P(loss is decreasing) < 0.51 is equal to
            ``self.patience``. The former provides more information but is
            significantly more computationally expensive.  Default is False.

        steps_without_decrease: int
            The maximum number of steps back in loss_history for which P(loss
            is decreasing) < 0.51.
        lh = np.array(self.loss_history)

        # drop top 10% of loss values to filter out large loss spikes
        if robust:
            thresh = np.quantile(lh, 0.9)
            lh = np.array([i for i in lh if i <= thresh])

        N = len(lh)
        steps_without_decrease = 0
        if check_all:
            for i in reversed(range(N - 2)):
                if self._p_decreasing(lh, i) < 0.51:
                    steps_without_decrease = N - i
            i = max(0, N - self.patience - 1)
            if self._p_decreasing(lh, i) < 0.51:
                steps_without_decrease = N - i
        return steps_without_decrease
Esempio n. 6
File: Progetto: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def generate(self, n_steps, latent_state_types, obs_types):
        Sample a sequence from the HMM.

        n_steps : int
            The length of the generated sequence
        latent_state_types : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
            A collection of labels for the latent states
        obs_types : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(V,)`
            A collection of labels for the observations

        states : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_steps,)`
            The sampled latent states.
        emissions : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_steps,)`
            The sampled emissions.
        # sample the initial latent state
        s = np.random.multinomial(1, self.pi).astype(np.float32).argmax()
        s = int(s)
        states = [latent_state_types[s]]

        # generate an emission given latent state
        v = np.random.multinomial(1, self.B[s, :]).astype(np.float32).argmax()
        v = int(v)
        emissions = [obs_types[v]]

        # sample a latent transition, rinse, and repeat
        for i in range(n_steps - 1):
            s = np.random.multinomial(1, self.A[s, :]).astype(np.float32).argmax()
            s = int(s)

            v = np.random.multinomial(1, self.B[s, :]).astype(np.float32).argmax()
            v = int(v)

        return np.array(states), np.array(emissions)
Esempio n. 7
    def fillCropSize(self, input_height, input_width):
        crop_sizes = []
        base_size = np.min(np.array((input_height, input_width)))
        scale_rates = self.scale_ratios
        for h, scale_rate_h in enumerate(scale_rates):
            crop_h = int(base_size * scale_rate_h)
            for w, scale_rate_w in enumerate(scale_rates):
                crop_w = int(base_size * scale_rate_w)
                if (np.absolute(h - w) <= self.max_distort):
                    crop_sizes.append((crop_h, crop_w))

        return crop_sizes
Esempio n. 8
def generate_training_data(params, n_steps=500, n_examples=15):
    hmm = MultinomialHMM(A=params["A"], B=params["B"], pi=params["pi"])

    # generate a new sequence
    observations = []
    for i in range(n_examples):
        latent, obs = hmm.generate(n_steps, params["latent_states"],
        assert len(latent) == len(obs) == n_steps

    observations = np.array(observations)
    return observations
Esempio n. 9
File: Progetto: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def _maximize_gamma(self):
        Optimize variational parameter gamma
        γ_t = α_t + \sum_{n=1}^{N_d} ϕ_{t, n}
        D = self.D
        phi = self.phi
        alpha = self.alpha

        gamma = np.tile(alpha, (D, 1)) + np.array(
            list(map(lambda x: np.sum(x, axis=0), phi))
        return gamma
Esempio n. 10
File: Progetto: Tommliu/mx-ml
def DFT(frame, positive_only=True):
    A naive :math:`O(N^2)` implementation of the 1D discrete Fourier transform (DFT).

    The Fourier transform decomposes a signal into a linear combination of
    sinusoids (ie., basis elements in the space of continuous periodic
    functions).  For a sequence :math:`\mathbf{x} = [x_1, \ldots, x_N]` of N
    evenly spaced samples, the `k` th DFT coefficient is given by:

    .. math::

        c_k = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} x_n \exp(-2 \pi i k n / N)

    where `i` is the imaginary unit, `k` is an index ranging from `0, ..., N-1`,
    and :math:`X_k` is the complex coefficient representing the phase
    (imaginary part) and amplitude (real part) of the `k` th sinusoid in the
    DFT spectrum. The frequency of the `k` th sinusoid is :math:`(k 2 \pi / N)`
    radians per sample.

    When applied to a real-valued input, the negative frequency terms are the
    complex conjugates of the positive-frequency terms and the overall spectrum
    is symmetric (excluding the first index, which contains the zero-frequency
    / intercept term).

    frame : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
        A signal frame consisting of N samples
    positive_only : bool
        Whether to only return the coefficients for the positive frequency
        terms. Default is True.

    spectrum : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)` or `(N // 2 + 1,)` if `real_only`
        The coefficients of the frequency spectrum for `frame`, including
        imaginary components.
    N = len(frame)  # window length

    # F[i,j] = coefficient for basis vector i, timestep j (i.e., k * n)
    F = np.arange(N).reshape(1, -1) * np.arange(N).reshape(-1, 1)
    F = np.exp(F * (-1j * 2 * np.pi / N))

    # vdot only operates on vectors (rather than ndarrays), so we have to
    # loop over each basis vector in F explicitly
    spectrum = np.array([np.vdot(f, frame) for f in F])
    return spectrum[:(N // 2) + 1] if positive_only else spectrum
Esempio n. 11
def default_hmm():
    obs_types = [0, 1, 2, 3]
    latent_states = ["H", "C"]

    # derived variables
    V = len(obs_types)
    N = len(latent_states)

    # define a very simple HMM with T=3 observations
    O = np.array([1, 3, 1]).reshape(1, -1)
    A = np.array([[0.9, 0.1], [0.5, 0.5]])
    B = np.array([[0.2, 0.7, 0.09, 0.01], [0.1, 0.0, 0.8, 0.1]])
    pi = np.array([0.75, 0.25])

    return {
        "latent_states": latent_states,
        "obs_types": obs_types,
        "V": V,
        "N": N,
        "O": O,
        "A": A,
        "B": B,
        "pi": pi,
Esempio n. 12
    def _initialize_params(self):
        Randomly initialize the starting GMM parameters.
        C, d = self.C, self.d
        rr = np.random.rand(C)
        self.pi = rr / rr.sum()  # cluster priors
        self.Q = np.zeros((self.N, C))  # variational distribution q(T) = np.random.uniform(-5, 10, C * d).reshape(C,
                                                           d)  # cluster means
        self.sigma = np.array([np.identity(d)
                               for _ in range(C)])  # cluster covariances

        self.best_pi = None
        self.best_mu = None
        self.best_sigma = None
        self.best_elbo = -np.inf
Esempio n. 13
File: Progetto: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def train(self, corpus, verbose=False, max_iter=1000, tol=5):
        Train the LDA model on a corpus of documents (bags of words).

        corpus : list of length `D`
            A list of lists, with each sublist containing the tokenized text of
            a single document.
        verbose : bool
            Whether to print the VLB at each training iteration. Default is
        max_iter : int
            The maximum number of training iterations to perform before
            breaking. Default is 1000.
        tol : int
            Break the training loop if the difference betwen the VLB on the
            current iteration and the previous iteration is less than `tol`.
            Default is 5.
        self.D = len(corpus)
        arr = []
        for i in corpus:
        self.V = len(set(arr))
        self.N = np.array([len(d) for d in corpus])
        self.corpus = corpus

        vlb = -np.inf

        for i in range(max_iter):
            old_vlb = vlb


            vlb = self.VLB()
            delta = vlb - old_vlb

            if verbose:
                print("Iteration {}: {:.3f} (delta: {:.2f})".format(i + 1, vlb, delta))

            if delta < tol:
Esempio n. 14
File: Progetto: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def initialize_parameters(self):
        Provide reasonable initializations for model and variational parameters.
        T = self.T
        V = self.V
        N = self.N
        D = self.D

        # initialize model parameters
        self.alpha = 100 * onp.random.dirichlet(10 * np.ones(T).asnumpy(), 1)[0]
        self.beta = onp.random.dirichlet(np.ones(V).asnumpy(), T).T

        # initialize variational parameters
        d = 0
        print( (int(N[d]), T) )
        print([1 / T * np.ones((int(N[d]), T)) for d in range(D)])
        self.phi = np.array([1 / T * np.ones((int(N[d]), T)) for d in range(D)])
        self.gamma = np.tile(self.alpha, (D, 1)) + np.tile(N / T, (T, 1)).T
Esempio n. 15
    def predict(self, X):
        Generate predictions for the targets associated with the rows in `X`.

        X : numpy array of shape `(N', M')`
            An array of `N'` examples to generate predictions on.

        y : numpy array of shape `(N',\*)`
            Predicted targets for the `N'` rows in `X`.
        predictions = []
        H = self.hyperparameters
        for x in X:
            pred = None
            nearest = self._ball_tree.nearest_neighbors(H["k"], x)
            targets = [n.val.item() for n in nearest]
            # print("targets", type(targets),targets)

            if H["classifier"]:
                if H["weights"] == "uniform":
                    pred = Counter(targets).most_common(1)[0][0]
                elif H["weights"] == "distance":
                    best_score = -np.inf
                    for label in set(targets):
                        scores = [1 / n.distance for n in nearest if n.val == label]
                        pred = label if np.sum(scores) > best_score else pred
                if H["weights"] == "uniform":
                    pred = np.mean(targets)
                elif H["weights"] == "distance":
                    weights = [1 / n.distance for n in nearest]
                    pred = np.average(targets, weights=weights)
        return np.array(predictions)
Esempio n. 16
File: Progetto: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def _maximize_beta(self):
        Optimize model parameter beta
        β_{t, n} ∝ \sum_{d=1}^D \sum_{i=1}^{N_d} ϕ_{d, t, n} [ i = n]
        T = self.T
        V = self.V

        phi = self.phi
        beta = self.beta
        corpus = self.corpus

        for n in range(V):
            # Construct binary mask [i == n] to be the same shape as phi
            mask = [np.tile((doc == n), (T, 1)).T for doc in corpus]
            beta[n, :] = np.sum(
                np.array(list(map(lambda x: np.sum(x, axis=0), phi * mask))), axis=0

        # Normalize over words
        for t in range(T):
            beta[:, t] = beta[:, t] / np.sum(beta[:, t])

        return beta
Esempio n. 17
    def sample(self, X, n_samples=1, dist="posterior_predictive"):
        Sample functions from the GP prior or posterior predictive

        X : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N, M)`
            The collection of datapoints to generate predictions on. Only used if
            `dist` = 'posterior_predictive'.
        n_samples: int
            The number of samples to generate. Default is 1.
        dist : {"posterior_predictive", "prior"}
            The distribution to draw samples from. Default is

        samples : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(n_samples, O, N)`
            The generated samples for the points in `X`.
        mvnorm = np.random.multivariate_normal

        if dist == "prior":
            mu = np.zeros((X.shape[0], 1))
            cov = self.kernel(X, X)
        elif dist == "posterior_predictive":
            mu, _, cov = self.predict(X, return_cov=True)
            raise ValueError("Unrecognized dist: '{}'".format(dist))

        if mu.ndim == 1:
            mu = mu[:, np.newaxis]

        samples = np.array([mvnorm(_mu, cov, size=n_samples) for _mu in mu.T])
        return samples.swapaxes(0, 1)
Esempio n. 18
 def tensor(data, dtype=None, **kwargs):
     if dtype is None and isinstance(data, numpy.ndarray):
         dtype = data.dtype
     return np.array(data, dtype=dtype)
Esempio n. 19
def calc_pad_dims_2D(X_shape, out_dim, kernel_shape, stride, dilation=0):
    Compute the padding necessary to ensure that convolving `X` with a 2D kernel
    of shape `kernel_shape` and stride `stride` produces outputs with dimension

    X_shape : tuple of `(n_ex, in_rows, in_cols, in_ch)`
        Dimensions of the input volume. Padding is applied to `in_rows` and
    out_dim : tuple of `(out_rows, out_cols)`
        The desired dimension of an output example after applying the
    kernel_shape : 2-tuple
        The dimension of the 2D convolution kernel.
    stride : int
        The stride for the convolution kernel.
    dilation : int
        Number of pixels inserted between kernel elements. Default is 0.

    padding_dims : 4-tuple
        Padding dims for `X`. Organized as (left, right, up, down)
    if not isinstance(X_shape, tuple):
        raise ValueError("`X_shape` must be of type tuple")

    if not isinstance(out_dim, tuple):
        raise ValueError("`out_dim` must be of type tuple")

    if not isinstance(kernel_shape, tuple):
        raise ValueError("`kernel_shape` must be of type tuple")

    if not isinstance(stride, int):
        raise ValueError("`stride` must be of type int")

    d = dilation
    fr, fc = kernel_shape
    out_rows, out_cols = out_dim
    n_ex, in_rows, in_cols, in_ch = X_shape

    # update effective filter shape based on dilation factor
    _fr, _fc = fr * (d + 1) - d, fc * (d + 1) - d

    pr = int((stride * (out_rows - 1) + _fr - in_rows) / 2)
    pc = int((stride * (out_cols - 1) + _fc - in_cols) / 2)

    out_rows1 = int(1 + (in_rows + 2 * pr - _fr) / stride)
    out_cols1 = int(1 + (in_cols + 2 * pc - _fc) / stride)

    # add asymmetric padding pixels to right / bottom
    pr1, pr2 = pr, pr
    if out_rows1 == out_rows - 1:
        pr1, pr2 = pr, pr + 1
    elif out_rows1 != out_rows:
        raise AssertionError

    pc1, pc2 = pc, pc
    if out_cols1 == out_cols - 1:
        pc1, pc2 = pc, pc + 1
    elif out_cols1 != out_cols:
        raise AssertionError

    if any(np.array([pr1, pr2, pc1, pc2]) < 0):
        raise ValueError("Padding cannot be less than 0. Got: {}".format(
            (pr1, pr2, pc1, pc2)))
    return (pr1, pr2, pc1, pc2)
Esempio n. 20
def calc_pad_dims_1D(X_shape,
    Compute the padding necessary to ensure that convolving `X` with a 1D kernel
    of shape `kernel_shape` and stride `stride` produces outputs with length

    X_shape : tuple of `(n_ex, l_in, in_ch)`
        Dimensions of the input volume. Padding is applied on either side of
    l_out : int
        The desired length an output example after applying the convolution.
    kernel_width : int
        The width of the 1D convolution kernel.
    stride : int
        The stride for the convolution kernel.
    dilation : int
        Number of pixels inserted between kernel elements. Default is 0.
    causal : bool
        Whether to compute the padding dims for a regular or causal
        convolution. If causal, padding is added only to the left side of the
        sequence. Default is False.

    padding_dims : 2-tuple
        Padding dims for X. Organized as (left, right)
    if not isinstance(X_shape, tuple):
        raise ValueError("`X_shape` must be of type tuple")

    if not isinstance(l_out, int):
        raise ValueError("`l_out` must be of type int")

    if not isinstance(kernel_width, int):
        raise ValueError("`kernel_width` must be of type int")

    if not isinstance(stride, int):
        raise ValueError("`stride` must be of type int")

    d = dilation
    fw = kernel_width
    n_ex, l_in, in_ch = X_shape

    # update effective filter shape based on dilation factor
    _fw = fw * (d + 1) - d
    total_pad = int((stride * (l_out - 1) + _fw - l_in))

    if not causal:
        pw = total_pad // 2
        l_out1 = int(1 + (l_in + 2 * pw - _fw) / stride)

        # add asymmetric padding pixels to right / bottom
        pw1, pw2 = pw, pw
        if l_out1 == l_out - 1:
            pw1, pw2 = pw, pw + 1
        elif l_out1 != l_out:
            raise AssertionError

    if causal:
        # if this is a causal convolution, only pad the left side of the
        # sequence
        pw1, pw2 = total_pad, 0
        l_out1 = int(1 + (l_in + total_pad - _fw) / stride)
        assert l_out1 == l_out

    if any(np.array([pw1, pw2]) < 0):
        raise ValueError("Padding cannot be less than 0. Got: {}".format(
            (pw1, pw2)))
    return (pw1, pw2)
Esempio n. 21
File: Progetto: Tommliu/mx-ml
def mfcc(
    Compute the Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCC) for a signal.

    Computing MFCC features proceeds in the following stages:

        1. Convert the signal into overlapping frames and apply a window fn
        2. Compute the power spectrum at each frame
        3. Apply the mel filterbank to the power spectra to get mel filterbank powers
        4. Take the logarithm of the mel filterbank powers at each frame
        5. Take the discrete cosine transform (DCT) of the log filterbank
           energies and retain only the first k coefficients to further reduce
           the dimensionality

    MFCCs were developed in the context of HMM-GMM automatic speech recognition
    (ASR) systems and can be used to provide a somewhat speaker/pitch
    invariant representation of phonemes.

    x : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
        A 1D signal consisting of N samples
    fs : int
        The sample rate/frequency for the signal. Default is 44000.
    n_mfccs : int
        The number of cepstral coefficients to return (including the intercept
        coefficient). Default is 13.
    alpha : float in [0, 1)
        The preemphasis coefficient. A value of 0 corresponds to no
        filtering. Default is 0.95.
    center : bool
        Whether to the kth frame of the signal should *begin* at index ``x[k *
        stride_len]`` (center = False) or be *centered* at ``x[k * stride_len]``
        (center = True). Default is True.
    n_filters : int
        The number of filters to include in the Mel filterbank. Default is 20.
    normalize : bool
        Whether to mean-normalize the MFCC values. Default is True.
    lifter_coef : int in :math:[0, + \infty]`
        The cepstral filter coefficient. 0 corresponds to no filtering, larger
        values correspond to greater amounts of smoothing. Default is 22.
    window : {'hamming', 'hann', 'blackman_harris'}
        The windowing function to apply to the signal before taking the DFT.
        Default is 'hann'.
    stride_duration : float
        The duration of the hop between consecutive windows (in seconds).
        Default is 0.01.
    window_duration : float
        The duration of each frame / window (in seconds). Default is 0.025.
    replace_intercept : bool
        Replace the first MFCC coefficient (the intercept term) with the
        log of the total frame energy instead. Default is True.

    mfccs : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(G, C)`
        Matrix of Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients. Rows correspond to
        frames, columns to cepstral coefficients
    # map the power spectrum for the (framed + windowed representation of) `x`
    # onto the mel scale
    filter_energies, frame_energies = mel_spectrogram(

    log_energies = 10 * np.log10(filter_energies)

    # perform a DCT on the log-mel coefficients to further reduce the data
    # dimensionality -- the early DCT coefficients will capture the majority of
    # the data, allowing us to discard coefficients > n_mfccs
    mfccs = np.array([DCT(frame) for frame in log_energies])[:, :n_mfccs]

    mfccs = cepstral_lifter(mfccs, D=lifter_coef)
    mfccs -= np.mean(mfccs, axis=0) if normalize else 0

    if replace_intercept:
        # the 0th MFCC coefficient doesn't tell us anything about the spectrum;
        # replace it with the log of the frame energy for something more
        # informative
        mfccs[:, 0] = np.log(frame_energies)
    return mfccs
Esempio n. 22
def plot_schedulers():
    fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2)
    schedulers = [
            [ConstantScheduler(lr=0.01), "lr=1e-2"],
            [ConstantScheduler(lr=0.008), "lr=8e-3"],
            [ConstantScheduler(lr=0.006), "lr=6e-3"],
            [ConstantScheduler(lr=0.004), "lr=4e-3"],
            [ConstantScheduler(lr=0.002), "lr=2e-3"],
                "lr=0.01, stage=250, stair=False, decay=0.4",
                "lr=0.01, stage=250, stair=True, decay=0.4",
                "lr=0.01, stage=125, stair=True, decay=0.1",
                "lr=0.001, stage=250, stair=False, decay=0.1",
                "lr=0.001, stage=125, stair=False, decay=0.8",
                "lr=0.01, stage=250, stair=False, decay=0.01",
                NoamScheduler(model_dim=512, scale_factor=1, warmup_steps=250),
                "dim=512, scale=1, warmup=250",
                NoamScheduler(model_dim=256, scale_factor=1, warmup_steps=250),
                "dim=256, scale=1, warmup=250",
                NoamScheduler(model_dim=512, scale_factor=1, warmup_steps=500),
                "dim=512, scale=1, warmup=500",
                NoamScheduler(model_dim=256, scale_factor=1, warmup_steps=500),
                "dim=512, scale=1, warmup=500",
                NoamScheduler(model_dim=512, scale_factor=2, warmup_steps=500),
                "dim=512, scale=2, warmup=500",
                "dim=512, scale=0.5, warmup=500",
            #  [
            #      KingScheduler(initial_lr=0.01, patience=100, decay=0.1),
            #      "lr=0.01, patience=100, decay=0.8",
            #  ],
            #  [
            #      KingScheduler(initial_lr=0.01, patience=300, decay=0.999),
            #      "lr=0.01, patience=300, decay=0.999",
            #  ],
                KingScheduler(initial_lr=0.009, patience=150, decay=0.995),
                "lr=0.009, patience=150, decay=0.9999",
                KingScheduler(initial_lr=0.008, patience=100, decay=0.995),
                "lr=0.008, patience=100, decay=0.995",
                KingScheduler(initial_lr=0.007, patience=50, decay=0.995),
                "lr=0.007, patience=50, decay=0.995",
                KingScheduler(initial_lr=0.005, patience=25, decay=0.9),
                "lr=0.005, patience=25, decay=0.99",

    for ax, schs, title in zip(axes.flatten(), schedulers,
                               ["Constant", "Exponential", "Noam", "King"]):
        t0 = time.time()
        print("Running {} scheduler".format(title))
        X = np.arange(1, 1000)
        loss = np.array([king_loss_fn(x) for x in X])

        # scale loss to fit on same axis as lr
        scale = 0.01 / loss[0]
        loss *= scale

        if title == "King":
            ax.plot(X, loss, ls=":", label="Loss")

        for sc, lg in schs:
            Y = np.array([sc(x, ll) for x, ll in zip(X, loss)])
            ax.plot(X, Y, label=lg, alpha=0.6)

        ax.set_ylabel("Learning rate")
        ax.set_title("{} scheduler".format(title))
        print("Finished plotting {} runs of {} in {:.2f}s".format(
            len(schs), title,
            time.time() - t0))

    plt.savefig("plot.png", dpi=300)
Esempio n. 23
def _add_dtype_workload_true_divide():
    DtypeOpArgMngr.add_workload('true_divide', np.array([1, 2], dtype=int), 4)
    DtypeOpArgMngr.add_workload('true_divide', np.array([1, 2], dtype=int),
    DtypeOpArgMngr.add_workload('true_divide', 4.0, np.array([1, 2],
Esempio n. 24
File: Progetto: Tommliu/mx-ml
    def fit(
        self, O, latent_state_types, observation_types, pi=None, tol=1e-5, verbose=False
        Given an observation sequence `O` and the set of possible latent states,
        learn the MLE HMM parameters `A` and `B`.

        Model fitting is done iterativly using the Baum-Welch/Forward-Backward
        algorithm, a special case of the EM algorithm.

        We begin with an intial estimate for the transition (`A`) and emission
        (`B`) matrices and then use these to derive better and better estimates
        by computing the forward probability for an observation and then
        dividing that probability mass among all the paths that contributed to

        O : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(I, T)`
            The set of `I` training observations, each of length `T`.
        latent_state_types : list of length `N`
            The collection of valid latent states.
        observation_types : list of length `V`
            The collection of valid observation states.
        pi : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
            The prior probability of each latent state. If None, assume each
            latent state is equally likely a priori. Default is None.
        tol : float
            The tolerance value. If the difference in log likelihood between
            two epochs is less than this value, terminate training. Default is
        verbose : bool
            Print training stats after each epoch. Default is True.

        A : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N, N)`
            The estimated transition matrix.
        B : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N, V)`
            The estimated emission matrix.
        pi : :py:class:`ndarray <numpy.ndarray>` of shape `(N,)`
            The estimated prior probabilities of each latent state.
        if O.ndim == 1:
            O = O.reshape(1, -1)

        # observations
        self.O = O

        # number of training examples (I) and their lengths (T)
        self.I, self.T = self.O.shape

        # number of types of observation
        self.V = len(observation_types)

        # number of latent state types
        self.N = len(latent_state_types)

        # Uniform initialization of prior over latent states
        self.pi = pi
        if self.pi is None:
            self.pi = np.ones(self.N)
            self.pi = self.pi / self.pi.sum()

        # Uniform initialization of A
        self.A = np.ones((self.N, self.N))
        self.A = self.A / self.A.sum(axis=1)[:, None]

        # Random initialization of B
        self.B = np.random.rand(self.N, self.V)
        self.B = self.B / self.B.sum(axis=1)[:, None]

        # iterate E and M steps until convergence criteria is met
        step, delta = 0, np.inf
        ll_prev = np.sum(np.array([self.log_likelihood(o) for o in self.O]))
        while delta > tol:
            gamma, xi, phi = self._Estep()
            self.A, self.B, self.pi = self._Mstep(gamma, xi, phi)
            ll = np.sum(np.array([self.log_likelihood(o) for o in self.O]))
            delta = ll - ll_prev
            ll_prev = ll
            step += 1

            if verbose:
                fstr = "[Epoch {}] LL: {:.3f} Delta: {:.5f}"
                print(fstr.format(step, ll_prev, delta))

        return self.A, self.B, self.pi
Esempio n. 25
 def __init__(self, mean, std):
     super(VideoNormalize, self).__init__()
     self.mean = np.array(mean).reshape((len(mean), 1, 1))
     self.std = np.array(std).reshape((len(std), 1, 1))