Esempio n. 1
    def update(self, labels: mx.nd.NDArray, embeddings0: mx.nd.NDArray,
               embeddings1: mx.nd.NDArray):

        :param labels: NDArray.
        :param embeddings0: NDArray.
        :param embeddings1: NDArray.

        embeddings0 = embeddings0.asnumpy() if not isinstance(
            embeddings0, np.ndarray) else embeddings0
        embeddings1 = embeddings1.asnumpy() if not isinstance(
            embeddings1, np.ndarray) else embeddings1
        labels = labels.asnumpy() if not isinstance(labels,
                                                    np.ndarray) else labels

        if self._dist_type == 0:
            diff = np.subtract(embeddings0, embeddings1)
            dists = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(diff), 1))
            dists = 1 - np.sum(np.multiply(embeddings0, embeddings1), axis=1) / \
                    (np.linalg.norm(embeddings0, axis=1) * np.linalg.norm(embeddings1, axis=1))

        self._dists += [d for d in dists]
        self._issame += [l for l in labels]
Esempio n. 2
    def decode_step(self,
                    step_input: mx.nd.NDArray,
                    states: List,
                    vocab_slice_ids: Optional[mx.nd.NDArray] = None):
        batch_beam_size, num_target_factors = step_input.shape
        print('step_input', step_input.asnumpy())

        internal_lengths, num_decode_step_calls = states
        num_decode_step_calls = num_decode_step_calls.asscalar()
        if num_decode_step_calls == 0:  # first call to decode_step, we expect step input to be all <bos>
            assert (step_input.asnumpy() == C.BOS_ID).all()

        if step_input[:, 0].asscalar() == C.BOS_ID:
            # predict word id 4 given <bos>
            scores = mx.nd.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
        elif step_input[:, 0].asscalar() == C.EOS_ID:
            # predict pad given <eos>
            scores = mx.nd.array([1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
            # otherwise always predict pad
            scores = mx.nd.array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1])

        # topk is minimizing
        scores *= -1
        #outputs = mx.nd.array([self.predictor.get(inp, C.PAD_ID) for inp in step_input.asnumpy().tolist()], ctx=step_input.context)
        #scores = mx.nd.one_hot(outputs, depth=self.output_vocab_size)

        internal_lengths += 1
        num_decode_step_calls += 1

        self.states = states = [
            mx.nd.array([num_decode_step_calls], dtype='int32')
        return scores, states, None
Esempio n. 3
    def reorder(self, indices: mx.nd.NDArray) -> None:
        Reorders the avoid list according to the selected row indices.
        This can produce duplicates, but this is fixed if state changes occur in consume().

        :param indices: An mx.nd.NDArray containing indices of hypotheses to select.
        if self.global_avoid_states:
            self.global_avoid_states = [self.global_avoid_states[x] for x in indices.asnumpy()]

        if self.local_avoid_states:
            self.local_avoid_states = [self.local_avoid_states[x] for x in indices.asnumpy()]
Esempio n. 4
    def reorder(self, indices: mx.nd.NDArray) -> None:
        Reorders the avoid list according to the selected row indices.
        This can produce duplicates, but this is fixed if state changes occur in consume().

        :param indices: An mx.nd.NDArray containing indices of hypotheses to select.
        if self.global_avoid_states:
            self.global_avoid_states = [self.global_avoid_states[x] for x in indices.asnumpy()]

        if self.local_avoid_states:
            self.local_avoid_states = [self.local_avoid_states[x] for x in indices.asnumpy()]
Esempio n. 5
def encode_mx_ndarray(v: mx.nd.NDArray) -> Any:
    return {
        "__kind__": kind_inst,
        "class": "mxnet.nd.array",
        "args": encode([v.asnumpy().tolist()]),
        "kwargs": {"dtype": encode(v.dtype)},
Esempio n. 6
    def consume(self, word_ids: mx.nd.NDArray) -> None:
        Consumes a word for each trie, updating respective states.

        :param word_ids: The set of word IDs.
        word_ids = word_ids.asnumpy().tolist()
        for i, word_id in enumerate(word_ids):
            if self.global_avoid_states:
                self.global_avoid_states[i] = self.global_avoid_states[i].consume(word_id)
            if self.local_avoid_states:
                self.local_avoid_states[i] = self.local_avoid_states[i].consume(word_id)
Esempio n. 7
    def consume(self, word_ids: mx.nd.NDArray) -> None:
        Consumes a word for each trie, updating respective states.

        :param word_ids: The set of word IDs.
        word_ids = word_ids.asnumpy().tolist()
        for i, word_id in enumerate(word_ids):
            if self.global_avoid_states:
                self.global_avoid_states[i] = self.global_avoid_states[i].consume(word_id)
            if self.local_avoid_states:
                self.local_avoid_states[i] = self.local_avoid_states[i].consume(word_id)
    def update(self, labels: mx.nd.NDArray, embeddings0: mx.nd.NDArray,
               embeddings1: mx.nd.NDArray):

        :param labels: NDArray.
        :param embeddings0: NDArray.
        :param embeddings1: NDArray.

        embeddings0 = embeddings0.asnumpy() if not isinstance(
            embeddings0, np.ndarray) else embeddings0
        embeddings1 = embeddings1.asnumpy() if not isinstance(
            embeddings1, np.ndarray) else embeddings1
        labels = labels.asnumpy() if not isinstance(labels,
                                                    np.ndarray) else labels

        diff = np.subtract(embeddings0, embeddings1)
        dists = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.square(diff), 1))
        self._dists += [d for d in dists]

        self._issame += [l for l in labels]