Esempio n. 1
def plot_perf_vs_contacts(session):
    db = whiskvid.db.load_db()

    # Load stuff
    res = whiskvid.db.load_everything_from_session(session, db)
    tac = res['tac']
    trial_matrix = res['trial_matrix']
    v2b_fit = res['v2b_fit']

    # Get trial timings
    trial_matrix['choice_time'] = MCwatch.behavior.misc.get_choice_times(
        db.loc[session, 'bfile'])

    # Add trials
    tac = whiskvid.db.add_trials_to_tac(tac,

    # Add # of contacts to trial_matrix
    trial_matrix['n_contacts'] = tac.groupby('trial').apply(len)
    trial_matrix.loc[trial_matrix['n_contacts'].isnull(), 'n_contacts'] = 0

    # Plot histogram of contacts vs hit or error
    f, ax = plt.subplots()

    # Split on hits and errors and draw hist for each
    tm_hit = my.pick_rows(trial_matrix, outcome='hit', isrnd=True)
    tm_err = my.pick_rows(trial_matrix, outcome='error', isrnd=True)

    # Plot perf vs some or none contacts
    f, ax = plt.subplots()

    # Split on whether contacts occurred
    tm_n_contacts = trial_matrix[(trial_matrix.n_contacts == 0)
                                 & trial_matrix.outcome.isin(['hit', 'error'])
                                 & trial_matrix.isrnd]
    tm_y_contacts = trial_matrix[(trial_matrix.n_contacts > 0)
                                 & trial_matrix.outcome.isin(['hit', 'error'])
                                 & trial_matrix.isrnd]

    perf_n_contacts = tm_n_contacts.outcome == 'hit'
    perf_y_contacts = tm_y_contacts.outcome == 'hit'
    data = [perf_n_contacts, perf_y_contacts]

        bar_lengths=map(np.mean, data),
        bar_errs=map(np.std, data),
        bar_colors=('b', 'r'),
        bar_labels=('none', 'some'),
    ax.set_ylim((0, 1))
Esempio n. 2
def plot_perf_vs_contacts(session):
    db = whiskvid.db.load_db()
    # Load stuff
    res = whiskvid.db.load_everything_from_session(session, db)
    tac = res['tac']
    trial_matrix = res['trial_matrix']
    v2b_fit = res['v2b_fit']

    # Get trial timings
    trial_matrix['choice_time'] = MCwatch.behavior.misc.get_choice_times(
        db.loc[session, 'bfile'])

    # Add trials
    tac = whiskvid.db.add_trials_to_tac(tac, v2b_fit, trial_matrix, 
    # Add # of contacts to trial_matrix
    trial_matrix['n_contacts'] = tac.groupby('trial').apply(len)
    trial_matrix.loc[trial_matrix['n_contacts'].isnull(), 'n_contacts'] = 0

    # Plot histogram of contacts vs hit or error
    f, ax = plt.subplots()
    # Split on hits and errors and draw hist for each
    tm_hit = my.pick_rows(trial_matrix, outcome='hit', isrnd=True)
    tm_err = my.pick_rows(trial_matrix, outcome='error', isrnd=True)

    # Plot perf vs some or none contacts
    f, ax = plt.subplots()
    # Split on whether contacts occurred
    tm_n_contacts = trial_matrix[
        (trial_matrix.n_contacts == 0) &
        trial_matrix.outcome.isin(['hit', 'error']) &
    tm_y_contacts = trial_matrix[
        (trial_matrix.n_contacts > 0) &
        trial_matrix.outcome.isin(['hit', 'error']) &
    perf_n_contacts = tm_n_contacts.outcome == 'hit'
    perf_y_contacts = tm_y_contacts.outcome == 'hit'
    data = [perf_n_contacts, perf_y_contacts]
        bar_lengths=map(np.mean, data),
        bar_errs=map(np.std, data),
        bar_colors=('b', 'r'),
        bar_labels=('none', 'some'),
    ax.set_ylim((0, 1))
Esempio n. 3
 def compute_by_block(self):
     """By block"""
     res = {}
     for zt in self.zap_types:
         for block in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
             zdata = my.pick_rows(self.TI, zap=zt, block=block)['is_hit']
             cdata = my.pick_rows(self.TI, zap=0, block=block)['is_hit']
             # Skip if nothing
             if len(zdata) < 5 or len(cdata) < 5:
             subres = compare(zdata, cdata)
             res['block%d_zap%d' % (block, zt)] = subres
     return res
Esempio n. 4
def display_perf_by_servo(session=None, tm=None, ax=None, mean_meth='lr_pool'):
    """Plot perf by servo from single session into ax.
    if session is not None, loads trial matrix from it.
    if session is None, uses tm.
    mean_meth: string
        if 'lr_pool': sum together the trials on left and right before
        if 'lr_mean': mean the performances on left and right
    # Get trial matrix
    if session is not None:
        tm = BeWatch.db.get_trial_matrix(session)
    # Ax
    if ax is None:
        f, ax = plt.subplots()

    # Pivot perf by servo pos and rewside
    tm = my.pick_rows(tm, isrnd=True)
    if len(tm) < 5:
        return ax
    # Group by side and servo and calculate perf
    gobj = tm.groupby(['rewside', 'servo_pos'])
    rec_l = []
    for (rwsd, sp), subdf in gobj:
        ntots = len(subdf)
        nhits = np.sum(subdf.outcome == 'hit')
        rec_l.append({'rewside': rwsd, 'servo_pos': sp, 
            'nhits': nhits, 'ntots': ntots})
    resdf = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(rec_l)
    resdf['perf'] = resdf['nhits'] / resdf['ntots']

    if mean_meth == 'lr_average':
        # mean left and right performances
        meanperf = resdf.groupby('servo_pos')['perf'].mean()
    elif mean_meth == 'lr_pool':
        # combine L and R trials
        lr_combo = resdf.groupby('servo_pos').sum()
        meanperf = lr_combo['nhits'] / lr_combo['ntots']
        raise ValueError(str(mean_meth))

    # Plot
    colors = {'left': 'blue', 'right': 'red', 'mean': 'purple'}
    xticks = resdf['servo_pos'].unique()
    for rwsd, subperf in resdf.groupby('rewside'):
        xax = subperf['servo_pos']
        yax = subperf['perf']
        ax.plot(xax, yax, color=colors[rwsd], marker='s', ls='-')
    ax.plot(xax, meanperf.values, color=colors['mean'], marker='s', ls='-')
    ax.set_xlim((resdf['servo_pos'].min() - 50, resdf['servo_pos'].max() + 50))
    ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [.5, .5], 'k-')
    ax.set_ylim((0, 1))    
    return ax
Esempio n. 5
def numericate_trial_matrix(translated_trial_matrix):
    """Replaces strings with ints to allow anova
    * Insert prevchoice column by shifting choice
    * Dump trials unless choice is left or right, prevchoice is left or right,
      and outcome is hit or error. This drops spoiled and current trials.
    * Replace left with -1 and right with +1 in choice, prevchoice, and rewside
      and intify those columns.
    Return the result.
    # Copy and add a prevchoice
    df = translated_trial_matrix.copy()
    df['prevchoice'] = df['choice'].shift(1)
    # Drop where choice, prevchoice are not equal to left or right
    df = my.pick_rows(df, 
        choice=['left', 'right'], prevchoice=['left', 'right'],
        rewside=['left', 'right'],
        outcome=['hit', 'error'])
    # Replace and intify
    df['choice'] = df['choice'].replace(
        {'left': -1, 'right': 1}).astype(
    df['prevchoice'] = df['prevchoice'].replace(
        {'left': -1, 'right': 1}).astype(
    df['rewside'] = df['rewside'].replace(
        {'left': -1, 'right': 1}).astype(    
    return df
Esempio n. 6
def identify_state_change_times(behavior_filename=None, logfile_df=None,
    state0=None, state1=None,
    error_on_multiple_changes=False, warn_on_multiple_changes=True, 
    """Return time that state changed from state0 to state1 on each trial
    behavior_filename : name of logfile.
        Only used if logfile_df is not None
    logfile_df : result of read_logfile_into_df
    state0 : state before change
        If None, can be any
    state1 : state after change
        If None, can be any
    Uses read_logfile_into_df to read the file
    and get_commands_from_parsed_lines to parse the lines
    and then parses the states in the resulting dataframe.
    ST_CHG2 is used, because this is the time of the end of the last
    call of the state before the change. ST_CHG gives you the time of the
    start of that call.
    If multiple times are found for a trial, only the first is returned.
    If no times are found for a trial, there will be no entry for that trial
    in the returned data.
    Returns: pandas Series indexed by trial with the state change time
        for each trial. The values will be a number of milliseconds
        as an integer.
    # Get logfile_df
    if logfile_df is None:
        logfile_df = read_logfile_into_df(behavior_filename)
    # Get the state change times
    state_change_cmds = get_commands_from_parsed_lines(
        logfile_df, command)
    # Drop any from trial "-1"
    state_change_cmds = state_change_cmds[state_change_cmds.trial != -1]
    # Get the ones corresponding to servo retract
    state_change_cmds = my.pick_rows(state_change_cmds, 
        arg0=state0, arg1=state1)
    # Group by trial
    gobj = state_change_cmds.groupby('trial')

    # Error check
    if (gobj.apply(len) != 1).any():
        if error_on_multiple_changes:
            raise ValueError("non-unique state change on some trials")
        if warn_on_multiple_changes:
            print "warning: non-unique state change on some trials"
    # Take the first from each trial
    time_by_trial = gobj.first()
    return time_by_trial['time']
Esempio n. 7
def identify_state_change_times(behavior_filename=None, logfile_df=None,
    state0=None, state1=None,
    error_on_multiple_changes=False, warn_on_multiple_changes=True, 
    """Return time that state changed from state0 to state1 on each trial
    behavior_filename : name of logfile.
        Only used if logfile_df is not None
    logfile_df : result of read_logfile_into_df
    state0 : state before change
        If None, can be any
    state1 : state after change
        If None, can be any
    Uses read_logfile_into_df to read the file
    and get_commands_from_parsed_lines to parse the lines
    and then parses the states in the resulting dataframe.
    ST_CHG2 is used, because this is the time of the end of the last
    call of the state before the change. ST_CHG gives you the time of the
    start of that call.
    If multiple times are found for a trial, only the first is returned.
    If no times are found for a trial, there will be no entry for that trial
    in the returned data.
    Returns: pandas Series indexed by trial with the state change time
        for each trial. The values will be a number of milliseconds
        as an integer.
    # Get logfile_df
    if logfile_df is None:
        logfile_df = read_logfile_into_df(behavior_filename)
    # Get the state change times
    state_change_cmds = get_commands_from_parsed_lines(
        logfile_df, command)
    # Drop any from trial "-1"
    state_change_cmds = state_change_cmds[state_change_cmds.trial != -1]
    # Get the ones corresponding to servo retract
    state_change_cmds = my.pick_rows(state_change_cmds, 
        arg0=state0, arg1=state1)
    # Group by trial
    gobj = state_change_cmds.groupby('trial')

    # Error check
    if (gobj.apply(len) != 1).any():
        if error_on_multiple_changes:
            raise ValueError("non-unique state change on some trials")
        if warn_on_multiple_changes:
            print("warning: non-unique state change on some trials")
    # Take the first from each trial
    time_by_trial = gobj.first()
    return time_by_trial['time']
Esempio n. 8
def get_trial_parameters(parsed_lines, command_string=trial_param_token):
    """Returns the value of trial parameters"""
    rec = {}
    rows = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=command_string)
    for arg in rows['argument'].values:
        name, value = arg.split()
        rec[name.lower()] = int(value)
    return rec
Esempio n. 9
def get_trial_parameters(parsed_lines, command_string=trial_param_token):
    """Returns the value of trial parameters"""
    rec = {}
    rows = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=command_string)
    for arg in rows['argument'].values:
        name, value = arg.split()
        rec[name.lower()] = int(value)
    return rec
Esempio n. 10
def identify_state_change_times(parsed_df_by_trial, state0=None, state1=None,
    show_warnings=True, error_on_multi=False, command='ST_CHG'):
    """Return time that state changed from state0 to state1
    This should be replaced with identify_state_change_times_new, which
    uses a combination of
    parsed_df_by_trial : result of parse_lines_into_df_split_by_trial
        (May be more efficient to rewrite this to operate on the whole thing?)
    state0 and state1 : any argument that pick_rows can work on, so
        13 works or [13, 14] works
    command : the state change token
        ST_CHG2 uses the time at the end, instead of beginning, of the loop
    If multiple hits per trial found:
        returns first one
    If no hits per trial found:
        return nan
    multi_warn_flag = False
    res = []
    # Iterate over trials
    for df in parsed_df_by_trial:
        # Get st_chg commands
        st_chg_rows = my.pick_rows(df, command=command)
        # Split the argument string and intify
        if len(st_chg_rows) > 0:
            split_arg = pandas.DataFrame(
      , columns=['state0', 'state1'],
            # Match to state0, state1
            picked = my.pick(split_arg, state0=state0, state1=state1)
            picked = []
        # Split on number of hits per trial
        if len(picked) == 0:
        elif len(picked) == 1:
            multi_warn_flag = True
            if error_on_multi:
                raise(ValueError("multiple events on this trial"))
    if show_warnings and multi_warn_flag:
        print "warning: multiple target state changes found on some trial"
    return np.array(res, dtype=np.float) / 1000.0
Esempio n. 11
def get_trial_release_time(parsed_lines):
    """Returns the time of trial release in seconds"""
    rows = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=trial_released_token)
    if len(rows) > 1:
        raise ValueError("too many trial relased lines")
    elif len(rows) == 0:
        return None
        return int(rows['time'].irow(0)) / 1000.
Esempio n. 12
def get_trial_release_time(parsed_lines):
    """Returns the time of trial release in seconds"""
    rows = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=trial_released_token)
    if len(rows) > 1:
        raise ValueError("too many trial relased lines")
    elif len(rows) == 0:
        return None
        return int(rows['time'].iat[0]) / 1000.
Esempio n. 13
def plot_tac(session):
    db = whiskvid.db.load_db()

    # Load stuff
    res = whiskvid.db.load_everything_from_session(session, db)
    tac = res['tac']
    trial_matrix = res['trial_matrix']
    v2b_fit = res['v2b_fit']

    # Get trial timings
    bfile = db.loc[session, 'bfile']
    trial_matrix['choice_time'] = BeWatch.misc.get_choice_times(bfile)

    # Add trials
    tac = whiskvid.db.add_trials_to_tac(tac, v2b_fit, trial_matrix, 

    # Plot tac vs rewside
    rewside2color = {'left': 'b', 'right': 'r'}
    f, ax = plt.subplots()
    gobj = my.pick_rows(tac, 
        choice=['left', 'right'], outcome='hit', isrnd=True).groupby('rewside')
    for rewside, subtac in gobj:
        ax.plot(subtac['tip_x'], subtac['tip_y'], 'o',
            color=rewside2color[rewside], mec='none', alpha=1)
        ax.set_xlim((0, db.loc[session, 'v_width']))
        ax.set_ylim((db.loc[session, 'v_height'], 0))
    my.plot.rescue_tick(f=f, x=4, y=4)

    # Plot tac vs choice
    choice2color = {'left': 'b', 'right': 'r'}
    f, ax = plt.subplots()
    gobj = my.pick_rows(tac, 
        choice=['left', 'right'], isrnd=True).groupby('choice')
    for rewside, subtac in gobj:
        ax.plot(subtac['tip_x'], subtac['tip_y'], 'o',
            color=rewside2color[rewside], mec='none', alpha=1)
        ax.set_xlim((0, db.loc[session, 'v_width']))
        ax.set_ylim((db.loc[session, 'v_height'], 0))
    my.plot.rescue_tick(f=f, x=4, y=4)
Esempio n. 14
def get_trial_start_time(parsed_lines):
    """Returns the time of the start of the trial in seconds"""
    rows = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=start_trial_token)
    if len(rows) > 1:
        raise ValueError("too many trial start lines")
    elif len(rows) == 0:
        return None
        return int(rows['time'].irow(0)) / 1000.
Esempio n. 15
def get_trial_start_time(parsed_lines):
    """Returns the time of the start of the trial in seconds"""
    rows = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=start_trial_token)
    if len(rows) > 1:
        raise ValueError("too many trial start lines")
    elif len(rows) == 0:
        return None
        return old_div(int(rows['time'].iat[0]), 1000.)
Esempio n. 16
def get_commands_from_parsed_lines(parsed_lines, command,
    """Return only those lines that match "command" and set dtypes.
    parsed_lines : result of read_logfile_into_df
    command : 'ST_CHG', 'ST_CHG2', 'TCH', etc.
        This is used to select rows from parsed_lines. For known arguments,
        we can also use this to set arg2dtype.
    arg2dtype : dict explaining which args to keep and what dtype to convert
        e.g., {'arg0':, 'arg1': np.float}
        DataFrame with one row for each matching command, and just the
        requested columns. We always include 'time', 'command', and
        'trial' if available
    Can use something like this to group the result by trial and arg0:
    tt2licks = lick_times.groupby(['trial', 'arg0']).groups
    for (trial, lick_type) in tt2licks:
        tt2licks[(trial, lick_type)] = \
            ldf.loc[tt2licks[(trial, lick_type)], 'time'].values / 1000.    
    See BeWatch.misc for other examples of task-specific logic
    # Pick
    res = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=command)
    # Decide which columns to keep and how to coerce
    if command == 'ST_CHG2':
        if arg2dtype is None:
            arg2dtype = {'arg0':, 'arg1':}
    elif command == 'ST_CHG':
        if arg2dtype is None:
            arg2dtype = {'arg0':, 'arg1':}
    elif command == 'TCH':
        arg2dtype = {'arg0':}
    if arg2dtype is None:
        raise ValueError("must provide arg2dtype")
    # Keep only the columns we want
    keep_cols = ['time', 'command'] + sorted(arg2dtype.keys())
    if 'trial' in res.columns:
    res = res[keep_cols]

    # Coerce dtypes
    for argname, dtyp in arg2dtype.items():
            res[argname] = res[argname].astype(dtyp)
        except ValueError:
            print "warning: cannot coerce column %s to %r" % (argname, dtyp)

    return res
Esempio n. 17
    def __init__(self, trial_types, **kwargs): = 'session starter'
        self.params = {
            'FD': 'X',
            'RPB': 1,
        self.trial_types = trial_types

        # For simplicity, slice trial_types
        # Later, might want to reimplement the choosing rule instead
        lefts = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types, rewside='left')
        closest_left = lefts.srvpos.idxmax()
        rights = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types, rewside='right')
        closest_right = rights.srvpos.idxmax()
        # Because we maintain the indices, plotter will work correctly
        # Not quite right, we don't currently use indices, but this is a TODO
        self.picked_trial_types = self.trial_types.loc[
            [closest_left, closest_right]].copy()
Esempio n. 18
    def compute_by_block_and_gonogo(self):
        """By block and go/nogo"""
        res = {}
        for zt in self.zap_types:
            for block in [1, 2, 3, 4]:
                for gng in ['go', 'nogo']:
                    subres = {}
                    zdata = my.pick_rows(self.TI, zap=zt, block=block, 
                    cdata = my.pick_rows(self.TI, zap=0, block=block, 
                    # Skip if nothing
                    if len(zdata) < 5 or len(cdata) < 5:
                    subres = compare(zdata, cdata)

                    res['block%d_%s_zap%d' % (block, gng, zt)] = subres
        return res
Esempio n. 19
def get_commands_from_parsed_lines(parsed_lines, command, arg2dtype=None):
    """Return only those lines that match "command" and set dtypes.
    parsed_lines : result of read_logfile_into_df
    command : 'ST_CHG', 'ST_CHG2', 'TCH', etc.
        This is used to select rows from parsed_lines. For known arguments,
        we can also use this to set arg2dtype.
    arg2dtype : dict explaining which args to keep and what dtype to convert
        e.g., {'arg0':, 'arg1': np.float}
        DataFrame with one row for each matching command, and just the
        requested columns. We always include 'time', 'command', and
        'trial' if available
    Can use something like this to group the result by trial and arg0:
    tt2licks = lick_times.groupby(['trial', 'arg0']).groups
    for (trial, lick_type) in tt2licks:
        tt2licks[(trial, lick_type)] = \
            ldf.loc[tt2licks[(trial, lick_type)], 'time'].values / 1000.    
    See BeWatch.misc for other examples of task-specific logic
    # Pick
    res = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=command)

    # Decide which columns to keep and how to coerce
    if command == 'ST_CHG2':
        if arg2dtype is None:
            arg2dtype = {'arg0':, 'arg1':}
    elif command == 'ST_CHG':
        if arg2dtype is None:
            arg2dtype = {'arg0':, 'arg1':}
    elif command == 'TCH':
        arg2dtype = {'arg0':}

    if arg2dtype is None:
        raise ValueError("must provide arg2dtype")

    # Keep only the columns we want
    keep_cols = ['time', 'command'] + sorted(arg2dtype.keys())
    if 'trial' in res.columns:
    res = res[keep_cols]

    # Coerce dtypes
    for argname, dtyp in arg2dtype.items():
            res[argname] = res[argname].astype(dtyp)
        except ValueError:
            print "warning: cannot coerce column %s to %r" % (argname, dtyp)

    return res
Esempio n. 20
    def __init__(self, trial_types, **kwargs): = 'session starter'
        self.params = {
            'FD': 'X',
            'RPB': 1,
        self.trial_types = trial_types

        # For simplicity, slice trial_types
        # Later, might want to reimplement the choosing rule instead
        lefts = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types, rewside='left')
        closest_left = lefts.srvpos.idxmax()

        rights = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types, rewside='right')
        closest_right = rights.srvpos.idxmax()

        # Because we maintain the indices, plotter will work correctly
        # Not quite right, we don't currently use indices, but this is a TODO
        self.picked_trial_types = self.trial_types.loc[[
            closest_left, closest_right
Esempio n. 21
def display_overlays_by_rig_from_day(date=None, rigs=('B1', 'B2', 'B3', 'B4'),
    """Plot all overlays from each rig to check positioning
    The 'frames' dir needs to be filled out first. The easiest way to do 
    this is to run make_overlays_from_all_fits.
    # Load data
    sbvdf = BeWatch.db.get_synced_behavior_and_video_df()
    msdf = BeWatch.db.get_manual_sync_df()
    sbvdf_dates = sbvdf['dt_end'].apply(lambda dt:
    # Set to most recent date in database if None
    if date is None:
        date = sbvdf_dates.max()
    # Choose the ones to display
    display_dates = sbvdf.ix[sbvdf_dates == date]

    # Select by rigs and sort by rig and date
    display_dates = my.pick_rows(display_dates, rig=rigs).sort(
        ['rig', 'dt_end'])

    # Make a figure with rigs on columns
    n_rows = display_dates.groupby('rig').apply(len).max()
    n_cols = len(rigs)
    f, axa = plt.subplots(n_rows, n_cols)

    # Go through each entry and place into appropriate axis
    rownum = np.zeros(n_cols)
    for idx, sub_sbvdf_row in display_dates.iterrows():
        # Figure out which row and column we're in
        col = rigs.index(sub_sbvdf_row['rig'])
        row = rownum[col]
        rownum[col] = rownum[col] + 1
        ax = axa[row, col]
        # Title the subplot with the session
        session = sub_sbvdf_row['session']
        ax.set_title(session, size='small')
        # Try to construct the meaned frames
        if session in msdf.index:
            # Syncing information available
                verbose=True, ax=ax, ax_meth=overlay_meth)
            # No syncing information
    return f
Esempio n. 22
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next trial.
        This object simply chooses randomly from all trial types, iid.
        Returns in TrialSpeak. TODO: return straight from trial_types,
        and let trial_setter handle the translation to TrialSpeak.
        res = {}

        # Choose from trials from the forced side
        sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types,
        assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
        idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(sub_trial_types))]

        # Set the rest of the params
        res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
        res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
        res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]
        res['ISRND'] = NO
        res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.NO
        res['OPTO'] = NO

        # if the last three trials were all forced this way, direct deliver
        if len(trial_matrix) > n_dd_trials:
            force_on_2afc = (
                and np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].values[-n_dd_trials:] ==
                and np.all(
                    trial_matrix['outcome'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'error'))
            force_on_gng = (
                and np.all(
                    trial_matrix['rewside'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'right')
                and np.all(
                    trial_matrix['outcome'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'spoil'))

            if force_on_2afc or force_on_gng:
                res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.YES

        # Opto on every Nth trial
            if np.mod(len(trial_matrix), N_OPTO_TRIALS) == N_OPTO_TRIALS - 1:
                res['OPTO'] = YES

        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2, 'nogo': 3}[res['RWSD']]

        return res
Esempio n. 23
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next"""
        res = {}

        if len(trial_matrix) == 0:
            idx = np.where(self.trial_types.rewside == 'right')[0][0]
            #~ idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(self.trial_types))]
            res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]

            # Not the first trial
            # First check that the last trial hasn't been released
            assert trial_matrix['release_time'].isnull().iloc[-1]

            # But that it has been responded
            assert not trial_matrix['choice'].isnull().iloc[-1]

            # Set side to left by default, and otherwise forced alt
            if len(trial_matrix) < 2:
                res['RWSD'] = 'right'
                # Get last trial
                last_trial = trial_matrix.iloc[-1]
                if last_trial['outcome'] == 'hit':
                    res['RWSD'] = {
                        'left': 'right',
                        'right': 'left'
                    res['RWSD'] = last_trial['rewside']

            # Update the stored force dir
            self.params['FD'] = res['RWSD']

            # Choose from trials from the forced side
            sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types,
            assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0

            idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                0, len(sub_trial_types))]

        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2}[res['RWSD']]

        return res
Esempio n. 24
def perfcount(trials_info, **kwargs):
    """Filter trials_info by kwargs and return performance"""
    if 'nonrandom' not in kwargs:
        kwargs = kwargs.copy()
        kwargs['nonrandom'] = 0
    data = my.pick_rows(trials_info, **kwargs)
    nhits = np.sum(data.outcome == 'hit')
    nerrs = np.sum(data.outcome == 'error')
    nspos = np.sum(data.outcome == 'wrong_port')
    nfut = np.sum(data.outcome == 'future_trial')
    assert nhits + nerrs + nspos + nfut == len(data)
    return nhits, nerrs, nspos
Esempio n. 25
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next trial.
        This object simply chooses randomly from all trial types, iid.
        Returns in TrialSpeak. TODO: return straight from trial_types,
        and let trial_setter handle the translation to TrialSpeak.
        res = {}
        # Choose from trials from the forced side
        sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types, 
        assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
        idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(sub_trial_types))]

        # Set the rest of the params
        res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
        res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
        res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]
        res['ISRND'] = NO
        res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.NO
        res['OPTO'] = NO

        # if the last three trials were all forced this way, direct deliver
        if len(trial_matrix) > n_dd_trials:
            force_on_2afc = (
                np.all(~trial_matrix['isrnd'].values[-n_dd_trials:]) and
                np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == res['RWSD']) and
                np.all(trial_matrix['outcome'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'error'))
            force_on_gng = (
                np.all(~trial_matrix['isrnd'].values[-n_dd_trials:]) and
                np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'right') and
                np.all(trial_matrix['outcome'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'spoil'))
            if force_on_2afc or force_on_gng:
                res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.YES
            # Opto on every Nth trial
            if np.mod(len(trial_matrix), N_OPTO_TRIALS) == N_OPTO_TRIALS - 1:
                res['OPTO'] = YES
        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2, 'nogo': 3}[res['RWSD']]
        return res
Esempio n. 26
def scatter_ess(
        metrics=('aov_essblock', 'aov_essangl', 'aov_esscross'),
    metrics = list(metrics)

    # Plot each region
    for region in ['A1', 'PFC']:
        # Choose axis
        if axa is None:
            f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))
            ax = axa[region == 'PFC']

        subdf = my.pick_rows(data, region=region)

        # Plot ESS of block and angl
        esss = subdf[metrics].values.T

        # boxplot
        box_shit = ax.boxplot(esss.T,
        for key in ['caps', 'fliers', 'whiskers']:
            for handle in box_shit[key]:
        for line in box_shit['medians']:
        for line in box_shit['boxes']:

        # ESS
        ax.plot(esss, 'x', ms=4, color='gray')

        # Pretty
        ax.set_xticks([0, 1, 2])
        ax.set_xlim((-.5, 2.5))
        ax.set_ylim((0, 1))
        ax.set_yticks((0, .25, .5, .75, 1.0))
        ax.set_ylabel('fraction of explainable variance')
        #~ ax.set_title('region=' + region)

Esempio n. 27
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next"""
        res = {}
        if len(trial_matrix) == 0:
            idx = np.where(self.trial_types.rewside == 'right')[0][0]
            #~ idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(self.trial_types))]
            res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
            # Not the first trial
            # First check that the last trial hasn't been released
            assert trial_matrix['release_time'].isnull().iloc[-1]
            # But that it has been responded
            assert not trial_matrix['choice'].isnull().iloc[-1]
            # Set side to left by default, and otherwise forced alt
            if len(trial_matrix) < 2:
                res['RWSD'] = 'right'
                # Get last trial
                last_trial = trial_matrix.iloc[-1]
                if last_trial['outcome'] == 'hit':
                    res['RWSD'] = {'left': 'right', 'right':'left'}[last_trial['rewside']]
                    res['RWSD'] = last_trial['rewside']
            # Update the stored force dir
            self.params['FD'] = res['RWSD']

            # Choose from trials from the forced side
            sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types, 
            assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
            idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(sub_trial_types))]

        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2}[res['RWSD']]
        return res
Esempio n. 28
def identify_state_change_times_new(behavior_filename,
    """Return time that state changed from state0 to state1 on each trial
    This is the most current way to do this.
    Uses read_logfile_into_df to read the file
    and get_commands_from_parsed_lines to parse the lines
    and then parses the states in the resulting dataframe.
    If multiple times are found for a trial, only the first is returned.
    If no times are found for a trial, there will be no entry for that trial
    in the returned data.
    Returns: pandas Series indexed by trial with the state change time
        for each trial. The values will be a number of milliseconds
        as an integer.
    # Get the state change times
    logfile_df = read_logfile_into_df(behavior_filename)
    state_change_cmds = get_commands_from_parsed_lines(logfile_df, 'ST_CHG2')

    # Drop any from trial "-1"
    state_change_cmds = state_change_cmds[state_change_cmds.trial != -1]

    # Get the ones corresponding to servo retract
    state_change_cmds = my.pick_rows(state_change_cmds,

    # Group by trial
    gobj = state_change_cmds.groupby('trial')

    # Error check
    if error_on_multi:
        if (gobj.apply(len) != 1).any():
            raise ValueError("non-unique state change on some trials")

    # Take the first from each trial
    time_by_trial = gobj.first()

    return time_by_trial['time']
Esempio n. 29
def stacked_bar_ess(data,
                    metrics=('aov_essangl', 'aov_esscross', 'aov_essblock'),
                    col_list=('black', 'purple', 'orange')):
    """Stacked bar of ESS"""
    # Which metrics and in which order (bottom to top)
    metrics = list(metrics)

    # Iterate over regions
    for region in ['A1', 'PFC']:
        if axa is None:
            f, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3, 3))
            ax = axa[region == 'PFC']

        # Break by prefblock
        subdf = my.pick_rows(data, region=region)

        # Plot ESS of block and angl
        esss = subdf[metrics].values.T

        # To make a stacked bar, do a cumsum
        esss_cumsum = np.vstack(
             np.cumsum(esss, axis=0)])

        # And plot each on top of the previous
        left = np.arange(len(subdf)) + 1
        for nrow in range(esss.shape[0]):

        # Pretty
        ax.set_xlim((.5, left.max() + .5))
        ax.set_ylim((0, 1))
        ax.set_ylabel('fraction of explainable variance')

        # Line at 50%
        ax.plot(ax.get_xlim(), [.5, .5], '-', lw=2, color='magenta')
Esempio n. 30
def calculate_perf_metrics(trial_matrix, exclude_warmup=True):
    if exclude_warmup:
        trial_matrix = trial_matrix[~trial_matrix.warmup].copy()

    if len(trial_matrix) == 0:
        raise ValueError("no data in trial matrix")
    # Perf metrics
    rec_l = []
    for opto in [False, True]:
        for typ in ['go', 'nogo']:
            subdf = my.pick_rows(trial_matrix, opto=opto, typ=typ)
            n_hits = np.sum(subdf.correct)
            n_tots = len(subdf)
            rec_l.append({'opto': opto, 'typ': typ, 'n_hits': n_hits,   
                'n_tots': n_tots})
    perfdf = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(rec_l)
    perfdf['perf'] = perfdf['n_hits'] / perfdf['n_tots']    
    return perfdf
Esempio n. 31
def identify_state_change_times_new(behavior_filename, state0=None, state1=None,
    error_on_multi=False, command='ST_CHG'):
    """Return time that state changed from state0 to state1 on each trial
    This is the most current way to do this.
    Uses read_logfile_into_df to read the file
    and get_commands_from_parsed_lines to parse the lines
    and then parses the states in the resulting dataframe.
    If multiple times are found for a trial, only the first is returned.
    If no times are found for a trial, there will be no entry for that trial
    in the returned data.
    Returns: pandas Series indexed by trial with the state change time
        for each trial. The values will be a number of milliseconds
        as an integer.
    # Get the state change times
    logfile_df = read_logfile_into_df(behavior_filename)
    state_change_cmds = get_commands_from_parsed_lines(
        logfile_df, 'ST_CHG2')
    # Drop any from trial "-1"
    state_change_cmds = state_change_cmds[state_change_cmds.trial != -1]
    # Get the ones corresponding to servo retract
    state_change_cmds = my.pick_rows(state_change_cmds, 
        arg0=state0, arg1=state1)
    # Group by trial
    gobj = state_change_cmds.groupby('trial')

    # Error check
    if error_on_multi:
        if (gobj.apply(len) != 1).any():
            raise ValueError("non-unique state change on some trials")
    # Take the first from each trial
    time_by_trial = gobj.first()
    return time_by_trial['time']
Esempio n. 32
def numericate_trial_matrix(translated_trial_matrix):
    """Replaces strings with ints to allow anova
    * Insert prevchoice column by shifting choice
    * Dump trials unless choice is left or right, prevchoice is left or right,
      and outcome is hit or error. This drops spoiled and current trials.
    * Replace left with -1 and right with +1 in choice, prevchoice, and rewside
      and intify those columns.
    Return the result.
    # Copy and add a prevchoice
    df = translated_trial_matrix.copy()
    df['prevchoice'] = df['choice'].shift(1)

    # Drop where choice, prevchoice are not equal to left or right
    df = my.pick_rows(df,
                      choice=['left', 'right'],
                      prevchoice=['left', 'right'],
                      rewside=['left', 'right'],
                      outcome=['hit', 'error'])

    # Replace and intify
    df['choice'] = df['choice'].replace({
        'left': -1,
        'right': 1
    df['prevchoice'] = df['prevchoice'].replace({
        'left': -1,
        'right': 1
    df['rewside'] = df['rewside'].replace({
        'left': -1,
        'right': 1

    return df
Esempio n. 33
def parse_lines_into_df_split_by_trial(lines, verbose=False):
    """Like parse_lines_into_df but split by trial
    We drop everything before the first TRL_START token.
    If there is no TRL_START token, return None.
    This can be slow if each trial has to be processed separately.
    Consider replacing this with read_logfile_into_df
    # Parse
    df = parse_lines_into_df(lines)
    # Debug
    n_lost_lines = len(lines) - len(df)
    if verbose and n_lost_lines != 0:
        print("warning: lost %d lines" % n_lost_lines)
    # Split by trial
    trl_start_idxs = my.pick_rows(df, command=start_trial_token).index
    # Return [empty df] if nothing
    if len(trl_start_idxs) == 0:
        return None
    # Split df
    # In each case, we include the first line but exclude the last
    res = []
    for nidx in range(len(trl_start_idxs) - 1):
        # Slice out, including first but excluding last
        slc = df.loc[trl_start_idxs[nidx]:trl_start_idxs[nidx + 1] - 1]
    # Append anything left at the end (current trial, generally)

    return res
Esempio n. 34
def parse_lines_into_df_split_by_trial(lines, verbose=False):
    """Like parse_lines_into_df but split by trial
    We drop everything before the first TRL_START token.
    If there is no TRL_START token, return None.
    This can be slow if each trial has to be processed separately.
    Consider replacing this with read_logfile_into_df
    # Parse
    df = parse_lines_into_df(lines)
    # Debug
    n_lost_lines = len(lines) - len(df)
    if verbose and n_lost_lines != 0:
        print "warning: lost %d lines" % n_lost_lines
    # Split by trial
    trl_start_idxs = my.pick_rows(df, command=start_trial_token).index
    # Return [empty df] if nothing
    if len(trl_start_idxs) == 0:
        return None
    # Split df
    # In each case, we include the first line but exclude the last
    res = []
    for nidx in range(len(trl_start_idxs) - 1):
        # Slice out, including first but excluding last
        slc = df.ix[trl_start_idxs[nidx]:trl_start_idxs[nidx + 1] - 1]
    # Append anything left at the end (current trial, generally)

    return res
Esempio n. 35
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next"""
        res = {}
        res['ISRND'] = NO
        res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.NO
        res['OPTO'] = NO

        if len(trial_matrix) == 0:
            # First trial, so pick at random from trial_types
            if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
                idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                    0, len(self.picked_trial_types))]
                idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                    0, len(self.trial_types))]
            res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
            res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
            res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]

            # Not the first trial
            # First check that the last trial hasn't been released
            assert trial_matrix['release_time'].isnull().iloc[-1]

            # But that it has been responded
            assert not trial_matrix['choice'].isnull().iloc[-1]

            # Set side to left by default, and otherwise forced alt
            if len(trial_matrix) < 2:
                res['RWSD'] = 'left'
                # Get last trial
                last_trial = trial_matrix.iloc[-1]
                if last_trial['choice'] == last_trial['rewside']:
                    res['RWSD'] = {
                        'left': 'right',
                        'right': 'left'
                    res['RWSD'] = last_trial['rewside']

            # Update the stored force dir
            self.params['FD'] = res['RWSD']

            # ugly hack to get Session Starter working
            if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
                # Choose from trials from the forced side
                sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.picked_trial_types,
                assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
                # Choose from trials from the forced side
                sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types,
                assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0

            idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                0, len(sub_trial_types))]

            res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
            res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]

            # if the last three trials were all forced this way, direct deliver
            if len(trial_matrix) > n_dd_trials:
                if (np.all(~trial_matrix['isrnd'].values[-n_dd_trials:])
                        and np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].
                                   values[-n_dd_trials:] == res['RWSD'])
                        and np.all(trial_matrix['outcome'].
                                   values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'error')):
                    res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.YES

            # Only do opto on forced if requested
            if OPTO_FORCED:
                # Depends on how many targets
                if N_OPTO_TARGETS == 2:
                    # Two-target version
                    # Randomly do nothing or target either location
                    rand_number = np.random.rand()
                    if rand_number < (1 / 3.):
                        res['OPTO'] = NO
                    elif rand_number < (2 / 3.):
                        res['OPTO'] = 4
                        res['OPTO'] = 5
                elif N_OPTO_TARGETS == 1:
                    # One-target version
                    if np.random.rand() < (1. / N_OPTO_TRIALS):
                        res['OPTO'] = YES
                    raise ValueError(
                        "invalid N_OPTO_TARGETS: {}".format(N_OPTO_TARGETS))

        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2}[res['RWSD']]

        return res
Esempio n. 36
def logreg_perf_vs_contacts(session):
    trial_matrix = ArduFSM.TrialMatrix.make_trial_matrix_from_file(
        db.loc[session, 'bfile'])
    tac = whiskvid.db.Contacts.load(db.loc[session, 'tac'])
    v2b_fit = db.loc[session, ['fit_v2b0', 'fit_v2b1']]
    b2v_fit = db.loc[session, ['fit_b2v0', 'fit_b2v1']]
    if np.any(pandas.isnull(v2b_fit.values)):

    # Get trial timings
    trial_matrix['choice_time'] = MCwatch.behavior.misc.get_choice_times(
        db.loc[session, 'bfile'])
    trial_matrix['vchoice_time'] = np.polyval(b2v_fit, trial_matrix['choice_time'])

    # Add trials
    tac = whiskvid.db.add_trials_to_tac(tac, v2b_fit, trial_matrix, 

    # Add # of contacts to trial_matrix
    trial_matrix['n_contacts'] = tac.groupby('trial').apply(len)
    trial_matrix.loc[trial_matrix['n_contacts'].isnull(), 'n_contacts'] = 0

    # Drop the ones before video started
    trial_matrix = trial_matrix[trial_matrix.vchoice_time > 0]

    # Choose the random hits
    lr_tm = my.pick_rows(trial_matrix, outcome=['hit', 'error'], isrnd=True)

    # Choose the regularizations
    C_l = [1, .1, .01]

    # Setup input / output
    input = lr_tm['n_contacts'].values[:, None]
    output = (lr_tm['outcome'].values == 'hit').astype(

    # Transform the input
    input = np.sqrt(input)

    # Values for plotting the decision function 
    plotl = np.linspace(0, input.max(), 100)

    # Bins for actual data
    bins = np.sqrt([0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128])
    #~ bins = np.linspace(0, input.max(), 4)
    bin_centers = bins[:-1] + 0.5

    # Extract perf of each bin of trials based on # of contacts
    binned_input = np.searchsorted(bins, input.flatten())
    bin_mean_l, bin_err_l = [], []
    for nbin, bin in enumerate(bins):
        mask = binned_input == nbin
        if np.sum(mask) == 0:
            hits = output[mask]

    f, axa = plt.subplots(1, len(C_l), figsize=(12, 4))
    for C, ax in zip(C_l, axa):
        lr = scikits.learn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=C), output)#, class_weight='auto')
        ax.plot(plotl, lr.predict_proba(plotl[:, None])[:, 1])
        ax.plot(plotl, np.ones_like(plotl) * 0.5)
        ax.set_ylim((0, 1))
        # plot data
        ax.errorbar(x=bins, y=bin_mean_l, yerr=bin_err_l)
Esempio n. 37
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next trial.
        This object simply chooses randomly from all trial types, iid.
        Returns in TrialSpeak. TODO: return straight from trial_types,
        and let trial_setter handle the translation to TrialSpeak.
        res = {}

        # Choose from trials from the forced side
        sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types,
        assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
        idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(sub_trial_types))]

        # Set the rest of the params
        res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
        res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
        res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]
        res['ISRND'] = NO
        res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.NO
        res['OPTO'] = NO

        # Only do opto on forced if requested
        if OPTO_FORCED:
            # Depends on how many targets
            if N_OPTO_TARGETS == 2:
                # Two-target version
                # Randomly do nothing or target either location
                rand_number = np.random.rand()
                if rand_number < (1 / 3.):
                    res['OPTO'] = NO
                elif rand_number < (2 / 3.):
                    res['OPTO'] = 4
                    res['OPTO'] = 5
            elif N_OPTO_TARGETS == 1:
                # One-target version
                if np.random.rand() < (1. / N_OPTO_TRIALS):
                    res['OPTO'] = YES
                raise ValueError(
                    "invalid N_OPTO_TARGETS: {}".format(N_OPTO_TARGETS))

        # if the last three trials were all forced this way, direct deliver
        if len(trial_matrix) > n_dd_trials:
            force_on_2afc = (
                and np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].values[-n_dd_trials:] ==
                and np.all(
                    trial_matrix['outcome'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'error'))
            force_on_gng = (
                and np.all(
                    trial_matrix['rewside'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'right')
                and np.all(
                    trial_matrix['outcome'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'spoil'))

            if force_on_2afc or force_on_gng:
                res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.YES

        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2, 'nogo': 3}[res['RWSD']]

        return res
Esempio n. 38

# angles and counts
full_data = pandas.load('full_data')

# Choose the sub-indexed trials for each session
session2subindex = {}
for ulabel in full_data.index.levels[0]:
    # Skip if we already did this session
    session = kkpandas.kkrs.ulabel2session_name(ulabel)
    if session in session2subindex:
    # each block, sorted by angle
    fdu = full_data.ix[ulabel]
    fdu_LB = my.pick_rows(fdu, block='LB').sort('angl')
    fdu_PB = my.pick_rows(fdu, block='PB').sort('angl')

    # find how many we can include
    # LB is always less than PB
    for n_include in range(1, len(fdu)):
        # Take the highest LB values
        sub_LB = fdu_LB.angl.values[-n_include:]
        # And the lowest PB values
        sub_PB = fdu_PB.angl.values[:n_include]
        # Break when the mean PB > mean LB
        assert len(sub_LB) > 0
        assert len(sub_PB) > 0
        if sub_LB.mean() < sub_PB.mean():
Esempio n. 39
from ns5_process import myutils, LBPB
import kkpandas
import pandas, os.path
import numpy as np
import my, my.dataload, scipy.stats, my.plot
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt


# Load data
unit_db = my.dataload.getstarted()['unit_db']

# Analyze only included units with audresps
units_to_analyze = my.pick_rows(unit_db, audresp=['good', 'weak', 'sustained'],

# Load evoked responses from previous analysis
evoked_resps = pandas.load('evoked_resps')

# Load hold results
hold_results = pandas.load('../3-1-hold/hold_results')

# Mean the evoked responses
mer = evoked_resps[LBPB.mixed_stimnames].applymap(np.mean)

# Convert to hertz
mer = mer.divide(evoked_resps['evok_dt'], axis=0)

# Join the hold for subtraction
hr = hold_results[['mLB', 'mPB']].divide(hold_results['dt'], axis=0)
Esempio n. 40
# This is only valid for indiv neurons
analysis = 'sua_cue'

# Previously there was a bug here where ulabel was set to index,
# but this is non-unique
res = pandas.load('decode_results_%s' % analysis)

# Add in information about hold period, region, and auditory-responsiveness
res = res.join(hold_results[['diffHz', 'p_adj']], on='ulabel')
res = res.join(unit_db[['region', 'audresp']], on='ulabel')

# Filter: keep only units for which there were 10 spikes total (across blocks)
keep_indexes = res[['block', 'n_spikes', 'ulabel']].pivot_table(
    rows='ulabel', cols='block', values='n_spikes').sum(1) >= 10
keep_ulabels = keep_indexes.index[keep_indexes.values]
res = my.pick_rows(res, ulabel=keep_ulabels)

# Additional filtering: drop units with low trial count (in EITHER block)
# Sometimes erratic results on the decoding analysis from such units
keep_indexes = res.pivot_table(
    rows='ulabel', cols='block', values='n_trials').min(1) >= MIN_TRIAL_COUNT
keep_ulabels = keep_indexes.index[keep_indexes.values]
res = my.pick_rows(res, ulabel=keep_ulabels)

# Assign prefblock
res['prefblock'] = 'ns'
res['prefblock'][res.p_adj.isnull()] = 'NA'
res['prefblock'][(res.p_adj < .05) & (res.diffHz > 0)] = 'PB'
res['prefblock'][(res.p_adj < .05) & (res.diffHz < 0)] = 'LB'
Esempio n. 41
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os.path


hold_results = pandas.load('hold_results')

# Rat names
gets = my.dataload.getstarted()

rec_l = []
for ratname, subdf1 in hold_results.groupby('ratname'):
    for region in ['A1', 'PFC']:
        subdf = my.pick_rows(subdf1, region=region)

        if len(region) > 0:
            nL = len(subdf[(subdf.p_adj < .05) & (subdf.mLB > subdf.mPB)])
            nP = len(subdf[(subdf.p_adj < .05) & (subdf.mLB < subdf.mPB)])
            nN = len(subdf[(subdf.p_adj >= .05)])
            nL, nP, nN = 0, 0, 0
        rec_l.append((ratname, region, nL, nP, nN))

res = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(rec_l, 
    columns=('ratname', 'region', 'nL', 'nP', 'nN')).set_index(
    ['region', 'ratname'])

divby = res.sum(1).astype(np.float)
divby[divby < 8] = 0.
Esempio n. 42
def logreg_perf_vs_contacts(session):
    trial_matrix = ArduFSM.TrialMatrix.make_trial_matrix_from_file(
        db.loc[session, 'bfile'])
    tac = whiskvid.db.Contacts.load(db.loc[session, 'tac'])
    v2b_fit = db.loc[session, ['fit_v2b0', 'fit_v2b1']]
    b2v_fit = db.loc[session, ['fit_b2v0', 'fit_b2v1']]

    if np.any(pandas.isnull(v2b_fit.values)):
        1 / 0

    # Get trial timings
    trial_matrix['choice_time'] = MCwatch.behavior.misc.get_choice_times(
        db.loc[session, 'bfile'])
    trial_matrix['vchoice_time'] = np.polyval(b2v_fit,

    # Add trials
    tac = whiskvid.db.add_trials_to_tac(tac,

    # Add # of contacts to trial_matrix
    trial_matrix['n_contacts'] = tac.groupby('trial').apply(len)
    trial_matrix.loc[trial_matrix['n_contacts'].isnull(), 'n_contacts'] = 0

    # Drop the ones before video started
    trial_matrix = trial_matrix[trial_matrix.vchoice_time > 0]

    # Choose the random hits
    lr_tm = my.pick_rows(trial_matrix, outcome=['hit', 'error'], isrnd=True)

    # Choose the regularizations
    C_l = [1, .1, .01]

    # Setup input / output
    input = lr_tm['n_contacts'].values[:, None]
    output = (lr_tm['outcome'].values == 'hit').astype(

    # Transform the input
    input = np.sqrt(input)

    # Values for plotting the decision function
    plotl = np.linspace(0, input.max(), 100)

    # Bins for actual data
    bins = np.sqrt([0, 1, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128])
    #~ bins = np.linspace(0, input.max(), 4)
    bin_centers = bins[:-1] + 0.5

    # Extract perf of each bin of trials based on # of contacts
    binned_input = np.searchsorted(bins, input.flatten())
    bin_mean_l, bin_err_l = [], []
    for nbin, bin in enumerate(bins):
        mask = binned_input == nbin
        if np.sum(mask) == 0:
            hits = output[mask]

    f, axa = plt.subplots(1, len(C_l), figsize=(12, 4))
    for C, ax in zip(C_l, axa):
        lr = scikits.learn.linear_model.LogisticRegression(C=C), output)  #, class_weight='auto')
        ax.plot(plotl, lr.predict_proba(plotl[:, None])[:, 1])
        ax.plot(plotl, np.ones_like(plotl) * 0.5)
        ax.set_ylim((0, 1))

        # plot data
        ax.errorbar(x=bins, y=bin_mean_l, yerr=bin_err_l)
Esempio n. 43
def get_trial_start_time(parsed_lines):
    """Returns the time of the start of the trial in seconds"""
    rows = my.pick_rows(parsed_lines, command=start_trial_token)
    if len(rows) != 1:
        raise ValueError("trial start is not unique")
    return int(rows['time'].irow(0)) / 1000.
Esempio n. 44
            rec['dfolded'] = dfolded
            # Store
            ## Now latency distributions
            # Iterate over stim groups and get latency distributions
            for stim_group_name, grouped_snames in stim_groups.items():
                # Pick the same trials that went into folded
                distrs_tpk = tpk.copy()
                subti = my.pick_rows(trials_info, stim_name=grouped_snames,
                # Iterate over event and get latencies for each
                for event_name in event_name_list:
                    # Store time deltas by trial for this event
                    distr = (subti[event_name] - subti[locking_event]).values
                    rec_l2.append({'ulabel': ulabel, 
                        'event': event_name, 
                        'group': stim_group_name, 
                        'distr': distr})

        # DataFrame both
        resdf = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(rec_l).set_index('ulabel')
        times_distr = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(rec_l2).set_index(
Esempio n. 45
def make_trials_matrix_from_logfile_lines2(logfile_lines,
    always_insert=('resp', 'outc')):
    """Parse out the parameters and outcomes from the lines in the logfile
    This was written to be a more optimized version of 
    make_trials_matrix_from_logfile_lines and is used in trial_setter.
    Should combine this with TrialMatrix.make_trial_matrix_from_logfile_lines
    and just make one thing that does this function.
    For each trial, the following parameters are extracted:
        trial_start : time in seconds at which TRL_START was issued
        trial_released: time in seconds at which trial was released
        All parameters and results listed for each trial.
    If the first trial has not started yet, an empty DataFrame is returned.

    The columns in always_insert are always inserted, even if they 
    weren't present. They will be inserted with np.nan, so the dtype 
    should be numerical, not stringy. The main use-case is the response 
    columns which are missing during the first trial but which most 
    code assumes exists.
    TODO: bug here where malformed lines cause pldf and lines not to match
    up anymore.
    if len(logfile_lines) == 0:
        return pandas.DataFrame(np.zeros((0, len(always_insert))),
    # Parse
    pldf = parse_lines_into_df(logfile_lines)
    if len(pldf) == 0:
        return pandas.DataFrame(np.zeros((0, len(always_insert))),

    # Find the boundaries between trials in logfile_lines
    trl_start_idxs = my.pick_rows(pldf, 
    if len(trl_start_idxs) == 0:
        return pandas.DataFrame(np.zeros((0, len(always_insert))),
    # Assign trial numbers. The first chunk of lines are pre-session setup,
    # so subtract 1 to make that trial "-1".
    # Use side = 'right' to place TRL_START itself correctly
    pldf['trial'] = np.searchsorted(np.asarray(trl_start_idxs), 
        np.asarray(pldf.index), side='right') - 1    
    # Extract various things
    trlps_by_trial = get_trial_parameters2(pldf, logfile_lines)
    trlrs_by_trial = get_trial_results2(pldf, logfile_lines)
    tt_by_trial = get_trial_timings(pldf, logfile_lines)
    # Join
    res = pandas.concat(
        [trlps_by_trial, trlrs_by_trial, tt_by_trial], axis=1,
    # Lower case the names
    res.columns = [col.lower() for col in res.columns]
    # rename timings names
    res = res.rename(columns={
        'trl_start': 'start_time',
        'trl_released': 'release_time',

    # Define duration
    if 'release_time' in res.columns and 'start_time' in res.columns:
        res['duration'] = res['release_time'] - res['start_time']
        res['release_time'] = pandas.Series([], dtype=np.float)
        res['start_time'] = pandas.Series([], dtype=np.float)
        res['duration'] = pandas.Series([], dtype=np.float)
    # Reorder
    ordered_cols = ['start_time', 'release_time', 'duration']
    for col in sorted(res.columns):
        if col not in ordered_cols:
    res = res[ordered_cols]
    # Avoid SettingWithCopyWarning below
    res = res.copy()
    # Insert always_insert
    for col in always_insert:
        if col not in res:
            res[col] = np.nan
    # Name index = 'trial'
    return res
Esempio n. 46
def make_plot(ax, ulabel):
    """Convenience function to scatter counts by angle with trend lines"""
    # Hold period counts
    counts_result = counts_results.ix[ulabel]
    hold_result = hold_results.ix[ulabel]
    # Test results
    test_result = test_res.ix[ulabel]

    # Parse into block and trial number and form spike_df
    labels = np.concatenate([
        counts_result['LB_trials'], counts_result['PB_trials']])
    counts = np.concatenate([
        counts_result['LB_counts'], counts_result['PB_counts']])
    blocks = np.concatenate([
        ['LB'] * len(counts_result['LB_trials']), 
        ['PB'] * len(counts_result['PB_trials'])])
    spike_df = pandas.DataFrame({'btrial': labels, 'counts': counts, 
        'block': blocks}).set_index('btrial')

    # Behavioral info on the session
    session_name = unit_db['session_name'][ulabel]

    # Vid tracking object
    vts = vidtrack.Session(os.path.join(root_dir, session_name))

    # Convert to dataframe of head position
    location_df = vidtrack.vts_db2head_pos_df(vts, in_degrees=True)
    # Join and dropna (errors, short holds, etc)
    full_df = location_df.join(spike_df).dropna()
    # Subtract off mean head angle
    full_df['angl'] = full_df['angl'] - full_df['angl'].mean()
    # Plot
    block2color = {'LB': 'b', 'PB': 'r'}

    # Fit to all data
    m, b, r, p, se = scipy.stats.linregress(full_df['angl'], 
    sdump.append("all: %0.3f" % p)
    xvals = mlab.prctile(full_df.angl, (5, 95))
    ax.plot(xvals, np.polyval((m, b), xvals), '-', color='k', lw=3)

    for block in ['LB', 'PB']:
        subdf = my.pick_rows(full_df, block=block)
        # Plot the individual points
        ax.plot(subdf.angl, np.sqrt(subdf.counts), ',', mew=.5, mec=block2color[block])
        ax.plot(subdf.angl, np.sqrt(subdf.counts), ls='none', marker='s', 
            ms=1, mew=.5, mec=block2color[block])
        # Plot the linfits
        m, b, r, p, se = scipy.stats.linregress(subdf['angl'], 
        sdump.append("block %s: %0.3f" % (block, p))
        xvals = mlab.prctile(subdf.angl, (15, 85))
        ax.plot(xvals, np.polyval((m, b), xvals), '-', 
            color=block2color[block], lw=3)
    mmm = np.sqrt(full_df.counts.max())
    ax.set_ylim((-.5, mmm + .5))
    ax.set_yticks(list(range(int(mmm) + 1)))
    ax.set_xticks((-45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45))
    #~ ax.set_ylim((-.5, np.sqrt(full_df.counts.max()) + 0.5))    
    ax.set_xlabel('head angle (degrees)')
    ax.set_ylabel('sqrt(trial spike count)')
Esempio n. 47
 def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
     """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next"""
     res = {}
     res['ISRND'] = NO
     res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.NO
     res['OPTO'] = NO
     if len(trial_matrix) == 0:
         # First trial, so pick at random from trial_types
         if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
             idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(self.picked_trial_types))]
             idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(self.trial_types))]
         res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
         res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
         res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]
         # Not the first trial
         # First check that the last trial hasn't been released
         assert trial_matrix['release_time'].isnull().iloc[-1]
         # But that it has been responded
         assert not trial_matrix['choice'].isnull().iloc[-1]
         # Set side to left by default, and otherwise forced alt
         if len(trial_matrix) < 2:
             res['RWSD'] = 'left'
             # Get last trial
             last_trial = trial_matrix.iloc[-1]
             if last_trial['choice'] == last_trial['rewside']:
                 res['RWSD'] = {'left': 'right', 'right':'left'}[last_trial['rewside']]
                 res['RWSD'] = last_trial['rewside']
         # Update the stored force dir
         self.params['FD'] = res['RWSD']
         # ugly hack to get Session Starter working
         if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
             # Choose from trials from the forced side
             sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.picked_trial_types, 
             assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0                
             # Choose from trials from the forced side
             sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types, 
             assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
         idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(sub_trial_types))]
         res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
         res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]
         # if the last three trials were all forced this way, direct deliver
         if len(trial_matrix) > n_dd_trials:
             if (
                 np.all(~trial_matrix['isrnd'].values[-n_dd_trials:]) and
                 np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == res['RWSD']) and
                 np.all(trial_matrix['outcome'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'error')):
                 res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.YES
         # Only do opto on forced if requested
         if OPTO_FORCED:
             # Opto either periodic or random
             if OPTO_PERIODIC: 
                 # Every Nth trial exactly
                 if np.mod(len(trial_matrix), N_OPTO_TRIALS) == (
                     N_OPTO_TRIALS - 1):
                     res['OPTO'] = YES
                 # With probability 1/N
                 if np.random.rand() < (1. / N_OPTO_TRIALS):
                     res['OPTO'] = YES
     # Untranslate the rewside
     # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
     # and only untranslate at this point.
     res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2}[res['RWSD']]
     return res
Esempio n. 48
# Slice out the two gain ranges, using argsort
# These are the indexes into gains_l; also, can choose these values in n_gains_l
argsort_ggains = np.argsort(ggains)
undo_sort = np.argsort(argsort_ggains) # magic
range1 = undo_sort[:80] # check: gains_l[range1] is exponentially spaced
range2 = undo_sort[80:]
resdf['grange'] = 'narrow'
resdf['grange'][resdf['ngain'].isin(range1)] = 'broad'
assert resdf[resdf['grange'] == 'narrow']['ngain'].isin(range2).all()

# We only want the BROAD and the N=320 runs
N = 320
grange = 'broad'
resdf = my.pick_rows(resdf, grange=grange, N=N)

# Pivot and prepare to average over nreps
pivdf2 = resdf.pivot_table(
    rows=['n_noise_level', 'ngain'],
    cols=['nrep'], values=['score1b', 'score2b']) / 4. / NT_TEST

# Median performance over nreps
medians = pivdf2.median(axis=1, level=0)

# To plot the data, we want noise level on the columns and gain on the rows
data = medians['score1b'].unstack('n_noise_level')
data2 = medians['score2b'].unstack('n_noise_level')

Esempio n. 49
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next"""
        res = {}
        res['ISRND'] = NO
        res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.NO

        if len(trial_matrix) == 0:
            # First trial, so pick at random from trial_types
            if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
                idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                    0, len(self.picked_trial_types))]
                idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                    0, len(self.trial_types))]
            res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
            res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
            res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]

            # Not the first trial
            # First check that the last trial hasn't been released
            assert trial_matrix['release_time'].isnull().iloc[-1]

            # But that it has been responded
            assert not trial_matrix['choice'].isnull().iloc[-1]

            # Set side to left by default, and otherwise forced alt
            if len(trial_matrix) < 2:
                res['RWSD'] = 'right'
                # Get last trial
                last_trial = trial_matrix.iloc[-1]
                if last_trial['choice'] == last_trial['rewside']:
                    res['RWSD'] = {
                        'nogo': 'right',
                        'right': 'nogo'
                    res['RWSD'] = last_trial['rewside']

            # Update the stored force dir
            self.params['FD'] = res['RWSD']

            # ugly hack to get Session Starter working
            if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
                # Choose from trials from the forced side
                sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.picked_trial_types,
                assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
                # Choose from trials from the forced side
                sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types,
                assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0

            idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                0, len(sub_trial_types))]

            res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
            res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]

            # if the last three trials were all NOGO-on-GO errors, direct deliver
            if len(trial_matrix) > n_dd_trials:
                if (np.all(~trial_matrix['isrnd'].values[-n_dd_trials:])
                        and np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].
                                   values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'right')
                        and np.all(trial_matrix['outcome'].
                                   values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'spoil')):
                    res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.YES

        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2, 'nogo': 3}[res['RWSD']]

        return res
Esempio n. 50
def make_trials_matrix_from_logfile_lines2(logfile_lines,
    always_insert=('resp', 'outc')):
    """Parse out the parameters and outcomes from the lines in the logfile
    This was written to be a more optimized version of 
    make_trials_matrix_from_logfile_lines and is used in trial_setter.
    Should combine this with TrialMatrix.make_trial_matrix_from_logfile_lines
    and just make one thing that does this function.
    For each trial, the following parameters are extracted:
        trial_start : time in seconds at which TRL_START was issued
        trial_released: time in seconds at which trial was released
        All parameters and results listed for each trial.
    If the first trial has not started yet, an empty DataFrame is returned.

    The columns in always_insert are always inserted, even if they 
    weren't present. They will be inserted with np.nan, so the dtype 
    should be numerical, not stringy. The main use-case is the response 
    columns which are missing during the first trial but which most 
    code assumes exists.
    TODO: bug here where malformed lines cause pldf and lines not to match
    up anymore.
    if len(logfile_lines) == 0:
        return pandas.DataFrame(np.zeros((0, len(always_insert))),
    # Parse
    pldf = parse_lines_into_df(logfile_lines)
    if len(pldf) == 0:
        return pandas.DataFrame(np.zeros((0, len(always_insert))),

    # Find the boundaries between trials in logfile_lines
    trl_start_idxs = my.pick_rows(pldf, 
    if len(trl_start_idxs) == 0:
        return pandas.DataFrame(np.zeros((0, len(always_insert))),
    # Assign trial numbers. The first chunk of lines are pre-session setup,
    # so subtract 1 to make that trial "-1".
    # Use side = 'right' to place TRL_START itself correctly
    pldf['trial'] = np.searchsorted(np.asarray(trl_start_idxs), 
        np.asarray(pldf.index), side='right') - 1    
    # Extract various things
    trlps_by_trial = get_trial_parameters2(pldf, logfile_lines)
    trlrs_by_trial = get_trial_results2(pldf, logfile_lines)
    tt_by_trial = get_trial_timings(pldf, logfile_lines)
    # Join
    res = pandas.concat(
        [trlps_by_trial, trlrs_by_trial, tt_by_trial], axis=1,
    # Lower case the names
    res.columns = [col.lower() for col in res.columns]
    # rename timings names
    res = res.rename(columns={
        'trl_start': 'start_time',
        'trl_released': 'release_time',

    # Define duration
    if 'release_time' in res.columns and 'start_time' in res.columns:
        res['duration'] = res['release_time'] - res['start_time']
        res['release_time'] = pandas.Series([], dtype=np.float)
        res['start_time'] = pandas.Series([], dtype=np.float)
        res['duration'] = pandas.Series([], dtype=np.float)
    # Reorder
    ordered_cols = ['start_time', 'release_time', 'duration']
    for col in sorted(res.columns):
        if col not in ordered_cols:
    res = res[ordered_cols]
    # Avoid SettingWithCopyWarning below
    res = res.copy()
    # Insert always_insert
    for col in always_insert:
        if col not in res:
            res[col] = np.nan
    # Name index = 'trial'
    return res
Esempio n. 51
def make_plot(ax, ulabel):
    """Convenience function to scatter counts by angle with trend lines"""
    # Hold period counts
    counts_result = counts_results.ix[ulabel]
    hold_result = hold_results.ix[ulabel]

    # Test results
    test_result = test_res.ix[ulabel]

    # Parse into block and trial number and form spike_df
    labels = np.concatenate(
        [counts_result['LB_trials'], counts_result['PB_trials']])
    counts = np.concatenate(
        [counts_result['LB_counts'], counts_result['PB_counts']])
    blocks = np.concatenate([['LB'] * len(counts_result['LB_trials']),
                             ['PB'] * len(counts_result['PB_trials'])])
    spike_df = pandas.DataFrame({
        'btrial': labels,
        'counts': counts,
        'block': blocks

    # Behavioral info on the session
    session_name = unit_db['session_name'][ulabel]

    # Vid tracking object
    vts = vidtrack.Session(os.path.join(root_dir, session_name))

    # Convert to dataframe of head position
    location_df = vidtrack.vts_db2head_pos_df(vts, in_degrees=True)

    # Join and dropna (errors, short holds, etc)
    full_df = location_df.join(spike_df).dropna()

    # Subtract off mean head angle
    full_df['angl'] = full_df['angl'] - full_df['angl'].mean()

    # Plot
    block2color = {'LB': 'b', 'PB': 'r'}

    # Fit to all data
    m, b, r, p, se = scipy.stats.linregress(full_df['angl'],
    sdump.append("all: %0.3f" % p)
    xvals = mlab.prctile(full_df.angl, (5, 95))
    ax.plot(xvals, np.polyval((m, b), xvals), '-', color='k', lw=3)

    for block in ['LB', 'PB']:
        subdf = my.pick_rows(full_df, block=block)

        # Plot the individual points

        # Plot the linfits
        m, b, r, p, se = scipy.stats.linregress(subdf['angl'],
        sdump.append("block %s: %0.3f" % (block, p))
        xvals = mlab.prctile(subdf.angl, (15, 85))
                np.polyval((m, b), xvals),

    mmm = np.sqrt(full_df.counts.max())
    ax.set_ylim((-.5, mmm + .5))
    ax.set_yticks(list(range(int(mmm) + 1)))
    ax.set_xticks((-45, -30, -15, 0, 15, 30, 45))

    #~ ax.set_ylim((-.5, np.sqrt(full_df.counts.max()) + 0.5))
    ax.set_xlabel('head angle (degrees)')
    ax.set_ylabel('sqrt(trial spike count)')
Esempio n. 52
import my, my.dataload, my.plot, numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os.path


hold_results = pandas.load('hold_results')

# Rat names
gets = my.dataload.getstarted()

rec_l = []
for ratname, subdf1 in hold_results.groupby('ratname'):
    for region in ['A1', 'PFC']:
        subdf = my.pick_rows(subdf1, region=region)

        if len(region) > 0:
            nL = len(subdf[(subdf.p_adj < .05) & (subdf.mLB > subdf.mPB)])
            nP = len(subdf[(subdf.p_adj < .05) & (subdf.mLB < subdf.mPB)])
            nN = len(subdf[(subdf.p_adj >= .05)])
            nL, nP, nN = 0, 0, 0
        rec_l.append((ratname, region, nL, nP, nN))

res = pandas.DataFrame.from_records(rec_l,
                                    columns=('ratname', 'region', 'nL', 'nP',
                                                 ['region', 'ratname'])

divby = res.sum(1).astype(np.float)
Esempio n. 53
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next"""
        res = {}
        res['ISRND'] = NO
        res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.NO
        if len(trial_matrix) == 0:
            # First trial, so pick at random from trial_types
            if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
                idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(self.picked_trial_types))]
                idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(self.trial_types))]
            res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
            res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
            res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]
            # Not the first trial
            # First check that the last trial hasn't been released
            assert trial_matrix['release_time'].isnull().iloc[-1]
            # But that it has been responded
            assert not trial_matrix['choice'].isnull().iloc[-1]
            # Set side to left by default, and otherwise forced alt
            if len(trial_matrix) < 2:
                res['RWSD'] = 'right'
                # Get last trial
                last_trial = trial_matrix.iloc[-1]
                if last_trial['choice'] == last_trial['rewside']:
                    res['RWSD'] = {'nogo': 'right', 'right':'nogo'}[last_trial['rewside']]
                    res['RWSD'] = last_trial['rewside']
            # Update the stored force dir
            self.params['FD'] = res['RWSD']
            # ugly hack to get Session Starter working
            if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
                # Choose from trials from the forced side
                sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.picked_trial_types, 
                assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0                
                # Choose from trials from the forced side
                sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types, 
                assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
            idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(0, len(sub_trial_types))]
            res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
            res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]
            # if the last three trials were all NOGO-on-GO errors, direct deliver
            if len(trial_matrix) > n_dd_trials:
                if (
                    np.all(~trial_matrix['isrnd'].values[-n_dd_trials:]) and
                    np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'right') and
                    np.all(trial_matrix['outcome'].values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'spoil')):
                    res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.YES

        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2, 'nogo': 3}[res['RWSD']]
        return res    
Esempio n. 54
def read_logfile_into_df(logfile, nargs=4, add_trial_column=True):
    """Read logfile into a DataFrame
    Something like this should probably be the preferred way to read the 
    lines into a structured data frame.
    Use get_commands_from_parsed_lines to parse the arguments, eg,
    converting to numbers.
    Each line in the file will be a row in the data frame.
    Each line is separated by whitespace into the different columns.
    Thus, the first column will be "time", the second "command", and the
    rest "arguments".
    nargs : how many argument columns to add. Lines that contain more arguments
        than this will be silently truncated! Lines with fewer will be padded
        with None.
    add_trial_column : optionally add a column for the trial number of 
        each line. Lines before the first trial begins have trial number -1.
    The dtype will always be int for the time column and object (ie, string)
    for every other column. This is to ensure consistency. You may want
    to coerce certain columns into numeric dtypes.
    # Determine how many argument columns to use
    arg_cols = ['arg%d' % n for n in range(nargs)]
    all_cols = ['time', 'command'] + arg_cols
    # Set dtypes
    dtype_d = {'time':, 'command': np.object}
    for col in arg_cols:
        dtype_d[col] = np.object
    # Read. Important to avoid reading header of index or you can get
    # weird errors here, like unnamed columns.
    rdf = pandas.read_table(logfile, sep=' ', names=all_cols, 
        index_col=False, header=None)
    if not np.all(rdf.columns == all_cols):
        raise IOError("cannot read columns correctly from logfile")
    # Convert dtypes. We have to do it here, because if done during reading
    # it will crash on mal-formed dtypes. Could catch that error and then
    # run this...
    # Well this isn't that useful because it leaves dtypes messed up. Need
    # to find and drop the problematic lines.
    for col, dtyp in dtype_d.items():
            rdf[col] = rdf[col].astype(dtyp)
        except ValueError:
            print "warning: cannot coerce %s to %r" % (col, dtyp)
    # Join on trial number
    if add_trial_column:
        # Find the boundaries between trials in logfile_lines
        trl_start_idxs = my.pick_rows(rdf, 
        if len(trl_start_idxs) > 0:            
            # Assign trial numbers. The first chunk of lines are 
            # pre-session setup, so subtract 1 to make that trial "-1".
            # Use side = 'right' to place TRL_START itself correctly
            rdf['trial'] = np.searchsorted(np.asarray(trl_start_idxs), 
                np.asarray(rdf.index), side='right') - 1        
    # Error check
    # Very commonly the ACK TRL_RELEASED, SENH, AAR_L, and AAR_R commands
    # are out of order. So ignore this for now.
    # Somewhat commonly, there is a missing first digit of the time, for
    # some reason.
    rrdf = rdf[
        ~rdf.command.isin(['DBG', 'ACK', 'SENH']) &
        ~rdf.arg0.isin(['AAR_L', 'AAR_R'])
    unsorted_times = rrdf['time'].values
    bad_args = np.where(np.diff(unsorted_times) < 0)[0]
    if len(bad_args) > 0:
        first_bad_arg = bad_args[0]
        print "bad args"
        pre_bad_arg = np.max([first_bad_arg - 2, 0])
        post_bad_arg = np.min([first_bad_arg + 2, len(rrdf)])
        bad_rows = rrdf.ix[rrdf.index[pre_bad_arg]:rrdf.index[post_bad_arg]]
        print bad_rows
        raise ValueError("unsorted times in logfile, starting at line %d" %
    return rdf
Esempio n. 55
# This is only valid for indiv neurons
analysis = 'sua_cue'

# Previously there was a bug here where ulabel was set to index,
# but this is non-unique
res = pandas.load('decode_results_%s' % analysis)

# Add in information about hold period, region, and auditory-responsiveness
res = res.join(hold_results[['diffHz', 'p_adj']], on='ulabel')
res = res.join(unit_db[['region', 'audresp']], on='ulabel')

# Filter: keep only units for which there were 10 spikes total (across blocks)
keep_indexes = res[['block', 'n_spikes', 'ulabel']].pivot_table(
    rows='ulabel', cols='block', values='n_spikes').sum(1) >= 10
keep_ulabels = keep_indexes.index[keep_indexes.values]
res = my.pick_rows(res, ulabel=keep_ulabels)

# Additional filtering: drop units with low trial count (in EITHER block)
# Sometimes erratic results on the decoding analysis from such units
keep_indexes = res.pivot_table(rows='ulabel', cols='block',
                               values='n_trials').min(1) >= MIN_TRIAL_COUNT
keep_ulabels = keep_indexes.index[keep_indexes.values]
res = my.pick_rows(res, ulabel=keep_ulabels)

# Assign prefblock
res['prefblock'] = 'ns'
res['prefblock'][res.p_adj.isnull()] = 'NA'
res['prefblock'][(res.p_adj < .05) & (res.diffHz > 0)] = 'PB'
res['prefblock'][(res.p_adj < .05) & (res.diffHz < 0)] = 'LB'
Esempio n. 56
summary = counts[['dt']]
summary['mEv'] = counts['evok'].apply(np.mean)
summary['mSp'] = counts['pre'].apply(np.mean)
summary['mEvHz'] = summary['mEv'] / summary['dt']
summary['mSpHz'] = summary['mSp'] / .050
summary['diffHz'] = summary['mEvHz'] - summary['mSpHz']
summary['diffspks'] = summary['diffHz'] * summary['dt']
summary['ratio'] = summary['mEvHz'] / summary['mSpHz']
summary['region'] = unit_db['region'][summary.index]
summary['latency'] = 1000*unit_db[['audresp_t1', 'audresp_t2']].ix[
assert unit_db['include'][summary.index].all()

# Comparison of prevalence of audresp cells across regions
sdump = ''
A1_cells = my.pick_rows(unit_db, region='A1', include=True)
PFC_cells = my.pick_rows(unit_db, region='PFC', include=True)
n_A1_cells, n_audresp_A1_cells = map(len,
    [A1_cells, my.pick(A1_cells, audresp=['good', 'weak', 'sustained'])])
n_PFC_cells, n_audresp_PFC_cells = map(len,
    [PFC_cells, my.pick(PFC_cells, audresp=['good', 'weak', 'sustained'])])
sdump +=  "* A1: %d/%d\n" % (n_audresp_A1_cells, n_A1_cells)
sdump +=  "* PFC: %d/%d\n" % (n_audresp_PFC_cells, n_PFC_cells)
sdump +=  "* p=%0.4f, Fisher's Exact Test\n" % scipy.stats.fisher_exact([
    [n_audresp_A1_cells, n_A1_cells - n_audresp_A1_cells],
    [n_audresp_PFC_cells, n_PFC_cells - n_audresp_PFC_cells],])[1]
with file('stat__comparison_of_prevalence_of_audresp_cells_across_regions', 'w') as fi:
print sdump

# Histogram of strengths
Esempio n. 57
    def generate_trial_params(self, trial_matrix):
        """Given trial matrix so far, generate params for next"""
        res = {}
        res['ISRND'] = NO
        res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.NO
        res['OPTO'] = NO

        if len(trial_matrix) == 0:
            # First trial, so pick at random from trial_types
            if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
                idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                    0, len(self.picked_trial_types))]
                idx = self.trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                    0, len(self.trial_types))]
            res['RWSD'] = self.trial_types['rewside'][idx]
            res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
            res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]

            # Not the first trial
            # First check that the last trial hasn't been released
            assert trial_matrix['release_time'].isnull().iloc[-1]

            # But that it has been responded
            assert not trial_matrix['choice'].isnull().iloc[-1]

            # Set side to left by default, and otherwise forced alt
            if len(trial_matrix) < 2:
                res['RWSD'] = 'left'
                # Get last trial
                last_trial = trial_matrix.iloc[-1]
                if last_trial['choice'] == last_trial['rewside']:
                    res['RWSD'] = {
                        'left': 'right',
                        'right': 'left'
                    res['RWSD'] = last_trial['rewside']

            # Update the stored force dir
            self.params['FD'] = res['RWSD']

            # ugly hack to get Session Starter working
            if hasattr(self, 'picked_trial_types'):
                # Choose from trials from the forced side
                sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.picked_trial_types,
                assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0
                # Choose from trials from the forced side
                sub_trial_types = my.pick_rows(self.trial_types,
                assert len(sub_trial_types) > 0

            idx = sub_trial_types.index[np.random.randint(
                0, len(sub_trial_types))]

            res['STPPOS'] = self.trial_types['stppos'][idx]
            res['SRVPOS'] = self.trial_types['srvpos'][idx]

            # if the last three trials were all forced this way, direct deliver
            if len(trial_matrix) > n_dd_trials:
                if (np.all(~trial_matrix['isrnd'].values[-n_dd_trials:])
                        and np.all(trial_matrix['rewside'].
                                   values[-n_dd_trials:] == res['RWSD'])
                        and np.all(trial_matrix['outcome'].
                                   values[-n_dd_trials:] == 'error')):
                    res['DIRDEL'] = TrialSpeak.YES

            # Only do opto on forced if requested
            if OPTO_FORCED:
                # Opto either periodic or random
                if OPTO_PERIODIC:
                    # Every Nth trial exactly
                    if np.mod(len(trial_matrix),
                              N_OPTO_TRIALS) == (N_OPTO_TRIALS - 1):
                        res['OPTO'] = YES
                    # With probability 1/N
                    if np.random.rand() < (1. / N_OPTO_TRIALS):
                        res['OPTO'] = YES

        # Untranslate the rewside
        # This should be done more consistently, eg, use real phrases above here
        # and only untranslate at this point.
        res['RWSD'] = {'left': 1, 'right': 2}[res['RWSD']]

        return res
Esempio n. 58
summary = counts[['dt']]
summary['mEv'] = counts['evok'].apply(np.mean)
summary['mSp'] = counts['pre'].apply(np.mean)
summary['mEvHz'] = summary['mEv'] / summary['dt']
summary['mSpHz'] = summary['mSp'] / .050
summary['diffHz'] = summary['mEvHz'] - summary['mSpHz']
summary['diffspks'] = summary['diffHz'] * summary['dt']
summary['ratio'] = summary['mEvHz'] / summary['mSpHz']
summary['region'] = unit_db['region'][summary.index]
summary['latency'] = 1000 * unit_db[['audresp_t1', 'audresp_t2'
assert unit_db['include'][summary.index].all()

# Comparison of prevalence of audresp cells across regions
sdump = ''
A1_cells = my.pick_rows(unit_db, region='A1', include=True)
PFC_cells = my.pick_rows(unit_db, region='PFC', include=True)
n_A1_cells, n_audresp_A1_cells = map(
    len, [A1_cells,
          my.pick(A1_cells, audresp=['good', 'weak', 'sustained'])])
n_PFC_cells, n_audresp_PFC_cells = map(
     my.pick(PFC_cells, audresp=['good', 'weak', 'sustained'])])
sdump += "* A1: %d/%d\n" % (n_audresp_A1_cells, n_A1_cells)
sdump += "* PFC: %d/%d\n" % (n_audresp_PFC_cells, n_PFC_cells)
sdump += "* p=%0.4f, Fisher's Exact Test\n" % scipy.stats.fisher_exact([
    [n_audresp_A1_cells, n_A1_cells - n_audresp_A1_cells],
    [n_audresp_PFC_cells, n_PFC_cells - n_audresp_PFC_cells],
with file('stat__comparison_of_prevalence_of_audresp_cells_across_regions',
Esempio n. 59
if 'angl by session' in plots_to_make:
    #~ f, axa = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(9.5, 3))
    metric = 'angl'
    sdump = ['head angle by block']
    # One row per session
    for idx in idxs:
        f, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(3, 3))
        # Get data for these session
        df = full_data.ix[idx]
        bins = np.linspace(df[metric].min(), df[metric].max(), 30)
        # Slice out values for each block
        to_hist = [
            my.pick_rows(df, block=block)[metric].values 
            for block in ['LB', 'PB']]
        # Subtract off session mean
        sess_mean = np.mean(np.concatenate(to_hist))
        to_hist = [a - sess_mean for a in to_hist]
        sdump.append("Head angle diffs, %s" % idx)
        sdump.append('means by block: ' + str(map(np.mean, to_hist)))
        sdump.append('diff: ' + str(np.diff(map(np.mean, to_hist))))
        heights, bbins, patches = ax.hist(
            to_hist, color=['b', 'r'], histtype='step', 
            label=['LB', 'PB'])
        ax.set_ylim((0, np.max(map(np.max, heights)) * 1.1))