def finalizeInstallation(): """ Final steps of the installation, such as setting swift.conf and restarting services """ confFile = '/etc/swift/swift.conf' localFile = 'swift.conf' msg = 'Put base config file on node' out = put(localFile,confFile) if out.succeeded: printMessage('good',msg) else: printMessage('oops',msg) # In the [swift-hash] section, configure the hash path prefix and suffix for your environment set_parameter(confFile,'swift-hash','swift_hash_path_prefix',env_config.hashPathPrefix) set_parameter(confFile,'swift-hash','swift_hash_path_suffix',env_config.hashPathSuffix) # In the [storage-policy:0] section, configure the default storage policy set_parameter(confFile,'storage-policy:0','name','Policy-0') set_parameter(confFile,'storage-policy:0','default','yes') msg = 'Change ownership of the configuration directory to swift' run("chown -R swift:swift /etc/swift") execute(startServicesController) execute(startServicesStorage)
def finalizeInstallation(): """ Final steps of the installation, such as setting swift.conf and restarting services """ confFile = '/etc/swift/swift.conf' localFile = 'swift.conf' msg = 'Put base config file on node' out = put(localFile, confFile) if out.succeeded: printMessage('good', msg) else: printMessage('oops', msg) # In the [swift-hash] section, configure the hash path prefix and suffix for your environment set_parameter(confFile, 'swift-hash', 'swift_hash_path_prefix', env_config.hashPathPrefix) set_parameter(confFile, 'swift-hash', 'swift_hash_path_suffix', env_config.hashPathSuffix) # In the [storage-policy:0] section, configure the default storage policy set_parameter(confFile, 'storage-policy:0', 'name', 'Policy-0') set_parameter(confFile, 'storage-policy:0', 'default', 'yes') msg = 'Change ownership of the configuration directory to swift' run("chown -R swift:swift /etc/swift") execute(startServicesController) execute(startServicesStorage)
def installConfigureChrony(): msg = 'installing chrony on %s' % sudo('yum -y install chrony') var1 = run('rpm -qa |grep chrony ') printMessage("good", msg) + " version " + var1) if == 'controller': sed('/etc/chrony.conf', 'server iburst', 'server iburst') sed('/etc/chrony.conf', 'server iburst', 'server iburst') sed('/etc/chrony.conf', 'server iburst', 'server iburst') sed('/etc/chrony.conf', 'server iburst', '') sed("/etc/chrony.conf", "#allow 192.168/16", "allow 192.168/16") else: run('echo "server controller iburst" > /etc/chrony.conf') run('systemctl restart chronyd.service') result = run('systemctl status chronyd.service') if result.failed:" starting Chrony on " + run('systemctl start chronyd.service') run('systemctl enable chronyd.service') else:" restarting Chrony on " + run('systemctl restart chronyd.service') printMessage("good", msg) var1 = run('systemctl status chronyd.service |grep Active') + " Chrony is " + var1)
def wait_to_finish(elementType, listCommand, elementName, finishWord): print(blue("Waiting for %s to finish" % elementType)) with settings(warn_only=True): msg = 'Create %s' % elementType finishCheck = run("%s | grep %s | grep -i %s" % (listCommand, elementName, finishWord), quiet=True) while finishCheck == '': finishCheck = run("%s | grep %s | grep -i %s" % (listCommand, elementName, finishWord), quiet=True) time = run('date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"', quiet=True) errorCheck = run("%s | grep %s | grep -i ERROR" % (listCommand, elementName), quiet=True) if errorCheck != '': myLib.printMessage('oops', msg) errormsg = 'Failure on: ' + msg logging.error(errormsg) logging.error(errorCheck) myLib.checkLog(time) sys.exit("%s couldn't finish. Check logs above" % elementType) myLib.printMessage('good', msg)'Success on: ' + msg) logging.debug(finishCheck) print(green("%s done!" % elementType))
def mustDoOnHost(): selinuxStatus = run("grep -w ^SELINUX /etc/selinux/config") if ("enforcing" in selinuxStatus): sed('/etc/selinux/config', 'SELINUX=enforcing', 'SELINUX=disabled') print( red(" REBOOT ") + green(" REBOOT ") + blue(" REBOOT ") + " REBOOT ") abort("you must reboot") with settings(warn_only=True): fwdstatus = run("systemctl is-active firewalld") if (fwdstatus != "unknown"): msg = 'Stop & Disable firewalld on ' + runCheck(msg, 'systemctl stop firewalld ; systemctl disable firewalld') msg = 'Renaming host to %s' % env['host'] run('hostnamectl set-hostname %s' % env['host']) printMessage("good", msg) with settings(warn_only=True): hostsStatus = run('grep controller /etc/hosts') if (hostsStatus.return_code != 0): msg = "updating /etc/hosts" for host in nicDictionary.keys(): newline = '%s\t%s' % (nicDictionary[host]['mgtIPADDR'], host) runCheck(msg, "echo '%s' >> /etc/hosts" % newline)
def installConfigureChrony(): msg='installing chrony on %s'% sudo('yum -y install chrony') var1=run('rpm -qa |grep chrony ') printMessage("good", msg) +" version "+ var1) if == 'controller': sed ('/etc/chrony.conf', 'server iburst', 'server iburst') sed ('/etc/chrony.conf', 'server iburst', 'server iburst') sed ('/etc/chrony.conf', 'server iburst', 'server iburst') sed ('/etc/chrony.conf', 'server iburst', '') sed("/etc/chrony.conf","#allow 192.168/16","allow 192.168/16") else: run('echo "server controller iburst" > /etc/chrony.conf') run('systemctl restart chronyd.service') result=run('systemctl status chronyd.service') if result.failed:" starting Chrony on " run('systemctl start chronyd.service') run('systemctl enable chronyd.service') else:" restarting Chrony on " run('systemctl restart chronyd.service') printMessage("good",msg) var1=run('systemctl status chronyd.service |grep Active') +" Chrony is "+ var1)
def secureDB(): if ( != "controller"): return run('echo "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User=\'\';" | mysql ') run('echo "DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db=\'test\' " | mysql ') run("""echo "update mysql.user set password=password('%s') where user='******'; " |mysql """ % env_config.passwd['ROOT_SECRET']) run('systemctl restart mariadb.service') run("""echo 'select user,password from mysql.user where user="******"' | mysql -u root -p%s """ % env_config.passwd['ROOT_SECRET']) printMessage("good","********** MySQL is installed, configured and secured *************")"********** MySQL is installed, configured and secured *************")
def tdd_DB(): if ( != "controller"): return msg=" talk to database engine" result = run('mysql -u root -p%s -e "SHOW DATABASES"'% env_config.passwd['ROOT_SECRET']) if result.failed : printMessage("oops",msg) else: printMessage("good",msg) print("Here is a list of the current databases:\n %s"% result)
def tdd_DB(): if ( != "controller"): return msg = " talk to database engine" result = run('mysql -u root -p%s -e "SHOW DATABASES"' % env_config.passwd['ROOT_SECRET']) if result.failed: printMessage("oops", msg) else: printMessage("good", msg) print("Here is a list of the current databases:\n %s" % result)
def secureDB(): if ( != "controller"): return run('echo "DELETE FROM mysql.user WHERE User=\'\';" | mysql ') run('echo "DELETE FROM mysql.db WHERE Db=\'test\' " | mysql ') run("""echo "update mysql.user set password=password('%s') where user='******'; " |mysql """ % env_config.passwd['ROOT_SECRET']) run('systemctl restart mariadb.service') run("""echo 'select user,password from mysql.user where user="******"' | mysql -u root -p%s """ % env_config.passwd['ROOT_SECRET']) printMessage( "good", "********** MySQL is installed, configured and secured *************") "********** MySQL is installed, configured and secured *************")
def configureController(): confFile = '/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf' localFile = 'proxy-server.conf' # proxyServerConf is a config file made based on this model: # msg = "Put base {} on controller".format(confFile) out = put(localFile, confFile) if out.succeeded: printMessage('good', msg) else: printMessage('oops', msg) # set parameters set_parameter(confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'bind_port', '8080') set_parameter(confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'user', 'swift') set_parameter(confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'swift_dir', '/etc/swift') set_parameter( confFile, 'pipeline:main', 'pipeline', "'authtoken cache healthcheck keystoneauth proxy-logging proxy-server'" ) set_parameter(confFile, 'app:proxy-server', 'allow_account_management', 'true') set_parameter(confFile, 'app:proxy-server', 'account_autocreate', 'true') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:keystoneauth', 'use', 'egg:swift#keystoneauth') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:keystoneauth', 'operator_roles', 'admin,_member_') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:authtoken', 'paste.filter_factory', 'keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:authtoken', 'auth_uri', 'http://controller:5000/v2.0') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:authtoken', 'identity_uri', 'http://controller:35357') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:authtoken', 'admin_tenant_name', 'service') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:authtoken', 'admin_user', 'swift') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:authtoken', 'admin_password', passwd['SWIFT_PASS']) set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:authtoken', 'delay_auth_decision', 'true') set_parameter(confFile, 'filter:cache', 'memcache_servers', '')
def wait_to_finish(elementType, listCommand, elementName, finishWord): print(blue("Waiting for %s to finish" % elementType)) with settings(warn_only=True): msg = 'Create %s' % elementType finishCheck = run("%s | grep %s | grep -i %s" % (listCommand, elementName, finishWord), quiet=True) while finishCheck == '': finishCheck = run("%s | grep %s | grep -i %s" % (listCommand, elementName, finishWord), quiet=True) time = run('date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"',quiet=True) errorCheck = run("%s | grep %s | grep -i ERROR" % (listCommand, elementName), quiet=True) if errorCheck != '': myLib.printMessage('oops',msg) errormsg = 'Failure on: ' + msg logging.error(errormsg) logging.error(errorCheck) myLib.checkLog(time) sys.exit("%s couldn't finish. Check logs above" % elementType) myLib.printMessage('good',msg)'Success on: ' + msg) logging.debug(finishCheck) print(green("%s done!" % elementType))
def mustDoOnHost(): selinuxStatus=run("grep -w ^SELINUX /etc/selinux/config") if( "enforcing" in selinuxStatus): sed('/etc/selinux/config','SELINUX=enforcing','SELINUX=disabled') print(red(" REBOOT ")+green(" REBOOT ")+blue(" REBOOT ")+" REBOOT ") abort("you must reboot") with settings(warn_only=True): fwdstatus=run("systemctl is-active firewalld") if ( fwdstatus != "unknown"): msg = 'Stop & Disable firewalld on ' + runCheck(msg, 'systemctl stop firewalld ; systemctl disable firewalld') msg='Renaming host to %s' % env['host'] run('hostnamectl set-hostname %s' % env['host']) printMessage("good", msg) with settings(warn_only=True): hostsStatus=run('grep controller /etc/hosts') if(hostsStatus.return_code != 0): msg="updating /etc/hosts" for host in nicDictionary.keys(): newline = '%s\t%s' % (nicDictionary[host]['mgtIPADDR'], host) runCheck(msg,"echo '%s' >> /etc/hosts" % newline)
def configureController(): confFile = '/etc/swift/proxy-server.conf' localFile = 'proxy-server.conf' # proxyServerConf is a config file made based on this model: # msg = "Put base {} on controller".format(confFile) out = put(localFile,confFile) if out.succeeded: printMessage('good',msg) else: printMessage('oops',msg) # set parameters set_parameter(confFile,'DEFAULT','bind_port','8080') set_parameter(confFile,'DEFAULT','user','swift') set_parameter(confFile,'DEFAULT','swift_dir','/etc/swift') set_parameter(confFile,'pipeline:main','pipeline',"'authtoken cache healthcheck keystoneauth proxy-logging proxy-server'") set_parameter(confFile,'app:proxy-server','allow_account_management','true') set_parameter(confFile,'app:proxy-server','account_autocreate','true') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:keystoneauth','use','egg:swift#keystoneauth') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:keystoneauth','operator_roles','admin,_member_') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:authtoken','paste.filter_factory','keystonemiddleware.auth_token:filter_factory') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:authtoken','auth_uri','http://controller:5000/v2.0') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:authtoken','identity_uri','http://controller:35357') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:authtoken','admin_tenant_name','service') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:authtoken','admin_user','swift') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:authtoken','admin_password',passwd['SWIFT_PASS']) set_parameter(confFile,'filter:authtoken','delay_auth_decision','true') set_parameter(confFile,'filter:cache','memcache_servers','')
def configureStorage(): """ Set the account-, container-, and object-server conf files """ serverConfFiles = ['account-server.conf','container-server.conf','object-server.conf'] ip = env_config.nicDictionary['compute1']['mgtIPADDR'] devicepath = swiftGlusterDir # devicepath = '/srv/node' # save base files into the host for fil in serverConfFiles: remotefile = '/etc/swift/' + fil out = put(fil,remotefile) msg = "Save file {} on host {}".format(fil, if out.succeeded: printMessage('good', msg) else: printMessage('oops', msg) # set variables that are the same in all conf files for confFile in serverConfFiles: set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile,'DEFAULT','bind_ip',ip) set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile,'DEFAULT','user','swift') set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile,'DEFAULT','swift_dir','/etc/swift') set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile,'DEFAULT','devices',devicepath) set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile,'filter:recon','recon_cache_path','/var/cache/swift') # when the device isn't an actual disk, # we need to set mount_check to false set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile,'DEFAULT','mount_check','false') # Edit the account-server.conf file confFile = '/etc/swift/' + serverConfFiles[0] set_parameter(confFile,'DEFAULT','bind_port','6002') set_parameter(confFile,'pipeline:main','pipeline',"'healthcheck recon account-server'") # Edit the /etc/swift/container-server.conf file confFile = '/etc/swift/' + serverConfFiles[1] set_parameter(confFile,'DEFAULT','bind_port','6001') set_parameter(confFile,'pipeline:main','pipeline',"'healthcheck recon container-server'") # Edit the /etc/swift/object-server.conf confFile = '/etc/swift/' + serverConfFiles[2] set_parameter(confFile,'DEFAULT','bind_port','6000') set_parameter(confFile,'pipeline:main','pipeline',"'healthcheck recon object-server'") msg = 'Ensure proper ownership of the mount point directory structure' runCheck(msg, "chown -R swift:swift {}".format(devicepath)) msg = 'Create the recon directory' runCheck(msg, "mkdir -p /var/cache/swift") msg = 'Ensure proper ownership of recon directory' runCheck(msg, " chown -R swift:swift /var/cache/swift")
def check_firewall(): with settings(warn_only=True): fwdstatus=run("systemctl is-active firewalld") if ( fwdstatus == "unknown"): msg="Verify firewall is down " printMessage("good",msg)
def tdd_lvs(): msg = "TDD LVS Free space" lvsFree=run("vgs | awk '/centos/ {print $7}'") printMessage("good", msg +' '+ lvsFree)
def tdd_lvs(): msg = "TDD LVS Free space" lvsFree = run("vgs | awk '/centos/ {print $7}'") printMessage("good", msg + ' ' + lvsFree)
def check_firewall(): with settings(warn_only=True): fwdstatus = run("systemctl is-active firewalld") if (fwdstatus == "unknown"): msg = "Verify firewall is down " printMessage("good", msg)
def configureStorage(): """ Set the account-, container-, and object-server conf files """ serverConfFiles = [ 'account-server.conf', 'container-server.conf', 'object-server.conf' ] ip = env_config.nicDictionary['compute1']['mgtIPADDR'] devicepath = swiftGlusterDir # devicepath = '/srv/node' # save base files into the host for fil in serverConfFiles: remotefile = '/etc/swift/' + fil out = put(fil, remotefile) msg = "Save file {} on host {}".format(fil, if out.succeeded: printMessage('good', msg) else: printMessage('oops', msg) # set variables that are the same in all conf files for confFile in serverConfFiles: set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'bind_ip', ip) set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'user', 'swift') set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'swift_dir', '/etc/swift') set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'devices', devicepath) set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile, 'filter:recon', 'recon_cache_path', '/var/cache/swift') # when the device isn't an actual disk, # we need to set mount_check to false set_parameter('/etc/swift/' + confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'mount_check', 'false') # Edit the account-server.conf file confFile = '/etc/swift/' + serverConfFiles[0] set_parameter(confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'bind_port', '6002') set_parameter(confFile, 'pipeline:main', 'pipeline', "'healthcheck recon account-server'") # Edit the /etc/swift/container-server.conf file confFile = '/etc/swift/' + serverConfFiles[1] set_parameter(confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'bind_port', '6001') set_parameter(confFile, 'pipeline:main', 'pipeline', "'healthcheck recon container-server'") # Edit the /etc/swift/object-server.conf confFile = '/etc/swift/' + serverConfFiles[2] set_parameter(confFile, 'DEFAULT', 'bind_port', '6000') set_parameter(confFile, 'pipeline:main', 'pipeline', "'healthcheck recon object-server'") msg = 'Ensure proper ownership of the mount point directory structure' runCheck(msg, "chown -R swift:swift {}".format(devicepath)) msg = 'Create the recon directory' runCheck(msg, "mkdir -p /var/cache/swift") msg = 'Ensure proper ownership of recon directory' runCheck(msg, " chown -R swift:swift /var/cache/swift")