Esempio n. 1
    def mut_auth(self, SL, logCh=0, **kw):
        """ Perform mutual authentication.
Optional paramters in kw:
 - host_challenge
        # select SD
        self.scp.logCh = logCh
        aid = self.scp.SD_AID
        cla = self.scp.CLA(False, 0)
        apdu = [ cla, 0xA4, 0x04, 0, len( aid ) ] + \
               [ ord( x ) for x in aid ]
        resp, sw1, sw2 = CardConnectionDecorator.transmit(self, apdu)
        if sw1 == 0x61:
            apdu = [cla, 0xC0, 0, 0, sw2]
            resp, sw1, sw2 = CardConnectionDecorator.transmit(self, apdu)
        sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
        if sw != 0x9000: raise ISOException(sw)

        # Initial update
        host_challenge = kw.get('host_challenge', '\0' * 8)
        apdu = self.scp.initUpdate(host_challenge, logCh)
        resp, sw1, sw2 = CardConnectionDecorator.transmit(self, apdu)
        if sw1 == 0x61:
            apdu = [cla, 0xC0, 0, 0, sw2]
            resp, sw1, sw2 = CardConnectionDecorator.transmit(self, apdu)
        sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
        if sw != 0x9000: raise ISOException(sw)
        # parse response to initial update in order to derive keys

        # External authenticate
        apdu = self.scp.extAuth(SL)
        resp, sw1, sw2 = CardConnectionDecorator.transmit(self, apdu)
        sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
        if sw != 0x9000: raise ISOException(sw)
Esempio n. 2
def openLogCh(c):
    """ Manage channel to open logical channel. """
    apdu = [0, INS_MANAGE_LOGCH, 0, 0, 1]
    resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
    if sw != 0x9000:
        raise ISOException(sw)
    return resp[0]
Esempio n. 3
def readBinary(c, le, logCh=0, offset=0):
    """Read Binary on currently selected EF"""
    P1 = (offset >> 8) & 0x7F
    P2 = offset & 0xFF
    apdu = [logCh, INS_READBIN, P1, P2, le]
    resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
    if sw != 0x9000:
        raise ISOException(sw)
    return l2s(resp)
Esempio n. 4
def readRecord(c, recNum, logCh=0):
    """ Read record from currently selected EF"""
    apdu = [logCh, INS_READREC, recNum, 4, 0]
    resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    if sw1 == 0x6C:
        apdu[4] = sw2
        resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
    if sw != 0x9000:
        raise ISOException(sw)
    return l2s(resp)
Esempio n. 5
def getData(c, tag):
    P1 = tag >> 8
    P2 = tag & 0xFF
    apdu = [0x80, INS_GETDATA, P1, P2, 0]
    resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    if sw1 == 0x6C:
        apdu[4] = sw2
        resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
    if sw != 0x9000: raise ISOException(sw)
    return l2s(resp)
Esempio n. 6
def selectFile(c, path, logCh=0):
    """ Select file by path from MF or MF for empty path """
    if len(path) > 0:
        apdu = [logCh, INS_SELECT, 8, 4, len(path)] + [ord(x) for x in path]
        apdu = [logCh, INS_SELECT, 0, 4, 2, 0x3F, 0x00]
    resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    if sw1 == 0x61:
        resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit([0, 0xC0, 0, 0, sw2])
    sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
    if sw != 0x9000:
        raise ISOException(sw)
    return l2s(resp)
Esempio n. 7
def getExtCardRes(c):
    """ Issue GET DATA with tag FF21 in order to receive Extended
Card Resources (GP 2.2.1, 11.3 & ETSI TS 102.226,
Returns [ num. of install applets, free NVM, free RAM ]"""
    # CLA = 0x00: return only value
    # CLA = 0x80: return TLV, i.e. 0xFF21 #( value )
    apdu = [0x80, INS_GETDATA, 0xFF, 0x21, 0]
    resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    if sw1 == 0x6C:
        apdu[4] = sw2
        resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
    if sw != 0x9000: raise ISOException(sw)
    payload = l2s(resp)
    result = [
        s2int(findTLValue(payload, (0xFF21, tag)))
        for tag in (0x81, 0x82, 0x83)
    return result
Esempio n. 8
def selectApplet(c, AID, logCh=0):
    """ Select applet on a given logical channel or
open new log. channel if logCh is None. """
    if logCh is None:
        logCh = openLogCh(c)
    # select the Applet on the given logical channel
    apdu = [logCh, INS_SELECT, 4, 0, len(AID)] + [ord(x) for x in AID]
    resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    if sw1 == 0x6C and len(AID) == 0:
        apdu = [logCh, INS_SELECT, 4, 0, sw2]
        resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    if (sw1 == 0x61):
        apdu = [logCh, 0xC0, 0, 0, sw2]
        resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
    if sw != 0x9000: raise ISOException(sw)
    respdata = l2s(resp)
    # close channel
    return (respdata, logCh)
Esempio n. 9
def getStatus(sc, AID_pref=''):
    """ Issue GET STATUS apdu for packages and modules, and instances. """
    res = {}
    for P1 in (0x10, 0x40):
        apdu = [
            0x80, INS_GETSTATUS, P1, 0, 2 + len(AID_pref), 0x4F,
        ] + [ord(x) for x in AID_pref]
        respdata, sw1, sw2 = sc.transmit(apdu)
        sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
        while sw == 0x6310:
            apdu = [
                0x80, INS_GETSTATUS, P1, 1, 2 + len(AID_pref), 0x4F,
            ] + [ord(x) for x in AID_pref]
            resp, sw1, sw2 = sc.transmit(apdu)
            respdata += resp
            sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
        if sw != 0x9000: raise ISOException(sw)
        res[P1] = respdata
    return GetStatusData(res[0x10], res[0x40])
Esempio n. 10
def closeLogCh(c, logCh):
    apdu = [0, INS_MANAGE_LOGCH, 0x80, logCh, 0]
    resp, sw1, sw2 = c.transmit(apdu)
    sw = (sw1 << 8) + sw2
    if sw != 0x9000:
        raise ISOException(sw)