def test_c4(mycode):
    '''In `MyClass`, define a method called 'add5', which takes a single
      parameter. The method must add the number 5 to the parameter, and add the
      result to the instance parameter 'instvar'. If `instvar` is greater than
      100, the method must return True. Return None otherwise.'''

    assert isfunction(mycode.MyClass.add5)    # does add5 exist and is a method?

    m1 = mycode.MyClass(0)

    r = m1.add5(5)
    assert r == False               # check result
    assert m1.instvar == 10         # check that the operation happened

    r = m1.add5(86)
    assert r == True                # check result
    assert m1.instvar == 101        # check that the operation happened

    r = m1.add5(0)
    assert r == True                # check result
    assert m1.instvar == 106        # check that the expected operation happened

    # Here's a better test
    for i in range(100):
        for j in range(100):
            m2 = mycode.MyClass(i)
            r = m2.add5(j)

            assert m2.instvar == i + j + 5 # first check the value

            # next check the result
            if i + j + 5 > 100:
               assert r == True
                assert r == False
def test_c3(mycode):
    """Define a constructor method for `MyClass`, taking a single parameter.
       The parameter must be set as an instance variable (also called an 'attribute')
       called 'instvar'. If the parameter is equal to the string 'Hi', then the
       'instvar' attribute must be set to 'Hello'"""

    assert not hasattr(mycode.MyClass, 'instvar') # make sure it's not a class variable

    # check to see if instructions were followed
    for i in range(10):
        m = mycode.MyClass(i)
        assert m.instvar == i

    m = mycode.MyClass('Hi')
    assert m.instvar == 'Hello'     # Follow instructions?
def test_c7(mycode):
    '''In `MyClass`, define two functions, `a` (taking a single parameter)
       and `b` (taking no parameters). When `b` is called, it must return the value
       that was passed to the `a` function. If the `a` function was never called,
       `b` must return None. '''

    m1 = mycode.MyClass(1)

    val = 'string'
    assert m1.b() is val     # make sure the return value is correct

    m2 = mycode.MyClass(2)
    assert m2.b() == None    # did you follow the rules?

    for i in range(10000):        
        assert m1.b() == i   # make sure the return value is correct
def test_c5(mycode):
    '''In `MyClass`, define a property method called `prop` which must always
       return the string 'hi'.'''

    assert hasattr(mycode.MyClass, 'prop')              # does the 'prop' property exist?
    assert isinstance(mycode.MyClass.prop, property)    # is it a property?

    m = mycode.MyClass(1)
    assert m.prop == 'hi'
def test_c6(mycode):
    '''In `MyClass`, when the `prop` property is set, it must set an instance
       variable called '_prop' to the value it was set to'''

    assert hasattr(mycode.MyClass, 'prop')              # does the 'prop' property exist?
    assert isinstance(mycode.MyClass.prop, property)    # is it a property?

    m = mycode.MyClass(1)
    assert m.prop == 'hi'
    m.prop = 1234
    assert hasattr(m, '_prop')      # did the value get set to the correct attribute?
    assert m._prop == 1234          # is the value of _prop correct?
    assert m.prop == 'hi'

    # serious testing
    for i in range(10000):
        m = mycode.MyClass(1)
        m.prop = i
        assert m._prop == i