Esempio n. 1
def merge_branch_instances(instances, num_branch, nms_thrsh, topk_per_image):
    Merge detection results from different branches of TridentNet.
    Return detection results by applying non-maximum suppression (NMS) on bounding boxes
    and keep the unsuppressed boxes and other instances (e.g mask) if any.

        instances (list[Instances]): A list of N * num_branch instances that store detection
            results. Contain N images and each image has num_branch instances.
        num_branch (int): Number of branches used for merging detection results for each image.
        nms_thresh (float):  The threshold to use for box non-maximum suppression. Value in [0, 1].
        topk_per_image (int): The number of top scoring detections to return. Set < 0 to return
            all detections.

        results: (list[Instances]): A list of N instances, one for each image in the batch,
            that stores the topk most confidence detections after merging results from multiple
    if num_branch == 1:
        return instances

    batch_size = len(instances) // num_branch
    results = []
    for i in range(batch_size):
        instance =
            [instances[i + batch_size * j] for j in range(num_branch)])

        # Apply per-class NMS
        keep = batched_nms(instance.pred_boxes.tensor, instance.scores,
                           instance.pred_classes, nms_thrsh)
        keep = keep[:topk_per_image]
        result = instance[keep]


    return results
Esempio n. 2
def add_ground_truth_to_proposals_single_image(gt_boxes, proposals):
    Augment `proposals` with ground-truth boxes from `gt_boxes`.

        Same as `add_ground_truth_to_proposals`, but with gt_boxes and proposals
        per image.

        Same as `add_ground_truth_to_proposals`, but for only one image.
    device = proposals.objectness_logits.device
    # Concatenating gt_boxes with proposals requires them to have the same fields
    # Assign all ground-truth boxes an objectness logit corresponding to P(object) \approx 1.
    gt_logit_value = math.log((1.0 - 1e-10) / (1 - (1.0 - 1e-10)))

    gt_logits = gt_logit_value * torch.ones(len(gt_boxes), device=device)
    gt_proposal = Instances(proposals.image_size)

    gt_proposal.proposal_boxes = gt_boxes
    gt_proposal.objectness_logits = gt_logits
    new_proposals =[proposals, gt_proposal])

    return new_proposals