Xlist = np.arange(0.0,lon+xstep,xstep)# x co-ordinates of the desired array shape
Ylist = np.arange(0.0,lat+ystep,ystep)# y co-ordinates of the desired array shape
Zlist = np.arange(0.0,depth_ml+zstep,zstep)# y co-ordinates of the desired array shape
[X,Y,Z] = myfun.meshgrid2(Xlist,Ylist,Zlist)
Y = np.reshape(Y,(np.size(Y),))
X = np.reshape(X,(np.size(X),))
Z = np.reshape(Z,(np.size(Z),))

par = np.zeros((pt,3,tt))

time = det['ElapsedTime']['value']

# read particles

for d in range(pt):
 temp = det['Particles_'+myfun.digit(d+1,6)]['position']
 par[d,:,:] = temp[:,0:tt]

#fsle param
di = 0.5 # base separation distance [m]. Taken as the distance between the particles in the triplet.

# read ML depth from file

Tref = [0.2,0.3]
mld = []

for i in range(len(Tref)):
 Data = pyvtk.VtkData('/nethome/jmensa/scripts_fluidity/2D/ML/output/'+exp+'/ML_'+myfun.digit(Tref[i],3)+'_'+exp+'_'+day+'.vtk')

# read T from archive
for z in range(0,len(Zlist),2): 
 print 'depth', z
 par2Dz = par[z::6,:,:] 
 for t in range(1,tt,5):
  print 'time', time[t]/3600.0
  fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10,7))
  ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
  s2D = ax.scatter(par2Dz[:,0,t]/1000.0, par2Dz[:,1,t]/1000.0, par2Dz[:,2,t]-Zlist[z], c = par2Dz[:,2,t], s = 35, marker='.', lw = 0)
  print 'Saving 2D to eps'
  ax.text(-120, -120, 90, str(Zlist[z])+'m', fontsize=16)
  ax.text(-120, -120, 80, str(np.round((time[t]/86400 - time[0]/86400)*10)/10.0)+'day', fontsize=16)
  ax.set_xlabel('X [km]',fontsize=18)
  ax.set_ylabel('Y [km]',fontsize=18)
  ax.set_zlabel(r'$\Delta$Z [m]',fontsize=18)
  ax.tick_params(axis='x', labelsize=14)
  ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=14)
  ax.tick_params(axis='z', labelsize=14)
  print       './plot/'+exp+'/traj_3d_'+exp+'_'+str(Zlist[z])+'_'+myfun.digit(str(int(time[t]/3600)),4)+'.eps'
tt = 267
#tt = 120

if len(time2D) < len(time3D):
 time = time2D[:tt]
 time = time3D[:tt]

print 'particles:',pt
print 'timesteps:',tt

par3D = np.zeros((pt,3,tt))
par2D = np.zeros((pt,3,tt))

for d in xrange(pt):
 temp3D = det3D['particles_'+myfun.digit(d+1,len(str(pt)))]['position']
 par3D[d,:,:] = temp3D[:,:tt]
 temp2D = det2D['particles_'+myfun.digit(d+1,len(str(pt)))]['position']
 par2D[d,:,:] = temp2D[:,:tt]

# horizontal
depth = 11 #11

pd = range(1,depth,3)

nl = len(pd)

A_3D = np.zeros((tt,nl))
A_2D = np.zeros((tt,nl))
D_3D = np.zeros((tt,nl))
D_2D = np.zeros((tt,nl))
tt = 1200
pt = 5896
step = 1

z = range(-10,-890,-10)
x = range(-100000,100000,3000)
y = 0.0

par = np.zeros((pt,3,tt))

time = range(1800,1800*(tt+1),1800)

# read particles

for d in range(pt):
 temp = det['particles_'+myfun.digit(d+1,4)]['position']
 par[d,:,:] = temp[:,0:tt]

#fsle param
di = 10 # base separation distance [m]. Taken as the distance between the particles in the triplet.

# read T from archive

for r in np.linspace(1,3):
 #print 'plotting for dr:',r*di
fsle  = np.zeros(pt)*np.nan
df = 11.0 #r*di # separation distance
 # loop triplets in time
Esempio n. 5
    print "fields: ", data.GetFieldNames()
    Ts = np.reshape(data.ProbeData(vtktools.arr(zip(X, Y, Z)), "Temperature"), [len(Zlist), len(Ylist), len(Xlist)])
    triangles = myfun.pts2trs(len(Xlist), len(Ylist))
    for t in range(len(Tref)):
        points = np.zeros([len(Ylist) * len(Xlist), 3])
        mld = np.zeros(len(Ylist) * len(Xlist))
        id = 0
        for j in xrange(len(Ylist)):
            for i in xrange(len(Xlist)):
                for k in xrange(len(Zlist)):
                    if Ts[k, j, i] - Ts[0, j, i] <= -Tref[t]:
                        points[id, :] = Xlist[i], Ylist[j], Zlist[k]
                        mld[id] = Zlist[k]
                        id = id + 1

        vtk = pyvtk.VtkData(
            pyvtk.UnstructuredGrid(points, triangle=triangles),
            pyvtk.PointData(pyvtk.Scalars(mld, "MLD")),
            "Unstructured Grid Example",
        print "./output/" + label + "/ML_" + myfun.digit(Tref[t], 3) + "_" + file1
        vtk.tofile("./output/" + label + "/ML_" + myfun.digit(Tref[t], 3) + "_" + file1)

    del data
#  e1.set_facecolor('none')
#  e1.set_edgecolor('k')
#  e1.set_linewidth(2.5)
#  e1.set_linestyle('dashed')

#  ax.text(0, 3.5, str(z0[z])+'m, '+str(time0[t]/3600)+'h', fontsize=18)
  plt.xlabel('X [$km$]', fontsize=18)
  plt.ylabel('Y [$km$]', fontsize=18)
#  plt.xlim([-1 , 9])
#  plt.ylim([-1 , 9])
  plt.xlim([-5 , 13])
  plt.ylim([-5 , 13])
  print       './plot/'+exp+'/traj_'+exp+'_z'+str(z0[z])+'_'+myfun.digit(int(time0[t]),10)+'_h.eps'
  # plot ellipse

# vertical

  fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))

  s2D = plt.scatter(par2Dz[:,0,t]/1000, par2Dz[:,2,t],  marker='.', s=35, facecolor='b', lw = 0)
pt = int(os.popen('grep position '+filename+'| wc -l').read()) # read the number of particles grepping all the positions in the file

print 'particles:',pt
print 'timesteps:',tt
print 'step:',step

# read particles

par = np.zeros((pt,3,tt))

time = det['ElapsedTime']['value']

# read particles

for d in range(pt):
 temp = det['particles_'+myfun.digit(d+1,len(str(pt)))]['position']
 par[d,:,:] = temp[:,0:tt]

# line takes only two points at the time. it has to be defined for each segment

if flag == 0:
# build points coord
 for st in range(tt):
  # build points coord
  points = []
  lines = []
  l = 0
  for d in range(0,pt-step,step):
   for i in [0,4]:
tt = 120

if len(time2D) < len(time3D):
    time = time2D[:tt]
    time = time3D[:tt]

print "particles:", pt
print "timesteps:", tt

par3D = np.zeros((pt, 3, tt))
par2D = np.zeros((pt, 3, tt))

for d in xrange(pt):
    temp3D = det3D["particles_" + myfun.digit(d + 1, len(str(pt)))]["position"]
    par3D[d, :, :] = temp3D[:, :tt]
    temp2D = det2D["particles_" + myfun.digit(d + 1, len(str(pt)))]["position"]
    par2D[d, :, :] = temp2D[:, :tt]

# horizontal
nl = 10

for z in range(nl):
    print z
    A_3D = np.zeros((tt, nl))
    A_2D = np.zeros((tt, nl))
    D_3D = np.zeros((tt, nl))
    D_2D = np.zeros((tt, nl))
    Cd_3D = np.zeros((tt, nl))
    Cd_2D = np.zeros((tt, nl))