Esempio n. 1
    def getNode(self, path, force=False, limit=0):
        """Use the client and pull the node from VOSpace.

        Currently force=False is the default... so we never check
        VOSpace to see if the node metadata is different from what we
        have.  This doesn't keep the node metadata current but is
        faster if VOSpace is slow.

        vos.logger.debug("force? -> %s path -> %s" % (force, path))

        ## Pull the node meta data from VOSpace.
            vos.logger.debug("requesting node %s from VOSpace" % (path))
            node = self.client.getNode(path, force=force, limit=limit)
        except Exception as e:
            ex = FuseOSError(getattr(e, 'errno', ENOENT))
            ex.filename = path
            ex.strerror = getattr(e, 'strerror', 'Error getting %s' % (path))
            vos.logger.debug("failing with errno = %d" % ex.errno)
            raise ex

        return node
Esempio n. 2
    def chmod(self, path, mode):
        Set the read/write groups on the VOSpace node based on chmod style

        This function is a bit funny as the VOSpace spec sets the name
        of the read and write groups instead of having mode setting as
        a separate action.  A chmod that adds group permission thus
        becomes a chgrp action.

        Here I use the logic that the new group will be inherited from
        the container group information.
        vos.logger.debug("Changing mode for %s to %d" % (path, mode))

        node = self.getNode(path)
        parent = self.getNode(os.path.dirname(path))

        if node.groupread == "NONE":
            node.groupread = parent.groupread
        if node.groupwrite == "NONE":
            node.groupwrite = parent.groupwrite
        # The 'node' object returned by getNode has a chmod method
        # that we now call to set the mod, since we set the group(s)
        # above.  NOTE: If the parrent doesn't have group then NONE is
        # passed up and the groupwrite and groupread will be set tovos:
        # the string NONE.
        if node.chmod(mode):
            # Now set the time of change/modification on the path...
            # TODO: This has to be broken. Attributes may come from Cache if
            # the file is modified. Even if they don't come from the cache,
            # the getAttr method calls getNode with force=True, which returns
            # a different Node object than "node". The st_ctime value will be
            # updated on the newly replaced node in self.node[path] but
            # not in node, then node is pushed to vospace without the st_time
            # change, and then it is pulled back, overwriting the change that
            # was made in self.node[path]. Plus modifying the mtime of the file
            # is not conventional Unix behaviour. The mtime of the parent
            # directory would be changed.
            self.getattr(path)['st_ctime'] = time.time()
            ## if node.chmod returns false then no changes were made.
                self.getNode(path, force=True)
                # MJG: Any changes only currently come into effect when the
                # next mount happens
                vos.logger.debug("%s %s" %
                                 (mode, self.getattr(path)['st_mode']))
            except Exception as e:
                e = FuseOSError(getattr(e, 'errno', EIO))
                e.filename = path
                e.strerror = getattr(e, 'strerror',
                                     'failed to chmod on %s' % (path))
                raise e
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self,
        """Initialize the VOFS.

        cache_limit is in MB.
        The style here is to use dictionaries to contain information
        about the Node.  The full VOSpace path is used as the Key for
        most of these dictionaries."""

        self.cache_nodes = cache_nodes

        # Standard attribtutes of the Node
        # Where in the file system this Node is currently located
        self.loading_dir = {}

        # Command line options.
        self.opt = options

        # What is the 'root' of the VOSpace? (eg vos:MyVOSpace)
        self.root = root

        # VOSpace is a bit slow so we do some caching.
        self.cache = Cache(cache_dir, cache_limit, False, VOFS.cacheTimeout, \

        # All communication with the VOSpace goes through this client
        # connection.
            self.client = vos.Client(rootNode=root, conn=conn)
        except Exception as e:
            e = FuseOSError(getattr(e, 'errno', EIO))
            e.filename = root
            e.strerror = getattr(e, 'strerror', 'failed while making mount')
            raise e

        # Create a condition variable to get rid of those nasty sleeps
        self.condition = CacheCondition(lock=None, timeout=VOFS.cacheTimeout)