Esempio n. 1
    def test_range(self):
        # Tests :meth:`Protocol.range()
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        self.assertEqual(p.range(), (0, 0))

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(2, 10, 100, 0, 0)
        p.schedule(3, 110, 310, 0, 0)
        p.schedule(1, 420, 1, 0, 0)
        self.assertEqual(p.range(), (0, 3))

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(2, 0, 110, 0, 0)
        p.schedule(3, 110, 310, 0, 0)
        p.schedule(1, 420, 1, 0, 0)
        self.assertEqual(p.range(), (1, 3))
def constant(level):
    Creates a very simple protocol where the pacing variable is held constant
    at a given level specified by the argument ``level``.
    t = 1e9
    p = myokit.Protocol()
    p.schedule(level, 0, t, t, 0)
    return p
Esempio n. 3
    def test_levels(self):
        # Tests :meth:`Protocol.levels()

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(2, 10, 100, 0, 0)
        p.schedule(3, 110, 310, 0, 0)
        p.schedule(1, 420, 1, 0, 0)
        self.assertEqual(p.levels(), [2, 3, 1])
Esempio n. 4
    def test_clone(self):
        # Test cloning

        p1 = myokit.Protocol()
        p1.schedule(1, 0, 100)
        p1.schedule(1, 100, 200, 1000, 10)
        p1.schedule(1, 300, 300, 2000)
        p2 = p1.clone()
        self.assertEqual(p1, p2)
    def test_interpolation_and_pacing(self):
        # Test if interpolation results in correct pacing values.

        # When logging with discontinuous steps, in the adaptive time
        # CVODE sim, the value of pace must be
        #  1. The old value *before* the time of the event
        #  2. The new value *at and after* the time of the event
        #  3. Back to zero *at and after* the end of the event
        #     (Unless it ends sooner due to a new event arriving)
        # Load model
        m = myokit.load_model('example')

        # Voltage-clamp V (but don't bind it directly)
        v = m.label('membrane_potential')
        v.set_rhs('-80 + 10 * engine.pace')

        # Create protocol
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(level=1, start=0, duration=5, period=10)

        # Create simulation
        s = myokit.LegacySimulation(m, p)

        # Test if this would result in multiple interpolation steps for logging
        # i.e. test if the step before each transition was at least 2 log steps
        # long
        e =
        t = e.time()
        for x in [5, 10, 15, 20, 25]:
            i = e.find_after(x)
            if not t[i] - t[i - 1] > 0.2:
                raise Exception('Issue with test: use longer intervals!')
        del(e, t, x, i)

        # Now test if correct interpolated values are returned by periodic
        # logging.
        d =, log_interval=0.1).npview()

        # Test bound variable
        p = d['engine.pace']
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[0:50] == 1))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[50:100] == 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[100:150] == 1))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[150:200] == 0))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[200:250] == 1))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[250:300] == 0))

        # Test variable dependent on bound variable
        p = d['membrane.V']
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[0:50] == -70))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[50:100] == -80))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[100:150] == -70))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[150:200] == -80))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[200:250] == -70))
        self.assertTrue(np.all(p[250:300] == -80))
Esempio n. 6
    def test_simulation_error_1(self):
        # Test for simulation error detection: massive stimulus.

        # Silly protocol
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(level=1000, start=1, duration=1)
        self.assertRaises(myokit.SimulationError,, 10)
Esempio n. 7
    def test_pickling(self):
        # Test protocol pickling

        p1 = myokit.Protocol()
        p1.schedule(1, 0, 100)
        p1.schedule(1, 100, 200, 1000, 10)
        p1.schedule(1, 300, 300, 2000)

        p_bytes = pickle.dumps(p1)
        p2 = pickle.loads(p_bytes)
        self.assertEqual(p1, p2)
Esempio n. 8
 def _run(self):
     Runs the simulations, saves the data.
     # Create protocol
     e = {
         'level': self._stim_level,
         'start': 0,
         'duration': self._stim_duration,
         'period': self._clmin,
         'multiplier': 0,
     p = myokit.Protocol()
     # Create simulation
     s = myokit.Simulation(self._model, p, apd_var=self._vvar)
     # Start testing
     c = self._clmin
     pcls = []
     apds = []
     while c < self._clmax:
         # Run simulation
         s.pre(c * self._pre_beats)
         d, a = * self._beats,
         # Save apds
         for apd in a['duration']:
         # Increase cycle length
         c += self._dcl
         # Create and set new protocol
         e['period'] = c
         p = myokit.Protocol()
     # Store data
     self._data = pcls, apds
    def test_cvode_floating_point_protocol_1(self):

        # Tests the protocol handling in a CVODE simulation, which uses the
        # pacing.h file shared by all C/C++ simulation code.

        # Create model without states
        m = myokit.Model()
        c = m.add_component('c')
        t = c.add_variable('t')
        v = c.add_variable('v')

        # Create tricky protocol
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(-80, 0, 1.2345)
        p.schedule(-70, 1.2345, 2.3454)
        p.schedule(-60, 3.5799, 1.4201)

        # Run & test
        s = myokit.Simulation(m, p)
        d =
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.v']), [-80, -70, -60, 0])

        # Test starting/stopping at difficult points
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(-80, 0, 1.2345)
        p.schedule(-70, 1.2345, 2.3454)

        # Interval end
        s = myokit.Simulation(m, p)
        d =
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.t']), [0, 1.2345, 3.5799])
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.v']), [-80, -70, 0])

        # Interval start
        d =
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.t']), [3.5799, 10])
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.v']), [0, 0])
Esempio n. 10
def availability_linear(vstart: float,
                        vend: float,
                        dv: float,
                        vhold: float,
                        vtest: float,
                        tpre: float,
                        tstep: float,
                        twait: float,
                        ttest: float,
                        tpost: float = 0.) -> myokit.Protocol:
    """Standard availability (inactivation) protocol with linear steps."""

    # Check v arguments
    if vend > vstart:
        if dv <= 0:
            raise ValueError('vend > vstart so dv must be strictly positive.')
        if dv >= 0:
            raise ValueError('vend < vstart so dv must be negative.')

    # Check time arguments
    if tpre < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpre can not be negative.')
    if tstep < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if twait < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if ttest < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpost can not be negative.')
    if tpost < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpost can not be negative.')

    # Create protocol
    p = myokit.Protocol()
    time = 0.
    for i in range(int(abs((vend - vstart) / dv))):
        if tpre > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpre)
            time += tpre
        if tstep > 0:
            p.schedule(vstart + i * dv, time, tstep)
            time += tstep
        if twait > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, twait)
            time += twait
        if ttest > 0:
            p.schedule(vtest, time, ttest)
            time += ttest
        if tpost > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpost)
            time += tpost
    return p
def set_dosing_events(simulator, events):

        list of (level, start, duration)
    myokit_protocol = myokit.Protocol()
    for e in events:
        myokit_protocol.schedule(e[0], e[1], e[2])

    def test_C_pacing_floats_3(self):

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(-80, 0, 22159.6)
        p.schedule(-70, 22159.6, 1340.6)
        p.schedule(-60, 23500.2, 6499.8)

        # Call log_for_interval, which uses the PacingSystem
        d = AnsicEventBasedPacing.log_for_interval(p, 0, 40000)

        # Check if the correct values are recorded
        self.assertEqual(d['time'], [0, 22159.6, 23500.2, 30000, 40000])
        self.assertEqual(d['pace'], [-80, -70, -60, 0, 0])
Esempio n. 13
 def characteristic_time(self):
     Tests characteristic_time determination.
     # Singular event
     e = myokit.ProtocolEvent(1, 100, 0.5, 0, 0)
     self.assertEqual(e.characteristic_time(), 100.5)
     # Finite event
     e = myokit.ProtocolEvent(1, 100, 0.5, 1000, 3)
     self.assertEqual(e.characteristic_time(), 3100)
     # Indefinite event
     e = myokit.ProtocolEvent(1, 100, 0.5, 1000, 0)
     self.assertEqual(e.characteristic_time(), 1000)
     # Delayed indefinite event
     e = myokit.ProtocolEvent(1, 900, 200, 1000, 0)
     self.assertEqual(e.characteristic_time(), 1900)
     # Test protocols
     # Singular event
     p = myokit.Protocol()
     p.schedule(1, 100, 0.5, 0, 0)
     self.assertEqual(p.characteristic_time(), 100.5)
     # Finite event
     p = myokit.Protocol()
     p.schedule(1, 100, 0.5, 1000, 3)
     self.assertEqual(p.characteristic_time(), 3100)
     # Indefinite event
     p = myokit.Protocol()
     p.schedule(1, 100, 0.5, 1000, 0)
     self.assertEqual(p.characteristic_time(), 1000)
     # Delayed indefinite event
     p = myokit.Protocol()
     p.schedule(1, 800, 250, 1000, 0)
     self.assertEqual(p.characteristic_time(), 1800)
     # Sequence of singular events
     p = myokit.Protocol()
     p.schedule(1, 0, 100)
     p.schedule(1, 100, 200)
     p.schedule(1, 300, 300)
     self.assertEqual(p.characteristic_time(), 600)
    def test_C_pacing_floats_2(self):

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(-80, 0, 3.3333)
        p.schedule(-70, 3.3333, 3.3331)
        p.schedule(-60, 6.6664, 3.3336)

        # Call log_for_interval, which uses the PacingSystem
        d = AnsicEventBasedPacing.log_for_interval(p, 0, 20)

        # Check if the correct values are recorded
        self.assertEqual(d['time'], [0, 3.3333, 6.6664, 10, 20])
        self.assertEqual(d['pace'], [-80, -70, -60, 0, 0])
Esempio n. 15
    def test_log_for_interval(self):
        # Tests the method Protocol.log_for_interval()
        # Relies on PacingSystem

        debug = False

        # Test basic use + log creation methods
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(1, 10, 1, 1000, 0)
        d = p.log_for_interval(0, 3000)
        self.assertEqual(d.time(), [0, 10, 11, 1010, 1011, 2010, 2011, 3000])
        d = p.log_for_interval(0, 2000, for_drawing=True)
        if debug:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            plt.plot(d.time(), d['pace'])
                         [0, 10, 10, 11, 11, 1010, 1010, 1011, 1011, 2000])
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(1, 0, 1, 1000, 0)
        d = p.log_for_interval(0, 3000)
        self.assertEqual(d.time(), [0, 1, 1000, 1001, 2000, 2001, 3000])
        d = p.log_for_interval(0, 2000, for_drawing=True)
        if debug:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            plt.plot(d.time(), d['pace'])
                         [0, 1, 1, 1000, 1000, 1001, 1001, 2000, 2000])

        # Test bad interval call
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, p.log_for_interval, 100, 0)

        # Test deprecated alias
        with WarningCollector() as w:
            p.create_log_for_interval(0, 2000, for_drawing=True)
        self.assertIn('deprecated', w.text())
Esempio n. 16
    def test_equals(self):
        # Test protocol equality checking

        p1 = myokit.Protocol()
        p2 = myokit.Protocol()
        self.assertEqual(p1, p2)

        p1.schedule(1, 0, 100)
        self.assertNotEqual(p1, p2)
        p2.schedule(1, 0, 100)
        self.assertEqual(p1, p2)

        p1.schedule(1, 100, 200, 1000, 10)
        p1.schedule(1, 300, 300, 2000)
        self.assertNotEqual(p1, p2)
        p2.schedule(1, 100, 200, 1000, 10)
        p2.schedule(1, 300, 300, 2000)
        self.assertEqual(p1, p2)

        self.assertNotEqual(p1, None)
        self.assertNotEqual(p1, 17)
        self.assertNotEqual(p1, p1.code())
        self.assertEqual(p1, p1)
Esempio n. 17
def recovery_tpreList(twait: List[float],
             vhold: float,
             vstep1: float,
             vstep2: float,
             tpre: List[float],
             tstep1: float,
             tstep2: float,
             tpost: float=0.) -> myokit.Protocol:
    """Standard double-pulse recovery protocol."""

    # Check time arguments
    for t in tpre:
        if t < 0:
            raise ValueError('Time tpre can not be negative.')
    if tstep1 < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if tstep2 < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if tpost < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpost can not be negative.')
    for t in twait:
        if t < 0:
            raise ValueError('Time twait can not be negative.')

    assert(len(tpre) == len(twait))

    # Create protocol
    p = myokit.Protocol()
    time = 0
    for i in range(len(twait)):
        twait_i = twait[i]
        tpre_i = tpre[i]
        if tpre_i > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpre_i)
            time += tpre_i
        if tstep1 > 0:
            p.schedule(vstep1, time, tstep1)
            time += tstep1
        if twait_i > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, twait_i)
            time += twait_i
        if tstep2 > 0:
            p.schedule(vstep2, time, tstep2)
            time += tstep2
        if tpost > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpost)
            time += tpost
    return p
Esempio n. 18
 def point_list_2(self):
     Tests how the point-list logging performs when some of the logging
     points overlap with protocol change points.
     # Load model
     m = myokit.load_model(os.path.join(myotest.DIR_DATA, 'lr-1991.mmt'))
     # Voltage clamp
     v = m.get('membrane.V')
     #TODO: Implement chaining like this?
     # Create step protocol
     dt = 0.1
     steps = [
         [-80, 250.1],
         [-120, 50],
         [-80, 200],
         [40, 1000],
         [-120, 500],
         [-80, 1000],
         [-30, 3500],
         [-120, 500],
         [-80, 1000],
     p = myokit.Protocol()
     for f, t in steps:
         p.add_step(f, t)
     # Create set of times that overlap with change points
     times = np.arange(80000) * dt
     # Create simulation
     s = myokit.Simulation(m, p)
     # Run
     d =, log_times=times).npview()
     # Check if logging points show correct pacing value
     # In an earlier implementation, rounding errors and a difference in the
     # implementation of passing logpoints and passing protocol points could
     # cause the log point to be just before the protocol change.
     # In this case, a change at t=120.0 would only be picked up at t=120.1
     # (but not consistently!)
     # The below code checks for this
     offset = 0
     for v, t in steps[:-1]:
         offset += t
         e = d.trim(offset - dt, offset + 2 * dt)
         self.assertNotEqual(e['membrane.V'][0], e['membrane.V'][1])
Esempio n. 20
def recovery(twait: List[float],
             vhold: float,
             vstep1: float,
             vstep2: float,
             tpre: float,
             tstep1: float,
             tstep2: float,
             vwait: float = None,
             tpost: float = 0.) -> myokit.Protocol:
    """Standard double-pulse recovery protocol."""

    # Check time arguments
    if tpre < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpre can not be negative.')
    if tstep1 < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if tstep2 < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if tpost < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpost can not be negative.')
    for t in twait:
        if t < 0:
            raise ValueError('Time twait can not be negative.')

    if vwait is None:
        vwait = vhold

    # Create protocol
    p = myokit.Protocol()
    time = 0
    for t in twait:
        if tpre > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpre)
            time += tpre
        if tstep1 > 0:
            p.schedule(vstep1, time, tstep1)
            time += tstep1
        if t > 0:
            p.schedule(vwait, time, t)
            time += t
        if tstep2 > 0:
            p.schedule(vstep2, time, tstep2)
            time += tstep2
        if tpost > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpost)
            time += tpost
    return p
    def test_ending_near_protocol_end(self):
        # Tests ending a CVODE simulation at a point almost equal to (i.e.
        # indistinguishable from) an event point

        m = myokit.load_model('example')
        v = m.label('membrane_potential')

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(-80, 0, 15400)

        # This will cause an error unles handled explicitly
        s = myokit.Simulation(m, p)
Esempio n. 22
    def protocol_creation(self):
        Tests the basics of creating a protocol
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(1, 10, 0.5, 0, 0)
        f = p.head()
        self.assertEqual(f.level(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(f.start(), 10)
        self.assertEqual(f.duration(), 0.5)
        self.assertEqual(f.period(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(f.multiplier(), 0)

        # Invalid event: period is zero but multiplier is not
        self.assertRaises(myokit.ProtocolEventError, p.schedule, 1, 10, 0.5, 0,

        # Add second event
        p.schedule(2, 1, 0.5, 0, 0)
        e = p.head()
        self.assertNotEqual(e, f)
        self.assertEqual(e.level(), 2)
        self.assertEqual(e.start(), 1)
        self.assertEqual(e.duration(), 0.5)
        self.assertEqual(e.period(), 0)
        self.assertEqual(e.multiplier(), 0)

        # Add third event
        p.schedule(3, 100, 0.5, 100, 100)

        # Invalid event: starts simultaneously
        def sim(p, start, duration, period=0, multiplier=0, clash=0):
                              p.schedule, 2, start, duration, period,
                p.schedule(2, start, duration, period, multiplier)
            except myokit.SimultaneousProtocolEventError as e:
                m = e.message
                t = m[2 + m.index('t='):-1]
                self.assertEqual(float(t), clash)

        sim(p, 1, 0.5, clash=1)
        sim(p, 10, 0.5, clash=10)
        sim(p, 100, 0.5, clash=100)
Esempio n. 24
def varying_test_duration_double_pulse(
    vstep: float,
    vhold: float,
    vtest: float,
    tpre: float,
    tsteps: List[float],
    twait: float,
    ttest: float,
    tpost: float=0.) -> myokit.Protocol:
    """Varying duration of conditioning pulse with test pulse."""

    # Check time arguments
    for tstep in tsteps:
        if tstep < 0:
            raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')

    if tpre < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpre can not be negative.')
    if twait < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if ttest < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpost can not be negative.')
    if tpost < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpost can not be negative.')

    # Create protocol
    p = myokit.Protocol()
    time = 0.
    for tstep in tsteps:
        if tpre > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpre)
            time += tpre
        if tstep > 0:
            p.schedule(vstep, time, tstep)
            time += tstep
        if twait > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, twait)
            time += twait
        if ttest > 0:
            p.schedule(vtest, time, ttest)
            time += ttest
        if tpost > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpost)
            time += tpost
    return p
Esempio n. 25
    def set_regimen(self,
        Sets the dosing regimen.

        The dosing regimen is set by updating the dose_rate variable in the
        dosing compartment to dose_rate = amount / duration and setting the
        regimen variable to a myokit.Protocol with the specified regimen. If a
        route of administration has not been set with `self.set_roa()` an
        error will be thrown.

            amount -- Amount of injected dose. Units are specified by
            duration -- Duration of injection. Units are specfied by the
                        global time.

        Keyword Arguments:
            start -- See myokit.Protocol documentation. (default: {0})
            period -- See myokit.Protocol documentation. (default: {0})
            multiplier -- See myokit.Protocol documentation. (default: {0})
        # Check whether route of administration has been set.
        if not self._roa_set:
            raise ValueError

        # Set dose rate variable to amount / duration
        # TODO: handle ZeroDivionError and inf
        var = self._model.var(self._dose_rate)
        var.set_rhs(amount / duration)

        # Set regimen
        # TODO: check whether more efficient to clean and fill protocol
        self._regimen = myokit.Protocol()
Esempio n. 26
def availability(vsteps: List[float],
                 vhold: float,
                 vtest: float,
                 tpre: float,
                 tstep: float,
                 twait: float,
                 ttest: float,
                 tpost: float = 0.) -> myokit.Protocol:
    """Standard availability (inactivation) protocol."""
    # Check time arguments
    if tpre < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpre can not be negative.')
    if tstep < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if twait < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tstep can not be negative.')
    if ttest < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpost can not be negative.')
    if tpost < 0:
        raise ValueError('Time tpost can not be negative.')

    # Create protocol
    p = myokit.Protocol()
    time = 0.
    for vstep in vsteps:
        if tpre > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpre)
            time += tpre
        if tstep > 0:
            p.schedule(vstep, time, tstep)
            time += tstep
        if twait > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, twait)
            time += twait
        if ttest > 0:
            p.schedule(vtest, time, ttest)
            time += ttest
        if tpost > 0:
            p.schedule(vhold, time, tpost)
            time += tpost
    return p
    def test_clamp_experiment_model(self):
        modelname = './tests/test resources/pints_problem_def_test.mmt'

        # Design the clamp protocol
        time_max = 30
        n_timepoints = 10
        time_samples = np.linspace(2, time_max, n_timepoints)
        read_out = 'comp1.x'
        exp_clamped_parameter_annot = 'comp1.y'
        exp_clamped_parameter_values = 1 + np.sin(time_samples)

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        for i in range(len(time_samples) - 1):
            p.schedule(exp_clamped_parameter_values[i], time_samples[i],
                       time_samples[i + 1] - time_samples[i])

        # Save the new model and protocol if the user provided the argument
        # save_new_mmt_filename
        newmodelname = './tests/test resources/model_clamped.mmt'

        m = sabs_pkpd.clamp_experiment.clamp_experiment_model(
            modelname, exp_clamped_parameter_annot, 'engine.pace', p,

        s = sabs_pkpd.load_model.load_simulation_from_mmt(newmodelname)

        # reset timer

        a =, log_times=time_samples)
        output = a[read_out]

        expected_output = np.array([
            0.00901, 0.02621, 0.00976, 0.02642, 0.00952, 0.02661, 0.00935,
            0.02676, 0.00922
        diff = np.linalg.norm(output - expected_output)

        assert diff < 0.001
    def test_cvode_floating_point_protocol_3(self):

        # Tests the protocol handling in a CVODE simulation, which uses the
        # pacing.h file shared by all C/C++ simulation code.

        m = myokit.Model()
        c = m.add_component('c')
        t = c.add_variable('t')
        v = c.add_variable('v')

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(-80, 0, 22159.6)
        p.schedule(-70, 22159.6, 1340.6)
        p.schedule(-60, 23500.2, 6499.8)

        # Test without state variables, dynamic logging
        s = myokit.Simulation(m, p)
        d =
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.t']), [0, 22159.6, 23500.2, 30000, 40000])
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.v']), [-80, -70, -60, 0, 0])

        # Test without state variables, fixed log times
        d =, log_times=d['c.t'])
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.t']), [0, 22159.6, 23500.2, 30000, 40000])
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.v']), [-80, -70, -60, 0, 0])

        x = c.add_variable('x')

        # Test with state variables, fixed log times
        s = myokit.Simulation(m, p)
        d =, log_times=d['c.t'])
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.t']), [0, 22159.6, 23500.2, 30000, 40000])
        self.assertEqual(list(d['c.v']), [-80, -70, -60, 0, 0])
Esempio n. 29
    def test_event_at_step_size_multiple_no_rl(self):
        # Test again, with event at step multiple, but now without Rush-Larsen

        # Load model and event with appropriate level/duration
        m, p, _ = myokit.load(os.path.join(DIR_DATA, 'lr-1991.mmt'))
        e = p.head()

        dt = 0.01  # Note: this is too big to be very accurate
        tmax = 200
        p = myokit.Protocol()
        logvars = ['engine.time', 'membrane.V', 'engine.pace', 'ica.ICa']

        s1 = myokit.SimulationOpenCL(m,
        d1 =, logvars, log_interval=dt).npview()

        s2 = myokit.Simulation(m, p)
        s2.set_tolerance(1e-8, 1e-8)
        d2 =, logvars, log_interval=dt).npview()

        # Check membrane potential (will have some error!)
        # Using MRMS from Marsh, Ziaratgahi, Spiteri 2012
        r2 = d1['membrane.V', 0] - d2['membrane.V']
        r2 /= (1 + np.abs(d2['membrane.V']))
        e2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(r2**2) / len(r2))
        self.assertLess(e2, 0.05)  # Note: The step size is really too big here

        # Check logging of intermediary variables
        r3 = d1['ica.ICa', 0] - d2['ica.ICa']
        r3 /= (1 + np.abs(d2['ica.ICa']))
        e3 = np.sqrt(np.sum(r3**2) / len(r3))
        self.assertLess(e3, 0.01)
Esempio n. 30
    def test_simultaneous_event_error(self):
        # Test raising of errors on rescheduled periodic events

        p = myokit.Protocol()
        p.schedule(1, 0, 1, 1000)
        p.schedule(1, 3000, 1)
        s = myokit.PacingSystem(p)
        t = s.next_time()
        self.assertEqual(t, 1)
        t = s.next_time()
        self.assertEqual(t, 1000)
        t = s.next_time()
        self.assertEqual(t, 1001)
        t = s.next_time()
        self.assertEqual(t, 2000)
        with self.assertRaises(myokit.SimultaneousProtocolEventError) as e:
        m = str(e.exception)
        self.assertEqual(float(m[2 + m.index('t='):-1]), 3000)