Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, lt):

        # line type = lt

        # pointer to TypeInfo
        self.ti = lt2ti(lt)

        # text types, one for screen and one for export
        self.screen = TextType()
        self.export = TextType()

        if not self.__class__.cvars:
            v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

            # these two are how much empty space to insert a) before the
            # element b) between the element's lines, in units of line /
            # 10.
            v.addInt("beforeSpacing", 0, "BeforeSpacing", 0, 50)
            v.addInt("intraSpacing", 0, "IntraSpacing", 0, 20)

            v.addInt("indent", 0, "Indent", 0, 80)
            v.addInt("width", 5, "Width", 5, 80)


Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, name, style):
        # our name for the font (one of the PDF_FONT_* constants) = name

        # 2 lowest bits of pml.TextOp.flags = style

        if not self.__class__.cvars:
            v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

            # name to use in generated PDF file (CourierNew, MyFontBold,
            # etc.). if empty, use the default PDF Courier font.
            v.addStrLatin1("pdfName", "", "Name")

            # filename for the font to embed, or empty meaning don't
            # embed.
            v.addStrUnicode("filename", u"", "Filename")


            tmp = ""

            for i in range(256):
                # the OpenType font specification 1.4, of all places,
                # contains the most detailed discussion of characters
                # allowed in Postscript font names, in the section on
                # 'name' tables, describing name ID 6 (=Postscript name).
                if (i <= 32) or (i >= 127) or chr(i) in ("[", "]", "(", ")",
                                                         "{", "}", "<", ">",
                                                         "/", "%"):
                    tmp += chr(i)

            self.__class__.invalidChars = tmp

Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self):
        if not self.__class__.cvars:
            v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

            v.addBool("isCaps", False, "AllCaps")
            v.addBool("isBold", False, "Bold")
            v.addBool("isItalic", False, "Italic")
            v.addBool("isUnderlined", False, "Underlined")

Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self):
        if not self.__class__.cvars:
            v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

            v.addList("locations", [], "Locations",
                      mypickle.ListVar("", [], "",
                                       mypickle.StrUnicodeVar("", "", "")))


Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, lt):

        # pointer to TypeInfo
        self.ti = config.lt2ti(lt)

        if not self.__class__.cvars:
            v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

            v.addBool("enabled", True, "Enabled")
            v.addList("items", [], "Items", mypickle.StrUnicodeVar("", "", ""))


Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self):
        if not self.__class__.cvars:
            v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

            v.addList("wordsList", [], "Words",
                      mypickle.StrLatin1Var("", "", ""))



        # we have wordsList that we use for saving/loading, and words,
        # which we use during normal operation. it's possible we should
        # introduce a mypickle.SetVar...

        # key = word, lowercased, value = None
        self.words = {}
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self,

        # name, e.g. "MoveLeft" = name

        # textual description
        self.desc = desc

        # default keys (list of serialized util.Key objects (ints))
        self.defKeys = defKeys

        # is this a movement command
        self.isMovement = isMovement

        # some commands & their keys (Tab, Enter, Quit, etc) are fixed and
        # can't be changed
        self.isFixed = isFixed

        # is this a menu item
        self.isMenu = isMenu

        # which way the command wants to scroll the page
        self.scrollDirection = scrollDirection

        if not self.__class__.cvars:
            v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

            v.addList("keys", [], "Keys",
                      mypickle.IntVar("", 0, "", 0, 9223372036854775808L))


        # this is not actually needed but let's keep it for consistency

        self.keys = copy.deepcopy(self.defKeys)
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, lt):

        # line type = lt

        # pointer to TypeInfo
        self.ti = lt2ti(lt)

        if not self.__class__.cvars:
            v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

            # what type of element to insert when user presses enter or tab.
            v.addElemName("newTypeEnter", screenplay.ACTION, "NewTypeEnter")
            v.addElemName("newTypeTab", screenplay.ACTION, "NewTypeTab")

            # what element to switch to when user hits tab / shift-tab.
            v.addElemName("nextTypeTab", screenplay.ACTION, "NextTypeTab")
            v.addElemName("prevTypeTab", screenplay.ACTION, "PrevTypeTab")


Esempio n. 9
    def setupVars(self):
        v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

        # how many seconds to show splash screen for on startup (0 = disabled)
        v.addInt("splashTime", 2, "SplashTime", 0, 10)

        # confirm non-undoable delete operations that would delete at
        # least this many lines. (0 = disabled)
        v.addInt("confirmDeletes", 2, "ConfirmDeletes", 0, 500)

        # vertical distance between rows, in pixels
        v.addInt("fontYdelta", 18, "FontYDelta", 4, 125)

        # how many lines to scroll per mouse wheel event
        v.addInt("mouseWheelLines", 4, "MouseWheelLines", 1, 50)

        # interval in seconds between automatic pagination (0 = disabled)
        v.addInt("paginateInterval", 1, "PaginateInterval", 0, 10)

        # whether to check script for errors before export / print
        v.addBool("checkOnExport", True, "CheckScriptForErrors")

        # whether to auto-capitalize start of sentences
        v.addBool("capitalize", True, "CapitalizeSentences")

        # whether to auto-capitalize i -> I
        v.addBool("capitalizeI", True, "CapitalizeI")

        # whether to open scripts on their last saved position
        v.addBool("honorSavedPos", True, "OpenScriptOnSavedPos")

        # whether to recenter screen when cursor moves out of it
        v.addBool("recenterOnScroll", False, "RecenterOnScroll")

        # whether to overwrite selected text on typing
        v.addBool("overwriteSelectionOnInsert", True,

        # whether to use per-elem-type colors (textSceneColor etc.)
        # instead of using textColor for all elem types
        v.addBool("useCustomElemColors", False, "UseCustomElemColors")

        # page break indicators to show
        v.addInt("pbi", PBI_REAL, "PageBreakIndicators", PBI_FIRST, PBI_LAST)

        # PDF viewer program and args. defaults are empty since generating
        # them is a complex process handled by findPDFViewer.
        v.addStrUnicode("pdfViewerPath", u"", "PDF/ViewerPath")
        v.addStrBinary("pdfViewerArgs", "", "PDF/ViewerArguments")

        # fonts. real defaults are set in setDefaultFonts.
        v.addStrBinary("fontNormal", "", "FontNormal")
        v.addStrBinary("fontBold", "", "FontBold")
        v.addStrBinary("fontItalic", "", "FontItalic")
        v.addStrBinary("fontBoldItalic", "", "FontBoldItalic")

        # default script directory
        v.addStrUnicode("scriptDir", misc.progPath, "DefaultScriptDirectory")

        # colors
        v.addColor("text", 0, 0, 0, "TextFG", "Text foreground")
        v.addColor("textHdr", 128, 128, 128, "TextHeadersFG",
                   "Text foreground (headers)")
        v.addColor("textBg", 255, 255, 255, "TextBG", "Text background")
        v.addColor("workspace", 237, 237, 237, "Workspace", "Workspace")
        v.addColor("pageBorder", 202, 202, 202, "PageBorder", "Page border")
        v.addColor("pageShadow", 153, 153, 153, "PageShadow", "Page shadow")
        v.addColor("selected", 200, 200, 200, "Selected", "Selection")
        v.addColor("search", 255, 127, 0, "SearchResult", "Search result")
        v.addColor("cursor", 135, 135, 253, "Cursor", "Cursor")
        v.addColor("autoCompFg", 0, 0, 0, "AutoCompletionFG",
                   "Auto-completion foreground")
        v.addColor("autoCompBg", 255, 240, 168, "AutoCompletionBG",
                   "Auto-completion background")
        v.addColor("note", 255, 237, 223, "ScriptNote", "Script note")
        v.addColor("pagebreak", 221, 221, 221, "PageBreakLine",
                   "Page-break line")
        v.addColor("pagebreakNoAdjust", 221, 221, 221, "PageBreakNoAdjustLine",
                   "Page-break (original, not adjusted) line")

        v.addColor("tabText", 50, 50, 50, "TabText", "Tab text")
        v.addColor("tabBorder", 202, 202, 202, "TabBorder", "Tab border")
        v.addColor("tabBarBg", 221, 217, 215, "TabBarBG", "Tab bar background")
        v.addColor("tabNonActiveBg", 234, 232, 233, "TabNonActiveBg",
                   "Tab, non-active")

        for t in getTIs():
            v.addColor("text%s" %, 0, 0, 0, "Text%sFG" %,
                       "Text foreground for %s" %

Esempio n. 10
    def setupVars(self):
        v = self.__class__.cvars = mypickle.Vars()

        # font size used for PDF generation, in points
        v.addInt("fontSize", 12, "FontSize", 4, 72)

        # margins
        v.addFloat("marginBottom", 25.4, "Margin/Bottom", 0.0, 900.0)
        v.addFloat("marginLeft", 38.1, "Margin/Left", 0.0, 900.0)
        v.addFloat("marginRight", 25.4, "Margin/Right", 0.0, 900.0)
        v.addFloat("marginTop", 12.7, "Margin/Top", 0.0, 900.0)

        # paper size
        v.addFloat("paperHeight", 297.0, "Paper/Height", 100.0, 1000.0)
        v.addFloat("paperWidth", 210.0, "Paper/Width", 50.0, 1000.0)

        # leave at least this many action lines on the end of a page
        v.addInt("pbActionLines", 2, "PageBreakActionLines", 1, 30)

        # leave at least this many dialogue lines on the end of a page
        v.addInt("pbDialogueLines", 2, "PageBreakDialogueLines", 1, 30)

        # whether scene continueds are enabled
        v.addBool("sceneContinueds", False, "SceneContinueds")

        # scene continued text indent width
        v.addInt("sceneContinuedIndent", 45, "SceneContinuedIndent", -20, 80)

        # whether to include scene numbers
        v.addBool("pdfShowSceneNumbers", False, "ShowSceneNumbers")

        # whether to include PDF TOC
        v.addBool("pdfIncludeTOC", True, "IncludeTOC")

        # whether to show PDF TOC by default
        v.addBool("pdfShowTOC", True, "ShowTOC")

        # whether to open PDF document on current page
        v.addBool("pdfOpenOnCurrentPage", True, "OpenOnCurrentPage")

        # whether to remove Note elements in PDF output
        v.addBool("pdfRemoveNotes", False, "RemoveNotes")

        # whether to draw rectangles around the outlines of Note elements
        v.addBool("pdfOutlineNotes", True, "OutlineNotes")

        # whether to draw rectangle showing margins
        v.addBool("pdfShowMargins", False, "ShowMargins")

        # whether to show line numbers next to each line
        v.addBool("pdfShowLineNumbers", False, "ShowLineNumbers")

        # cursor position, line
        v.addInt("cursorLine", 0, "Cursor/Line", 0, 1000000)

        # cursor position, column
        v.addInt("cursorColumn", 0, "Cursor/Column", 0, 1000000)

        # various strings we add to the script
        v.addStrLatin1("strMore", "(MORE)", "String/MoreDialogue")
        v.addStrLatin1("strContinuedPageEnd", "(CONTINUED)",
        v.addStrLatin1("strContinuedPageStart", "CONTINUED:",
        v.addStrLatin1("strDialogueContinued", " (cont'd)",
