def __init__(self, port = None, simulator = 0, rate = None, subtype = "Roomba"): # simulator = 0 makes it real PyroRobot.__init__(self) # robot constructor self.lock = threading.Lock() self.buffer = '' self.debug = 0 if simulator == 1: raise AttributeError, "simulator no longer supported" else: if subtype == "Roomba": if port == None: port = ask("Port", useCache = 1) if rate == None: rate = 57600 if type(port) == str and port.lower().startswith("com"): portnum = int(port[3:]) if portnum >= 10: port = r'\\.\COM%d' % (portnum) print "Roomba opening port '%s' with baudrate %s ..." % (port, rate) try: except KeyboardInterrupt: raise except: pass = serial.Serial(port) #, xonxoff=0, rtscts=0) = rate # to clear out the line self.lastTranslate = 0 self.lastRotate = 0 self.subtype = subtype self.radius = .16 #meters self._newline = "\r" self.type = "Roomba" self.port = port self.simulated = simulator self.sendMsg('\x80') #Start Sci self.sendMsg('\x82') #Give user control self.sendMsg('\x8E\x02') # reset sensors, useful for distance self.sensorData = {} # Holds all of the sensor data self.builtinDevices = ["ir", "bumper", "battery"] for name in self.builtinDevices: self.startDevice(name) self.update() print "Done loading Roomba."
def __init__(self, host, port, startDevices=1): Robot.__init__(self) self.lock = threading.Lock() # Set the socket parameters = host self.port = port self.addr = (host, port) self.type = "Pyrobot" # Create socket self.socket = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) try: self.socket.settimeout(1) except: print "WARN: entering deadlock zone; upgrade to Python 2.3 to avoid" done = 0 while not done: try: self.socket.connect(self.addr) done = 1 except: print "Waiting on PyrobotSimulator..." time.sleep(1) self.connectionNum = self.getItem("connectionNum:%d" % self.port) self.init(startDevices)
def __init__(self, simulator, port, connectionNum, startDevices=1): Robot.__init__(self) self.simulator = simulator self.connectionNum = connectionNum self.port = port self.init(startDevices)