def subtonews(first_name, last_name, email, chapter_id): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute('SELECT, u.email_chapter_optin FROM auth_user as u, auth_memberstatus as ms WHERE = "' + email + '" AND = ms.user_id AND ms.status_date_end IS NULL AND ms.statusType_id = 8 AND u.chapter_id = ' + str(chapter_id)) user = cursor.fetchone() if user: if int(user[1]) == 1: raise SubToNewsException(_('That email address is already subscribed')) else: # reinstate a previous subscriber's subscription user = User.objects.get(pk=user[0]) user.email_chapter_optin = True user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name else: user = User() columns = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'] row = [first_name, last_name, email] user.username = generate_unique_username(row, columns) user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name = email user.chapter_id = chapter_id user.email_chapter_optin = True user.date_joined = # Must be called after save() because the primary key # is required for these mt = MemberStatus(, statusType_id=8)
def editstatus(request, chapterurl): c = get_object_or_404(Group, myrobogals_url__exact=chapterurl) memberstatustypes = MemberStatusType.objects.all() if request.user.is_superuser or (request.user.is_staff and (c == request.user.chapter)): users = [] if request.method == 'POST': ulform = EditStatusForm(request.POST, user=request.user) if ulform.is_valid(): data = ulform.cleaned_data status = data['status'] users = data['users'] #l:queryset users_already = "" users_changed = "" for user in users: u = User.objects.get(username__exact = user.username) old_status = u.memberstatus_set.get(status_date_end__isnull=True) if old_status.statusType == MemberStatusType.objects.get(pk=int(status)): if(users_already): users_already = users_already + ", " + u.username else: users_already = u.username else: if user.membertype().description != 'Inactive': old_status.status_date_end = new_status=MemberStatus() new_status.user = u new_status.statusType = MemberStatusType.objects.get(pk=int(status)) new_status.status_date_start = if(users_changed): users_changed = users_changed + ", " + u.username else: users_changed = u.username if(users_already): request.user.message_set.create(message=unicode(_("%(usernames)s are already marked as %(type)s") % {'usernames': users_already, 'type': MemberStatusType.objects.get(pk=int(status)).description})) if(users_changed): request.user.message_set.create(message=unicode(_("%(usernames)s have been marked as %(type)s") % {'usernames': users_changed, 'type': new_status.statusType.description})) return HttpResponseRedirect('/chapters/' + chapterurl + '/edit/users/') else: ulform = EditStatusForm(None, user=request.user) return render_to_response('edit_user_status.html', {'ulform': ulform, 'chapter': c, 'memberstatustypes': memberstatustypes}, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def subtonews(first_name, last_name, email, chapter_id): cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute( 'SELECT, u.email_chapter_optin FROM auth_user as u, auth_memberstatus as ms WHERE = "' + email + '" AND = ms.user_id AND ms.status_date_end IS NULL AND ms.statusType_id = 8 AND u.chapter_id = ' + str(chapter_id)) user = cursor.fetchone() if user: if int(user[1]) == 1: raise SubToNewsException( _('That email address is already subscribed')) else: # reinstate a previous subscriber's subscription user = User.objects.get(pk=user[0]) user.email_chapter_optin = True user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name else: user = User() columns = ['first_name', 'last_name', 'email'] row = [first_name, last_name, email] user.username = generate_unique_username(row, columns) user.first_name = first_name user.last_name = last_name = email user.chapter_id = chapter_id user.email_chapter_optin = True user.date_joined = # Must be called after save() because the primary key # is required for these mt = MemberStatus(, statusType_id=8)
def edituser(request, username, chapter=None): pwerr = '' usererr = '' new_username = '' if username == '': join = True u = User() if request.user.is_superuser or (request.user.is_staff and request.user.chapter == chapter): adduser = True else: adduser = False else: join = False adduser = False if not request.user.is_authenticated(): return HttpResponseRedirect("/login/?next=/profile/edit/") u = get_object_or_404(User, username__exact=username) chapter = u.chapter if join or request.user.is_superuser or == or (request.user.is_staff and request.user.chapter == u.chapter): if request.method == 'POST': if join: new_username = request.POST['username'].strip() formpart1 = FormPartOne(request.POST, chapter=chapter, formpart2 = FormPartTwo(request.POST, chapter=chapter) formpart3 = FormPartThree(request.POST, chapter=chapter) formpart4 = FormPartFour(request.POST, chapter=chapter) formpart5 = FormPartFive(request.POST, chapter=chapter) if formpart1.is_valid() and formpart2.is_valid() and formpart3.is_valid() and formpart4.is_valid() and formpart5.is_valid(): if join: username_len = len(new_username) if username_len < 3: usererr = _('Your username must be 3 or more characters') elif username_len > 30: usererr = _('Your username must be less than 30 characters') matches = re.compile(r'^\w+$').findall(new_username) if matches == []: usererr = _('Your username must contain only letters, numbers and underscores') else: try: usercheck = User.objects.get(username=new_username) except User.DoesNotExist: if request.POST['password1'] == request.POST['password2']: if len(request.POST['password1']) < 5: pwerr = _('Your password must be at least 5 characters long') else: u = User.objects.create_user(new_username, '', request.POST['password1']) u.chapter = chapter mt = MemberStatus(, statusType_id=1) u.is_active = True u.is_staff = False u.is_superuser = False else: pwerr = _('The password and repeated password did not match. Please try again') else: usererr = _('That username is already taken') if request.user.is_staff and request.user != u: if len(request.POST['password1']) > 0: if request.POST['password1'] == request.POST['password2']: u.set_password(request.POST['password1']) else: pwerr = _('The password and repeated password did not match. Please try again') if pwerr == '' and usererr == '': data = formpart1.cleaned_data u.first_name = data['first_name'] u.last_name = data['last_name'] = data['email'] u.alt_email = data['alt_email'] = data['mobile'] u.gender = data['gender'] if 'student_number' in data: u.student_number = data['student_number'] if 'union_member' in data: u.union_member = data['union_member'] if 'tshirt' in data: u.tshirt = data['tshirt'] data = formpart2.cleaned_data u.privacy = data['privacy'] u.dob_public = data['dob_public'] u.email_public = data['email_public'] data = formpart3.cleaned_data u.dob = data['dob'] u.course = data['course'] u.uni_start = data['uni_start'] u.uni_end = data['uni_end'] = data['university'] u.course_type = data['course_type'] u.student_type = data['student_type'] = data['bio'] #u.job_title = data['job_title'] = data['company'] data = formpart4.cleaned_data u.email_reminder_optin = data['email_reminder_optin'] u.email_chapter_optin = data['email_chapter_optin'] u.mobile_reminder_optin = data['mobile_reminder_optin'] u.mobile_marketing_optin = data['mobile_marketing_optin'] u.email_newsletter_optin = data['email_newsletter_optin'] data = formpart5.cleaned_data if 'internal_notes' in data: u.internal_notes = data['internal_notes'] if 'trained' in data: u.trained = data['trained'] if 'return' in request.POST: request.user.message_set.create(message=unicode(_("Profile and settings updated!"))) return HttpResponseRedirect(request.POST['return']) elif join: if chapter.welcome_email_enable: message = EmailMessage() message.subject = chapter.welcome_email_subject try: message.subject = chapter.welcome_email_subject.format( chapter=chapter, user=u, plaintext_password=request.POST['password1']) except Exception: message.subject = chapter.welcome_email_subject try: message.body = chapter.welcome_email_msg.format( chapter=chapter, user=u, plaintext_password=request.POST['password1']) except Exception: message.body = chapter.welcome_email_msg message.from_address = '*****@*****.**' message.reply_address = '*****@*****.**' message.from_name = message.sender = User.objects.get(username='******') message.html = chapter.welcome_email_html message.status = -1 recipient = EmailRecipient() recipient.message = message recipient.user = u recipient.to_name = u.get_full_name() recipient.to_address = message.status = 0 return HttpResponseRedirect("/welcome/" + chapter.myrobogals_url + "/") else: request.user.message_set.create(message=unicode(_("Profile and settings updated!"))) return HttpResponseRedirect("/profile/" + username + "/") else: if join: formpart1 = FormPartOne(None, chapter=chapter, user_id=0) formpart2 = FormPartTwo(None, chapter=chapter) formpart3 = FormPartThree(None, chapter=chapter) formpart4 = FormPartFour(None, chapter=chapter) formpart5 = FormPartFive(None, chapter=chapter) else: if u.tshirt: tshirt_id = else: tshirt_id = None formpart1 = FormPartOne({ 'first_name': u.first_name, 'last_name': u.last_name, 'email':, 'alt_email': u.alt_email, 'mobile':, 'gender': u.gender, 'student_number': u.student_number, 'union_member': u.union_member, 'tshirt': tshirt_id}, chapter=chapter, formpart2 = FormPartTwo({ 'privacy': u.privacy, 'dob_public': u.dob_public, 'email_public': u.email_public}, chapter=chapter) if uni = else: uni = None formpart3 = FormPartThree({ 'dob': u.dob, 'course': u.course, 'uni_start': u.uni_start, 'uni_end': u.uni_end, 'university': uni, 'job_title': u.job_title, 'company':, 'course_type': u.course_type, 'student_type': u.student_type, 'bio':}, chapter=chapter) formpart4 = FormPartFour({ 'email_reminder_optin': u.email_reminder_optin, 'email_chapter_optin': u.email_chapter_optin, 'mobile_reminder_optin': u.mobile_reminder_optin, 'mobile_marketing_optin': u.mobile_marketing_optin, 'email_newsletter_optin': u.email_newsletter_optin}, chapter=chapter) formpart5 = FormPartFive({ 'internal_notes': u.internal_notes, 'trained': u.trained}, chapter=chapter) if 'return' in request.GET: return_url = request.GET['return'] elif 'return' in request.POST: return_url = request.POST['return'] else: return_url = '' chpass = (join or (request.user.is_staff and request.user != u)) exec_fields = request.user.is_superuser or (request.user.is_staff and request.user.chapter == chapter) return render_to_response('profile_edit.html', {'join': join, 'adduser': adduser, 'chpass': chpass, 'exec_fields': exec_fields, 'formpart1': formpart1, 'formpart2': formpart2, 'formpart3': formpart3, 'formpart4': formpart4, 'formpart5': formpart5, 'u': u, 'chapter': chapter, 'usererr': usererr, 'pwerr': pwerr, 'new_username': new_username, 'return': return_url}, context_instance=RequestContext(request)) else: raise Http404 # don't have permission to change
def importcsv(filerows, welcomeemail, defaults, chapter, updateuser, ignore_email): columns=None users_imported=0 username_pos=0 users_updated=0 existing_users=0 existing_emails=0 count=-1 username_field_exists_flag=False user_already_exists=False msg="" if 'date_joined' not in defaults: defaults['date_joined'] = elif defaults['date_joined'] == None: defaults['date_joined'] = for row in filerows: if any(row): # Create new user newuser = User() count+=1 user_already_exists_flag=False # Get column names from first row, also get the positions of the fields so that we can extract their values # using their positions later. if (columns == None): columns = row if 'first_name' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException(_('You must specify a first_name field')) else: first_name_pos=columns.index('first_name') if 'last_name' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException(_('You must specify a last_name field')) else: last_name_pos=columns.index('last_name') if 'email' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException(_('You must specify an email field')) else: email_pos = columns.index('email') if 'username' in columns: username_pos=columns.index('username') username_field_exists_flag=True if 'mobile' in columns: mobile_pos=columns.index('mobile') continue # Process row i = 0; # extracting the values of the username, email, first_name and last_name fields for each row. if username_field_exists_flag: uname=row[username_pos] else: uname = '' email=row[email_pos] first_name=row[first_name_pos] last_name=row[last_name_pos] # now remove all the whitespaces from the extracted values. uname_data=uname.strip() email_data=email.strip() first_name_data=first_name.strip() last_name_data=last_name.strip() # check if any of the values is None or empty for a row. If yes, form an error message and ignore that row. if first_name_data == None or first_name_data == '': msg += ("<br>First name not provided for row %d - row ignored.") % count continue if last_name_data == None or last_name_data == '' : msg += ("<br>Last name not provided for row %d - row ignored.") % count continue if email_data == None or email_data == '' : msg += ("<br>Email not provided for row %d - row ignored.") % count continue # check if the username exists, if yes, check if the 'updateuser' checkbox is ticked. If it is ticked, # then get the row with the matching username (and, as we will see, replace its contents). Otherwise, ignore. # Also, they must be from the same chapter if not check_username(uname_data): user_already_exists_flag = True if updateuser: newuser = User.objects.get(username=uname_data) if newuser.chapter == chapter: existing_users += 1 else: msg += ("<br>Row %d has a username clash (%s) with another chapter - row ignored") % (count, uname_data) continue else: msg += ("<br>Row %d has a username clash (%s) - row ignored") % (count, uname_data) continue # check if the email exists for any user, if yes, check if the 'ignore_email' checkbox is ticked. If it is not ticked, # then get the row with the matching username (and, as we will see, replace its contents). Otherwise, ignore. # Also, they must be from the same chapter elif not check_email_and_chapter(email_data, chapter): existing_emails+=1 if ignore_email: msg += ("<br>Row %d's email address (%s) matches an existing user - row ignored") % (count, email_data) continue for cell in row: colname = columns[i] if colname == 'first_name': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'last_name': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'username': data = cell.strip() if data != "": new_username = data else: new_username = generate_unique_username(row, columns) newuser.username = new_username elif colname == 'password': data = cell.strip() if data != "": plaintext_password = data else: plaintext_password = User.objects.make_random_password(6) newuser.set_password(plaintext_password) elif colname == 'alt_email': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile': num = cell.strip().replace(' ','').replace('+','') if num != '': regexes = MobileRegex.objects.filter(collection=chapter.mobile_regexes) try: number_valid = False for regex in regexes: matches = re.compile(regex.regex).findall(num) if matches == []: matches = re.compile(regex.regex).findall("0" + num) if matches == []: continue else: num = "0" + num num = regex.prepend_digits + num[regex.strip_digits:] number_valid = True except ValueError: number_valid = False if number_valid: = num elif colname == 'date_joined': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'dob': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'gender': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [0, 1, 2]) elif colname == 'course': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'uni_start': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'uni_end': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'university_id': unis = University.objects.all() uni_ids = [-1] for uni in unis: uni_ids.append( numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, uni_ids) if getattr(newuser, 'university_id', 0) == -1: newuser.university_id = chapter.university_id elif colname == 'course_type': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [1, 2]) elif colname == 'student_type': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [1, 2]) elif colname == 'student_number': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'privacy': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [0, 5, 10, 20]) elif colname == 'dob_public': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_public': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_chapter_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile_marketing_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_reminder_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile_reminder_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_newsletter_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) else: pass # Unknown column, ignore # Increment column and do the loop again i += 1 # If we still don't have a username and/or password # by this stage, let's generate one if getattr(newuser, 'username', '') == '': new_username = generate_unique_username(row, columns) newuser.username = new_username if getattr(newuser, 'password', '') == '': plaintext_password = User.objects.make_random_password(6) newuser.set_password(plaintext_password) # And finally... newuser.chapter = chapter # If updating an existing user, we don't need to do the rest if user_already_exists_flag: continue # Should be the default at the model-level, # but just to be sure... newuser.is_active = True newuser.is_staff = False newuser.is_superuser = False # Apply any unapplied defaults for key, value in defaults.iteritems(): if key not in columns: setattr(newuser, key, value) # Must be called after because the primary key # is required for these mt = MemberStatus(, statusType_id=1, # Send welcome email if welcomeemail: message = EmailMessage() try: message.subject = welcomeemail['subject'].format( chapter=chapter, user=newuser, plaintext_password=plaintext_password) except Exception: newuser.delete() raise RgImportCsvException(_('Welcome email subject format is invalid')) try: message.body = welcomeemail['body'].format( chapter=chapter, user=newuser, plaintext_password=plaintext_password) except Exception: newuser.delete() raise RgImportCsvException(_('Welcome email format is invalid')) message.from_address = '*****@*****.**' message.reply_address = '*****@*****.**' message.from_name = message.sender = User.objects.get(username='******') message.html = welcomeemail['html'] message.status = -1 recipient = EmailRecipient() recipient.message = message recipient.user = newuser recipient.to_name = newuser.get_full_name() recipient.to_address = message.status = 0 users_imported += 1 return (users_imported, existing_users, existing_emails, msg)
def importcsv(filerows, welcomeemail, defaults, chapter, updateuser, ignore_email): columns = None users_imported = 0 username_pos = 0 users_updated = 0 existing_users = 0 existing_emails = 0 count = -1 username_field_exists_flag = False user_already_exists = False msg = "" if 'date_joined' not in defaults: defaults['date_joined'] = elif defaults['date_joined'] == None: defaults['date_joined'] = for row in filerows: if any(row): # Create new user newuser = User() count += 1 user_already_exists_flag = False # Get column names from first row, also get the positions of the fields so that we can extract their values # using their positions later. if (columns == None): columns = row if 'first_name' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException( _('You must specify a first_name field')) else: first_name_pos = columns.index('first_name') if 'last_name' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException( _('You must specify a last_name field')) else: last_name_pos = columns.index('last_name') if 'email' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException( _('You must specify an email field')) else: email_pos = columns.index('email') if 'username' in columns: username_pos = columns.index('username') username_field_exists_flag = True if 'mobile' in columns: mobile_pos = columns.index('mobile') continue # Process row i = 0 # extracting the values of the username, email, first_name and last_name fields for each row. if username_field_exists_flag: uname = row[username_pos] else: uname = '' email = row[email_pos] first_name = row[first_name_pos] last_name = row[last_name_pos] # now remove all the whitespaces from the extracted values. uname_data = uname.strip() email_data = email.strip() first_name_data = first_name.strip() last_name_data = last_name.strip() # check if any of the values is None or empty for a row. If yes, form an error message and ignore that row. if first_name_data == None or first_name_data == '': msg += ("<br>First name not provided for row %d - row ignored." ) % count continue if last_name_data == None or last_name_data == '': msg += ("<br>Last name not provided for row %d - row ignored." ) % count continue if email_data == None or email_data == '': msg += ( "<br>Email not provided for row %d - row ignored.") % count continue # check if the username exists, if yes, check if the 'updateuser' checkbox is ticked. If it is ticked, # then get the row with the matching username (and, as we will see, replace its contents). Otherwise, ignore. # Also, they must be from the same chapter if not check_username(uname_data): user_already_exists_flag = True if updateuser: newuser = User.objects.get(username=uname_data) if newuser.chapter == chapter: existing_users += 1 else: msg += ( "<br>Row %d has a username clash (%s) with another chapter - row ignored" ) % (count, uname_data) continue else: msg += ( "<br>Row %d has a username clash (%s) - row ignored" ) % (count, uname_data) continue # check if the email exists for any user, if yes, check if the 'ignore_email' checkbox is ticked. If it is not ticked, # then get the row with the matching username (and, as we will see, replace its contents). Otherwise, ignore. # Also, they must be from the same chapter elif not check_email_and_chapter(email_data, chapter): existing_emails += 1 if ignore_email: msg += ( "<br>Row %d's email address (%s) matches an existing user - row ignored" ) % (count, email_data) continue for cell in row: colname = columns[i] if colname == 'first_name': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'last_name': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'username': data = cell.strip() if data != "": new_username = data else: new_username = generate_unique_username(row, columns) newuser.username = new_username elif colname == 'password': data = cell.strip() if data != "": plaintext_password = data else: plaintext_password = User.objects.make_random_password( 6) newuser.set_password(plaintext_password) elif colname == 'alt_email': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile': num = cell.strip().replace(' ', '').replace('+', '') if num != '': regexes = MobileRegex.objects.filter( collection=chapter.mobile_regexes) try: number_valid = False for regex in regexes: matches = re.compile(regex.regex).findall(num) if matches == []: matches = re.compile( regex.regex).findall("0" + num) if matches == []: continue else: num = "0" + num num = regex.prepend_digits + num[regex. strip_digits:] number_valid = True except ValueError: number_valid = False if number_valid: = num elif colname == 'date_joined': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'dob': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'gender': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [0, 1, 2]) elif colname == 'course': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'uni_start': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'uni_end': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'university_id': unis = University.objects.all() uni_ids = [-1] for uni in unis: uni_ids.append( numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, uni_ids) if getattr(newuser, 'university_id', 0) == -1: newuser.university_id = chapter.university_id elif colname == 'course_type': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [1, 2]) elif colname == 'student_type': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [1, 2]) elif colname == 'student_number': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'privacy': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [0, 5, 10, 20]) elif colname == 'dob_public': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_public': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_chapter_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile_marketing_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_reminder_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile_reminder_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_newsletter_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_careers_newsletter_AU_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) else: pass # Unknown column, ignore # Increment column and do the loop again i += 1 # If we still don't have a username and/or password # by this stage, let's generate one if getattr(newuser, 'username', '') == '': new_username = generate_unique_username(row, columns) newuser.username = new_username if getattr(newuser, 'password', '') == '': plaintext_password = User.objects.make_random_password(6) newuser.set_password(plaintext_password) # And finally... newuser.chapter = chapter # If updating an existing user, we don't need to do the rest if user_already_exists_flag: continue # Should be the default at the model-level, # but just to be sure... newuser.is_active = True newuser.is_staff = False newuser.is_superuser = False # Apply any unapplied defaults for key, value in defaults.iteritems(): if key not in columns: setattr(newuser, key, value) # Must be called after because the primary key # is required for these mt = MemberStatus(, statusType_id=1, status_date_start=newuser.date_joined) # Send welcome email if welcomeemail: message = EmailMessage() try: message.subject = welcomeemail['subject'].format( chapter=chapter, user=newuser, plaintext_password=plaintext_password) except Exception: newuser.delete() raise RgImportCsvException( _('Welcome email subject format is invalid')) try: message.body = welcomeemail['body'].format( chapter=chapter, user=newuser, plaintext_password=plaintext_password) except Exception: newuser.delete() raise RgImportCsvException( _('Welcome email format is invalid')) message.from_address = '*****@*****.**' message.reply_address = '*****@*****.**' message.from_name = message.sender = User.objects.get(username='******') message.html = welcomeemail['html'] message.status = -1 recipient = EmailRecipient() recipient.message = message recipient.user = newuser recipient.to_name = newuser.get_full_name() recipient.to_address = message.status = 0 users_imported += 1 return (users_imported, existing_users, existing_emails, msg)
def importcsv(filerows, welcomeemail, defaults, chapter): columns = None users_imported = 0 if 'date_joined' not in defaults: defaults['date_joined'] = elif defaults['date_joined'] == None: defaults['date_joined'] = for row in filerows: # Get column names from first row if (columns == None): columns = row if 'first_name' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException(_('You must specify a first_name field')) if 'last_name' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException(_('You must specify a last_name field')) if 'email' not in columns: raise RgImportCsvException(_('You must specify an email field')) continue # Create new user newuser = User() # Process row i = 0; for cell in row: colname = columns[i] if colname == 'first_name': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'last_name': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'username': data = cell.strip() if data != "": new_username = data else: new_username = generate_unique_username(row, columns) newuser.username = new_username elif colname == 'password': data = cell.strip() if data != "": plaintext_password = data else: plaintext_password = User.objects.make_random_password(6) newuser.set_password(plaintext_password) elif colname == 'alt_email': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile': num = cell.strip().replace(' ','').replace('+','') if num != '': regexes = MobileRegex.objects.filter(collection=chapter.mobile_regexes) try: number_valid = False for regex in regexes: matches = re.compile(regex.regex).findall(num) if matches == []: matches = re.compile(regex.regex).findall("0" + num) if matches == []: continue else: num = "0" + num num = regex.prepend_digits + num[regex.strip_digits:] number_valid = True except ValueError: number_valid = False if number_valid: = num elif colname == 'date_joined': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'dob': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'gender': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [0, 1, 2]) elif colname == 'course': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'uni_start': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'uni_end': dateval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'university_id': unis = University.objects.all() uni_ids = [-1] for uni in unis: uni_ids.append( numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, uni_ids) if getattr(newuser, 'university_id', 0) == -1: newuser.university_id = chapter.university_id elif colname == 'course_type': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [1, 2]) elif colname == 'student_type': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [1, 2]) elif colname == 'student_number': stringval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'privacy': numval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults, [0, 5, 10, 20]) elif colname == 'dob_public': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_public': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_chapter_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile_marketing_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_reminder_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'mobile_reminder_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) elif colname == 'email_newsletter_optin': boolval(colname, cell, newuser, defaults) else: pass # Unknown column, ignore # Increment column and do the loop again i += 1 # Should be the default at the model-level, # but just to be sure... newuser.is_active = True newuser.is_staff = False newuser.is_superuser = False # If we still don't have a username and/or password # by this stage, let's generate one if getattr(newuser, 'username', '') == '': new_username = generate_unique_username(row, columns) newuser.username = new_username if getattr(newuser, 'password', '') == '': plaintext_password = User.objects.make_random_password(6) newuser.set_password(plaintext_password) # Apply any unapplied defaults for key, value in defaults.iteritems(): if key not in columns: setattr(newuser, key, value) # And finally... newuser.chapter = chapter # Must be called after save() because the primary key # is required for these mt = MemberStatus(, statusType_id=1) # Send welcome email if welcomeemail: message = EmailMessage() try: message.subject = welcomeemail['subject'].format( chapter=chapter, user=newuser, plaintext_password=plaintext_password) except Exception: newuser.delete() raise RgImportCsvException(_('Welcome email subject format is invalid')) try: message.body = welcomeemail['body'].format( chapter=chapter, user=newuser, plaintext_password=plaintext_password) except Exception: newuser.delete() raise RgImportCsvException(_('Welcome email format is invalid')) message.from_address = '*****@*****.**' message.reply_address = '*****@*****.**' message.from_name = message.sender = User.objects.get(username='******') message.html = welcomeemail['html'] message.status = -1 recipient = EmailRecipient() recipient.message = message recipient.user = newuser recipient.to_name = newuser.get_full_name() recipient.to_address = message.status = 0 users_imported += 1 return users_imported