def unmannedshifts(self): mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="localhost", user="******", password='******', database='flight_manager', auth_plugin='mysql_native_password') mycursor = mydb.cursor() query = """ SELECT flight_manager.shifts.flight_date, flight_manager.shifts.flight_type, flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role, flight_manager.type_of_shift.leader from flight_manager.shifts join flight_manager.type_of_shift on shifts.flight_type = type_of_shift.flight_type left join flight_manager.staffing on flight_manager.shifts.flight_date = flight_manager.staffing.flight_date and flight_manager.type_of_shift.flight_type = flight_manager.staffing.flight_type and (flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role = flight_manager.staffing.crew_role or flight_manager.type_of_shift.crew_role = 'all') and flight_manager.type_of_shift.leader = flight_manager.staffing.leader where personal_num is NULL """ mycursor.execute(query) results = mycursor.fetchall() mydb.commit() unmenned_shifts = [] count = 1 for row in results: shift = Shift() shift.number = count count = count + 1 shift.flight_date = str(row[0]) shift.flight_type = str(row[1]).capitalize() shift.crew_role = str(row[2]).capitalize() if str(row[3]) == '1': shift.leader = 'Must Be Movil' elif str(row[3]) == '0': shift.leader = 'Number 2' else: shift.leader = 'All' unmenned_shifts.append(shift) return unmenned_shifts
def unmannedshifts(self): mydb = mysql.connector.connect(host="", user="******", password='******', database='heroku_947e29c06a5b4a3') mycursor = mydb.cursor() query = """ SELECT shifts.flight_date, shifts.flight_type, type_of_shift.crew_role, type_of_shift.leader from shifts join type_of_shift on shifts.flight_type = type_of_shift.flight_type left join staffing on shifts.flight_date = staffing.flight_date and type_of_shift.flight_type = staffing.flight_type and (type_of_shift.crew_role = staffing.crew_role or type_of_shift.crew_role = 'all') and type_of_shift.leader = staffing.leader where personal_num is NULL """ mycursor.execute(query) results = mycursor.fetchall() mydb.commit() mycursor.close() unmenned_shifts = [] count = 1 for row in results: shift = Shift() shift.number = count count = count +1 shift.flight_date = str(row[0]) shift.flight_type = str(row[1]).capitalize() shift.crew_role =str(row[2]).capitalize() if str(row[3]) =='1': shift.leader = 'Must Be Movil' elif str(row[3]) == '0': shift.leader = 'Number 2' else : shift.leader = 'All' unmenned_shifts.append(shift) return unmenned_shifts