Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self, site='us'): = site
     options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
     prefs = {'profile.managed_default_content_settings.images': 2}
     options.add_experimental_option('prefs', prefs)
     self.browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)
     self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.browser, 10)
     self.mysql_server = Mysql_server()
     self.cursor = self.mysql_server.get_cursor()
     self.countryArr = {
         "de": "",
         "fr": "",
         "uk": "",
         "jp": "",
         "us": "",
         "it": "",
         "es": "",
         "ca": "",
         "au": "",
     self.cookies_list = {
         'us': [
             'session-id=147-8333591-9758622; ubid-main=130-3884127-5100529; skin=noskin; session-token=FcrgJrciPNhG+AEYp1gHtGkDkqmjWQqYPzqYWTI4fLyOCg4EZSkATF0YUeQDqPHFk/x9DWfgNcrFMGYiPcW6Wrhm7eIkYNcnASlbMs8qTfrMu6umzYA5BsQ+Z9OM97OJtqVPKg8nbrXNeJzTHKaRIU20Tz+frsKMNRmKFBK4XHXP+3FBm+55LU1UN/O0ipTriWa5Fn99lPUjzz9Hb78rA4E1avMFp8KbTJ4hIYJTCdlki74RAFTMzf2nk0RN/xQVSvMjDCnGJ2zcNi7VUzaPledyQwBagbx9; x-main="HlcsLZ4Gq7XzxS5rmZQXTaD5EW7xI73nKL8h9qlfNMNfOE8o035z5EP4?f47Y61J"; at-main=Atza|IwEBIOnOU7--iHDyKsOiltFuLx-dtMCFjNcnMpKmsGzA08j8J2uLYIMsHNMZNR4QdeYFWAAPs8hSTiEjqaptkbHgKExvqG8KghI0rpQVu9_w9179BjIS_Em7IlSjvL--0aAWoYoVlWzGCrUqul5oH0ojYSTwNnQdt4AAe5_sWY9hFGes7-p0Yndm09X7ymSQWQ-d1yFkSVveWRbV09a4AZePywbm; sess-at-main="3QorUsauzcHl3UyVZ4KL5xzYMG027qJ+/OKSxqm6UGI="; sst-main=Sst1|PQHarY1O5hurB5muBtN9Yu5ZCe9uE1YOdn2dkPVUnEA1MOxvpjAgcfuh3n2MiykhdYoe39tM3pduszP9vggv3H84TOHj4JT83gsk97ZXMbOkI0RoFdmWPAFOk-KaOfFLaZTaFaRvMpU_i50BDCLmTF7b4J0XSDZCGXiA87L7t0H24-FtdU5CYyc5Ef7t7J7jaUJ1fMBNWpW0uyfR-OGRae6kRbB6afuJiXZ9vOH-pXiES3QSuf9hd4znAATAskcYlYhmPqid_4NmTcXrzITr3LH8N7kxjggktbkEOzXrQc5cjho; lc-main=en_US; session-id-time=2082787201l; i18n-prefs=USD; sp-cdn="L5Z9:GB"; csm-hit=tb:s-EW60VBXATHNYN8EMCSW5|1600761482564&t:1600761486768&adb:adblk_no',
         'uk': [],
         'de': [],
         'fr': [],
         'it': [],
         'es': [],
         'jp': [],
Esempio n. 2
class Bsrgata():
    # 用于整理类目数,未完成,暂时未用
    def __init__(self):
        self.mongodb = MongoDBserver()
        self.collection = self.mongodb.get_collection()
        self.mysql = Mysql_server()
        self.cursor = self.mysql.get_cursor()

    def get_category(self, category_id, level):
        params = (category_id, level)
        sql = """select category_name, category_id, level,parent_id from amz_category where category_id = %s and level=%s"""
        data_list = self.cursor.fetchall()
        result_list = []
        for data in data_list:
            result = {}
            result['category_name'] = data[0]
            result['category_id'] = data[1]
            result['level'] = data[2]
            result['parent_id'] = data[3]
        return result_list

    def close(self):
Esempio n. 3
class ReviewData():
    def __init__(self):
        self.sql_server = Mysql_server()

    def get_data(self, asin, raiting):
        # 根据asin提取指定评分的评论
        self.cursor = self.sql_server.get_cursor()
        sql = """select review_title, review_body
                 from product_reviews 
                 where asin=%s and review_raiting=%s"""
        params = (asin, raiting)
        self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
        data_list = self.cursor.fetchall()
        # 将评论写入文件,便于下一步进行词频统计
        for data in data_list:
            with open(f'{asin}_{raiting}.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
                f.write("        ")

    def get_otherdata(self):
        self.cursor = self.sql_server.get_cursor()
        sql = ""
Esempio n. 4
 def save_txt(self, sql):
     # 将MySQL查询得到的数据存入本地的txt文件
     my = Mysql_server()
     cursor = my.get_cursor()
     data_list = cursor.fetchall()
     for data in data_list:
         with open('reviews/WordCount.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
             f.write(' ')
Esempio n. 5
class SearchFeature():
    def __init__(self):
        # 建立数据库连接
        self.mongodb = MongoDBserver()
        self.collection = self.mongodb.get_collection()
        self.mysql = Mysql_server()
        self.cursor = self.mysql.get_cursor()

    def get_asin(self):
        # 根据条件搜索出相应的asin
            'select asin from product where product="" and state=4 and country="us"'
        asin_list = self.cursor.fetchall()
        result_list = []
        i = 0
        data_list = []
        for asin in asin_list:
            result = self.collection.find_one({
                "asin": asin[0],
                "country": "us"
            if result != None:
                i += 1
                data = str(result)
                word = "minute"
                result_test = re.findall("(([^\s]+ ){0,5}(water).*? ?(,|\.))",
                if result_test != []:
                    data_dict = {
                        "asin": result['asin'],
                        "data": result_test[0][0]
        for i in result_list:
            with open('test.txt', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f:
        df = pd.DataFrame(result_list)
Esempio n. 6
class InsertData():
    def __init__(self, file_path):
        self.sql_server = Mysql_server()
        with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
            self.data_list = f.readlines()

    def insert_data(self):
        self.cursor = self.sql_server.get_cursor()
        i = 0
        for data in self.data_list[1:]:
            info_list = data.replace('\n', '').split(',')[0]
            # try:
            print(info_list, '===')
            sql = f"""insert into us_asins (id, asin, keyword, pageNum, positionNum, ad,state, timestamp) values(0, '{info_list}', 'tuoyuanji', 1,1, 0, 5, 1)"""
            print('====', sql)
            # except:
            #     i +=1
            #     print(i)
Esempio n. 7
def main():
    js = Py4Js()

    my = Mysql_server()
    cursor = my.get_cursor()
    # cursor.execute('select reviewID, review_title,review_body from product_reviews where state=0 LIMIT 2000')
    cursor.execute("""SELECT b.reviewID, b.review_title, b.review_body
                      FROM product as a JOIN product_reviews as b on a.asin=b.asin
                      where>39 and b.state = 0
                      limit 2000""")
    data = cursor.fetchall()
    for task in data:
        update_sql = """update product_reviews set state=1 where reviewID=%s"""
        parse = (task[0], )
        cursor.execute(update_sql, parse)
        # print('---')
    for task in data:
        title = task[1]
        body = task[-1]
        reviewID = task[0]
        content = title
        tk = js.getTk(content)
        title = translate(content, tk)
        content = body
        tk = js.getTk(content)
        body = translate(content, tk)
        # print(title)
        update_sql = """update product_reviews set body_CN=%s, title_CN=%s, state=1 where reviewID=%s"""
        parmas = (body, title, reviewID)
        cursor.execute(update_sql, parmas)
        # print(task)
    # print(data)
Esempio n. 8
class CategorySupplement(object):
    def __init__(self, site='us'): = site
        options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
        prefs = {'profile.managed_default_content_settings.images': 2}
        options.add_experimental_option('prefs', prefs)
        self.browser = webdriver.Chrome(chrome_options=options)
        self.wait = WebDriverWait(self.browser, 10)
        self.mysql_server = Mysql_server()
        self.cursor = self.mysql_server.get_cursor()
        self.countryArr = {
            "de": "",
            "fr": "",
            "uk": "",
            "jp": "",
            "us": "",
            "it": "",
            "es": "",
            "ca": "",
            "au": "",
        self.cookies_list = {
            'us': [
                'session-id=147-8333591-9758622; ubid-main=130-3884127-5100529; skin=noskin; session-token=FcrgJrciPNhG+AEYp1gHtGkDkqmjWQqYPzqYWTI4fLyOCg4EZSkATF0YUeQDqPHFk/x9DWfgNcrFMGYiPcW6Wrhm7eIkYNcnASlbMs8qTfrMu6umzYA5BsQ+Z9OM97OJtqVPKg8nbrXNeJzTHKaRIU20Tz+frsKMNRmKFBK4XHXP+3FBm+55LU1UN/O0ipTriWa5Fn99lPUjzz9Hb78rA4E1avMFp8KbTJ4hIYJTCdlki74RAFTMzf2nk0RN/xQVSvMjDCnGJ2zcNi7VUzaPledyQwBagbx9; x-main="HlcsLZ4Gq7XzxS5rmZQXTaD5EW7xI73nKL8h9qlfNMNfOE8o035z5EP4?f47Y61J"; at-main=Atza|IwEBIOnOU7--iHDyKsOiltFuLx-dtMCFjNcnMpKmsGzA08j8J2uLYIMsHNMZNR4QdeYFWAAPs8hSTiEjqaptkbHgKExvqG8KghI0rpQVu9_w9179BjIS_Em7IlSjvL--0aAWoYoVlWzGCrUqul5oH0ojYSTwNnQdt4AAe5_sWY9hFGes7-p0Yndm09X7ymSQWQ-d1yFkSVveWRbV09a4AZePywbm; sess-at-main="3QorUsauzcHl3UyVZ4KL5xzYMG027qJ+/OKSxqm6UGI="; sst-main=Sst1|PQHarY1O5hurB5muBtN9Yu5ZCe9uE1YOdn2dkPVUnEA1MOxvpjAgcfuh3n2MiykhdYoe39tM3pduszP9vggv3H84TOHj4JT83gsk97ZXMbOkI0RoFdmWPAFOk-KaOfFLaZTaFaRvMpU_i50BDCLmTF7b4J0XSDZCGXiA87L7t0H24-FtdU5CYyc5Ef7t7J7jaUJ1fMBNWpW0uyfR-OGRae6kRbB6afuJiXZ9vOH-pXiES3QSuf9hd4znAATAskcYlYhmPqid_4NmTcXrzITr3LH8N7kxjggktbkEOzXrQc5cjho; lc-main=en_US; session-id-time=2082787201l; i18n-prefs=USD; sp-cdn="L5Z9:GB"; csm-hit=tb:s-EW60VBXATHNYN8EMCSW5|1600761482564&t:1600761486768&adb:adblk_no',
            'uk': [],
            'de': [],
            'fr': [],
            'it': [],
            'es': [],
            'jp': [],

    def set_cookies(self):
        for line in random.choice(self.cookies_list.get(,
                                                        'us')).split('; '):
            cookies_dict = {}
            temp = line.split('=', 1)
            cookies_dict['name'] = temp[0]
            cookies_dict['value'] = temp[-1]

    def get_data(self):
        select_sql = f"select url from category_supplement where state=0 and country=%s limit 1"
        self.cursor.execute(select_sql, (, ))
        data = self.cursor.fetchall()
        for record in data:
            parmas = (record[0])
            update_sql = f"""update category_supplement set state=1 where url=%s"""
            self.cursor.execute(update_sql, parmas)
        return data

    def insert_data(self, item):
        # 更新类目补充表
        params = (item['bigCategoryName'], item['bigRank'],
                  item['smallCategoryName'], item['smallRank'], item['url'])
        update_sql = f"""update category_supplement set bigCategoryName=%s, bigRank=%s, smallCategoryName=%s, smallRank=%s, state=2 where url=%s"""
        self.cursor.execute(update_sql, params)

    def start(self):
        # 先登录,在爬取数据
        self.browser.get(self.countryArr.get(, 'us'))
        data = self.get_data()
        for record in data:
            item = self.spider_parse(record[0])

    def spider_parse(self, url):
        item = {}
        flag = 1
        item['url'] = url
        item['asin'] = url.split('/')[-1]
                EC.presence_of_element_located((By.ID, 'navFooter')))
            html = self.browser.page_source
            doc = pq(html)
            sec = etree.HTML(html)
            # 获取类目,排名
            tr_list = doc(
            if tr_list:
                for tr in tr_list:
                    th = tr('th').text()
                    td = tr('td').text()
                    if in ['us']:
                        if th == 'Best Sellers Rank':
                            flag = 0
                            bigCategory = list(
                                    td.split('#')[1].split(' in ')))
                            smallCategory = list(
                                    td.split('#')[-1].split(' in ')))
                            bigCategoryName = bigCategory[1].split(' (')[0]
                            bigRank = int(''.join(bigCategory[0].split(',')))
                            smallCategoryName = smallCategory[-1]
                            smallRank = int(''.join(
                            item['bigCategoryName'] = bigCategoryName
                            item['bigRank'] = bigRank
                            item['smallCategoryName'] = smallCategoryName
                            item['smallRank'] = smallRank
                    if in ['de']:
                        if th == 'Amazon Bestseller-Rang':
                            flag = 0
                            bigCategory = list(
                                    td.split('Nr. ')[1].split(' in ')))
                            smallCategory = list(
                                    td.split('Nr. ')[-1].split(' in ')))
                            bigCategoryName = bigCategory[1].split(' (')[0]
                            bigRank = int(''.join(bigCategory[0].split(',')))
                            smallCategoryName = smallCategory[-1]
                            smallRank = int(''.join(
                            item['bigCategoryName'] = bigCategoryName
                            item['bigRank'] = bigRank
                            item['smallCategoryName'] = smallCategoryName
                            item['smallRank'] = smallRank
            ul_list = doc('#detailBulletsWrapper_feature_div>ul').items()
            if ul_list:
                for ul in ul_list:
                    title = ul('li>span>span').text()
                    if in ['de']:
                        if title == 'Amazon Bestseller-Rang:':
                            flag = 0
                            content = ul('li').text()
                            bigCategory = list(
                                    content.split('Nr. ')[1].split(' in ')))
                            smallCategory = list(
                                    content.split('Nr. ')[-1].split(' in ')))
                            bigCategoryName = bigCategory[1].split(' (')[0]
                            bigRank = int(''.join(bigCategory[0].split(',')))
                            smallCategoryName = smallCategory[-1]
                            smallRank = int(''.join(
                            item['bigCategoryName'] = bigCategoryName
                            item['bigRank'] = bigRank
                            item['smallCategoryName'] = smallCategoryName
                            item['smallRank'] = smallRank
            if flag:
                item['bigCategoryName'] = ''
                item['bigRank'] = 0
                item['smallCategoryName'] = ''
                item['smallRank'] = 0
            # 获取价格
            price = doc('#priceblock_ourprice').text()
            # 获取跟卖最低价
            min_price = doc('.olp-text-box>span:nth-child(3)').text()
            # 获取Rating
            rating_star = doc('span[data-hook="rating-out-of-text"]').text()
            rating_num = doc('#acrCustomerReviewText').text()
            star_section = doc('#histogramTable>tbody>tr').items()
            stars = ['five', 'four', 'three', 'two', 'one']
            for line, star in zip(star_section, stars):
                item[star] = line('td:nth-child(3)').text()
            # 获取label
            label_section = doc('div[cssclass="aok-float-left"]>span').items()
            label = ''
            best_seller = ''
            new_release = ''
            amazon_choice = ''
            for i, line in enumerate(label_section):
                if i == 0:
                    label = line.text()
                    if label == "Best's Seller":
                        best_seller = line.text().split('"')[1]
                    if label == "New's Release":
                        new_release = line.text().split('"')[1]
                    if label == "Amazon's Choice":
                        amazon_choice = line.text().split('"')[1]
            # 获取卖家类型
            seller1 = ''.join(sec.xpath('//*[@id="buybox-tabular"]//text()'))
            seller2 = ''.join(sec.xpath('//*[@id="merchant-info"]//text()'))
            seller1_url = ''.join(
            seller2_url = ''.join(
            if 'Amazon' in seller1 or 'Amazon' in seller2:
                seller_type = 'AMZ'
            elif 'isAmazonFulfilled' in seller1_url or 'isAmazonFulfilled' in seller2_url:
                seller_type = 'FBA'
                seller_type = 'MAH'
            item['price'] = float(re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*|$", price)[0] or 0)
            item['min_price'] = float(
                re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*|$", min_price)[0] or 0)
            item['rating_star'] = float(
                re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*|$", rating_star)[0] or 0)
            item['rating_num'] = int(
                re.findall(r"\d+\.?\d*|$", rating_num.replace(',', ''))[0]
                or 0)
            item['best_seller'] = best_seller
            item['new_release'] = new_release
            item['amazon_choice'] = amazon_choice
            item['seller_type'] = seller_type
        except Exception as e:
        return item

    def close_link(self):
Esempio n. 9
 def __init__(self):
     self.sql_server = Mysql_server()
Esempio n. 10
 def __init__(self, file_path):
     self.sql_server = Mysql_server()
     with open(file_path, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
         self.data_list = f.readlines()
Esempio n. 11
 def __init__(self):
     self.mongodb = MongoDBserver()
     self.collection = self.mongodb.get_collection()
     self.mysql = Mysql_server()
     self.cursor = self.mysql.get_cursor()
Esempio n. 12
 def __init__(self):
     # 建立数据库连接
     self.mongodb = MongoDBserver()
     self.collection = self.mongodb.get_collection()
     self.mysql = Mysql_server()
     self.cursor = self.mysql.get_cursor()
     self.categoryIndexArr = {
         "us": {
             "Home & Kitchen": 1055398,
             "Office Products": 1064954,
             "Musical Instruments": 11091801,
             "Amazon Launchpad": 12034488011,
             "Kindle Store": 133140011,
             "Kitchen & Dining": 13900821,
             "Automotive": 15684181,
             "Industrial & Scientific": 16310091,
             "Grocery & Gourmet Food": 16310101,
             "Digital Music": 163856011,
             "Toys & Games": 165793011,
             "Baby": 165796011,
             "Electronics": 172282,
             "Gift Cards": 2238192011,
             "Tools & Home Improvement": 228013,
             "Software": 229534,
             "Cell Phones & Accessories": 2335752011,
             "Apps & Games": 2350149011,
             "Arts, Crafts & Sewing": 2617941011,
             "Appliances": 2619525011,
             "Pet Supplies": 2619533011,
             "Movies & TV": 2625373011,
             "Books": 283155,
             "Patio, Lawn & Garden": 2972638011,
             "Sports Collectibles": 3250697011,
             "Sports & Outdoors": 3375251,
             "Health & Household": 3760901,
             "Beauty & Personal Care": 3760911,
             "Video Games": 468642,
             "Camera & Photo": 502394,
             "Entertainment Collectibles": 5088769011,
             "CDs & Vinyl": 5174,
             "Computers & Accessories": 541966,
             "Magazine Subscriptions": 599858,
             "Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry": 7141123011,
             "Collectible Coins": 9003130011
         "jp": {
             "Home & Kitchen": 1055398,
             "Office Products": 1064954,
             "Musical Instruments": 11091801,
             "Amazon Launchpad": 12034488011,
             "Kindle Store": 133140011,
             "Kitchen & Dining": 13900821,
             "Automotive": 15684181,
             "Industrial & Scientific": 16310091,
             "Grocery & Gourmet Food": 16310101,
             "Digital Music": 163856011,
             "Toys & Games": 165793011,
             "Baby": 165796011,
             "Electronics": 172282,
             "Gift Cards": 2238192011,
             "Tools & Home Improvement": 228013,
             "Software": 229534,
             "Cell Phones & Accessories": 2335752011,
             "Apps & Games": 2350149011,
             "Arts, Crafts & Sewing": 2617941011,
             "Appliances": 2619525011,
             "Pet Supplies": 2619533011,
             "Movies & TV": 2625373011,
             "Books": 283155,
             "Patio, Lawn & Garden": 2972638011,
             "Sports Collectibles": 3250697011,
             "Sports & Outdoors": 3375251,
             "Health & Household": 3760901,
             "Beauty & Personal Care": 3760911,
             "Video Games": 468642,
             "Camera & Photo": 502394,
             "Entertainment Collectibles": 5088769011,
             "CDs & Vinyl": 5174,
             "Computers & Accessories": 541966,
             "Magazine Subscriptions": 599858,
             "Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry": 7141123011,
             "Collectible Coins": 9003130011
         "xx": {
             'ビューティー': 52374051,
             'jp-stores': 579684,
             'DVD': 561958,
             'ゲーム': 637394,
             '産業・研究開発用品': 3445393051,
             'Prime Video': 2351649051,
             'スポーツ&アウトドア': 14304371,
             '洋書': 52033011,
             '食品・飲料・お酒': 57239051,
             '車&バイク': 2017304051,
             'シューズ&バッグ': 2016926051,
             'ジュエリー': 85895051,
             '腕時計': 324025011,
             'ホビー': 2277721051,
             'DIY・工具・ガーデン': 2016929051,
             'ペット用品': 2127212051,
             'ホーム&キッチン': 3828871,
             '文房具・オフィス用品': 86731051,
             '楽器・音響機器': 2123629051,
             'ドラッグストア': 160384011,
             'デジタルミュージック': 2128134051,
             '家電&カメラ': 3210981,
             '大型家電': 2277724051,
             '服&ファッション小物': 352484011,
             'おもちゃ': 13299531,
             'PCソフト': 637392,
             'ミュージック': 561956,
             'ベビー&マタニティ': 344845011,
             'パソコン・周辺機器': 2127209051,
             'Amazonデバイス・アクセサリ': 4976279051,
             'Androidアプリ': 2381130051,
             'Kindleストア': 2250738051,
             'ギフト券': 2351652051,
             'ファッション': 2229202051,
             '本': 465392
         "de": {
             'Haustier': 340852031,
             'DVD & Blu-ray': 284266,
             'Küche, Haushalt & Wohnen': 3167641,
             'Auto & Motorrad': 78191031,
             'Lebensmittel & Getränke': 340846031,
             'Prime Video': 3010075031,
             'Amazon Launchpad': 9418395031,
             'Musik-CDs & Vinyl': 255882,
             'Bürobedarf & Schreibwaren': 192416031,
             'Beleuchtung': 213083031,
             'Kamera & Foto': 571860,
             'Beauty': 84230031,
             'Elektronik & Foto': 562066,
             'Spielzeug': 12950651,
             'Schuhe & Handtaschen': 355006011,
             'Baby': 355007011,
             'Elektro-Großgeräte': 908823031,
             'Bekleidung': 77028031,
             'Gewerbe, Industrie & Wissenschaft': 5866098031,
             'Zeitschriften': 1161658,
             'Sport & Freizeit': 16435051,
             'Musikinstrumente & DJ-Equipment': 340849031,
             'Bücher': 186606,
             'Amazon-Geräte & Zubehör': 12598632031,
             'Fremdsprachige Bücher': 52044011,
             'Games': 300992,
             'Handmade Produkte': 9699311031,
             'Koffer, Rucksäcke & Taschen': 2454118031,
             'Geschenkgutscheine': 1571256031,
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             'Software': 301927,
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             'Computer & Zubehör': 340843031,
             'Apps & Spiele': 1661648031,
             'Drogerie & Körperpflege': 64187031,
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             'Baumarkt': 80084031,
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         "uk": {
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             'DVD & Blu-ray': 283920,
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             'Stationery & Office Supplies': 192413031,
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             'CDs & Vinyl': 229816,
             'Garden & Outdoors': 11052671,
             'Handmade Products': 9699254031,
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             'Health & Personal Care': 65801031,
             'Musical Instruments & DJ': 340837031,
             'Beauty': 117332031,
             'Automotive': 248877031,
             'Pet Supplies': 340840031,
             'Apps & Games': 1661657031,
             'Gift Cards': 1571304031,
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             'Business, Industry & Science': 5866054031,
             'Digital Music': 77197031,
             'DIY & Tools': 79903031,
             'Software': 300435,
             'Jewellery': 193716031,
             'Electronics & Photo': 560798,
             'Baby Products': 59624031,
             'Kindle Store': 341677031,
             'Watches': 328228011,
             'Toys & Games': 468292,
             'Books': 266239,
             'Clothing': 83450031,
             'PC & Video Games': 300703,
             "Amazon Launchpad": 7212961031,
             "Home & Kitchen": 11052681
         "fr": {
             'Bricolage': 590748031,
             'Animalerie': 1571268031,
             'Hygiène et Santé': 197861031,
             'Livres': 301061,
             'DVD & Blu-ray': 405322,
             'Boutique chèques-cadeaux': 2524127031,
             'Vêtements': 340855031,
             'Fournitures de bureau': 192419031,
             'Informatique': 340858031,
             'Téléchargement de Musique': 77196031,
             'Chaussures et Sacs': 215934031,
             'Montres': 60649031,
             'Appareils Amazon et Accessoires': 12598689031,
             'Bébé & Puériculture': 206617031,
             'Luminaires & Eclairage': 213080031,
             'High-Tech': 13921051,
             'Logiciels': 530488,
             'Amazon Launchpad': 10525448031,
             'Gros électroménager': 908826031,
             'Jeux vidéo': 530490,
             'Beauté et Parfum': 197858031,
             'Bijoux': 193710031,
             'Epicerie': 3635788031,
             'Auto et Moto': 1571265031,
             'Livres anglais et étrangers': 52042011,
             'Instruments de musique et Sono': 340861031,
             'Jeux et Jouets': 322086011,
             'Sports et Loisirs': 325614031,
             'Autres': 72919031,
             'Commerce, Industrie et Science': 5866109031,
             'Cuisine & Maison': 57004031,
             'CD & Vinyles': 301062,
             'Applis et Jeux': 1661654031,
             'Boutique Kindle': 672108031,
             'Bagages': 2454145031,
             'Jardin': 3557027031,
             'Produits Handmade': 9699368031
         "it": {
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             'Alimentari e cura della casa': 6198092031,
             'Altro': 425919031,
             'Auto e Moto': 1571280031,
             'Bellezza': 6198082031,
             'Cancelleria e prodotti per ufficio': 3606310031,
             'Casa e cucina': 524015031,
             'CD e Vinili': 412600031,
             'Commercio, Industria e Scienza': 5866068031,
             'Elettronica': 412609031,
             'Fai da te': 2454160031,
             'Film e TV': 412606031,
             'Giardino e giardinaggio': 635016031,
             'Giochi e giocattoli': 523997031,
             'Gioielli': 2454163031,
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             'Informatica': 425916031,
             'Libri': 411663031,
             'Libri in altre lingue': 433842031,
             'Musica Digitale': 1748203031,
             'Orologi': 524009031,
             'Prima infanzia': 1571286031,
             'Prodotti per animali domestici': 12472499031,
             'Salute e cura della persona': 1571289031,
             'Scarpe e borse': 524006031,
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             'Videogiochi': 412603031,
             'App e Giochi': 1661660031,
             'Buoni regalo': 3557017031,
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         "es": {
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             'Belleza': 6198054031,
             'Bricolaje y herramientas': 2454133031,
             'CDs y vinilos': 599373031,
             'Coche y moto': 1951051031,
             'Deportes y aire libre': 2454136031,
             'Electrónica': 599370031,
             'Equipaje': 2454129031,
             'Hogar y cocina': 599391031,
             'Iluminación': 3564289031,
             'Industria, empresas y ciencia': 5866088031,
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             'Juguetes y juegos': 599385031,
             'Libros': 599364031,
             'Libros en idiomas extranjeros': 599367031,
             'Música Digital': 1748200031,
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             'Otros Productos': 667040031,
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             'Productos para mascotas': 12472654031,
             'Relojes': 599388031,
             'Ropa': 2846220031,
             'Salud y cuidado personal': 3677430031,
             'Videojuegos': 599382031,
             'Zapatos y complementos': 1571262031,
             'Grandes electrodomésticos': 4772050031,
             'Productos Handmade': 9699482031,
             'Software': 599376031,
             'Tienda Kindle': 818936031,
             'Apps y Juegos': 1661649031,
             'Cheques regalo': 3564279031,
             'Dispositivos Amazon y Accesorios': 12598806031
         'in': {
             'Bags, Wallets and Luggage': 2454169031,
             "Baby": 1571274031,
             "Beauty": 1355016031,
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             "Car & Motorbike": 4772060031,
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             "Computers & Accessories": 976392031,
             "Electronics": 976419031,
             "Grocery & Gourmet Foods": 2454178031,
             "Health & Personal Care": 1350384031,
             "Home & Kitchen": 976442031,
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             "Movies & TV Shows": 976416031,
             "Music": 976445031,
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             "Office Products": 2454172031,
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             "Toys & Games": 1350380031,
             'Video Games': 976460031,
             "Watches": 1350387031,
             "Software": 976451031
         'br': {
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             "Bebê": 17242603011,
             'Beleza': 16194414011,
             'Binquedos e Jogos': 16194299011,
             'Alimentos e Bebidas': 18991079011,
             "Jardim e Piscina": 18991021011,
             'Casa': 16191000011,
             "CD e Vinil": 7791937011,
             'Computadores e Informática': 16339926011,
             'Cozinha': 16957125011,
             "DVD e Blu-ray": 7791856011,
             'Eletrodomésticos': 16522082011,
             'Eletrônicos': 16209062011,
             'Esporte': 17349396011,
             'Ferramentas e Materiais de Construção': 16957182011,
             'Games e Consoles': 7791985011,
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             'Moda': 17365811011,
             "Papelaria e Escritório": 16957239011,
             "Saúde": 16215417011,
             "Pet Shop": 18991136011,
             "Automotivo": 18914209011
         'au': {
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             "Baby": 4851510051,
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             "Clothing, Shoes & Accessories": 4851856051,
             "Computers": 4851683051,
             "Electronics": 4851799051,
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             'Home': 4851975051,
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             'Sports, Fitness & Outdoors': 4852559051,
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             'Toys & Games': 4852617051,
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             'Livres': 916522,
             'Luggage & Bags': 6205505011,
             'Movies & TV': 917972,
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             'Shoes & Handbags': 8604915011,
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             'Toys & Games': 6205517011,
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             "Juguetes y Juegos": 11260442011,
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             "Automotriz y Motocicletas": 13848848011,
             "Instrumentos Musicales": 13848858011,
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             "Salud, Belleza y Cuidado Personal": 9482610011,
             "Música": 9482620011,
             "Películas y Series de TV": 9482630011,
             "Videojuegos": 9482640011,
             "Bebé": 9482650011,
             "Deportes y Aire libre": 9482660011,
             "Herramientas y Mejoras del Hogar": 9482670011,
             "Software": 9482690011,
             "Oficina y Papelería": 9673844011
         "tr": {
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             "Spor ve Outdoor": 12467068031,
             "Mutfak": 12466781031,
             "Ofis ve Kırtasiye": 12467009031,
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             "Yapı Market": 12466724031,
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             "Ev ve Yaşam": 12466667031,
             "Elektronik": 12466496031,
             "Erkek Modası": 13546649031,
             "Bebek": 12466208031,
             "Diğer Her Şey": 12467297031,
             "Bilgisayarlar": 12466439031,
             "Moda": 12466553031,
             "Video Oyunu ve Konsol": 12467183031
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Esempio n. 13
class Getdata():
    def __init__(self):
        # 建立数据库连接
        self.mongodb = MongoDBserver()
        self.collection = self.mongodb.get_collection()
        self.mysql = Mysql_server()
        self.cursor = self.mysql.get_cursor()
        self.categoryIndexArr = {
            "us": {
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                "Office Products": 1064954,
                "Musical Instruments": 11091801,
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                "Kindle Store": 133140011,
                "Kitchen & Dining": 13900821,
                "Automotive": 15684181,
                "Industrial & Scientific": 16310091,
                "Grocery & Gourmet Food": 16310101,
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                "Baby": 165796011,
                "Electronics": 172282,
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                "Tools & Home Improvement": 228013,
                "Software": 229534,
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                "Apps & Games": 2350149011,
                "Arts, Crafts & Sewing": 2617941011,
                "Appliances": 2619525011,
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                "Movies & TV": 2625373011,
                "Books": 283155,
                "Patio, Lawn & Garden": 2972638011,
                "Sports Collectibles": 3250697011,
                "Sports & Outdoors": 3375251,
                "Health & Household": 3760901,
                "Beauty & Personal Care": 3760911,
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                "Entertainment Collectibles": 5088769011,
                "CDs & Vinyl": 5174,
                "Computers & Accessories": 541966,
                "Magazine Subscriptions": 599858,
                "Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry": 7141123011,
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            "jp": {
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                "Office Products": 1064954,
                "Musical Instruments": 11091801,
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                "Kindle Store": 133140011,
                "Kitchen & Dining": 13900821,
                "Automotive": 15684181,
                "Industrial & Scientific": 16310091,
                "Grocery & Gourmet Food": 16310101,
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                "Baby": 165796011,
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                "Tools & Home Improvement": 228013,
                "Software": 229534,
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                "Arts, Crafts & Sewing": 2617941011,
                "Appliances": 2619525011,
                "Pet Supplies": 2619533011,
                "Movies & TV": 2625373011,
                "Books": 283155,
                "Patio, Lawn & Garden": 2972638011,
                "Sports Collectibles": 3250697011,
                "Sports & Outdoors": 3375251,
                "Health & Household": 3760901,
                "Beauty & Personal Care": 3760911,
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                "Entertainment Collectibles": 5088769011,
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                "Computers & Accessories": 541966,
                "Magazine Subscriptions": 599858,
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            "xx": {
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                'スポーツ&アウトドア': 14304371,
                '洋書': 52033011,
                '食品・飲料・お酒': 57239051,
                '車&バイク': 2017304051,
                'シューズ&バッグ': 2016926051,
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                '腕時計': 324025011,
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                'DIY・工具・ガーデン': 2016929051,
                'ペット用品': 2127212051,
                'ホーム&キッチン': 3828871,
                '文房具・オフィス用品': 86731051,
                '楽器・音響機器': 2123629051,
                'ドラッグストア': 160384011,
                'デジタルミュージック': 2128134051,
                '家電&カメラ': 3210981,
                '大型家電': 2277724051,
                '服&ファッション小物': 352484011,
                'おもちゃ': 13299531,
                'PCソフト': 637392,
                'ミュージック': 561956,
                'ベビー&マタニティ': 344845011,
                'パソコン・周辺機器': 2127209051,
                'Amazonデバイス・アクセサリ': 4976279051,
                'Androidアプリ': 2381130051,
                'Kindleストア': 2250738051,
                'ギフト券': 2351652051,
                'ファッション': 2229202051,
                '本': 465392
            "de": {
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                'DVD & Blu-ray': 284266,
                'Küche, Haushalt & Wohnen': 3167641,
                'Auto & Motorrad': 78191031,
                'Lebensmittel & Getränke': 340846031,
                'Prime Video': 3010075031,
                'Amazon Launchpad': 9418395031,
                'Musik-CDs & Vinyl': 255882,
                'Bürobedarf & Schreibwaren': 192416031,
                'Beleuchtung': 213083031,
                'Kamera & Foto': 571860,
                'Beauty': 84230031,
                'Elektronik & Foto': 562066,
                'Spielzeug': 12950651,
                'Schuhe & Handtaschen': 355006011,
                'Baby': 355007011,
                'Elektro-Großgeräte': 908823031,
                'Bekleidung': 77028031,
                'Gewerbe, Industrie & Wissenschaft': 5866098031,
                'Zeitschriften': 1161658,
                'Sport & Freizeit': 16435051,
                'Musikinstrumente & DJ-Equipment': 340849031,
                'Bücher': 186606,
                'Amazon-Geräte & Zubehör': 12598632031,
                'Fremdsprachige Bücher': 52044011,
                'Games': 300992,
                'Handmade Produkte': 9699311031,
                'Koffer, Rucksäcke & Taschen': 2454118031,
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                'Software': 301927,
                'Sonstiges': 72921031,
                'Computer & Zubehör': 340843031,
                'Apps & Spiele': 1661648031,
                'Drogerie & Körperpflege': 64187031,
                'Uhren': 193707031,
                'Schmuck': 327472011,
                'Garten': 10925031,
                'Baumarkt': 80084031,
                'Kindle-Shop': 530484031
            "uk": {
                'Home & Garden Store': 3146281,
                'DVD & Blu-ray': 283920,
                'Shoes & Bags': 355005011,
                'Stationery & Office Supplies': 192413031,
                'Prime Video': 3010085031,
                'CDs & Vinyl': 229816,
                'Garden & Outdoors': 11052671,
                'Handmade Products': 9699254031,
                'Large Appliances': 908798031,
                'Health & Personal Care': 65801031,
                'Musical Instruments & DJ': 340837031,
                'Beauty': 117332031,
                'Automotive': 248877031,
                'Pet Supplies': 340840031,
                'Apps & Games': 1661657031,
                'Gift Cards': 1571304031,
                'Lighting': 213077031,
                'Computers & Accessories': 340831031,
                'Sports & Outdoors': 318949011,
                'Everything Else': 72911031,
                'Grocery': 340834031,
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                'Business, Industry & Science': 5866054031,
                'Digital Music': 77197031,
                'DIY & Tools': 79903031,
                'Software': 300435,
                'Jewellery': 193716031,
                'Electronics & Photo': 560798,
                'Baby Products': 59624031,
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                'Toys & Games': 468292,
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                'PC & Video Games': 300703,
                "Amazon Launchpad": 7212961031,
                "Home & Kitchen": 11052681
            "fr": {
                'Bricolage': 590748031,
                'Animalerie': 1571268031,
                'Hygiène et Santé': 197861031,
                'Livres': 301061,
                'DVD & Blu-ray': 405322,
                'Boutique chèques-cadeaux': 2524127031,
                'Vêtements': 340855031,
                'Fournitures de bureau': 192419031,
                'Informatique': 340858031,
                'Téléchargement de Musique': 77196031,
                'Chaussures et Sacs': 215934031,
                'Montres': 60649031,
                'Appareils Amazon et Accessoires': 12598689031,
                'Bébé & Puériculture': 206617031,
                'Luminaires & Eclairage': 213080031,
                'High-Tech': 13921051,
                'Logiciels': 530488,
                'Amazon Launchpad': 10525448031,
                'Gros électroménager': 908826031,
                'Jeux vidéo': 530490,
                'Beauté et Parfum': 197858031,
                'Bijoux': 193710031,
                'Epicerie': 3635788031,
                'Auto et Moto': 1571265031,
                'Livres anglais et étrangers': 52042011,
                'Instruments de musique et Sono': 340861031,
                'Jeux et Jouets': 322086011,
                'Sports et Loisirs': 325614031,
                'Autres': 72919031,
                'Commerce, Industrie et Science': 5866109031,
                'Cuisine & Maison': 57004031,
                'CD & Vinyles': 301062,
                'Applis et Jeux': 1661654031,
                'Boutique Kindle': 672108031,
                'Bagages': 2454145031,
                'Jardin': 3557027031,
                'Produits Handmade': 9699368031
            "it": {
                'Abbigliamento': 2844433031,
                'Alimentari e cura della casa': 6198092031,
                'Altro': 425919031,
                'Auto e Moto': 1571280031,
                'Bellezza': 6198082031,
                'Cancelleria e prodotti per ufficio': 3606310031,
                'Casa e cucina': 524015031,
                'CD e Vinili': 412600031,
                'Commercio, Industria e Scienza': 5866068031,
                'Elettronica': 412609031,
                'Fai da te': 2454160031,
                'Film e TV': 412606031,
                'Giardino e giardinaggio': 635016031,
                'Giochi e giocattoli': 523997031,
                'Gioielli': 2454163031,
                'Illuminazione': 1571292031,
                'Informatica': 425916031,
                'Libri': 411663031,
                'Libri in altre lingue': 433842031,
                'Musica Digitale': 1748203031,
                'Orologi': 524009031,
                'Prima infanzia': 1571286031,
                'Prodotti per animali domestici': 12472499031,
                'Salute e cura della persona': 1571289031,
                'Scarpe e borse': 524006031,
                'Sport e tempo libero': 524012031,
                'Strumenti Musicali': 3628629031,
                'Valigeria': 2454148031,
                'Videogiochi': 412603031,
                'App e Giochi': 1661660031,
                'Buoni regalo': 3557017031,
                'Dispositivi Amazon & Accessori': 12598749031,
                'Grandi elettrodomestici': 14437356031,
                'Kindle Store': 818937031,
                'Prodotti Handmade': 9699425031,
                'Software': 412612031
            "es": {
                'Alimentación y bebidas': 6198072031,
                'Bebé': 1703495031,
                'Belleza': 6198054031,
                'Bricolaje y herramientas': 2454133031,
                'CDs y vinilos': 599373031,
                'Coche y moto': 1951051031,
                'Deportes y aire libre': 2454136031,
                'Electrónica': 599370031,
                'Equipaje': 2454129031,
                'Hogar y cocina': 599391031,
                'Iluminación': 3564289031,
                'Industria, empresas y ciencia': 5866088031,
                'Informática': 667049031,
                'Instrumentos musicales': 3628866031,
                'Jardín': 1571259031,
                'Joyería': 2454126031,
                'Juguetes y juegos': 599385031,
                'Libros': 599364031,
                'Libros en idiomas extranjeros': 599367031,
                'Música Digital': 1748200031,
                'Oficina y papelería': 3628728031,
                'Otros Productos': 667040031,
                'Películas y TV': 599379031,
                'Productos para mascotas': 12472654031,
                'Relojes': 599388031,
                'Ropa': 2846220031,
                'Salud y cuidado personal': 3677430031,
                'Videojuegos': 599382031,
                'Zapatos y complementos': 1571262031,
                'Grandes electrodomésticos': 4772050031,
                'Productos Handmade': 9699482031,
                'Software': 599376031,
                'Tienda Kindle': 818936031,
                'Apps y Juegos': 1661649031,
                'Cheques regalo': 3564279031,
                'Dispositivos Amazon y Accesorios': 12598806031
            'in': {
                'Bags, Wallets and Luggage': 2454169031,
                "Baby": 1571274031,
                "Beauty": 1355016031,
                "Books": 976389031,
                "Car & Motorbike": 4772060031,
                "Clothing & Accessories": 1571271031,
                "Computers & Accessories": 976392031,
                "Electronics": 976419031,
                "Grocery & Gourmet Foods": 2454178031,
                "Health & Personal Care": 1350384031,
                "Home & Kitchen": 976442031,
                "Home Improvement": 3704992031,
                "Industrial & Scientific": 5866078031,
                "Jewellery": 1951048031,
                "Movies & TV Shows": 976416031,
                "Music": 976445031,
                "Musical Instruments": 3677697031,
                "Office Products": 2454172031,
                'Outdoor Living': 2454175031,
                'Pet Supplies': 2454181031,
                "Shoes & Handbags": 1571283031,
                'Sports, Fitness & Outdoors': 1984443031,
                "Toys & Games": 1350380031,
                'Video Games': 976460031,
                "Watches": 1350387031,
                "Software": 976451031
            'br': {
                "Apps e Jogos": 6446175011,
                "Bebê": 17242603011,
                'Beleza': 16194414011,
                'Binquedos e Jogos': 16194299011,
                'Alimentos e Bebidas': 18991079011,
                "Jardim e Piscina": 18991021011,
                'Casa': 16191000011,
                "CD e Vinil": 7791937011,
                'Computadores e Informática': 16339926011,
                'Cozinha': 16957125011,
                "DVD e Blu-ray": 7791856011,
                'Eletrodomésticos': 16522082011,
                'Eletrônicos': 16209062011,
                'Esporte': 17349396011,
                'Ferramentas e Materiais de Construção': 16957182011,
                'Games e Consoles': 7791985011,
                'Livros': 6740748011,
                "Loja Kindle": 5308307011,
                'Moda': 17365811011,
                "Papelaria e Escritório": 16957239011,
                "Saúde": 16215417011,
                "Pet Shop": 18991136011,
                "Automotivo": 18914209011
            'au': {
                "Alexa Skills": 4931595051,
                "Apps & Games": 2544160051,
                "Automotive": 4851453051,
                "Baby": 4851510051,
                "Beauty": 4851567051,
                "Books": 4851626051,
                "CDs & Vinyl": 4852330051,
                "Clothing, Shoes & Accessories": 4851856051,
                "Computers": 4851683051,
                "Electronics": 4851799051,
                "Everything Else": 4103126051,
                'Health, Household & Personal Care': 4851917051,
                'Home': 4851975051,
                "Home Improvement": 4852033051,
                "Kindle Store": 2490359051,
                "Kitchen & Dining": 4852150051,
                "Lighting": 4852207051,
                "Movies & TV": 4852264051,
                'Pantry Food & Drinks': 5547635051,
                'Pet Supplies': 5514967051,
                'Software': 4852502051,
                'Sports, Fitness & Outdoors': 4852559051,
                'Stationery & Office Products': 4852445051,
                'Toys & Games': 4852617051,
                'Video Games': 4852675051
            'ca': {
                'Automotive': 6948389011,
                "Baby": 3561346011,
                "Beauty & Personal Care": 6205124011,
                "Books": 916520,
                "Clothing & Accessories": 8604903011,
                "Electronics": 667823011,
                'Everything Else': 2356392011,
                "Featured Stores": 916516,
                'Grocery & Gourmet Food': 6967215011,
                'Health & Personal Care': 6205177011,
                "Home": 2206275011,
                'Industrial & Scientific': 11076213011,
                'Jewelry': 6205496011,
                'Livres': 916522,
                'Luggage & Bags': 6205505011,
                'Movies & TV': 917972,
                'Music': 916514,
                'Musical Instruments, Stage & Studio': 6916844011,
                'Office Products': 6205511011,
                'Patio, Lawn & Garden': 6205499011,
                'Pet Supplies': 6205514011,
                'Shoes & Handbags': 8604915011,
                'Sports & Outdoors': 2242989011,
                'Tools & Home Improvement': 3006902011,
                'Toys & Games': 6205517011,
                'Video': 916518,
                'Video Games': 3198031,
                'Watches': 2235620011
            'ae': {
                "Appliances": 15149781031,
                "Automotive": 11498031031,
                "Baby Products": 11498088031,
                "Beauty": 11497860031,
                "Books": 11497689031,
                "Computers": 11497746031,
                "Electronics": 11601327031,
                "Fashion": 11497632031,
                "Grocery": 15150009031,
                "Health": 11601441031,
                "Home": 16725681031,
                "Kitchen": 16402718031,
                "Mobile Phones & Communication Products": 12303750031,
                "Office Products": 15150351031,
                "Pet Supplies": 15150408031,
                "Sporting Goods": 11601213031,
                "Tools & Home Improvement": 11601270031,
                "Toys": 11497803031,
                "Videogames": 11601384031,
            "mx": {
                "Industria, Empresas y Ciencia": 11076223011,
                "Juguetes y Juegos": 11260442011,
                "Productos para Animales": 11782336011,
                "Ropa, Zapatos y Accesorios": 13848838011,
                "Automotriz y Motocicletas": 13848848011,
                "Instrumentos Musicales": 13848858011,
                "Tienda Kindle": 6446439011,
                "Libros": 9298576011,
                "Electrónicos": 9482558011,
                "Hogar y Cocina": 9482593011,
                "Salud, Belleza y Cuidado Personal": 9482610011,
                "Música": 9482620011,
                "Películas y Series de TV": 9482630011,
                "Videojuegos": 9482640011,
                "Bebé": 9482650011,
                "Deportes y Aire libre": 9482660011,
                "Herramientas y Mejoras del Hogar": 9482670011,
                "Software": 9482690011,
                "Oficina y Papelería": 9673844011
            "tr": {
                "Oyuncak": 12467126031,
                "Spor ve Outdoor": 12467068031,
                "Mutfak": 12466781031,
                "Ofis ve Kırtasiye": 12467009031,
                "Kitap": 12466380031,
                "Yapı Market": 12466724031,
                "Kadın Modası": 13546651031,
                "Ev ve Yaşam": 12466667031,
                "Elektronik": 12466496031,
                "Erkek Modası": 13546649031,
                "Bebek": 12466208031,
                "Diğer Her Şey": 12467297031,
                "Bilgisayarlar": 12466439031,
                "Moda": 12466553031,
                "Video Oyunu ve Konsol": 12467183031
        self.country_site = {
            "de": "de",
            "fr": "fr",
            "uk": "",
            "jp": "",
            "us": "com",
            "it": "it",
            "es": "es",
            'in': "in",
            'br': '',
            'au': "",
            'ca': "ca"

    def get_asin(self, country, keyword, ad, timestamp):
        # 根据条件筛选出asin并整理去重返回
        table_name = country + '_asins'
        sql = f"select asin from {table_name} where keyword=%s and state>=2 and ad={ad} and timestamp>{timestamp}"
        params = (keyword, )
        print(sql % params)
        self.cursor.execute(sql, params)
        asin_list = []
        data_list = self.cursor.fetchall()
        # asin_data_list = []
        for data in data_list:
            asin = data[0]
            if asin.isnumeric():
        return list(set(asin_list))

    def get_data(self,
        # 根据asin获取并处理数据
        table_name = country + "_asins"
        data_list = []
        little_rank = []
        i = 0  # i,a只用于观察是否有asin无数据或虚拟物品过多影响结果
        a = 1
        # 遍历asin提取所有数据
        for asin in asin_list:
            print(a, '==')
            print(len(data_list), '----')
            a += 1
            data = {}
            # 联表查询取出数据
            sql = f"""select a.asin as 'asin', a.keyword as 'keyword',a.pageNum as 'page', a.positionNum as 'ranking',
                            b.price as 'price', b.seller_type as 'seller_type', b.sellerName as 'sellerName', 
                            b.seller_num as 'seller_num', b.sellerID as 'sellerID', b.listing_rating as 'listing_rating', 
                            b.brand as 'brand', b.ratings as 'ratings', b.stock_status as 'stock_status', 
                            b.QA_num as 'QA_num', b.timestamp as 'time', as 'country', 
                   as 'reviews',b.critical as 'critical',b.vp_num as 'vp_num',
                            b.product_style as 'product_style' , as 'ad', b.avg30 as 'avg30', b.actual_reviews as 'actual_reviews'
                            from {table_name} as a left join product_detail as b on a.asin=b.asin
                            where a.asin='{asin}' and country='{country}' and b.timestamp>{timestamp} and{ad} and a.keyword='{keyword}' 
                            order by b.timestamp DESC"""
            detail_data = self.cursor.fetchone()

            # 整理数据
            if detail_data == None:
            country = detail_data[15]
            if category_name != '' and category_url != '':
                data['小类目'] = category_name
                data['类目链接'] = category_url
                data['小类目排名'] = ''
            data['asin'] = detail_data[0]
            data['站点'] = detail_data[15]
            data['产品链接'] = "" % self.country_site[
                country] + data['asin']
            # data['关键词'] = detail_data[1]
            result = self.collection.find_one({
                "asin": asin,
                "country": "%s" % country,
                "timestamp": {
                    "$gte": timestamp
            if result != None:
                data['主图地址'] = "" % \
                               result['img_list'][0] if len(result['img_list']) > 0 else ''
                data['视频'] = "有" if result['other_info']['video'] else "无"
                data['所在页数'] = detail_data[2]
                data['页面排名'] = detail_data[3]
                # data['广告位'] = "是" if detail_data[20]==1 else "否"
                data['广告所在页数'] = ''
                data['广告页面排名'] = ''
                data['价格'] = max(detail_data[4], 0)
                data['变体'] = 1 if result['vari_num'] == None else result[
                data['跟卖数'] = detail_data[7]
                data['A+'] = "有" if result['other_info']['aplus'] else "无"
                product_info = json.loads(result['product_info'])
                first_date = {
                    'us': 'Date First Available',
                    'jp': 'Date First Available',
                    'de': 'Im Angebot von seit',
                    'uk': 'Date First Available',
                    'fr': 'Date First Available',
                    'es': 'Date First Available',
                    'it': 'Im Angebot von seit',
                data['上架日期'] = product_info.get(
                    '')  # ('Im Angebot von seit', 0)
                # 提取出所有的类目数据并分为大类目和小类目数据
                sql = f"""select category, `rank` from product_rankinfo where asin = '{asin}' and country='{country}' and timestamp>{timestamp}"""
                rank_list = self.cursor.fetchall()
                big_rank_info = []  # 大类目列表
                little_rank_info = []  # 小类目列表
                for rank_data in rank_list:
                    if rank_data[0] in self.categoryIndexArr[country].keys():
                        rank_dict = {
                            "category": rank_data[0],
                            "rank": rank_data[-1]
                        rank_dict = {
                            "category": rank_data[0],
                            "rank": rank_data[-1]
                data['大类目'] = big_rank_info[0]['category'] if len(
                    big_rank_info) != 0 else ""
                data['大类目排名'] = big_rank_info[0]['rank'] if len(
                    big_rank_info) != 0 else ""
                data['小类目数据'] = little_rank_info
                i += len(little_rank_info)
                data['近30天排名'] = '' if detail_data[21] < 1 else detail_data[21]
                data['总评分人数'] = detail_data[11]
                data['listing评分'] = detail_data[9]
                # data['颜色/型号'] = detail_data[19]
                data['总评论数'] = detail_data[16]
                data['差评数'] = detail_data[17]
                data['VP评论数'] = detail_data[18]
                data['QA'] = max(detail_data[13], 0)
                data['品牌'] = detail_data[10].replace('Brand: ', '')
                data['实际评论数'] = detail_data[22]
                sellerID = detail_data[8]
                if sellerID not in ["", '-']:
                        sql = """select negative_lifetime, count_lifetime from seller_info where sellerID='%s' order by timestamp DESC""" % sellerID
                        seller_info = self.cursor.fetchone()
                        data['feedback数'] = seller_info[-1]
                        data['feedback差评率'] = seller_info[0] / 100
                        data['feedback数'] = 0
                        data['feedback差评率'] = 0
                    data['feedback数'] = ""
                    data['feedback差评率'] = ""

                if detail_data[5] == 0:
                    data['卖家类型'] = "虚拟"  # 此即为虚拟商品或书本之类的商品
                elif detail_data[5] == 1:
                    data['卖家类型'] = "AMZ"
                elif detail_data[5] == 2:
                    data['卖家类型'] = "FBA"
                elif detail_data[5] == 3:
                    data['卖家类型'] = "MAH"
                # data['卖家类型'] = detail_data[5]
                data['店铺名称'] = detail_data[6]
                sales_sql = f"""select sales,date from product_sales where asin='{asin}'"""
                sales_data = self.cursor.fetchall()
                # print(sales_data)
                if sales_data != []:
                    for sales in sales_data:
                        date = sales[-1]
                        sales = sales[0]
                        if date == "2020-10":
                            data['月销量'] = sales
                data['月销量'] = 0 if data.get('月销量', 0) == 0 else data['月销量']
                # data['sellerID'] = detail_data[8]
                # data['stock_status'] = detail_data[12]
                # data['time'] = detail_data[14]
                data_list.append(data)  # 将数据汇总
                # print(len(data_list), '----')
                print(f"====asin: {asin}, error: 没有抓取到详情页")

        # 将所有类目添加至一个列表中
        little_category = []
        for data in little_rank:

        # 将列表去重赋给一个新的变量
        category_set = set(little_category)

        # 新建一个字典用于统计保存每个类目出现的次数
        category_dict = {}
        for category in category_set:
            value = little_category.count(category)
            category_dict[category] = value

        # 分情况处理,有时类目数很少只有一两个,再比较选出出现次数最多的一个大类目和两个小类目并返回结果
        if len(category_dict) > 1:
            values = list(category_dict.values())
            target_values = []
            value_first = max(values)
            value_next = max(values)
            for i in category_dict.items():
                if i[-1] in [value_first, value_next]:
            category_first = target_values[0]
            category_next = target_values[1]
        elif len(category_dict) == 1:
            category_first = list(category_dict.keys())[0]
            category_next = list(category_dict.keys())[0]
            category_first = " "
            category_next = " "
        return data_list, category_first, category_next

    def save_data(self, data_list, country, ad):
        # 将结果保存为excel文件
        df = pd.DataFrame(data_list)
        if ad == 0:

    def handle_data(self, data_list, category_first, category_next):
        # 根据最多的大类目和小类目数据处理一下数据,将不是这几个类目的数据置空
        result_list = []
        for data in data_list:
            if len(data['小类目数据']) > 0:
                if len(data['小类目数据']) == 1:
                    # print(data['小类目数据'][0]['category'])
                    if data['小类目数据'][0]['category'] in [
                            category_next, category_first
                        if data['小类目数据'][0]['category'] == category_first:
                            data['小类目1'] = data['小类目数据'][0]['category']
                            data['小类目1排名'] = data['小类目数据'][0]['rank']
                            data['小类目2'] = ""
                            data['小类目2排名'] = ""
                        elif data['小类目数据'][0]['category'] == category_next:
                            data['小类目1'] = ""
                            data['小类目1排名'] = ""
                            data['小类目2'] = data['小类目数据'][0]['category']
                            data['小类目2排名'] = data['小类目数据'][0]['rank']
                        data['小类目1'] = ""
                        data['小类目1排名'] = ""
                        data['小类目2'] = ""
                        data['小类目2排名'] = ""
                elif len(data['小类目数据']) > 1:
                    for category_data in data["小类目数据"]:
                        if category_data['category'] in [
                                category_next, category_first
                            if category_data['category'] == category_first:
                                data['小类目1'] = category_data['category']
                                data['小类目1排名'] = category_data['rank']
                                if data.get('小类目2', "") == "":
                                    data['小类目2'] = ""
                                    data['小类目2排名'] = ""
                            elif category_data['category'] == category_next:
                                if data.get('小类目1', "") == "":
                                    data['小类目1'] = ""
                                    data['小类目1排名'] = ""
                                data['小类目2'] = category_data['category']
                                data['小类目2排名'] = category_data['rank']
                            if data.get('小类目1', "") == "" and data.get(
                                    '小类目2', "") == "":
                                data['小类目1'] = ""
                                data['小类目1排名'] = ""
                                data['小类目2'] = ""
                                data['小类目2排名'] = ""
            del data['小类目数据']
        return result_list

    def close(self):