def extract_stock2(code): fields = { 'sjl' : '592920', 'zsz' : '3541450', 'ltsz' : '3475914', } cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() url = ""%(code) data = utils.fetch_url(url) data = re.sub(r'quotebridge.*?\((.*)\)', r'\1', data) jo = json.loads(data)['items'] if jo is not None: try: jo['3541450'] = "%.2f"%(float(jo['3541450']) / 100000000) jo['3475914'] = "%.2f"%(float(jo['3475914']) / 100000000) keys = fields.keys() vals = ["'"+ (jo[fields[k]] or '')+"'" for k in keys] keys.append('code') vals.append("'%s'"%(code)) updates = [keys[i]+"="+vals[i] for i in range(0, len(keys))] except: utils.print_with_time("url=%s"%(url)) traceback.print_exc() return sql = "INSERT INTO stock (%s) VALUES (%s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s"%(', '.join(keys), ', '.join(vals), ', '.join(updates)) # print sql cursor.execute(sql) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close()
def extract_stock(code): fields = { 'code' : 'stockcode', 'name' : 'stockname', 'fieldcode' : 'fieldcode', 'fieldname' : 'fieldname', 'fieldjp' : 'fieldjp', 'syl' : 'syl', 'xj' : 'xj', } cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() url = ""%(code) jo = utils.fetch_json(url) if jo is not None: try: keys = fields.keys() vals = ["'"+ (jo[fields[k]] or '')+"'" for k in keys] updates = [keys[i]+"="+vals[i] for i in range(0, len(keys))] except: utils.print_with_time("url=%s"%(url)) traceback.print_exc() return sql = "INSERT INTO stock (%s) VALUES (%s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s"%(', '.join(keys), ', '.join(vals), ', '.join(updates)) # print sql cursor.execute(sql) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='stock extractor') parser.add_argument('-a', '--all', required=False, action='store_true', help='refresh all info') parser.add_argument('-s', '--stock_codes', type=str, nargs='*', help='stock codees') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mystock', required=False, type=int, default=0, help='mystock type') res = parser.parse_args() if res.stock_codes is not None: for i in range(len(res.stock_codes)): code = res.stock_codes[i] if res.all: extract_code(code) else: extract_stock(code) utils.print_with_time("extract_stock %s"%(code)) time.sleep(settings.sleepTime) elif res.mystock is not None: cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() sql = "SELECT code from mystock" if res.mystock <> 0: sql = sql + " where `type`=%d"%(res.mystock) cursor.execute(sql) for (code,) in cursor: if res.all: extract_code(code) else: extract_stock(code) utils.print_with_time("extract_stock %s"%(code)) time.sleep(settings.sleepTime) else: parser.print_help()
def main(): cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() url = "" jo = utils.fetch_json(url) for row in jo['rows']: cell = row['cell'] name = row['id'] sid = cell['stock_cd'] apply_dt = transform_date(cell['apply_dt']) utils.print_with_time("%s %s %s" % (sid, name, apply_dt)) try: keys = ['code', 'name', 'date'] keys = ["`" + f + "`" for f in keys] vals = [sid, name, apply_dt] vals = ["'" + f + "'" for f in vals] updates = [keys[i] + "=" + vals[i] for i in range(0, len(keys))] except: traceback.print_exc() return sql = "INSERT INTO new_stock (%s) VALUES (%s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s" % ( ', '.join(keys), ', '.join(vals), ', '.join(updates)) # print sql cursor.execute(sql) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close()
def st_hangye(hangye): cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() sql = "SELECT code from stock WHERE fieldjp='%s'" % (hangye) cursor.execute(sql) for (code, ) in cursor: st_stock(code)
def st_stock(code, verbose, max_pe=1000000): code = code.strip() cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() year = - settings.avgmgsyYear sql = "SELECT AVG(jbmgsy) as avg_jbmgsy from stock_year WHERE `year`>=%d and code=%s GROUP BY code" % ( year, code) cursor.execute(sql) for (tp, ) in cursor: avg_jbmgsy = tp break sql = "SELECT mgjzc from stock_year WHERE code=%s ORDER BY `year` DESC LIMIT 1" % ( code) cursor.execute(sql) for (tp, ) in cursor: mgjzc = tp break sql = "SELECT name, fieldjp, xj, syl from stock WHERE code=%s" % (code) cursor.execute(sql) for (name, fieldjp, xj, syl) in cursor: # name = utils.pad_str(name, 10) try: if float(syl) == 0: roe = 0 else: roe = float(xj) / float(mgjzc) / syl if float(syl) <= max_pe and float(syl) > 0 and float(xj) / float( avg_jbmgsy) < max_pe and float(xj) / float(avg_jbmgsy) > 0: utils.print_with_time( u"%s\t%s\t%s\t现价=%s\t平均每股收益=%.3f\t每股净资产=%s\tPE=%.2f\tPE(avg)=%.2f\tPB=%.2f\tROE=%.2f" % (code, name, fieldjp, xj, float(avg_jbmgsy), mgjzc, float(syl), float(xj) / float(avg_jbmgsy), float(xj) / float(mgjzc), roe)) except: if max_pe > 1000: utils.print_with_time( u"%s\t%s\t%s\t现价=%s\t平均每股收益=%.3f\t每股净资产=%s\tPE=%.2f" % (code, name, fieldjp, xj, float(avg_jbmgsy), mgjzc, float(syl))) if verbose: fields = ['year', 'jbmgsy', 'mgjzc', 'mgxjl'] sql = "SELECT %s from stock_year WHERE `year`>=%d and code=%s order by `year` desc" % ( ','.join(fields), year, code) cursor.execute(sql) utils.print_with_time("\t".join(fields)) for row in cursor: # print "\t".join([str(i) for i in row]) utils.print_with_time("\t".join([str(i) for i in row]))
def main(): cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() today = ts = today.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") sql = "select code, name from new_stock where `date`='%s'" % (ts) cursor.execute(sql) stocks = [] for (code, name) in cursor: stocks.append("%s-%s" % (code, name)) if len(stocks) > 0: ns = "申购新股:%s" % (' '.join([f.encode('utf-8') for f in stocks])) es = EmailSender() es.send_mail("申购新股", ns) es.close() utils.print_with_time(ns.decode('utf-8')) utils.print_with_time("Done") cursor.close() cnx.close()
def extract_year(code): indexs = { 1 : 'jbmgsy', 7 : 'mgjzc', 13 : 'mgxjl', } cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() url = ""%(code) jo = utils.fetch_json(url) # print data; return if jo is not None: dmap = {} for index in indexs.keys(): title = jo['title'][index] title = '_'.join(title) years = jo['year'][0] values = jo['year'][index] for y in range(0, len(years)): year = years[y] value = values[y] if not dmap.has_key(year): dmap[year] = {} dmap[year][indexs[index]] = value # print '%s\t%s\t%s'%(title, year, value) for year, ydata in dmap.items(): fields = indexs.values() values = [ydata[f] or '0' for f in fields] updates = [fields[i]+"="+values[i] for i in range(0, len(fields))] # print fields # print values sql = "INSERT INTO stock_year (code, year, %s) VALUES ('%s', %s, %s) ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE %s"%(', '.join(fields), code, year, ', '.join(values), ', '.join(updates)) # print sql cursor.execute(sql) cnx.commit() cursor.close() cnx.close()
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='stock statistics') parser.add_argument('-r', '--refresh', required=False, action='store_true', help='refresh stock price') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', required=False, action='store_true', help='show verbose') parser.add_argument('-s', '--stock_codes', type=str, nargs='*', help='stock codees') parser.add_argument('-y', '--hangye', type=str, help='hangye jp') parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', required=False, type=float, help='filter stock by pe') parser.add_argument('-m', '--mystock', required=False, type=int, default=0, help='mystock type') res = parser.parse_args() if res.stock_codes is not None: for i in range(len(res.stock_codes)): code = res.stock_codes[i] if res.refresh: if i > 0: time.sleep(settings.sleepTime) extractor.extract_stock(code) st_stock(code, res.verbose) elif res.hangye is not None: cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() sql = "SELECT code from stock WHERE fieldjp='%s'" % (res.hangye) cursor.execute(sql) for (code, ) in cursor: if res.refresh: extractor.extract_stock(code) st_stock(code, res.verbose) if res.refresh: time.sleep(settings.sleepTime) elif res.filter: cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() sql = "SELECT code from stock order by fieldcode" cursor.execute(sql) for (code, ) in cursor: st_stock(code, res.verbose, res.filter) elif res.mystock is not None: cnx = mysqllib.get_connection() cursor = cnx.cursor() sql = "SELECT code from mystock" if res.mystock <> 0: sql = sql + " where `type`=%d" % (res.mystock) cursor.execute(sql) for (code, ) in cursor: if res.refresh: extractor.extract_stock(code) st_stock(code, res.verbose) if res.refresh: time.sleep(settings.sleepTime) else: parser.print_help()