Esempio n. 1
    return dec

# build a model representing 'truth'
from ouq_models import WrapModel
from surrogate import marc_surr as toy

nx = 3
ny = None
nargs = dict(nx=nx, ny=ny, rnd=False)
model = WrapModel('model', toy, **nargs)

# set the bounds
from mystic.bounds import MeasureBounds

bnd = MeasureBounds(xlb, xub, n=npts, wlb=wlb, wub=wub)

## moment-based constraints ##
normcon = normalize_moments()
###momcons = constrain_moments(a_ave, a_var, a_ave_err, a_var_err)
###is_cons = constrained(a_ave, a_var, a_ave_err, a_var_err)
#momcon0 = constrain_moments(a_ave, a_var, a_ave_err, a_var_err, idx=0)
#momcon1 = constrain_moments(b_ave, b_var, b_ave_err, b_var_err, idx=1)
#is_con0 = constrained(a_ave, a_var, a_ave_err, a_var_err, idx=0)
#is_con1 = constrained(b_ave, b_var, b_ave_err, b_var_err, idx=1)
#is_cons = lambda c: bool(additive(is_con0)(is_con1)(c))
momcons = constrain_expected(model, o_ave, o_ave_err, (bnd.lower, bnd.upper))
is_cons = constrained_out(model, o_ave, o_ave_err)

## index-based constraints ##
# impose constraints sequentially (faster, but assumes are decoupled)
    from misc import param, npts, wlb, wub, is_cons, scons
    from ouq import ExpectedValue
    from mystic.bounds import MeasureBounds
    from mystic.monitors import VerboseLoggingMonitor, Monitor, VerboseMonitor
    from mystic.termination import VTRChangeOverGeneration as VTRCOG
    from mystic.termination import Or, VTR, ChangeOverGeneration as COG
    param['opts']['termination'] = COG(1e-10, 100)  #NOTE: short stop?
    param['npop'] = 80  #NOTE: increase if poor convergence
    param['stepmon'] = VerboseLoggingMonitor(1,

    # build bounds
    bnd = MeasureBounds((0, 1, 0, 0, 0)[:nx], (1, 10, 10, 10, 10)[:nx],

    # build a model representing 'truth', and generate some data
    #print("building truth F'(x|a')...")
    true = dict(mu=.01, sigma=0., zmu=-.01, zsigma=0.)
    truth = NoisyModel('truth', model=toy, nx=nx, ny=ny, **true)
    #print('sampling truth...')
    data = truth.sample([(0, 1), (1, 10)] + [(0, 10)] * (nx - 2), pts=-16)
    Ns = 25  #XXX: number of samples, when model has randomness

    # build a model that approximates 'truth'
    #print('building model F(x|a) of truth...')
    approx = dict(mu=-.05, sigma=0., zmu=.05, zsigma=0.)
    model = NoisyModel('model', model=toy, nx=nx, ny=ny, **approx)
    #print('building estimator G(x) from truth data...')
Esempio n. 3
    ny = 3
    #from toys import cost5x1 as toy; nx = 5; ny = 1
    #from toys import function5x1 as toy; nx = 5; ny = 1
    #from toys import cost5 as toy; nx = 5; ny = None
    #from toys import function5 as toy; nx = 5; ny = None
    Ns = 25

    # build a model representing 'truth'
    nargs = dict(nx=nx, ny=ny, rnd=False)
    model = WrapModel('model', toy, **nargs)

    # build a model of success, relative to the cutoff
    sargs = dict(cutoff=(.5, .5, .5), nx=nx, ny=ny)
    success = SuccessModel('success', model, **sargs)

    # calculate upper bound on expected success, where x[0] has uncertainty
    bnd = MeasureBounds((0, 0, 0, 0, 0), (1, 10, 10, 0, 10),
    rnd = Ns if success.rnd else None
    d = ProbOfFailure(success,
    d.upper_bound(axis=0, **param)
    print("upper bound per axis:")
    for axis, solver in d._upper.items():
        print("%s: %s @ %s" % (axis, -solver.bestEnergy, solver.bestSolution))