Esempio n. 1
 def __init_cache(self):
     """ensure model has a mystic.cache"""
     model = self.__model__
     mvl = getattr(
         self, 'ny', getattr(model, 'ny', getattr(
             model, '__axis__', None))) is not None  # True if multivalued
     name = getattr(model, '__name__', None)  #XXX: do better?
     if not hasattr(model, '__cache__') or not hasattr(
             model, '__inverse__'):
         import mystic.cache as mc
         model = mc.cached(archive=name, multivalued=mvl)(model)
     self.__model__ = model
     if name is not None:
         self.__model__.__name__ = name
Esempio n. 2
    def __call__(self, axis=None, **kwds):
        """apply the reducer to the sampled statistical quantity

        axis: int, the index of y on which to find bound (all, by default)

    Additional Input:
        reducer: function to reduce a list to a single value (e.g. mean, max)
        dist: a instance (or list of Distributions)
        npts: number of sample points [default = 10000]
        clip: if True, clip at bounds, else resample [default = False]

        sampled statistical quantity, for the specified axis, reduced to a float
        #XXX: return what? "energy and solution?" reduced?
        reducer = kwds.pop('reducer', None)
        if kwds.get('npts', None) is None: kwds.pop('npts', None)
        s = random_samples(, self.ub, **kwds).T
        fobj = cached(archive=dict_archive())(self.objective)  #XXX: bad idea?
        self._pts = fobj.__cache__(
        )  #XXX: also bad idea? include from *_bounds?
        objective = lambda rv: fobj(self.constraint(rv), axis=axis)
        import multiprocess.dummy as mp  #FIXME: process pickle/recursion Error
        pool = mp.Pool()  # len(s)
        map =  #TODO: don't hardwire map
        s = map(objective, s)  #NOTE: s = [(...),(...)] or [...]
        if axis is None and self.axes is not None:  # apply per axis
            if reducer is None:
                return tuple(sum(si) / len(si) for si in zip(*s))
            #XXX: better tuple(reducer(s, axis=0).tolist()) if numpy ufunc?
            return tuple(reducer(si) for si in zip(*s))
        s = tuple(s)
        return sum(s) / len(s) if reducer is None else reducer(s)
Esempio n. 3
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Mike McKerns (mmckerns @caltech and @uqfoundation)
# Copyright (c) 2020-2022 The Uncertainty Quantification Foundation.
# License: 3-clause BSD.  The full license text is available at:
#  -

import mystic.cache as mc
import mystic.models as mm

# basic interaction with an archive
d ='test', type=mc.archive.dict_archive)
assert len(d) == 0

mc.archive.write(d, dict(a=1, b=2, c=3))
assert len(d) == 3

# basic pattern to cache an objective
d ='rosen', type=mc.archive.dict_archive)
model = mc.cached(archive=d)(mm.rosen)
model([1, 2, 1])
model([1, 1, 1])
c = model.__cache__()
assert len(c) == 2

model.__inverse__([1, 2, 3]) == -model([1, 2, 3])
assert len(c) == 3
Esempio n. 4
def sample(model, bounds, pts=None, **kwds):
    """sample model within bounds, writing to an archive and returning data

        model: a cached model function, of form y = model(x, axis=None)
        bounds: list of tuples of (lower,upper), bounds on each 'x'
        pts: int, number of points sampled by the sampler

    Additional Inputs:
        sampler: the mystic.sampler type [default: LatticeSampler]
        solver: the mystic.solver type [default: NelderMeadSimplexSolver]
        dist: a distribution type (or float amplitude) [default: None]
        map: a map instance [default:]
        ny: int, number of model outputs, len(y) [default: None]
        axis: int, index of output on which to search [default: None]

        the mystic.math.legacydata.dataset of sampled data

        additional keywords (evalmon, stepmon, maxiter, maxfun,
        saveiter, state, termination, constraints, penalty, reducer)
        are available for use. See mystic.ensemble for more details.

        dist can be used to add randomness to the sampler, and can
        accept a numpy distribution type such as numpy.random.normal,
        or a mystic distribution type built with mystic.math.Distribution.
        if dist=N, where N is an int or float, use normalized Gaussian noise,
        mystic.math.Distribution(numpy.random.normal, 0, sigma), where
        sigma is N * sum(bound) for each bound in the bounds, and N scales
        the amplitude of the noise (typically, N ~ 0.05).

        if pts is negative (i.e. pts=-4), use solver-directed sampling.
        initial points are chosen by the sampler, then solvers run
        until converged. a LatticeSampler also accepts a list of pts,
        indicating the number of bins on each axis; if the product of
        npts is negative, then use solver-directed sampling.

        given the model is cached, a klepto.dir_archive is created by default
    from mystic.samplers import LatticeSampler
    searcher = kwds.pop('sampler', LatticeSampler)
    ax = getattr(model, '__axis__', None)
    axis = None if hasattr(ax, '__len__') else ax  # get default for axis
    axis = kwds.pop('axis', axis)  # allow override?
    ny = kwds.pop('ny', getattr(model, 'ny', None))  #XXX: best?
    mvl = ny is not None  # True if multivalued
    axis = axis if mvl else None  #XXX: allow multi-axis search?
    dist = kwds.pop('dist', None)
    if isinstance(dist, (int, float)):  # noise N(0, sig); sig = dist*(ub+lb)
        import numpy as np
        from mystic.math import Distribution
        sig = [dist * (ub + lb)
               for (lb, ub) in bounds]  #FIXME: allow None and inf
        dist = Distribution(np.random.normal, 0, sig)
    map_ = kwds.pop('map', map)
    if not hasattr(model, '__cache__') or not hasattr(model, '__inverse__'):
        import mystic.cache as mc
        name = getattr(model, '__name__', None)  #XXX: do better?
        model = mc.cached(archive=name, multivalued=mvl)(model)
    cache = model.__cache__
    imodel = model.__inverse__
    if hasattr(pts, '__len__'):
        import numpy as np
        pts, _pts =, [abs(i) for i in pts]
        _pts = None
    if pts is None: pts = -1
    if pts == 0:  # don't sample, just grab the archive
    elif pts > 0:  # sample pts without optimizing
        pts = pts if _pts is None else _pts

        def doit(axis=None):
            _model = _modelaxis(model, axis)
            s = searcher(bounds, _model, npts=pts, dist=dist, **kwds)
            return s

        if mvl and axis is None:
            # as we don't optimize, we really don't need axis...?
    else:  # search for minima until terminated
        pts = -pts if _pts is None else _pts

        def lower(axis=None):
            _model = _modelaxis(model, axis)
            s = searcher(bounds, _model, npts=pts, dist=dist, **kwds)
            return s

        def upper(axis=None):
            model_ = _modelaxis(imodel, axis)
            si = searcher(bounds, model_, npts=pts, dist=dist, **kwds)
            return si

        def _apply(f, arg):
            return f(arg)

        fs = lower, upper

        def doit(axis=None):
            return list(map_(_apply, fs, [axis] * len(fs)))

        if mvl and axis is None:
            if ny:
                import multiprocess.dummy as mt
                pool = mt.Pool()
                tmap =
                list(tmap(doit, range(ny)))
            else:  #XXX: default to 0, warn, or error?
    import dataset as ds
    return ds.from_archive(cache(), axis=None)
Esempio n. 5
def sample(model, bounds, pts=None, **kwds):
    """sample model within bounds, writing to an archive and returning data

        model: a cached model function, of form y = model(x, axis=None)
        bounds: list of tuples of (lower,upper), bounds on each 'x'
        pts: int, number of points sampled by the sampler

    Additional Inputs:
        sampler: the mystic.sampler type [default: LatticeSampler]
        solver: the mystic.solver type [default: NelderMeadSimplexSolver]
        dist: a distribution type [default: numpy.random.normal]
        map: a map instance [default:]
        ny: int, number of model outputs, len(y) [default: None]
        axis: int, index of output on which to search [default: None]

        the mystic.math.legacydata.dataset of sampled data

        given the model is cached, a klepto.dir_archive is created by default

        if pts is negative (i.e. pts=-4), use solver-directed sampling where
        initial points chosen by the sampler, then solvers run until converged

        dist can be used to add randomness to the sampler
    from mystic.samplers import LatticeSampler
    searcher = kwds.get('sampler', LatticeSampler)
    from mystic.solvers import NelderMeadSimplexSolver
    solver = kwds.get('solver', NelderMeadSimplexSolver)
    ax = getattr(model, '__axis__', None)
    axis = None if hasattr(ax, '__len__') else ax  # get default for axis
    axis = kwds.get('axis', axis)  # allow override?
    ny = kwds.get('ny', getattr(model, 'ny', None))  #XXX: best?
    mvl = ny is not None  # True if multivalued
    axis = axis if mvl else None  #XXX: allow multi-axis search?
    import numpy as np
    dist = kwds.get('dist', np.random.normal)
    map_ = kwds.get('map', map)
    if not hasattr(model, '__cache__') or not hasattr(model, '__inverse__'):
        import mystic.cache as mc
        name = getattr(model, '__name__', None)  #XXX: do better?
        model = mc.cached(archive=name, multivalued=mvl)(model)
    cache = model.__cache__
    imodel = model.__inverse__
    if hasattr(pts, '__len__'):
        pts, _pts =, pts
        _pts = None
    if pts is None: pts = -1
    if pts == 0:  # don't sample, just grab the archive
    elif pts > 0:  # sample pts without optimizing

        def doit(axis=None):
            _model = lambda x: model(x, axis=axis)
            s = searcher(bounds, _model, npts=pts, solver=solver, dist=dist)
            return s

        if mvl and axis is None:
            # as we don't optimize, we really don't need axis...?
    else:  # search for minima until terminated
        pts = -pts if _pts is None else _pts

        def lower(axis=None):
            _model = lambda x: model(x, axis=axis)
            s = searcher(bounds, _model, npts=pts, solver=solver, dist=dist)
            return s

        def upper(axis=None):
            model_ = lambda x: imodel(x, axis=axis)
            si = searcher(bounds, model_, npts=pts, solver=solver, dist=dist)
            return si

        def _apply(f, arg):
            return f(arg)

        fs = lower, upper

        def doit(axis=None):
            return list(map_(_apply, fs, [axis] * len(fs)))

        if mvl and axis is None:
            if ny:
                import multiprocess.dummy as mt
                pool = mt.Pool()
                tmap =
                list(tmap(doit, range(ny)))
            else:  #XXX: default to 0, warn, or error?
    import dataset as ds
    return ds.from_archive(cache(), axis=None)