Esempio n. 1
def forward_(mytorch_model, mytorch_criterion, pytorch_model,
             pytorch_criterion, x, y):
    Calls forward on both mytorch and pytorch models.

    x: ndrray (batch_size, in_features)
    y: ndrray (batch_size,)

    Returns (passed, (mytorch x, mytorch y, pytorch x, pytorch y)),
    where passed is whether the test passed

    # forward
    pytorch_x = Variable(torch.tensor(x).double(), requires_grad=True)
    pytorch_y = pytorch_model(pytorch_x)
    if not pytorch_criterion is None:
        pytorch_y = pytorch_criterion(pytorch_y, torch.LongTensor(y))
    mytorch_x = Tensor(x, requires_grad=True)
    mytorch_y = mytorch_model(mytorch_x)
    if not mytorch_criterion is None:
        mytorch_y = mytorch_criterion(mytorch_y, Tensor(y))

    # check that model is correctly configured

    # forward check
    if not assertions_all(, pytorch_y.detach().numpy(), 'y'):
        return False, (mytorch_x, mytorch_y, pytorch_x, pytorch_y)

    return True, (mytorch_x, mytorch_y, pytorch_x, pytorch_y)
def test5():
    a = Tensor(1, requires_grad=True)
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)

    b = Tensor(2, requires_grad=True)
    b_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(b)

    c = Tensor(3, requires_grad=True)
    c_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(c)

    # d = a + a * b
    z1 = a * b
    z1_torch = a_torch * b_torch
    d = a + z1
    d_torch = a_torch + z1_torch

    # e = (d + c) + 3
    z2 = d + c
    z2_torch = d_torch + c_torch
    e = z2 + Tensor(3)
    e_torch = z2_torch + 3


    assert check_val_and_grad(a, a_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(b, b_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(c, c_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(z1, z1_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(d, d_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(z2, z2_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(e, e_torch)
Esempio n. 3
def test_dropout_forward_backward():

    # run on small model, forward backward (no step)
    model = Sequential(Linear(10, 20), ReLU(), Dropout(p=0.6))
    x, y = generate_dataset_for_mytorch_model(model, 5)
    x, y = Tensor(x), Tensor(y)
    criterion = CrossEntropyLoss()
    out = model(x)

    test_out = load_numpy_array(

    if not assertions_all(, test_out,
                          "test_dropout_forward_backward_output", 1e-5, 1e-6):
        return False

    loss = criterion(out, y)

    assert model[0].weight.grad is not None, "Linear layer must have gradient."
    assert model[
        0].weight.grad.grad is None, "Final gradient tensor must not have its own gradient"
    assert model[
        0].weight.grad.grad_fn is None, "Final gradient tensor must not have its own grad function"
    assert model[
        0].weight.requires_grad, "Weight tensor must have requires_grad==True"
    assert model[
        0].weight.is_parameter, "Weight tensor must be marked as a parameter tensor"

    test_grad = load_numpy_array(

    return assertions_all(model[0], test_grad,
                          "test_dropout_forward_backward_grad", 1e-5, 1e-6)
Esempio n. 4
def testbroadcast():
    """Tests addition WITH broadcasting matches torch's"""

    # shape of tensor to test

    # get mytorch and torch tensor: 'a'
    a = Tensor.randn(3, 4)
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)

    # get mytorch and torch tensor: 'b'
    b = Tensor.randn(4)
    b.requires_grad = True
    b_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(b)

    # run mytorch and torch forward: 'c = a + b'
    c = a + b
    c_torch = a_torch + b_torch

    # run mytorch and torch addition backward
    #print(b.grad); print(b_torch.grad)
    # check that c matches
    assert check_val_and_grad(c, c_torch)
    # check that dc/da and dc/db respectively match
    assert check_val_and_grad(a, a_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(b, b_torch)
def test6():
    a = Tensor.randn(2, 3)
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)

    b = Tensor.randn(2, 3)
    b.requires_grad = True
    b_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(b)

    c = a / b
    c_torch = a_torch / b_torch

    d = a - b
    d_torch = a_torch - b_torch

    e = c + d
    e_torch = c_torch + d_torch


    assert check_val_and_grad(a, a_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(b, b_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(c, c_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(d, d_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(e, e_torch)
Esempio n. 6
def train(model,
    """Problem 3.2: Training routine that runs for `num_epochs` epochs.
        val_accuracies (list): (num_epochs,)
    val_accuracies = []

    # TODO: Implement me! (Pseudocode on writeup)
    for epoch in range(num_epochs):
        shuffler = np.random.permutation(len(train_y))
        train_x = train_x[shuffler]
        train_y = train_y[shuffler]

        batches = split_data_into_batches(train_x, train_y, 100)
        for i, (batch_data, batch_labels) in enumerate(batches):
            optimizer.zero_grad()  # clear any previous gradients
            out = model(Tensor(batch_data))
            loss = criterion(out, Tensor(batch_labels))
            optimizer.step()  # update weights with new gradients
            if i % 100 == 0:
                accuracy = validate(model, val_x, val_y)

    return val_accuracies
Esempio n. 7
    def __init__(self, input_size, hidden_size, nonlinearity='tanh'):

        super(RNNUnit, self).__init__()

        # Initializing parameters
        self.weight_ih = Tensor(np.random.randn(hidden_size, input_size),
        self.bias_ih = Tensor(np.zeros(hidden_size),
        self.weight_hh = Tensor(np.random.randn(hidden_size, hidden_size),
        self.bias_hh = Tensor(np.zeros(hidden_size),

        self.hidden_size = hidden_size

        # Setting the Activation Unit
        if nonlinearity == 'tanh':
            self.act = Tanh()
        elif nonlinearity == 'relu':
            self.act = ReLU()
def test7():
    # a = 3
    a = Tensor(3., requires_grad=False)
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)

    # b = 4
    b = Tensor(4., requires_grad=False)
    b_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(b)

    # c = 5
    c = Tensor(5., requires_grad=True)
    c_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(c)

    # out = a * b + 3 * c
    z1 = a * b
    z1_torch = a_torch * b_torch
    z2 = Tensor(3) * c
    z2_torch = 3 * c_torch
    out = z1 + z2
    out_torch = z1_torch + z2_torch


    assert check_val_and_grad(a, a_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(b, b_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(c, c_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(z1, z1_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(z2, z2_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(out, out_torch)
Esempio n. 9
def train(model, optimizer, criterion, train_x, train_y, val_x, val_y, num_epochs=3):
    """Problem 3.2: Training routine that runs for `num_epochs` epochs.
        val_accuracies (list): (num_epochs,)
    store_validation_accuracy = []
    store_loss = []
    Avg_loss = []
    for j in range(num_epochs):
        p = np.random.permutation(len(train_x))
        shuffled_x = train_x[p] 
        shuffled_y = train_y[p]
        xx = np.split(shuffled_x,len(shuffled_x)/BATCH_SIZE)
        yy = np.split(shuffled_y,len(shuffled_y)/BATCH_SIZE)
        for i, (batch_data,batch_labels) in enumerate(zip(xx,yy)):
            optimizer.zero_grad() # clear any previous gradients
            out = model(Tensor(batch_data))
            loss = criterion(out,Tensor(batch_labels))
            if i % 100 == 0:
                store_loss = []
                accuracy = validate(model,val_x,val_y)
    return store_validation_accuracy
Esempio n. 10
def test_mul():
    """Tests that mytorch's elementwise multiplication matches torch's"""

    # shape of tensor to test
    shape = (1, 2, 3)

    # get mytorch and torch tensor: 'a'
    a = Tensor.randn(*shape)
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)

    # get mytorch and torch tensor: 'b'
    b = Tensor.randn(*shape)
    b.requires_grad = True
    b_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(b)

    # run mytorch and torch forward: 'c = a * b'
    ctx = ContextManager()
    c = Mul.forward(ctx, a, b)
    c_torch = a_torch * b_torch
    # run mytorch and torch multiplication backward
    back = Mul.backward(ctx, Tensor.ones(*shape))

    # check that c matches
    assert check_val_and_grad(c, c_torch)
    # check that dc/da and dc/db respectively match
    assert check_val(back[0], a_torch.grad)
    assert check_val(back[1], b_torch.grad)

    # ensure * is overridden
    c_using_override = a * b
    assert check_val(c_using_override, c_torch)

    return True
Esempio n. 11
def forward_(mytorch_model, mytorch_criterion, pytorch_model,
             pytorch_criterion, x, y):
    Calls forward on both mytorch and pytorch models.

    x: ndrray (batch_size, in_features)
    y: ndrray (batch_size,)

    Returns (passed, (mytorch x, mytorch y, pytorch x, pytorch y)),
    where passed is whether the test passed

    # forward
    pytorch_x = Variable(torch.tensor(x).double(), requires_grad=True)
    pytorch_y = pytorch_model(pytorch_x)
    if not pytorch_criterion is None:
        pytorch_y = pytorch_criterion(pytorch_y, torch.LongTensor(y))

    mytorch_x = Tensor(x, requires_grad=True)
    mytorch_y = mytorch_model(mytorch_x)
    if not mytorch_criterion is None:
        mytorch_y = mytorch_criterion(mytorch_y, Tensor(y))

    # forward check
    assert assertions_all(,
                          pytorch_y.detach().numpy(), 'y'), "Forward Failed"

    return (mytorch_x, mytorch_y, pytorch_x, pytorch_y)
Esempio n. 12
    def init_weights(self, weights):
        """Use the 3 weight matrices of linear MLP to init the weights of the CNN.
            weights (tuple(np.array)): shapes ((8, 192), (16, 8), (4, 16))
                                       Think of each as a, shaped (out_features, in_features)
        w1, w2, w3 = weights

        # TODO: Convert the linear weights into Conv1d weights
        # Make sure to not add nodes to the comp graph!

        w1 = w1[0:2:, 0:48]
        w2 = w2[0:8:, 0:4]

        conv1_weights = np.reshape(
            w1, (self.conv1.out_channel, self.conv1.kernel_size,
        conv1_weights = np.transpose(conv1_weights, axes=(0, 2, 1))
        self.conv1.weight = Tensor(conv1_weights,
        conv2_weights = np.reshape(
            w2, (self.conv2.out_channel, self.conv2.kernel_size,
        conv2_weights = np.transpose(conv2_weights, axes=(0, 2, 1))
        self.conv2.weight = Tensor(conv2_weights,
        conv3_weights = np.reshape(
            w3, (self.conv3.out_channel, self.conv3.kernel_size,
        conv3_weights = np.transpose(conv3_weights, axes=(0, 2, 1))
        self.conv3.weight = Tensor(conv3_weights,
Esempio n. 13
def test_slice_backward():
    # shape of tensor to test
    shape = (2, 4, 3)

    # Test 1
    a = Tensor.randn(*shape)  #mytorch tensor
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)  #pytorch tensor
    b = a[1, 2, 0]
    b_torch = a_torch[1, 2, 0]
    assert check_grad(a, a_torch, eps=eps)

    # Test 2
    a = Tensor.randn(*shape)  #mytorch tensor
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)  #pytorch tensor
    b = a[0, 2, :]
    b_torch = a_torch[0, 2, :]
    assert check_grad(a, a_torch, eps=eps)

    # Test 3
    a = Tensor.randn(*shape)  #mytorch tensor
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)  #pytorch tensor
    b = a[:, 3, :]
    b_torch = a_torch[:, 3, :]
    assert check_grad(a, a_torch, eps=eps)

    # Test 4
    a = Tensor.randn(*shape)  #mytorch tensor
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)  #pytorch tensor
    b = a[:, :, 1]
    b_torch = a_torch[:, :, 1]
    assert check_grad(a, a_torch, eps=eps)

    # Test 5
    a = Tensor.randn(*shape)  #mytorch tensor
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)  #pytorch tensor
    b = a[:, 1:3, :]
    b_torch = a_torch[:, 1:3, :]
    assert check_grad(a, a_torch, eps=eps)

    return True
Esempio n. 14
def test_big_model_step():
    # run a big model
    model = Sequential(Linear(10, 15), ReLU(), Dropout(p=0.2), 
                       Linear(15, 20), ReLU(), Dropout(p=0.1))
    x, y = generate_dataset_for_mytorch_model(model, 4)
    x, y = Tensor(x), Tensor(y)
    criterion = CrossEntropyLoss()
    optimizer = Adam(model.parameters(), lr=1e-3, betas=(0.9, 0.999), eps=1e-08)
    # check output correct
    out = model(x)
    test_out = load_numpy_array('autograder/hw1_bonus_autograder/outputs/big_output.npy')

    if not assertions_all(, test_out, "test_big_model_step_out", 1e-5, 1e-6):
        return False
    # run backward
    loss = criterion(out, y)
    # check params are correct (sorry this is ugly)
    assert model[0].weight.grad is not None, "Linear layer must have gradient."
    assert model[0].weight.grad.grad is None, "Final gradient tensor must not have its own gradient"
    assert model[0].weight.grad.grad_fn is None, "Final gradient tensor must not have its own grad function"
    assert model[0].weight.requires_grad, "Weight tensor must have requires_grad==True"
    assert model[0].weight.is_parameter, "Weight tensor must be marked as a parameter tensor"
    assert model[3].weight.grad is not None, "Linear layer must have gradient."
    assert model[3].weight.grad.grad is None, "Final gradient tensor must not have its own gradient"
    assert model[3].weight.grad.grad_fn is None, "Final gradient tensor must not have its own grad function"
    assert model[3].weight.requires_grad, "Weight tensor must have requires_grad==True"
    assert model[3].weight.is_parameter, "Weight tensor must be marked as a parameter tensor"
    # check gradient for linear layer at idx 0 is correct
    test_grad = load_numpy_array('autograder/hw1_bonus_autograder/outputs/big_grad.npy')
    if not assertions_all(model[0], test_grad, "test_big_model_grad_0", 1e-5, 1e-6):
        return False
    # check gradient for linear layer at idx 3 is correct
    test_grad = load_numpy_array('autograder/hw1_bonus_autograder/outputs/big_grad_3.npy')
    if not assertions_all(model[3], test_grad, "test_big_model_grad_3", 1e-5, 1e-6):
        return False

    # weight update with adam
    # check updated weight values
    assert model[0].weight.requires_grad, "Weight tensor must have requires_grad==True"
    assert model[0].weight.is_parameter, "Weight tensor must be marked as a parameter tensor"
    test_weights_3 = load_numpy_array('autograder/hw1_bonus_autograder/outputs/big_weight_update_3.npy')
    test_weights_0 = load_numpy_array('autograder/hw1_bonus_autograder/outputs/big_weight_update_0.npy')
    return assertions_all(model[0], test_weights_0, "test_big_weight_update_0", 1e-5, 1e-6) and \
        assertions_all(model[3], test_weights_3, "test_big_weight_update_3", 1e-5, 1e-6)
Esempio n. 15
    def __init__(self, in_features, out_features):

        self.in_features = in_features
        self.out_features = out_features

        # Randomly initializing layer weights
        k = 1 / in_features
        weight = k * (np.random.rand(out_features, in_features) - 0.5)
        bias = k * (np.random.rand(out_features) - 0.5)
        self.weight = Tensor(weight, requires_grad=True, is_parameter=True)
        self.bias = Tensor(bias, requires_grad=True, is_parameter=True)
Esempio n. 16
    def __init__(self, in_channel, out_channel, kernel_size, stride=1):
        self.in_channel = in_channel
        self.out_channel = out_channel
        self.kernel_size = kernel_size
        self.stride = stride

        # Initializing weights and bias (not a very good initialization strategy)
        weight = np.random.normal(0, 1.0,
                                  (out_channel, in_channel, kernel_size))
        self.weight = Tensor(weight, requires_grad=True, is_parameter=True)

        bias = np.zeros(out_channel)
        self.bias = Tensor(bias, requires_grad=True, is_parameter=True)
Esempio n. 17
def test_conv_forward_back_just_1_layer():
    in_c = 2
    out_c = 3
    kernel = 2
    stride = 2
    width = 5
    batch_size = 1

    # setup weights and biases
    conv = Conv1d(in_c, out_c, kernel, stride)
    # conv.weight = Tensor(np.random.randint(5, size=conv.weight.shape)+.0,
    #             requires_grad = True)
    test_weight = np.asarray([[[1, 2], [2, 1]], [[0, 1], [1, 0]],
                              [[3, 2], [1, 0]]]) + .0
    conv.weight = Tensor(test_weight, requires_grad=True)
    # conv.bias = Tensor(np.random.randint(2, size=conv.out_channel)+.0,
    #             requires_grad = True)
    conv.bias = Tensor(np.zeros(conv.out_channel) + .0, requires_grad=True)
    conv_torch = nn.Conv1d(in_c, out_c, kernel_size=kernel, stride=stride)
    conv_torch.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(
    conv_torch.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(
    print(f"weight:\n {conv.weight}")
    print(f"bias:\n {conv.bias}")

    # setup input
    # x = Tensor(np.random.randint(5, size=(batch_size, in_c, width)),\
    #             requires_grad = True)
    x = Tensor(np.asarray([[[1, 0, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 0]]]),
    x_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(x).double()
    print(f"x:\n {x}")

    # calculate output
    o = conv(x)
    o_torch = conv_torch(x_torch)
    print(f"out:\n {o}")

    # backward
    print(f"grad_x:\n {x.grad}")
    print(f"grad_w:\n {conv.weight.grad}")
    print(f"grad_b:\n {conv.bias.grad}")

    # check everything
    assert check_val_and_grad(x, x_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(o, o_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(conv.weight, conv_torch.weight)
    assert check_val_and_grad(conv.bias, conv_torch.bias)
Esempio n. 18
def test_concat_backward():
    # shape of tensor to test
    tensor_shapes = [[(1, 4, 3), (1, 8, 3), (1, 5, 3)], [(2, 3, 4), (1, 3, 4)],
                     [(6, 7, 8, 9), (6, 7, 8, 1), (6, 7, 8, 2)],
                     [(1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4), (1, 2, 3), (1, 2, 4)]]

    cat_dims = [1, 0, 3, 2]

    for tensor_shapes_cur, d_cur in zip(tensor_shapes, cat_dims):
        # get mytorch and torch tensor: 'a'
        a = [Tensor.randn(*shape_i) for shape_i in tensor_shapes_cur]
        for i in range(len(a)):
            a[i].requires_grad = True

        a_torch = [get_same_torch_tensor(a_i) for a_i in a]

        c = cat(a, d_cur)
        c_torch =, dim=d_cur)

        l = (c**2).sum()
        l_torch = (c_torch**2).sum()


        for a_i, a_torch_i in zip(a, a_torch):
            assert check_grad(a_i, a_torch_i, eps=eps)

    return True
Esempio n. 19
def validate(model, val_x, val_y):
    """Problem 3.3: Validation routine, tests on val data, scores accuracy
    Relevant Args:
        val_x (np.array): validation data (5000, 784)
        val_y (np.array): validation labels (5000,)
        float: Accuracy = correct / total
    #TODO: implement validation based on pseudocode
    num_samples = val_x.shape[0]
    #val_batches = get_batch(val_x,val_y)
    batches = list(
        zip(np.array_split(val_x, num_samples // 100),
            np.array_split(val_y, num_samples // 100)))
    num_correct = 0
    for i, (batch_data, batch_labels) in enumerate(batches):
        #        break
        out = model(Tensor(batch_data))
        batch_preds = np.argmax(, axis=1)
        #print('\nPrediction on Batch:',batch_preds[:10])
        #print(f'\n Bach True label: {batch_labels}')
        num_correct += (batch_preds == batch_labels).sum()
    accuracy = (num_correct / len(val_x) * 100)
    return accuracy
def test_distributed_scanning_mlp():
    cnn = CNN_DistributedScanningMLP()

    weights = np.load(os.path.join('autograder', 'hw2_autograder', 'weights', 'mlp_weights_part_c.npy'), allow_pickle=True)
    weights = tuple(w.T for w in weights)


    data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join('autograder', 'hw2_autograder', 'data', 'data.asc')).T.reshape(1, 24, -1)
    data = Tensor(data, requires_grad=False, is_parameter=False, is_leaf=True)

    expected_result = np.load(os.path.join('autograder', 'hw2_autograder', 'ref_result', 'res_c.npy'), allow_pickle=True)

    result = cnn(data)

    # check that model is correctly configured

    # if passes tests, return true.
    # If exception anywhere (failure or crash), return false
        # check that output is correct
        assert type( == type(expected_result), "Incorrect output type."
        assert == expected_result.shape, "Incorrect output shape."
        assert np.allclose(, expected_result), "Incorrect output values."
    except Exception as e:
        return False

    return True
Esempio n. 21
def test_rnn_unit_backward():

    input_sizes, hidden_sizes, data_lens = get_params()

    for input_size, hidden_size, data_len in zip(input_sizes, hidden_sizes,

        in_mytorch = Tensor.randn(data_len[0], input_size)
        in_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(in_mytorch)

        in_mytorch.requires_grad = True
        in_torch.requires_grad = True

        model_mytorch = RNNUnit(input_size, hidden_size)
        model_torch = nn.RNNCell(input_size, hidden_size).double()
        transfer_weights_rnn_unit(model_torch, model_mytorch)

        resm = model_mytorch(in_mytorch)
        rest = model_torch(in_torch)

        lm = (resm**2).sum()
        lt = (rest**2).sum()


        assert compare_rnn_unit_param_grad(model_torch, model_mytorch)
        assert check_grad(resm, rest, eps=eps)

    return True
Esempio n. 22
def test_time_iterator_forward():

    input_sizes, hidden_sizes, data_lens = get_params()

    for input_size, hidden_size, data_len in zip(input_sizes, hidden_sizes,

        seq_mytorch = [
            Tensor.randn(data_len[i], input_size) for i in range(len(data_len))

        seq_torch = [get_same_torch_tensor(i) for i in seq_mytorch]

        mpack = mpack_sequence(seq_mytorch)
        tpack = nn.utils.rnn.pack_sequence(seq_torch, enforce_sorted=False)

        model_mytorch = RNN(input_size, hidden_size)
        model_torch = nn.RNN(input_size,

        transfer_weights(model_torch, model_mytorch)

        resm, hm = model_mytorch(mpack)
        rest, ht = model_torch(tpack)

        assert check_val(,, eps=eps)

        t_idx = list(np.argsort(data_len)[::-1])
        # Torch returns data which can be bi-directional
        assert check_val(hm, ht[0][t_idx], eps=eps)

    return True
Esempio n. 23
def test_slice_forward():
    # shape of tensor to test
    shape = (2, 4, 3)

    # get mytorch and torch tensor: 'a'
    a = Tensor.randn(*shape)  #mytorch tensor
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)  #pytorch tensor

    # Test 1
    b = a[1, 2, 0]
    b_torch = a_torch[1, 2, 0]
    assert check_val(b, b_torch, eps=eps)

    # Test 2
    b = a[0, 2, :]
    b_torch = a_torch[0, 2, :]
    assert check_val(b, b_torch, eps=eps)

    # Test 3
    b = a[:, 3, :]
    b_torch = a_torch[:, 3, :]
    assert check_val(b, b_torch, eps=eps)

    # Test 4
    b = a[:, :, 1]
    b_torch = a_torch[:, :, 1]
    assert check_val(b, b_torch, eps=eps)

    # Test 5
    b = a[:, 1:3, :]
    b_torch = a_torch[:, 1:3, :]
    assert check_grad(b, b_torch, eps=eps)

    return True
def test_simple_scanning_mlp():
    cnn = CNN_SimpleScanningMLP()

    # Load and init weights
    weights = np.load(os.path.join('autograder', 'hw2_autograder', 'weights', 'mlp_weights_part_b.npy'), allow_pickle = True)
    weights = tuple(w.T for w in weights)

    # load data and expected answer
    data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join('autograder', 'hw2_autograder', 'data', 'data.asc')).T.reshape(1, 24, -1)
    data = Tensor(data, requires_grad=False, is_parameter=False, is_leaf=True)

    expected_result = np.load(os.path.join('autograder', 'hw2_autograder', 'ref_result', 'res_b.npy'), allow_pickle=True)
    # get forward output and check
    result = cnn(data)

    # check that model is correctly configured

    # now check correct results
        # check that output is correct
        assert type( == type(expected_result), f"Incorrect output type: {}, expected: {expected_result}"
        assert == expected_result.shape, f"Incorrect output shape: {}, expected: {expected_result.shape}"
        assert np.allclose(, expected_result), f"Incorrect output values: {}, expected: {expected_result}"
    except Exception as e:
        return False

    return True
Esempio n. 25
def test_unpack_sequence_backward():

    test_shapes = [[(4, 1), (5, 1)], [(4, 3), (10, 3), (2, 3)]]
    a = True
    for shapes in test_shapes:
        # get mytorch and torch tensor: 'a'
        seq1 = [Tensor.randn(*shape) for shape in shapes]
        for t in seq1:
            t.requires_grad = True

        seq2 = [get_same_torch_tensor(t) for t in seq1]

        # run mytorch and torch forward: 'c = cat (a, b)'
        c_temp = pack_sequence(seq1)
        c_temp2 = unpack_sequence(c_temp)
        c = pack_sequence(c_temp2)

        c_torch = torch.nn.utils.rnn.pack_sequence(seq2, enforce_sorted=False)

        l = (**2).sum()
        l_torch = (**2).sum()


        for a1, a2 in zip(seq1, seq2):
            assert check_grad(a1, a2, eps=eps)
        #compare_ps(c_torch,, "test_pack_sequence_backward")

    return True
Esempio n. 26
def test1():
    a = Tensor.randn(1, 2, 3)
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)

    b = Tensor.randn(1, 2, 3)
    b.requires_grad = True
    b_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(b)

    c = a + b
    c_torch = a_torch + b_torch

    assert check_val_and_grad(a, a_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(b, b_torch)
    assert check_val_and_grad(c, c_torch)
Esempio n. 27
def conv1d_forward_correctness(num_layers=1):
    CNN: scanning with a MLP with stride
    scores_dict = [0]

    #############################   Initialize parameters    ###################################
    in_c = np.random.randint(5, 15)
    channels = [np.random.randint(5, 15) for i in range(num_layers + 1)]
    kernel = [np.random.randint(3, 7) for i in range(num_layers)]
    stride = [np.random.randint(3, 5) for i in range(num_layers)]
    width = np.random.randint(60, 80)
    batch_size = np.random.randint(1, 4)

    x = np.random.randn(batch_size, channels[0], width)

    #################################    Create Models   ########################################
    test_layers = [
        Conv1d(channels[i], channels[i + 1], kernel[i], stride[i])
        for i in range(num_layers)
    test_model = Sequential(*test_layers)

    torch_layers = [
        nn.Conv1d(channels[i], channels[i + 1], kernel[i], stride=stride[i])
        for i in range(num_layers)
    torch_model = nn.Sequential(*torch_layers)

    for torch_layer, test_layer in zip(torch_model, test_model.layers):
        torch_layer.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(
        torch_layer.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.tensor(
    #########################    Get the correct results from PyTorch   #########################
    x1 = Variable(torch.tensor(x), requires_grad=True)
    y1 = torch_model(x1)
    torch_y = y1.detach().numpy()

    ###################    Get fwd results from TestModel and compare  ##########################
    y2 = test_model(Tensor(x))
    test_y =

    # check that model is correctly configured

    if not assertions(test_y, torch_y, 'type', 'y'): return scores_dict
    if not assertions(test_y, torch_y, 'shape', 'y'): return scores_dict
    if not assertions(test_y, torch_y, 'closeness', 'y'): return scores_dict
    scores_dict[0] = 1

    return scores_dict
Esempio n. 28
    def forward(self, x):
            x (Tensor): (batch_size, in_features)
            Tensor: (batch_size, out_features)

        return Tensor.matmul(x,self.weight.T()) + self.bias
Esempio n. 29
def test_unsqueeze():
    # shape of tensor to test
    shape = (2, 2, 3)

    # get mytorch and torch tensor: 'a'
    a = Tensor.randn(*shape)  #mytorch tensor
    a.requires_grad = True
    a_torch = get_same_torch_tensor(a)  #pytorch tensor

    b = Tensor.unsqueeze(a)
    b_torch = torch.Tensor.unsqueeze(a_torch, 0)
    assert check_val(b, b_torch, eps=eps)

    b = Tensor.unsqueeze(a, 2)
    b_torch = torch.Tensor.unsqueeze(a_torch, 2)
    assert check_val(b, b_torch, eps=eps)

    return True
Esempio n. 30
def test_dropout_forward():
    # run on small model forward only
    x = Tensor.randn(5, 10)
    model = Sequential(Linear(10, 5), ReLU(), Dropout(p=0.6))
    my_output = model(x)

    test_output = load_numpy_array('autograder/hw1_bonus_autograder/outputs/dropout_forward.npy')
    return assertions_all(, test_output, "test_dropout_forward", 1e-5, 1e-6)