Esempio n. 1
def generate_task_kinematics(tasks=None, mv={}, n_bins=100):
    '''Creates simulated positional data for a set of tasks.
    assert tasks.shape[1] % 2 == 0

    mv_defaults = {'curvature' : 1.,
                   'center'    : 0.5,
                   'fwhm'      : 0.2}
    mv = myutils.dparse(mv_defaults, mv)

    speed = generate_speed_profile(n_bins=n_bins, fwhm=mv['fwhm'],
    pos = calc_pos_along_movement(speed, tasks, mv['curvature'], mv['center'])
    return pos
Esempio n. 2
def do_tasks2(tasks=None, model='kds',
              mv={}, k={}, tau={},
              PD=None, PG=None, PDb=None,
              n_bins=200, full_output=True):
    '''Creates firing rates for each direction requested.

    tasks : array_like (n_tasks, 2 * n_dims)
      array of start positions and targets,
      n lots of [x_s, y_s, z_s, x_t, y_t, z_t]
    model : string
      code for model to use, see module docstring for description
    mv : dictionary
      optional movement parameters
      curvature, float, default 1.0
      center, float, default 0.5
      fwhm, float, default 0.2
    k : dictionary
      coefficients of model term coefficients
    tau : dictionary
      lags of firing rate components
    PD : sequence, shape (3,) or None, default None
      preferred direction of the cell
    PG : sequence, shape (3,) or None, default None
      positional gradient of the cell
    PDb : sequence, shape (3,) or None, default None
      final preferred direction, used for changing PD
    n_bins : int, default 200
      number of time points to model in each movement
    full_output : bool, default True
      display lots of output during computation

    speed : ndarray, shape = (n_pts,)
    dirnames : list
      string codes for each direction, in order found in frs
    frs, masked array, shape = (n_dirs, n_pts - 1)
      firing rates in each of the directions
    all_pos : ndarray, shape = (n_dirs, n_pts, 3)
      positions during movements in each of the directions
    assert type(tasks) == np.ndarray
    assert type(model) == str
    assert type(k) == type(tau) == dict
    assert tasks.shape[1] % 2 == 0
    mv_defaults = {'curvature' : 1.,
                   'center'    : 0.5,
                   'fwhm'      : 0.2}
    mv = myutils.dparse(mv_defaults, mv)
    k_defaults = {'k' : 1., 'p' : 1.,
                  'd' : 1., 'v' : 1.,
                  's' : 1., 'n' : 100,
                  'F' : 1.}
    k = myutils.dparse(k_defaults, k)
    tau_defaults = {'p' : 0}
    tau = myutils.dparse(tau_defaults, tau)
    # global properties
    speed = generate_speed_profile(n_bins=n_bins, fwhm=mv['fwhm'],
    n_dirs = tasks.shape[0]
    #n_dims = tasks.shape[1] / 2

    # preferred direction
    if PD == None:
        PD = generate_cell_property('PD')
    if PG == None:
        PG = generate_cell_property('PG')
    if ('X' in model):
        if PDb == None:
            PDb = generate_cell_property('PDb')
        PD = sim_rates.generate_changing_PD(PD, PDb, n_bins)
        pds = PD.repeat(n_dirs).reshape(n_bins, 3, n_dirs).transpose([2,0,1])
        pds = PD.repeat(n_dirs * n_bins).reshape(3, n_dirs, n_bins).transpose([1,2,0])

    # initialize storage variables
    frs =, n_bins))
    #all_pos = np.empty((n_dirs, n_bins, 3)) + np.nan
    starts = np.tile(tasks[:,:3], n_bins).reshape(n_dirs, n_bins, 3)
    stops = np.tile(tasks[:,3:], n_bins).reshape(n_dirs, n_bins, 3)
    pos = calc_pos_along_movement(speed, tasks, mv['curvature'], mv['center'])
    #pos_mids = calc_pos_along_movement(speed_mids, tasks,
    #                                   mv['curvature'], mv['center'])
    # loop over targets
    for i_dir, task in enumerate(tasks):
	if ('N' in model) and ('k' in model):
            k['k'] *= np.random.normal(loc=1., scale=k['N'])

        frs[i_dir] = sim_rates.generate_firing_rate2(pos[i_dir],
                                           #dirs_inst[i_dir], speed,
                                           PD, PG,
                                           k=k, tau=tau, model=model)    
    if full_output:
        return speed, frs, pos, pds, starts, stops
        return speed, frs, pos