Esempio n. 1
def callback(x, comm):
    Callback that calculates the Black Scholes Option Price for a given Volatility

    fail = NagError()

    p_userdata = cast(comm[0].p, py_object)
    userdata = p_userdata.value

    time = c_double(userdata[0])
    callput = userdata[1]
    strike = c_double(userdata[2])
    underlying = userdata[3]
    current_price = userdata[4]
    out = c_double(0.0)
    # NAG function call 
    # Update input with risk free (r) and dividend (q) rate if any:
    # (Nag_RowMajor, callput, 1, 1, strike, underlying, time, x, r, q, out, fail)
    s30aac(Nag_RowMajor, callput, 1, 1, strike, underlying, time, x, 0.0, 0.0, out, fail)
    if(fail.code == 0):
        return out.value - current_price
    print fail.message
    return 0.0
Esempio n. 2
def calcvol(exp, strike, todays_date, underlying, current_price, callput):
    Root-finding method that calls NAG Library to calculate Implied Volatility

    fail = NagError()

    volatility = c_double(.5)
    time = (exp - todays_date) / 365.0
    userdate = time, callput, strike, underlying, current_price
    comm = Nag_Comm()
    comm.p = cast(id(userdate), Pointer)
    pyfun = NAG_C05AYC_FUN(callback)

    # NAG function call
    c05ayc(0.00000001, 1.0, .00001, 0.0, pyfun, volatility, comm, fail)
    if (fail.code == 0):
        return volatility.value
        return 0.0
Esempio n. 3
def main():

    if(a00acc() != 1):
	print "Cannot find a valid NAG license"
        QuoteData = 'QuoteData.dat'
#    except IndexError:
#        sys.stderr.write("Usage: QuotaData.dat\n")
#        sys.exit(1)

#        if os.path.isfile(QuoteData):
        qd = open(QuoteData, 'r')
        qd_head = []
        sys.stderr.write("Couldn't read %s" % QuoteData)

    print "Implied Volatility for %s %s" % (qd_head[0].strip(), qd_head[1])

    # Parse the header information in QuotaData
    first = qd_head[0].split(',')
    second = qd_head[1].split()
    qd_date = qd_head[1].split(',')[0]
    company = first[0]
    underlyingprice = float(first[1])
    month, day = second[:2]
    today = cumulative_month[month] + int(day) - 30

    data =, sep=',', header=2, na_values=' ')

    # Need to fill the NA values in dataframe
    data = data.fillna(0.0)

    # Let's look at data where there was a recent sale 
    data = data[data.Calls > 0]
    data = data[(data['Last Sale'] > 0) | (data['Last Sale.1'] > 0)]

    # Get the Options Expiration Date
    exp = data.Calls.apply(getexpiration) = 'Expiration'

    # Get the Strike Prices
    strike = data.Calls.apply(getstrike) = 'Strike'

    data = data.join(exp)
    data = data.join(strike)

    print 'Calculating Implied Vol of Calls...'
    impvolcall = pandas.Series(,
                               index=data.index, name='impvolCall')
    for i in data.index:
        impvolcall[i] = (calcvol(data.Expiration[i],
                                 (data.Bid[i] + data.Ask[i]) / 2, Nag_Call))

    print 'Calculated Implied Vol for %d Calls' % len(data.index)
    data = data.join(impvolcall)

    print 'Calculating Implied Vol of Puts...'
    impvolput = pandas.Series(numpy.zeros(len(data.index)),
                              index=data.index, name='impvolPut')

    for i in data.index:
        impvolput[i] = (calcvol(data.Expiration[i],
                                (data['Bid.1'][i] + data['Ask.1'][i]) / 2.0, Nag_Put))

    print 'Calculated Implied Vol for %i Puts' % len(data.index)

    data = data.join(impvolput)
    fig = plt.figure(1)
    fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=.4, wspace=.3)

    # Plot the Volatility Curves
    # Encode graph layout: 3 rows, 3 columns, 1 is first graph.
    num = 331
    max_xticks = 4
    for date in dates:
        # add each subplot to the figure
        plot_year, plot_month = date.split()
        plot_date = (int(plot_year) - 13) * 365 + cumulative_month[plot_month]
        plot_call = data[(data.impvolCall > .01) &
                       (data.impvolCall < 1) &
                       (data.Expiration == plot_date) &
                       (data['Last Sale'] > 0)]
        plot_put = data[(data.impvolPut > .01) &
                        (data.impvolPut < 1) &
                        (data.Expiration == plot_date) &
                        (data['Last Sale.1'] > 0)]

        myfig = fig.add_subplot(num)
        xloc = plt.MaxNLocator(max_xticks)
        myfig.set_title('Expiry: %s 20%s' % (plot_month, plot_year))
        myfig.plot(plot_call.Strike, plot_call.impvolCall, 'pr', label='call')
        myfig.plot(plot_put.Strike, plot_put.impvolPut, 'p', label='put')
        myfig.legend(loc=1, numpoints=1, prop={'size': 10})
        myfig.set_xlabel('Strike Price')
        myfig.set_ylabel('Implied Volatility')
        num += 1

    plt.suptitle('Implied Volatility for %s Current Price: %s Date: %s' %
                 (company, underlyingprice, qd_date))

    print "\nPlotting Volatility Curves/Surface"  
    The code below will plot the Volatility Surface
    It uses e02ca to fit with a polynomial and e02cb to evalute at 
    intermediate points

    m = numpy.empty(len(dates), dtype=get_nag_int_type())
    y = numpy.empty(len(dates), dtype=numpy.double)
    xmin = numpy.empty(len(dates), dtype=numpy.double)    
    xmax = numpy.empty(len(dates), dtype=numpy.double)
    data = data.sort('Strike') # Need to sort for NAG Algorithm

    k = 3   # this is the degree of polynomial for x-axis (Strike Price)
    l = 3   # this is the degree of polynomial for y-axis (Expiration Date)

    i = 0

    for date in dates:
        plot_year, plot_month = date.split()
        plot_date = (int(plot_year) - 13) * 365 + cumulative_month[plot_month]
	call_data = data[(data.Expiration == plot_date) & 
				(data.impvolPut > .01) & 
				(data.impvolPut < 1) &
                                (data['Last Sale.1'] > 0)]
	exp_sizes = call_data.Expiration.size
        if(exp_sizes > 0):       
        	m[i] = exp_sizes
        	n = len(dates)

        	if(i == 0):
            		x = call_data.Strike
            		call = call_data.impvolPut
            		xmin[0] = x.min()
            		xmax[0] = x.max()
            		x2 = call_data.Strike
            		x = x.append(x2)
            		call2 = call_data.impvolPut
            		call = call.append(call2)
            		xmin[i] = x2.min()
            		xmax[i] = x2.max()
        	y[i] = plot_date-today       

    nux = numpy.zeros(1,dtype=numpy.double)
    nuy = numpy.zeros(1,dtype=numpy.double)
    inux = 1
    inuy = 1
    if(len(dates) != i):
	print "Error with data: the CBOE may not be open for trading or one expiration date has null data"
	return 0
    weight = numpy.ones(call.size, dtype=numpy.double)
    output_coef = (c_double * ((k + 1) * (l + 1)))(0.0)

    # To input data into NAG function we convert variables to ctypes
    mx = m.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(get_ctype()))
    xx = x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
    yx = y.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
    callx = call.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
    weightx = weight.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
    xminx = xmin.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
    xmaxx = xmax.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
    nuxx = nux.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
    nuyx = nuy.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
    fail = NagError()    
    #Call the NAG Chebyshev fitting function
    if(fail.code != 0):
        print fail.message
	return 0

    Now that we have fit the function,
    we use e02cb to evaluate at different strikes/expirations 
    nStrikes = 100 # number of Strikes to evaluate    
    spacing = 20 # number of Expirations to evaluate
    for i in range(spacing):
        mfirst = 1	
        mlast = nStrikes
        xmin = data.Strike.min()
        xmax = data.Strike.max()
	x = numpy.linspace(xmin, xmax, nStrikes)

        ymin = data.Expiration.min() - today
        ymax = data.Expiration.max() - today
        y = (ymin) + i * numpy.floor((ymax - ymin) / spacing) 

        xx = x.ctypes.data_as(POINTER(c_double))
	fx=(c_double * nStrikes)(0.0) 

        if(fail.code != 0):
            print fail.message 
        if 'xaxis' in locals():
            xaxis = numpy.append(xaxis, x)
            temp = numpy.empty(len(x))
            yaxis = numpy.append(yaxis, temp)    
	    for j in range(len(x)):
            xaxis = x
            yaxis = numpy.empty(len(x), dtype=numpy.double)
            zaxis = []
	    for j in range(len(x)):
    fig = plt.figure(2)
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
    ax.plot_trisurf(xaxis, yaxis, zaxis, cmap=cm.jet)
    ax.set_xlabel('Strike Price')
    ax.set_ylabel('Days to Expiration')
    ax.set_zlabel('Implied Volatility for Put Options')
    plt.suptitle('Implied Volatility Surface for %s Current Price: %s Date: %s' %
                 (company, underlyingprice, qd_date))