Esempio n. 1
def test_responder_worker_exc(mock_publish):

    message = Mock() = {'reply_to': ''}

    config = {AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY: ''}
    responder = Responder(config, message)

    # serialisable exception
    worker_exc = Exception('error')
    result, exc_info = responder.send_response(None,
                                               (Exception, worker_exc, "tb"))
    assert result is None
    assert exc_info == (Exception, worker_exc, "tb")

    expected_msg = {
        'result': None,
        'error': {
            'exc_path': '{}.Exception'.format(EXCEPTION_MODULE),
            'value': 'error',
            'exc_type': 'Exception',
            'exc_args': ['error']
    (msg, ), _ = mock_publish.call_args
    assert msg == expected_msg
Esempio n. 2
def test_responder_unserializable_result(mock_publish):

    message = Mock() = {'reply_to': ''}

    config = {AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY: ''}
    responder = Responder(config, message)

    # unserialisable result
    worker_result = object()
    result, exc_info = responder.send_response(worker_result, None)

    # responder will return the TypeError from json.dumps
    assert result is None
    assert exc_info == (TypeError, ANY, ANY)
    assert str(
        exc_info[1]) == "{} is not JSON serializable".format(worker_result)

    # and publish a dictionary-serialized UnserializableValueError
    # on worker_result
    expected_msg = {
        'result': None,
        'error': {
            'exc_path': 'nameko.exceptions.UnserializableValueError',
            'value': 'Unserializable value: `{}`'.format(worker_result),
            'exc_type': 'UnserializableValueError',
            'exc_args': [],
    (msg, ), _ = mock_publish.call_args
    assert msg == expected_msg
Esempio n. 3
def test_responder_unserializable_result(
        mock_publish, unserializable,
        serializer, exception_info_string):

    message = Mock() = {'reply_to': ''}

    config = {AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY: '',
              SERIALIZER_CONFIG_KEY: serializer}
    responder = Responder(config, message)

    # unserialisable result
    worker_result = unserializable
    result, exc_info = responder.send_response(worker_result, None)

    # responder will return the error from the serializer
    assert result is None
    # Different kombu versions return different exceptions, so
    # testing for the concrete exception is not feasible
    assert exc_info == (ANY, ANY, ANY)
    assert exception_info_string in str(exc_info[1])

    # and publish a dictionary-serialized UnserializableValueError
    # on worker_result
    expected_msg = {
        'result': None,
        'error': {
            'exc_path': 'nameko.exceptions.UnserializableValueError',
            'value': 'Unserializable value: `{}`'.format(worker_result),
            'exc_type': 'UnserializableValueError',
            'exc_args': [],
    (msg,), _ = mock_publish.call_args
    assert msg == expected_msg
Esempio n. 4
def test_responder_unserializable_result(
        message, mock_producer, unserializable,
        serializer, content_type, exception_info_string):['content_type'] = content_type

    exchange = Mock()

    responder = Responder('amqp://localhost', exchange, serializer, message)

    # unserialisable result
    worker_result = unserializable
    result, exc_info = responder.send_response(worker_result, None)

    # responder will return the error from the serializer
    assert result is None
    # Different kombu versions return different exceptions, so
    # testing for the concrete exception is not feasible
    assert exc_info == (ANY, ANY, ANY)
    assert exception_info_string in str(exc_info[1])

    # and publish a dictionary-serialized UnserializableValueError
    # on worker_result
    expected_msg = {
        'result': None,
        'error': {
            'exc_path': 'nameko.exceptions.UnserializableValueError',
            'value': 'Unserializable value: `{}`'.format(worker_result),
            'exc_type': 'UnserializableValueError',
            'exc_args': [],
    (msg,), _ = mock_producer.publish.call_args
    assert msg == expected_msg
Esempio n. 5
def test_responder_unserializable_exc(mock_publish):

    message = Mock() = {'reply_to': ''}

    container = Mock()
    container.config = {AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY: ''}

    responder = Responder(message)

    # unserialisable exception
    worker_exc = Exception(object())
    result, exc_info = responder.send_response(container, True,
                                               (Exception, worker_exc, "tb"))

    # responder will return the TypeError from json.dumps
    assert result is None
    assert exc_info == (TypeError, ANY, ANY)
    assert exc_info[1].message == ("{} is not JSON "

    # and publish a dictionary-serialized UnserializableValueError
    # (where the unserialisable value is a dictionary-serialized worker_exc)
    serialized_exc = serialize(worker_exc)
    expected_msg = {
        'result': None,
        'error': {
            'exc_path': 'nameko.exceptions.UnserializableValueError',
            'value': 'Unserializable value: `{}`'.format(serialized_exc),
            'exc_type': 'UnserializableValueError',
            'exc_args': ()
    (msg, ), _ = mock_publish.call_args
    assert msg == expected_msg
Esempio n. 6
def test_responder_worker_exc(mock_producer):

    message = Mock() = {'reply_to': ''}

    exchange = Mock()

    responder = Responder('amqp://localhost', exchange, 'json', message)

    # serialisable exception
    worker_exc = Exception('error')
    result, exc_info = responder.send_response(None,
                                               (Exception, worker_exc, "tb"))
    assert result is None
    assert exc_info == (Exception, worker_exc, "tb")

    expected_msg = {
        'result': None,
        'error': {
            'exc_path': '{}.Exception'.format(EXCEPTION_MODULE),
            'value': 'error',
            'exc_type': 'Exception',
            'exc_args': ['error']
    (msg, ), _ = mock_producer.publish.call_args
    assert msg == expected_msg
Esempio n. 7
def test_responder(message, mock_producer):

    exchange = Mock()

    responder = Responder('amqp://localhost', exchange, 'json', message)

    # serialisable result
    result, exc_info = responder.send_response(True, None)
    assert result is True
    assert exc_info is None

    expected_msg = {'result': True, 'error': None}
    (msg, ), _ = mock_producer.publish.call_args
    assert msg == expected_msg
Esempio n. 8
def test_unexpected_correlation_id(container_factory, rabbit_config):
    container = container_factory(FooService, rabbit_config)

    with ServiceRpcProxy("foobar", rabbit_config) as proxy:

        message = Message(channel=None, properties={
            'reply_to': proxy.reply_listener.routing_key,
            'correlation_id': 'invalid',
        responder = Responder(container.config, message)
        with patch('nameko.standalone.rpc._logger', autospec=True) as logger:
            responder.send_response(None, None)
            assert proxy.spam(ham='eggs') == 'eggs'
            assert logger.debug.call_count == 1
Esempio n. 9
def test_responder_cannot_repr_exc(message, mock_producer):

    exchange = Mock()

    responder = Responder('amqp://localhost', exchange, 'json', message)

    class CannotRepr(object):
        def __repr__(self):
            raise Exception('error')

    # un-repr-able exception
    worker_exc = Exception(CannotRepr())

    # send_response should not throw
    responder.send_response(True, (Exception, worker_exc, "tb"))
Esempio n. 10
def test_responder(mock_publish):

    message = Mock() = {'reply_to': ''}

    config = {AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY: ''}
    responder = Responder(config, message)

    # serialisable result
    result, exc_info = responder.send_response(True, None)
    assert result is True
    assert exc_info is None

    expected_msg = {'result': True, 'error': None}
    (msg, ), _ = mock_publish.call_args
    assert msg == expected_msg
Esempio n. 11
def test_responder_cannot_unicode_exc(mock_publish):

    message = Mock() = {'reply_to': ''}

    config = {AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY: ''}
    responder = Responder(config, message)

    class CannotUnicode(object):
        def __str__(self):
            raise Exception('error')

    # un-unicode-able exception
    worker_exc = Exception(CannotUnicode())

    # send_response should not throw
    responder.send_response(True, (Exception, worker_exc, "tb"))
Esempio n. 12
def test_responder_cannot_unicode_exc(mock_producer):

    message = Mock() = {'reply_to': ''}

    exchange = Mock()

    responder = Responder('amqp://localhost', exchange, 'json', message)

    class CannotUnicode(object):
        def __str__(self):
            raise Exception('error')

    # un-unicode-able exception
    worker_exc = Exception(CannotUnicode())

    # send_response should not throw
    responder.send_response(True, (Exception, worker_exc, "tb"))
Esempio n. 13
def rpc_consumer_handle_result(self, message, result, exc_info):
    from sv_base.extensions.service.rpc import RpcResult

    if isinstance(result, RpcResult):
        rpc_result = result
        amqp_uri = self.container.config[AMQP_URI_CONFIG_KEY]
        serializer = self.container.config.get(SERIALIZER_CONFIG_KEY,
        exchange = get_rpc_exchange(self.container.config)
        ssl = self.container.config.get(AMQP_SSL_CONFIG_KEY)

        responder = Responder(amqp_uri, exchange, serializer, message, ssl=ssl)
        result, exc_info = responder.send_response(rpc_result.result, exc_info)


        if rpc_result.rely_callback:

        return result, exc_info
        return _rpc_consumer_handle_result_default(self, message, result,
Esempio n. 14
 def replacement_constructor(amqp_uri, *args):
     return Responder(toxiproxy.uri, *args)