Esempio n. 1
def test_proxy_disconnect_with_active_worker(container_factory, rabbit_manager,
    """ Break the connection to rabbit while a service's queue consumer and
    rabbit while the service has an in-flight rpc request (i.e. it is waiting
    on a reply).
    # ExampleService is the target; ProxyService has the rpc_proxy;
    proxy_container = container_factory(ProxyService, rabbit_config)
    example_container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)


    # get proxyservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    proxy_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']


    # there should now be two connections:
    # 1. the queue consumer from proxyservice
    # 2. the queue consumer from exampleservice
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 2

    # disconnect proxyservice's queue consumer while its request is in-flight
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, proxy_consumer_conn)
    with entrypoint_hook(proxy_container, 'entrypoint') as entrypoint:
        # we should receive a response after reconnection
        assert entrypoint('hello') == 'hello'

    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert proxy_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]
Esempio n. 2
def test_proxy_disconnect_with_active_worker(container_factory,
                                             rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):
    """ Break the connection to rabbit while a service's queue consumer and
    rabbit while the service has an in-flight rpc request (i.e. it is waiting
    on a reply).
    # ExampleService is the target; ProxyService has the rpc_proxy;
    proxy_container = container_factory(ProxyService, rabbit_config)
    example_container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)


    # get proxyservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    proxy_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']


    # there should now be two connections:
    # 1. the queue consumer from proxyservice
    # 2. the queue consumer from exampleservice
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 2

    # disconnect proxyservice's queue consumer while its request is in-flight
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, proxy_consumer_conn)
    with entrypoint_hook(proxy_container, 'entrypoint') as entrypoint:
        # we should receive a response after reconnection
        assert entrypoint('hello') == 'hello'

    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert proxy_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]
Esempio n. 3
def test_service_disconnect_with_active_async_worker(
        container_factory, rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):
    """ Break the connection between a service's queue consumer and rabbit
    while the service has an active async worker (e.g. event handler).
    container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)

    # get the service's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    queue_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']

    # disconnect the service's queue consumer while it's running the worker
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, queue_consumer_conn)

    # dispatch an event
    data = uuid.uuid4().hex
    dispatch = event_dispatcher(rabbit_config)
    dispatch('srcservice', 'exampleevent', data)

    # `handle` will have been called twice with the same the `data`, because
    # rabbit will have redelivered the un-ack'd message from the first call
    def event_handled_twice():
        assert handle_called.call_args_list == [call(data), call(data)]

    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert queue_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]
Esempio n. 4
def test_service_disconnect_with_active_async_worker(container_factory,
    """ Break the connection between a service's queue consumer and rabbit
    while the service has an active async worker (e.g. event handler).
    container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)

    # get the service's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    queue_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']

    # disconnect the service's queue consumer while it's running the worker
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, queue_consumer_conn)

    # dispatch an event
    data = uuid.uuid4().hex
    with event_dispatcher('srcservice', rabbit_config) as dispatch:

    # `handle` will have been called twice with the same the `data`, because
    # rabbit will have redelivered the un-ack'd message from the first call
    def event_handled_twice():
        assert handle_called.call_args_list == [call(data), call(data)]


    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert queue_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]
Esempio n. 5
def test_service_disconnect_with_active_rpc_worker_via_service_proxy(
        logger, container_factory, rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):
    """ Break the connection between a service's queue consumer and rabbit
    while the service has an active rpc worker (i.e. response required).

    Make the rpc call from a nameko service. We expect the service to see
    the duplicate response and discard it.
    # ExampleService is the target; ProxyService has the rpc_proxy;
    proxy_container = container_factory(ProxyService, rabbit_config)
    service_container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)


    # get exampleservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    service_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']


    # there should now be two connections:
    # 1. the queue consumer from proxyservice
    # 2. the queue consumer from exampleservice
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 2

    # disconnect exampleservice's queue consumer while it's running the worker
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, service_consumer_conn)

    # we should receive the response from the first call
    # the service rpc_proxy will receive and discard the response from the
    # second call
    arg = uuid.uuid4().hex
    with entrypoint_hook(proxy_container, 'entrypoint') as entrypoint:
        # we should receive a response after reconnection
        assert entrypoint(arg) == arg

    def duplicate_response_received():
        correlation_warning = call("Unknown correlation id: %s", ANY)
        assert correlation_warning in logger.debug.call_args_list


    # `method` will have been called twice with the same the `arg`, because
    # rabbit will have redelivered the un-ack'd message from the first call
    def method_called_twice():
        assert method_called.call_args_list == [call(arg), call(arg)]


    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert service_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]
Esempio n. 6
def test_service_disconnect_with_active_rpc_worker_via_service_proxy(
        logger, container_factory, rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):
    """ Break the connection between a service's queue consumer and rabbit
    while the service has an active rpc worker (i.e. response required).

    Make the rpc call from a nameko service. We expect the service to see
    the duplicate response and discard it.
    # ExampleService is the target; ProxyService has the rpc_proxy;
    proxy_container = container_factory(ProxyService, rabbit_config)
    service_container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)


    # get exampleservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    service_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']


    # there should now be two connections:
    # 1. the queue consumer from proxyservice
    # 2. the queue consumer from exampleservice
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 2

    # disconnect exampleservice's queue consumer while it's running the worker
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, service_consumer_conn)

    # we should receive the response from the first call
    # the service rpc_proxy will receive and discard the response from the
    # second call
    arg = uuid.uuid4().hex
    with entrypoint_hook(proxy_container, 'entrypoint') as entrypoint:
        # we should receive a response after reconnection
        assert entrypoint(arg) == arg

    def duplicate_response_received():
        correlation_warning = call("Unknown correlation id: %s", ANY)
        assert correlation_warning in logger.debug.call_args_list

    # `method` will have been called twice with the same the `arg`, because
    # rabbit will have redelivered the un-ack'd message from the first call
    def method_called_twice():
        assert method_called.call_args_list == [call(arg), call(arg)]

    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert service_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]
Esempio n. 7
def test_runner_factory(
    testdir, plugin_options, rabbit_config, rabbit_manager

        from nameko.rpc import rpc
        from nameko.standalone.rpc import ServiceRpcProxy

        class ServiceX(object):
            name = "x"

            def method(self):
                return "OK"

        def test_runner(runner_factory, rabbit_config):
            runner = runner_factory(rabbit_config, ServiceX)

            with ServiceRpcProxy("x", rabbit_config) as proxy:
                assert proxy.method() == "OK"
    result = testdir.runpytest(*plugin_options)
    assert result.ret == 0

    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    assert get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager) == []
Esempio n. 8
def rabbit_config(request, rabbit_manager):
    from kombu import pools
    from nameko.testing.utils import (

    amqp_uri = request.config.getoption("AMQP_URI")

    conf = get_rabbit_config(amqp_uri)

    reset_rabbit_connections(conf["vhost"], rabbit_manager)
    reset_rabbit_vhost(conf["vhost"], conf["username"], rabbit_manager)

    yield conf

    pools.reset()  # close connections in pools

    # raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections lying around
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(conf["vhost"], rabbit_manager)
    open_connections = [conn for conn in connections if conn["state"] != "closed"]
    if open_connections:
        count = len(open_connections)
        raise RuntimeError("{} rabbit connection(s) left open.".format(count))
Esempio n. 9
def test_kill_closes_connections(rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):

    container = Mock()
    container.config = rabbit_config
    container.max_workers = 1
    container.spawn_managed_thread = spawn_thread

    queue_consumer = QueueConsumer()
    queue_consumer.bind("queue_consumer", container)

    class Handler(object):
        queue = ham_queue

        def handle_message(self, body, message):


    # kill should close all connections

    # no connections should remain for our vhost
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    if connections:
        for connection in connections:
            assert connection['vhost'] != vhost
Esempio n. 10
def test_kill_closes_connections(rabbit_manager, rabbit_config, mock_container):

    container = mock_container
    container.shared_extensions = {}
    container.config = rabbit_config
    container.max_workers = 1
    container.spawn_managed_thread = spawn_managed_thread

    queue_consumer = QueueConsumer().bind(container)

    class Handler(object):
        queue = ham_queue

        def handle_message(self, body, message):
            pass  # pragma: no cover


    # kill should close all connections

    # no connections should remain for our vhost
    vhost = rabbit_config["vhost"]
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    if connections:  # pragma: no cover
        for connection in connections:
            assert connection["vhost"] != vhost
Esempio n. 11
def test_kill_closes_connections(rabbit_manager, rabbit_config,

    container = mock_container
    container.shared_extensions = {}
    container.config = rabbit_config
    container.max_workers = 1
    container.spawn_managed_thread = spawn_managed_thread

    queue_consumer = QueueConsumer().bind(container)

    class Handler(object):
        queue = ham_queue

        def handle_message(self, body, message):
            pass  # pragma: no cover


    # kill should close all connections

    # no connections should remain for our vhost
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    if connections:  # pragma: no cover
        for connection in connections:
            assert connection['vhost'] != vhost
Esempio n. 12
def test_runner_factory(testdir, plugin_options, rabbit_config,

        from nameko.rpc import rpc
        from nameko.standalone.rpc import ServiceRpcProxy

        class ServiceX(object):
            name = "x"

            def method(self):
                return "OK"

        def test_runner(runner_factory, rabbit_config):
            runner = runner_factory(rabbit_config, ServiceX)

            with ServiceRpcProxy("x", rabbit_config) as proxy:
                assert proxy.method() == "OK"
    result = testdir.runpytest(*plugin_options)
    assert result.ret == 0

    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    assert get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager) == []
Esempio n. 13
def rabbit_config(request, rabbit_manager):
    from kombu import pools
    from nameko.testing.utils import (reset_rabbit_vhost,

    amqp_uri = request.config.getoption('AMQP_URI')

    conf = get_rabbit_config(amqp_uri)

    reset_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
    reset_rabbit_vhost(conf['vhost'], conf['username'], rabbit_manager)

    yield conf

    pools.reset()  # close connections in pools

    # raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections lying around
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
    open_connections = [
        conn for conn in connections if conn['state'] != "closed"
    if open_connections:
        count = len(open_connections)
        raise RuntimeError("{} rabbit connection(s) left open.".format(count))
Esempio n. 14
def test_kill_closes_connections(rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):

    container = Mock()
    container.config = rabbit_config
    container.max_workers = 1
    container.spawn_managed_thread = spawn_thread

    queue_consumer = QueueConsumer()
    queue_consumer.bind("queue_consumer", container)

    class Handler(object):
        queue = ham_queue

        def handle_message(self, body, message):


    # kill should close all connections

    # no connections should remain for our vhost
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    if connections:
        for connection in connections:
            assert connection['vhost'] != vhost
Esempio n. 15
def test_service_disconnect_with_active_rpc_worker(container_factory,
    """ Break the connection between a service's queue consumer and rabbit
    while the service has an active rpc worker (i.e. response required).
    container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)

    # get the service's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    queue_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']

    # create a standalone RPC proxy towards the target service
    rpc_proxy = RpcProxy('exampleservice', rabbit_config)
    proxy = rpc_proxy.start()

    # there should now be two connections:
    # 1. the queue consumer from the target service
    # 2. the queue consumer in the standalone rpc proxy
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 2

    # disconnect the service's queue consumer while it's running a worker
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, queue_consumer_conn)

    # we should receive the response from the first call
    # the standalone RPC proxy will stop listening as soon as it receives
    # a reply, so the duplicate response is discarded
    arg = uuid.uuid4().hex
    assert proxy.method(arg) == arg

    # `method` will have been called twice with the same the `arg`, because
    # rabbit will have redelivered the un-ack'd message from the first call
    def method_called_twice():
        assert method_called.call_args_list == [call(arg), call(arg)]


    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert queue_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]

Esempio n. 16
def test_service_disconnect_with_active_rpc_worker(
        container_factory, rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):
    """ Break the connection between a service's queue consumer and rabbit
    while the service has an active rpc worker (i.e. response required).
    container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)

    # get the service's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    queue_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']

    # create a standalone RPC proxy towards the target service
    rpc_proxy = ServiceRpcProxy('exampleservice', rabbit_config)
    proxy = rpc_proxy.start()

    # there should now be two connections:
    # 1. the queue consumer from the target service
    # 2. the queue consumer in the standalone rpc proxy
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 2

    # disconnect the service's queue consumer while it's running a worker
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, queue_consumer_conn)

    # we should receive the response from the first call
    # the standalone RPC proxy will stop listening as soon as it receives
    # a reply, so the duplicate response is discarded
    arg = uuid.uuid4().hex
    assert proxy.method(arg) == arg

    # `method` will have been called twice with the same the `arg`, because
    # rabbit will have redelivered the un-ack'd message from the first call
    def method_called_twice():
        assert method_called.call_args_list == [call(arg), call(arg)]

    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert queue_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]

Esempio n. 17
def test_disconnect_with_pending_reply(container_factory, rabbit_manager,

    example_container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)

    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']

    # get exampleservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    container_connection = connections[0]

    with ServiceRpcProxy('exampleservice', rabbit_config) as proxy:
        connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
        assert len(connections) == 2
        proxy_connection = [
            conn for conn in connections if conn != container_connection

        def disconnect_once(self):
            if hasattr(disconnect_once, 'called'):
            disconnect_once.called = True

        with patch.object(ExampleService, 'callback', disconnect_once):

            async = proxy.method.call_async('hello')

            # if disconnecting while waiting for a reply, call fails
            with pytest.raises(RpcConnectionError):

            # the failure above also has to consider any other pending calls a
            # failure, since the reply may have been sent while the queue was
            # gone (deleted on disconnect, and not added until re-connect)
            with pytest.raises(RpcConnectionError):
                async .result()

            # proxy should work again afterwards
            assert proxy.method('hello') == 'hello'
Esempio n. 18
def test_disconnect_with_pending_reply(
        container_factory, rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):

    example_container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)

    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']

    # get exampleservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    container_connection = connections[0]

    with ServiceRpcProxy('exampleservice', rabbit_config) as proxy:
        connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
        assert len(connections) == 2
        proxy_connection = [
            conn for conn in connections if conn != container_connection][0]

        def disconnect_once(self):
            if hasattr(disconnect_once, 'called'):
            disconnect_once.called = True

        with patch.object(ExampleService, 'callback', disconnect_once):

            async = proxy.method.call_async('hello')

            # if disconnecting while waiting for a reply, call fails
            with pytest.raises(RpcConnectionError):

            # the failure above also has to consider any other pending calls a
            # failure, since the reply may have been sent while the queue was
            # gone (deleted on disconnect, and not added until re-connect)
            with pytest.raises(RpcConnectionError):

            # proxy should work again afterwards
            assert proxy.method('hello') == 'hello'
Esempio n. 19
def test_get_rabbit_connections():

    vhost = "vhost_name"

    connections = [{
        'vhost': vhost,
        'key': 'value'
    }, {
        'vhost': 'unlikely_vhost_name',
        'key': 'value'

    rabbit_manager = Mock()

    rabbit_manager.get_connections.return_value = connections
    vhost_conns = [connections[0]]
    assert get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager) == vhost_conns

    rabbit_manager.get_connections.return_value = None
    assert get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager) == []
Esempio n. 20
def test_proxy_disconnect_with_active_worker(container_factory, rabbit_manager,
    """ Break the connection to rabbit while a service's queue consumer and
    rabbit while the service has an in-flight rpc request (i.e. it is waiting
    on a reply).
    # ExampleService is the target; ProxyService has the rpc_proxy;
    proxy_container = container_factory(ProxyService, rabbit_config)
    example_container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)


    # get proxyservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    proxy_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']


    # there should now be two connections:
    # 1. the queue consumer from proxyservice
    # 2. the queue consumer from exampleservice
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 2

    # disconnect proxyservice's queue consumer while its request is in-flight
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, proxy_consumer_conn)
    with entrypoint_hook(proxy_container, 'retry') as retry:
        # if disconnecting while waiting for a reply, call fails
        # fail, then success
        assert retry('hello') == [
            (RpcConnectionError, 'Disconnected while waiting for reply'),

    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert proxy_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]
Esempio n. 21
def test_proxy_disconnect_with_active_worker(
        container_factory, rabbit_manager, rabbit_config):
    """ Break the connection to rabbit while a service's queue consumer and
    rabbit while the service has an in-flight rpc request (i.e. it is waiting
    on a reply).
    # ExampleService is the target; ProxyService has the rpc_proxy;
    proxy_container = container_factory(ProxyService, rabbit_config)
    example_container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)


    # get proxyservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    proxy_consumer_conn = connections[0]['name']


    # there should now be two connections:
    # 1. the queue consumer from proxyservice
    # 2. the queue consumer from exampleservice
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 2

    # disconnect proxyservice's queue consumer while its request is in-flight
    eventlet.spawn(disconnect_on_event, rabbit_manager, proxy_consumer_conn)
    with entrypoint_hook(proxy_container, 'retry') as retry:
        # if disconnecting while waiting for a reply, call fails
        # fail, then success
        assert retry('hello') == [
            (RpcConnectionError, 'Disconnected while waiting for reply'),

    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert proxy_consumer_conn not in [conn['name'] for conn in connections]
Esempio n. 22
    def check_connections():
        """ Raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections open.

        Allow a few retries because the rabbit api is eventually consistent.
        connections = get_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
        open_connections = [
            conn for conn in connections if conn['state'] != "closed"
        if open_connections:
            count = len(open_connections)
            names = ", ".join(conn['name'] for conn in open_connections)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "{} rabbit connection(s) left open: {}".format(count, names))
Esempio n. 23
    def check_connections():
        """ Raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections open.

        Allow a few retries because the rabbit api is eventually consistent.
        connections = get_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
        open_connections = [
            conn for conn in connections if conn['state'] != "closed"
        if open_connections:
            count = len(open_connections)
            names = ", ".join(conn['name'] for conn in open_connections)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "{} rabbit connection(s) left open: {}".format(count, names))
Esempio n. 24
def rabbit_config(request, rabbit_manager):
    import random
    import string
    from kombu import pools
    from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse  # pylint: disable=E0401
    from nameko.testing.utils import get_rabbit_connections

    amqp_uri = request.config.getoption('AMQP_URI')

    uri = urlparse(amqp_uri)
    username = uri.username
    vhost = uri.path[1:]

    use_random_vost = (vhost == ":random:")

    if use_random_vost:
        vhost = "test_{}".format(
            "".join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase) for _ in range(10))
        amqp_uri = "{}://{}/{}".format(uri.scheme, uri.netloc, vhost)
        rabbit_manager.set_vhost_permissions(vhost, username, '.*', '.*', '.*')

    conf = {
        'AMQP_URI': amqp_uri,
        'username': username,
        'vhost': vhost

    yield conf

    pools.reset()  # close connections in pools

    # raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections lying around
        connections = get_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
        open_connections = [
            conn for conn in connections if conn['state'] != "closed"
        if open_connections:
            count = len(open_connections)
            names = ", ".join(conn['name'] for conn in open_connections)
            raise RuntimeError(
                "{} rabbit connection(s) left open: {}".format(count, names))
        if use_random_vost:
Esempio n. 25
def rabbit_config(request, rabbit_manager):
    amqp_uri = request.config.getoption('AMQP_URI')

    conf = get_rabbit_config(amqp_uri)

    reset_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
    reset_rabbit_vhost(conf['vhost'], conf['username'], rabbit_manager)

    yield conf

    pools.reset()  # close connections in pools

    # raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections lying around
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
    if connections:
        count = len(connections)
        raise RuntimeError("{} rabbit connection(s) left open.".format(count))
Esempio n. 26
def rabbit_config(request, rabbit_manager):
    amqp_uri = request.config.getoption('AMQP_URI')

    conf = get_rabbit_config(amqp_uri)

    reset_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
    reset_rabbit_vhost(conf['vhost'], conf['username'], rabbit_manager)

    yield conf

    pools.reset()  # close connections in pools

    # raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections lying around
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(conf['vhost'], rabbit_manager)
    if connections:
        count = len(connections)
        raise RuntimeError("{} rabbit connection(s) left open.".format(count))
Esempio n. 27
def rabbit_config(request, rabbit_manager):
    amqp_uri = request.config.getoption('AMQP_URI')

    conf = {'AMQP_URI': amqp_uri}

    uri = urlparse(amqp_uri)
    vhost = uri.path[1:].replace('/', '%2F')
    username = uri.username

    conf['vhost'] = vhost
    conf['username'] = username

    reset_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    reset_rabbit_vhost(vhost, username, rabbit_manager)

    yield conf

    pools.reset()  # close connections in pools

    # raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections lying around
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    if connections:
        count = len(connections)
        raise RuntimeError("{} rabbit connection(s) left open.".format(count))
Esempio n. 28
def rabbit_config(request, rabbit_manager):
    amqp_uri = request.config.getoption('AMQP_URI')

    conf = {'AMQP_URI': amqp_uri}

    uri = urlparse(amqp_uri)
    vhost = uri.path[1:].replace('/', '%2F')
    username = uri.username

    conf['vhost'] = vhost
    conf['username'] = username

    reset_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    reset_rabbit_vhost(vhost, username, rabbit_manager)

    yield conf

    pools.reset()  # close connections in pools

    # raise a runtime error if the test leaves any connections lying around
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    if connections:
        count = len(connections)
        raise RuntimeError("{} rabbit connection(s) left open.".format(count))
Esempio n. 29
 def check_connections_closed():
     connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
     if connections:  # pragma: no cover
         for connection in connections:
             assert connection['vhost'] != vhost
Esempio n. 30
def test_disconnect_with_pending_reply(container_factory, rabbit_manager,
    block = Event()

    class ExampleService(object):
        name = "exampleservice"

        def hook(self):
            pass  # pragma: no cover

        def method(self, arg):
            return arg

    container = container_factory(ExampleService, rabbit_config)

    vhost = rabbit_config['vhost']

    # get exampleservice's queue consumer connection while we know it's the
    # only active connection
    connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
    assert len(connections) == 1
    container_connection = connections[0]

    with ServiceRpcProxy('exampleservice', rabbit_config) as proxy:

        # grab the proxy's connection too, the only other connection
        connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
        assert len(connections) == 2
        proxy_connection = [
            conn for conn in connections if conn != container_connection

        counter = itertools.count(start=1)

        class ConnectionStillOpen(Exception):

        @retry(for_exceptions=ConnectionStillOpen, delay=0.2)
        def wait_for_connection_close(name):
            connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
            for conn in connections:
                if conn['name'] == name:
                    raise ConnectionStillOpen(name)  # pragma: no cover

        def cb(args, kwargs, res, exc_info):
            # trigger a disconnection on the second call.
            # release running workers once the connection has been closed
            count = next(counter)
            if count == 2:
                return True

        # attach a callback to `hook` so we can close the connection
        # while there are requests in-flight
        with wait_for_call(ExampleService, 'hook', callback=cb):

            # make an async call that runs for some time
            async_call = proxy.method.call_async("hello")

            # make another call that will trigger the disconnection;
            # expect the blocking proxy to raise when the service reconnects
            with pytest.raises(RpcConnectionError):

            # also expect the running call to raise, since the reply may have
            # been sent while the queue was gone (deleted on disconnect, and
            # not added until re-connect)
            with pytest.raises(RpcConnectionError):

        # proxy should work again afterwards
        assert proxy.method("hello") == "hello"
Esempio n. 31
 def wait_for_connection_close(name):
     connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
     for conn in connections:
         if conn['name'] == name:
             raise ConnectionStillOpen(name)  # pragma: no cover
Esempio n. 32
 def check_connections_closed():
     connections = get_rabbit_connections(vhost, rabbit_manager)
     if connections:  # pragma: no cover
         for connection in connections:
             assert connection['vhost'] != vhost