Esempio n. 1
def setupMirroringFromNames(mandatoryTokens=('control', 'ctrl')):
	sets up control pairs for all parity based controls in the scene as determined by their names.
    import names

    #stick the tokens in a set and ensure they're lower-case
    mandatoryTokens = set([tok.lower() for tok in mandatoryTokens])

    visitedTransforms = set()
    for t in ls(type='transform'):
        if t in visitedTransforms:


        tName = names.Name(t)
        if tName.get_parity() is names.Parity.NONE:

        containsMandatoryToken = False
        for tok in tName.split():
            if tok.lower() in mandatoryTokens:
                containsMandatoryToken = True

        if not containsMandatoryToken:

        otherT = names.Name(tName).swap_parity(
        )  #swap_parity changes the parity of the instance - Name objects are mutable...  ugh!  should re-write it
        if otherT:
            if objExists(str(otherT)):

                #sort the controls into left and right - we want the left to be controlA and right to be controlB
                controlPairs = [(tName.get_parity(), tName),
                                (otherT.get_parity(), otherT)]

                leftT, rightT = str(controlPairs[0][1]), str(

                ControlPair.Create(leftT, rightT)
                print 'creating a control pair on %s -> %s' % (leftT, rightT)
Esempio n. 2
	def getOpposite( self ):
		returns the opposite path to the instance.  NOTE: the object may not exist in the scene
		toks = self.split()
		oppToks = []
		if self._root: oppToks.append('')  #this makes sure a | prefixes the name
		for tok in toks:
			oppToks.append( names.Name(tok).swap_parity() )
		return self.__class__( '|'.join(map(str, oppToks)) )
Esempio n. 3
 def setup(self):
     pathtofixtures = "./fixtures/eacs"
     eac1 = "WORDSWORTH_WILLIAM_17701850.CPF.xml"
     self.subject = names.Name(path.join(pathtofixtures, eac1))
Esempio n. 4
def applyWeights( dmeMesh, weightData, usePosition=True, tolerance=TOL, axisMult=None, swapParity=True, averageVerts=True, meshNameRemapDict=None, jointNameRemapDict=None ):
	loads weights back on to a model given a file.  NOTE: the tolerance is an axis tolerance
	NOT a distance tolerance.  ie each axis must fall within the value of the given vector to be
	considered a match - this makes matching a heap faster because vectors can be culled from
	the a sorted list.  possibly implementing some sort of oct-tree class might speed up the
	matching more, but...  the majority of weight loading time at this stage is spent by maya
	actually applying skin weights, not the positional searching
	assert isinstance( dmeMesh, vs.movieobjects.CDmeMesh )
	start = time.clock()

	unfoundVerts = []
	miscData, joints, jointHierarchies, weightData = weightData

	if miscData[ filesystem.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER ] != TOOL_VERSION:
		print( "WARNING: the file being loaded was stored from an older version (%d) of the tool - please re-generate the file.  Current version is %d." % (miscData[ filesystem.kEXPORT_DICT_TOOL_VER ], TOOL_VERSION) )

	#setup the mappings
	VertSkinWeight.MESH_NAME_REMAP_DICT = meshNameRemapDict
	VertSkinWeight.JOINT_NAME_REMAP_DICT = jointNameRemapDict

	#axisMults can be used to alter the positions of verts saved in the weightData array - this is mainly useful for applying
	#weights to a mirrored version of a mesh - so weights can be stored on meshA, meshA duplicated to meshB, and then the
	#saved weights can be applied to meshB by specifying an axisMult=(-1,1,1) OR axisMult=(-1,)
	if axisMult is not None:
		for data in weightData:
			for n, mult in enumerate( axisMult ): data[ n ] *= mult

		#we need to re-sort the weightData as the multiplication could have potentially reversed things...  i could probably
		#be a bit smarter about when to re-order, but its not a huge hit...  so, meh
		weightData = sortByIdx( weightData )

		#using axisMult for mirroring also often means you want to swap parity tokens on joint names - if so, do that now.
		#parity needs to be swapped in both joints and jointHierarchies
		if swapParity:
			for joint, target in joints.iteritems():
				joints[ joint ] = str( names.Name( target ).swap_parity() )
			for joint, parents in jointHierarchies.iteritems():
				jointHierarchies[ joint ] = [ str( names.Name( p ).swap_parity() ) for p in parents ]

	num = dmeMesh.numVerts()
	verts = xrange( num )

	findMethod = findBestVector
	if averageVerts:
		findMethod = getDistanceWeightedVector

	#if we're using position, the restore weights path is quite different
	setVertWeight = dmeMesh.setVertWeight
	if usePosition:
		vertPositions = dmeMesh.currentState.positions
		print "starting first iteration with", len( weightData ), "verts"

		iterationCount = 1
		while True:
			unfoundVerts = []
			unfoundVertsAppend = unfoundVerts.append
			foundVerts = []
			foundVertsAppend = foundVerts.append
			for vert in verts:
				pos = vertPositions[ vert ]
				pos = Vector( (pos.x, pos.y, pos.z) )
				vertData = findMethod(pos, weightData, tolerance)

					#unpack data to locals
						jointList, weightList = vertData.joints, vertData.weights
					except AttributeError: raise NoVertFound

						#re-map joints to their actual values
						actualJointNames = [ joints[ j ] for j in jointList ]

						#check sizes - if joints have been remapped, there may be two entries for a joint
						#in the re-mapped jointList - in this case, we need to re-gather weights
						actualJointsAsSet = set( actualJointNames )
						if len( actualJointsAsSet ) != len( actualJointNames ):
							#so if the set sizes are different, then at least one of the joints is listed twice,
							#so we need to gather up its weights into a single value
							new = {}
							[ new.setdefault(j, 0) for j in actualJointNames ]  #init the dict with 0 values
							for j, w in zip(actualJointNames, weightList):
								new[ j ] += w

							#if the weightList is empty after renormalizing, nothing to do - keep loopin
							actualJointNames, weightList = new.keys(), new.values()
							if not weightList: raise NoVertFound
					except KeyError:
						#if there was a key error, then one of the joints was removed from the joints dict
						#as it wasn't found in the scene - so get the missing joints, remove them from the
						#list and renormalize the remaining weights
						jointListSet = set( jointList )
						diff = missingJoints.difference(jointListSet)
						weightList = renormalizeWeights( jointList, weightList, diff )
						actualJointNames = [ joints[ j ] for j in jointList ]

						#if the weightList is empty after renormalizing, nothing to do - keep loopin
						if not weightList: raise NoVertFound

					setVertWeight( vert, actualJointNames, weightList )

					foundVertData = VertSkinWeight( pos )
					foundVertData.populate( vertData.mesh, vertData.idx, actualJointNames, weightList )
					foundVertsAppend( foundVertData )
				except NoVertFound:
					unfoundVertsAppend( vert )

			#so with the unfound verts - sort them, call them "verts" and iterate over them with the newly grown weight data
			#the idea here is that when a vert is found its added to the weight data (in memory not on disk).  by performing
			#another iteration for the previously un-found verts, we should be able to get a better approximation
			verts = unfoundVerts
			if unfoundVerts:
				if foundVerts:
					weightData = sortByIdx( foundVerts )
					print "### still unfound verts, but no new matches were made in previous iteration - giving up.  %d iterations performed" % iterationCount
				print "### all verts matched!  %d iterations performed" % iterationCount

			iterationCount += 1
			print "iteration %d - using %d verts (increasing the search radius will reduce iterations)" % (iterationCount, len( weightData ))

	#otherwise simply restore by id
		#rearrange the weightData structure so its ordered by id
		meshName =
		weightDataById = {}
		[ weightDataById.setdefault(i.getVertName(), (i.joints, i.weights)) for i in weightData ]
		for vert in verts:
				jointList, weightList = weightDataById[ '%s.%d' % (meshName, vert) ]
				setVertWeight( vert, jointList, weightList )
			except KeyError:
				#in this case, the vert doesn't exist in teh file...
				print '### no point found for %s' % vert

	end = time.clock()
	print 'time for weight load %.02f secs' % (end - start)