Esempio n. 1
def win_check_cpu_use(cpulim, pid):
    global winlastcpuinfo

    # get use information and time...
    now = getruntime()

    # Get the total cpu time
    usertime = windows_api.get_process_cpu_time(pid)

    useinfo = [usertime, now]

    # get the previous time and cpu so we can compute the percentage
    oldusertime = winlastcpuinfo[0]
    oldnow = winlastcpuinfo[1]

    if winlastcpuinfo == [0, 0]:
        winlastcpuinfo = useinfo
        # give them a free pass if it's their first time...
        return 0

    # save this data for next time...
    winlastcpuinfo = useinfo

    # Get the elapsed time...
    elapsedtime = now - oldnow

    # This is a problem
    if elapsedtime == 0:
        return -1  # Error condition

    # percent used is the amount of change divided by the time...
    percentused = (usertime - oldusertime) / elapsedtime

    # Calculate amount of time to sleep for
    stoptime = nanny.calculate_cpu_sleep_interval(cpulim, percentused,

    if stoptime > 0.0:
        # Try to timeout the process
        if windows_api.timeout_process(pid, stoptime):
            # Log the stoptime
            process_stopped_timeline.append((now, stoptime))

            # Drop the first element if the length is greater than the maximum entries
            if len(process_stopped_timeline) > process_stopped_max_entries:

            # Return how long we slept so parent knows whether it should sleep
            return stoptime

            # Process must have been making system call, try again next time
            return -1

    # If the stop time is 0, then avoid calling timeout_process
        return 0.0
Esempio n. 2
def win_check_cpu_use(cpulim, pid):
  global winlastcpuinfo
  # get use information and time...
  now = getruntime()

  # Get the total cpu time
  usertime = windows_api.get_process_cpu_time(pid)

  useinfo = [usertime, now]

  # get the previous time and cpu so we can compute the percentage
  oldusertime = winlastcpuinfo[0]
  oldnow = winlastcpuinfo[1]

  if winlastcpuinfo == [0,0]:
    winlastcpuinfo = useinfo
    # give them a free pass if it's their first time...
    return 0

  # save this data for next time...
  winlastcpuinfo = useinfo

  # Get the elapsed time...
  elapsedtime = now - oldnow

  # This is a problem
  if elapsedtime == 0:
    return -1 # Error condition
  # percent used is the amount of change divided by the time...
  percentused = (usertime - oldusertime) / elapsedtime

  # Calculate amount of time to sleep for
  stoptime = nanny.calculate_cpu_sleep_interval(cpulim, percentused,elapsedtime)

  if stoptime > 0.0:
    # Try to timeout the process
    if windows_api.timeout_process(pid, stoptime):
      # Log the stoptime
      process_stopped_timeline.append((now, stoptime))

      # Drop the first element if the length is greater than the maximum entries
      if len(process_stopped_timeline) > process_stopped_max_entries:

      # Return how long we slept so parent knows whether it should sleep
      return stoptime
      # Process must have been making system call, try again next time
      return -1
  # If the stop time is 0, then avoid calling timeout_process
    return 0.0
Esempio n. 3
File: Progetto: taol/crepy
def calculate_sleeptimes():
      calculate amount of sleep time for each process
  global pid_list
  global process_cpu_info

  ## calculate ecalapsed time of the last "period"
  global last_runtime
  global cpu_limit

  this_runtime = nonportable.getruntime()
  # print "Debug - this_runtime: ", this_runtime
  # if this_runtime == 0.0:
  #   print "Debug - this_runtime == 0.0 "
  #   return

  elapsedtime = this_runtime - last_runtime
  # print "Debug - last_runtime: ", last_runtime
  # print "Debug - this_runtime: ", this_runtime
  # print "\n"
  # print "Debug1 - elapsedtime: ", elapsedtime

  if elapsedtime < 0.0:
    print "Error: elapsed time < 0" 

  last_runtime = this_runtime

  for pid in pid_list:
    last_user_time = process_cpu_info[pid][0]
    if ostype == 'Windows':
      this_user_time = windows_api.get_process_cpu_time(pid)
    elif ostype == 'Linux':
      this_user_time = linux_api.get_process_cpu_time(pid)
      raise UnsupportedSystemException, "Unsupported system type: '"+osrealtype+"' (alias: "+ostype+")"
    # percent used is the amount of change divided by the time...
    percentused = (this_user_time - last_user_time) / elapsedtime 
    # print "Debug1 - pid:",pid, "percentused: ",percentused
    # Calculate amount of time to sleep for
    # print "Debug - cpu_limit: ",cpu_limit[pid]
    sleeptime = nanny.calculate_cpu_sleep_interval(cpu_limit[pid], percentused,elapsedtime)
    # print "Debug1 - pid:",pid,"sleeptime: ",sleeptime
    process_cpu_info[pid][1] = sleeptime
    process_cpu_info[pid][0] = this_user_time
Esempio n. 4
def resource_monitor(childpid, pipe_handle):
    Function runs in a loop forever, checking resource usage and throttling CPU.
    Checks CPU, memory, and disk.
      The child pid, e.g. the pid of repy

      A handle to the pipe to the repy process. Allows sending resource use information.
  # Get our pid
  ourpid = os.getpid()
  # Calculate how often disk should be checked
  disk_interval = int(repy_constants.RESOURCE_POLLING_FREQ_LINUX / repy_constants.CPU_POLLING_FREQ_LINUX)
  current_interval = -1 # What cycle are we on  
  # Store time of the last interval
  last_time = getruntime()
  last_CPU_time = 0
  resume_time = 0 
  # Run forever...
  while True:
    ########### Check CPU ###########
    # Get elapsed time
    currenttime = getruntime()
    elapsedtime1 = currenttime - last_time     # Calculate against last run
    elapsedtime2 = currenttime - resume_time   # Calculate since we last resumed repy
    elapsedtime = min(elapsedtime1, elapsedtime2) # Take the minimum interval
    last_time = currenttime  # Save the current time
    # Safety check, prevent ZeroDivisionError
    if elapsedtime == 0.0:
    # Get the total cpu at this point
    totalCPU =  os_api.get_process_cpu_time(ourpid)   # Our own usage
    totalCPU += os_api.get_process_cpu_time(childpid) # Repy's usage
    # Calculate percentage of CPU used
    percentused = (totalCPU - last_CPU_time) / elapsedtime
    # Do not throttle for the first interval, wrap around
    # Store the totalCPU for the next cycle
    if last_CPU_time == 0:
      last_CPU_time = totalCPU    
      last_CPU_time = totalCPU
    # Calculate stop time
    stoptime = nanny.calculate_cpu_sleep_interval(nanny.get_resource_limit("cpu"), percentused, elapsedtime)
    # If we are supposed to stop repy, then suspend, sleep and resume
    if stoptime > 0.0:
      # They must be punished by stopping
      os.kill(childpid, signal.SIGSTOP)

      # Sleep until time to resume

      # And now they can start back up!
      os.kill(childpid, signal.SIGCONT)
      # Save the resume time
      resume_time = getruntime()

      # Send this information as a tuple containing the time repy was stopped and
      # for how long it was stopped
      write_message_to_pipe(pipe_handle, "repystopped", (currenttime, stoptime))
    ########### End Check CPU ###########
    ########### Check Memory ###########
    # Get how much memory repy is using
    memused = os_api.get_process_rss()
    # Check if it is using too much memory
    if memused > nanny.get_resource_limit("memory"):
      raise ResourceException, "Memory use '"+str(memused)+"' over limit '"+str(nanny.get_resource_limit("memory"))+"'."
    ########### End Check Memory ###########
    ########### Check Disk Usage ###########
    # Increment our current cycle
    current_interval += 1;
    # Check if it is time to check the disk usage
    if (current_interval % disk_interval) == 0:
      # Reset the interval
      current_interval = 0
      # Calculate disk used
      diskused = compute_disk_use(repy_constants.REPY_CURRENT_DIR)

      # Raise exception if we are over limit
      if diskused > nanny.get_resource_limit("diskused"):
        raise ResourceException, "Disk use '"+str(diskused)+"' over limit '"+str(nanny.get_resource_limit("diskused"))+"'."

      # Send the disk usage information, raw bytes used
      write_message_to_pipe(pipe_handle, "diskused", diskused)
    ########### End Check Disk ###########
    # Sleep before the next iteration
Esempio n. 5
def resource_monitor(repypid, pipe_handle):
    Function runs in a loop forever, checking resource usage and throttling CPU.
    Checks CPU, memory, and disk.
      The pid of repy

      A handle to the pipe to the repy process. Allows sending resource use information.
    # Get our pid
    ourpid = os.getpid()

    # Calculate how often disk should be checked
    disk_interval = int(repy_constants.RESOURCE_POLLING_FREQ_LINUX /
    current_interval = -1  # What cycle are we on

    # Store time of the last interval
    last_time = getruntime()
    last_CPU_time = 0
    resume_time = 0

    # Run forever...
    while True:
        ########### Check CPU ###########
        # Get elapsed time
        currenttime = getruntime()
        elapsedtime1 = currenttime - last_time  # Calculate against last run
        elapsedtime2 = currenttime - resume_time  # Calculate since we last resumed repy
        elapsedtime = min(elapsedtime1,
                          elapsedtime2)  # Take the minimum interval
        last_time = currenttime  # Save the current time

        # Safety check, prevent ZeroDivisionError
        if elapsedtime == 0.0:

        # Get the total cpu at this point
        totalCPU = os_api.get_process_cpu_time(ourpid)  # Our own usage
        totalCPU += os_api.get_process_cpu_time(repypid)  # Repy's usage

        # Calculate percentage of CPU used
        percentused = (totalCPU - last_CPU_time) / elapsedtime

        # Do not throttle for the first interval, wrap around
        # Store the totalCPU for the next cycle
        if last_CPU_time == 0:
            last_CPU_time = totalCPU
            last_CPU_time = totalCPU

        # Calculate stop time
        stoptime = nanny.calculate_cpu_sleep_interval(
            nanny.get_resource_limit("cpu"), percentused, elapsedtime)

        # If we are supposed to stop repy, then suspend, sleep and resume
        if stoptime > 0.0:
            # They must be punished by stopping
            os.kill(repypid, signal.SIGSTOP)

            # Sleep until time to resume

            # And now they can start back up!
            os.kill(repypid, signal.SIGCONT)

            # Save the resume time
            resume_time = getruntime()

            # Send this information as a tuple containing the time repy was stopped and
            # for how long it was stopped
            write_message_to_pipe(pipe_handle, "repystopped",
                                  (currenttime, stoptime))

        ########### End Check CPU ###########
        ########### Check Memory ###########

        # Get how much memory repy is using
        memused = os_api.get_process_rss()

        # Check if it is using too much memory
        if memused > nanny.get_resource_limit("memory"):
            raise ResourceException, "Memory use '" + str(
                memused) + "' over limit '" + str(
                    nanny.get_resource_limit("memory")) + "'."

        ########### End Check Memory ###########
        ########### Check Disk Usage ###########
        # Increment our current cycle
        current_interval += 1

        # Check if it is time to check the disk usage
        if (current_interval % disk_interval) == 0:
            # Reset the interval
            current_interval = 0

            # Calculate disk used
            diskused = compute_disk_use(repy_constants.REPY_CURRENT_DIR)

            # Raise exception if we are over limit
            if diskused > nanny.get_resource_limit("diskused"):
                raise ResourceException, "Disk use '" + str(
                    diskused) + "' over limit '" + str(
                        nanny.get_resource_limit("diskused")) + "'."

            # Send the disk usage information, raw bytes used
            write_message_to_pipe(pipe_handle, "diskused", diskused)

        ########### End Check Disk ###########

        # Sleep before the next iteration