def test_multiple_images(qtbot):
    """Test creating viewer with mutliple images."""
    data_a = np.random.random((10, 15))
    data_b = np.random.random((20, 15))
    data_c = np.random.random((10, 25))

    viewer = view(data_a=data_a, data_b=data_b, data_c=data_c)

    assert len(viewer.layers) == 3
    assert np.all(viewer.layers['data_a'].data == data_a)
    assert np.all(viewer.layers['data_b'].data == data_b)
    assert np.all(viewer.layers['data_c'].data == data_c)

    # Close the viewer
def test_view_function(qtbot):
    """Test creating viewer with image data."""
    data = np.random.random((10, 15))

    viewer = view(data)

    assert viewer.title == 'napari'
    assert viewer.window.qt_viewer.viewer == viewer

    assert len(viewer.layers) == 1
    assert np.all(viewer.layers[0].data == data)
    assert viewer.dims.ndim == 2

    # Close the viewer
Esempio n. 3
Display multiple image layers using the add_image API and then reorder them
using the layers swap method and remove one

from skimage import data
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from napari import view, gui_qt

with gui_qt():
    # create the viewer with several image layers
    viewer = view(

    # remove the coins layer

    # swap the order of astronaut and moon
    viewer.layers['astronaut', 'moon'] = viewer.layers['moon', 'astronaut']
Esempio n. 4
Display a labels layer above of an image layer using the add_labels and
add_image APIs

from skimage import data
from skimage.filters import threshold_otsu
from skimage.segmentation import clear_border
from skimage.measure import label
from skimage.morphology import closing, square, remove_small_objects
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    image = data.coins()[50:-50, 50:-50]

    # apply threshold
    thresh = threshold_otsu(image)
    bw = closing(image > thresh, square(4))

    # remove artifacts connected to image border
    cleared = remove_small_objects(clear_border(bw), 20)

    # label image regions
    label_image = label(cleared)

    # initialise viewer with coins image
    viewer = napari.view(coins=image, multichannel=False)
    viewer.layers[0].colormap = 'gray'

    # add the labels
    label_layer = viewer.add_labels(label_image, name='segmentation')
Esempio n. 5
Test adding an image with a range one dimensions.

There should be no slider shown for the axis corresponding to the range
one dimension.

import numpy as np
from skimage import data
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    # image = 2 * np.random.random((20, 20, 3)) - 1.0
    image = 20 * np.random.random((20, 20, 3)) - 10
    print(image.min(), image.max())
    image = np.clip(image, 0, 1)
    viewer = napari.view(image)
Esempio n. 6
Display one 4-D image layer using the add_image API

import numpy as np
from skimage import data
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    blobs = data.binary_blobs(length=128,

    viewer = napari.view(blobs.astype(float))

    # create one random rectangle per "plane"
    planes = np.tile(np.arange(128).reshape((128, 1, 1)), (1, 2, 1))
    corners = np.random.uniform(0, 128, size=(128, 2, 2))
    shapes = np.concatenate((planes, corners), axis=2)

    base_cols = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'white', 'yellow', 'magenta', 'cyan']
    colors = np.random.choice(base_cols, size=128)

    layer = viewer.add_shapes(
Esempio n. 7
Displays an image and sets the theme to 'light'.

from skimage import data
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    # create the viewer with an image
    viewer = napari.view(astronaut=data.astronaut(),

    # set the theme to 'light'
    viewer.theme = 'light'
Esempio n. 8
Display one image using the add_image API.

from skimage import data
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    # create the viewer with an image
    viewer = napari.view(astronaut=rgb2gray(data.astronaut()),
                         title='napari example')
Esempio n. 9
Display one 4-D image layer using the add_image API

import dask.array as da
import zarr
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    data = zarr.zeros((102_000, 200, 210), chunks=(100, 200, 210))
    data[53_000:53_100, 100:110, 110:120] = 1

    array = da.from_zarr(data)
    # For big data, we should specify the contrast_limits range, or napari will try
    # to find the min and max of the full image.
    viewer = napari.view(array, contrast_limits=[0, 1], multichannel=False)
#This path is to the top level of the magellan dataset (i.e. the one that contains the Full resolution folder)
data_path = '/path/to/data'

#open the dataset
magellan = MagellanDataset(data_path)

#read tiles or tiles + metadata by channel, slice, time, and position indices
#img is a numpy array and md is a python dictionary
img, img_metadata = magellan.read_image(channel_index=0,

#Alternatively, all data can be opened at once in a single dask array. Using dask arrays enables all_data to be
#held in a single memory-mapped array (i.e. the data are not loaded in RAM until they are used, enabing a convenient
#way to work with data larger than the computer's memory. Dask arrays also enable visulization in Napari (see below),
#and allow for code to be prototyped on a small computers and scaled up to clusters without having to rewrite code.
#More information can be found at
all_data = magellan.as_array(
)  #returns an array with 5 dimensions corresponding to time-channel-z-y-x
# all_data = magellan.as_array(stitched=False) #this version has a leading axis for position

#dask array can be used just like numpy array
#take max intenisty z projection of z stack at time point 0 in channel 0
max_intensity = np.max(all_data[0, 0], axis=0)

#visualize data using napari--this example will likely updated as the napari API changes and improves
with napari.gui_qt():
    napari.view(all_data, clim_range=[0, 255])
Esempio n. 11
Display one 4-D image layer using the add_image API

import dask.array as da
import zarr
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    data = zarr.zeros((102_000, 200, 210), chunks=(100, 200, 210))
    data[53_000:53_100, 100:110, 110:120] = 1

    array = da.from_zarr(data)
    # For big data, we should specify the clim range, or napari will try
    # to find the min and max of the full image.
    viewer = napari.view(array, clim_range=[0, 1], multichannel=False)
Esempio n. 12
Display one 5-D image layer using the add_image API

import numpy as np
from skimage import data
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():

    viewer = napari.view(np.random.random((10, 20, 15, 30, 40)))
Esempio n. 13
Display a labels layer above of an image layer using the add_labels and
add_image APIs

from skimage import data
from skimage.color import rgb2gray
from skimage.segmentation import slic
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    astro = data.astronaut()

    # initialise viewer with astro image
    viewer = napari.view(astronaut=rgb2gray(astro), multichannel=False)

    # add the labels
    # we add 1 because SLIC returns labels from 0, which we consider background
    labels = slic(astro, multichannel=True, compactness=20) + 1
    label_layer = viewer.add_labels(labels, name='segmentation')

    # Set the labels layer mode to picker with a string
    label_layer.mode = 'picker'
    print(f'The color of label 5 is {label_layer.get_color(5)}')
Esempio n. 14
Display a labels layer above of an image layer using the add_labels and
add_image APIs

from skimage import data
from scipy import ndimage as ndi
import napari

with napari.gui_qt():
    blobs = data.binary_blobs(length=128, volume_fraction=0.1, n_dim=3)
    v = napari.view(blobs=blobs.astype(float))
    v.layers[0].colormap = 'gray'
    labeled = ndi.label(blobs)[0]
    label_layer = v.add_labels(labeled, name='blob ID')
Esempio n. 15
Display one points layer ontop of one image layer using the add_points and
add_image APIs

import numpy as np
from skimage import data
import napari

print("click to add points; close the window when finished.")

with napari.gui_qt():
    viewer = napari.view(data.astronaut(), multichannel=True)
    points = viewer.add_points(np.zeros((0, 2)))
    points.mode = 'add'

print("you clicked on:")