Esempio n. 1
 def test_na1001CurlyWithCurlyBraces(self):
     "Tests an input file with curly braces."
     cb_file = os.path.join(data_files, "")
     fin = nappy.openNAFile(cb_file)
     na_dict = fin.getNADict()
     foutname = os.path.join(test_outputs, "")
     fobj = nappy.openNAFile(foutname, mode="w", na_dict=na_dict)
     self.failUnless(isinstance(fobj, nappy.na_file.na_file.NAFile))
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, fname):
     :type fname: Filesystem path to the NASA Ames file
     self.fname = fname = nappy.openNAFile(self.fname)
     self._data_in_memory = False
Esempio n. 3
 def setUp(self):
     self.infile = os.path.join(data_files, "")
     self.outfile = os.path.join(test_outputs, "")
     self.out_csv = os.path.join(test_outputs, "test_1010.csv")
     self.out_csv_annotated = os.path.join(test_outputs, "test_1010_annotated.csv")
     self.fin = nappy.openNAFile(self.infile)
     self.na_dict = self.fin.getNADict()        
Esempio n. 4
    def _writeNAFileSubsetsWithinSizeLimit(self, this_na_dict, file_name, delimiter,
                      float_format, size_limit, annotation):
        If self.size_limit is specified and FFI is 1001 we can chunk the output into
        different files in a NASA Ames compliant way.
        Returns list of file names of outputs written.
        file_names = []
        var_list = this_na_dict["V"]
        array_length = len(var_list[0])
        nvol_info = divmod(array_length, size_limit)
        nvol = nvol_info[0]

        # create the number of volumes (files) that need to be written.
        if nvol_info[1] > 0: nvol = nvol + 1

        start = 0
        letter_count = 0
        ivol = 0

        # Loop through until full array length has been written to a set of files.
        while start < array_length:
            ivol = ivol + 1
            end = start + size_limit

            if end > array_length:
                end = array_length

            current_block = []
            # Write new V array
            for v in var_list:

            # Adjust X accordingly in the na dictionary, because independent variable has been reduced in size
            na_dict_copy = nappy.utils.common_utils.modifyNADictCopy(this_na_dict, current_block,
                                                                      start, end, ivol, nvol)
            # Append a letter to the file name for writing this block to
            file_name_plus_letter = "" % (file_name[:-3], ivol)

            # Write data to output file
            x = nappy.openNAFile(file_name_plus_letter, 'w', na_dict_copy)
            x.write(delimiter=delimiter, float_format=float_format, annotation=annotation)

            msg = "\nOutput files split on size limit: %s\nFilename used: %s" % (size_limit, file_name_plus_letter)
            if DEBUG: log.debug(msg)
            letter_count = letter_count + 1
            start = end


        return file_names
Esempio n. 5
    def phenomena(self):

            na_fhandle = nappy.openNAFile(self.file_path)

            variables = {}
            for var in na_fhandle.getVariables():
                if util.is_valid_phen_attr(var[1]):
                        var[0]: {
                            "name": var[0],
                            "units": var[1]

            variables = [util.Parameter(k, other_params=var) for (k, var) in variables.iteritems()]
            return variables
        except Exception:
            return None
Esempio n. 6
    def save_na_file(self, filename, na_dict=None, float_format='%.2f'):
        Save a NASA/Ames dictionary to a file.

        :param string filename:
            String name of the file to be writed.
        :param dict na_dict:
            Optional - The NASA/Ames dictionary to be saved. If no dictionary is entered,
            the dictionary currently opened during the open file process will be saved.
        :param string float_format:
            Optional - The format of numbers to be saved. If no string is entered, values are
            round up to two decimal places.
        if not na_dict:
            na_dict = self.f.na_dict
        saved_file = nappy.openNAFile(filename, mode="w", na_dict=na_dict)
Esempio n. 7
    def _open_file(self, filename, perms):
        Private method for opening NASA Ames file using Nappy API.

        :parm string filename:
            Name of NASA Ames file to open.
        :param char perms:
            Permissions used to open file. Options are ``w`` for write (overwrites data in file),
            ``a`` and ``r+`` for append, and ``r`` for read.



            self.f = nappy.openNAFile(filename, mode=perms)
            self.filename = filename
            self.perms = perms
            attr_dict = {}
            attr_dict['Comments'] = self.f.getNormalComments
            attr_dict['SpecialComments'] = self.f.getSpecialComments()
            attr_dict['Organisation'] = self.f.getOrganisation()
            dates = self.f.getFileDates()
            attr_dict['CreationDate'] = dates[0]
            attr_dict['RevisionDate'] = dates[1]
            attr_dict['Originator'] = self.f.getOriginator()
            attr_dict['Mission'] = self.f.getMission()
            attr_dict['Source'] = self.f.getSource()
            self.file_metadata = egads.core.metadata.FileMetadata(attr_dict, self.filename,
        except RuntimeError:
            print "ERROR: File %s doesn't exist" % (filename)
            raise RuntimeError
        except Exception:
            print "ERROR: Unexpected error"
Esempio n. 8
    def convert_to_nasa_ames(self, na_file=None, requested_ffi=None, delimiter='    ', float_format='%g',
                             size_limit=None, annotation=False, no_header=False):
        Convert currently open NetCDF file to one or more NASA Ames files
        using  Nappy.

        :param string na_file:
            Optional - Name of output NASA Ames file. If none is provided, name of
            current NetCDF file is used and suffix changed to .na
        :param int requested_ffi:
            The NASA Ames File Format Index (FFI) you wish to write to. Options
            are limited depending on the data structures found.
        :param string delimiter:
            Optional - The delimiter desired for use between data items in the data
            file. Default - Tab.
        :param string float_format:
            Optional - The formatting string used for formatting floats when writing
            to output file. Default - %g
        :param int size_limit:
            Optional - If format FFI is 1001 then chop files into size_limit rows of data.
        :param bool annotation:
            Optional - If set to true, write the output file with an additional left-hand
            column describing the contents of each header line. Default - False.
        :param bool no_header:
            Optional - If set to true, then only the data blocks are written to file.
            Default - False.

        na_dict = {"A":"","AMISS":"","ANAME":"","ASCAL":"","DATE":"","DX":"",
        """Conventions = None
        source = SNAME
        title = MNAME
        institution = ONAME&ORG
        references = None
        comment = SCOM&NCOM
        history = RDATE
        file_format_index = FFI
        no_of_nasa_ames_header_lines = NLHEAD
        total_files_in_set = NVOL
        file_number_in_set = IVOL
        first_valid_date_of_data = DATE"""
        if na_file is None:
            na_file = self.filename
        self.f_out = nappy.openNAFile(na_file, mode="w", na_dict=na_dict)
Esempio n. 9
# Import standard library modules
import unittest
import os
import sys

import nappy
import nappy.utils.compare_na

# Common test info
here = os.path.dirname(__file__)
example_files = os.path.join(here, '../../example_files')

# Common set up for these tests
infile = os.path.join(example_files, "")
fin = nappy.openNAFile(infile)
na_dict = fin.getNADict()    

def test_read1001():
    "Tests reading FFI 1001."
    assert(type(na_dict) == dict)

def test_write1001(tmpdir):
    "Tests writing FFI 1001."
    outfile = os.path.join(tmpdir.strpath, "")
    fobj = nappy.openNAFile(outfile, mode="w", na_dict=na_dict)
    assert(isinstance(fobj, nappy.na_file.na_file.NAFile))
gemaq_time, gemaq_o3, norm_gemaq_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/GEMAQ*'))
geoschem_time, geoschem_o3, norm_geoschem_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/GEOSChem*'))
giss_time, giss_o3, norm_giss_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/GISS-PUCCINI-modelEaer_SR1_sfc*'))
giss_alt_time, giss_alt_o3, norm_giss_alt_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/GISS_PUCCINI_modelE_alt_SR1*'))
inca_time, inca_o3, norm_inca_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/INCA*'))
llnl_time, llnl_o3, norm_llnl_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/LLNL*'))
mozart_time, mozart_o3, norm_mozart_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/MOZARTGFDL*'))
mozech_time, mozech_o3, norm_mozech_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/MOZECH*'))
oslo_time, oslo_o3, norm_oslo_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/OsloCTM2*'))
#tm5_time, tm5_o3, norm_tm5_o3 =  read_model(glob.glob('model_files/TM5-JRC*'))

#Read in obs
#now read in the observations


k_var1=myfile["VNAME"].index('Ozone mixing ratio (ppbV)_(Mean)')

# OK need to conver values from a list to a numpy array

valids1=var1 > 0

valids2= time <= 730
Esempio n. 11
def read_station_data(infile, **kargs):
    Conversion of NASA aimes files from data sets.
    import nappy as nap  # Read and write NASA data files
    # Open file (read header only)
    nas_file = nap.openNAFile(infile)
    # Read actual data
    # Access the ozone data
    data_raw = np.array(nas_file.getNADict()['V'])
    # Close the nas-file
    # Keywords
    conversion = kargs.pop('conversion', True)
    tracer = kargs.pop('tracer', ('O3', ))
    verbose = kargs.pop('v', False)
    if (data_raw.shape[0] - 1) / 2 < len(tracer):
        for each in tracer:
            if nas_file.getNADict()['NCOM'][-1].find(each) > 0:
                return (read_station_data(infile, tracer=(each, )))
    # Conversion = 1/air_dens(25degC)/mass_fraction
    # 1/2 for O3 (0.5)
    # ca. 0.38 for SO2
    # ca. 0.81 for NO
    M_air = 28.949  # [g/mol]
    air_dens_25 = 1.1839  # [kg/m3]
    mass_fraction = {
        'O3': 3 * 15.9994 / M_air,
        'SO2': 32.065 / M_air,  # ug(S)/m3
        'SO4': 32.065 / M_air,
        'NO': 14.0067 / M_air,  # ug(N)/m3
        'NO2': 14.0067 / M_air

    nas_date = nas_file.getNADict()['DATE']
    start_date = dt.datetime.strptime(
        "%s-0%s-0%s 00:00:00" % (nas_date[0], nas_date[1], nas_date[2]),
        '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    # Filter the data (FLAG: 0 - valid, >0 - invalid)
    # Add day fraction at stop time to start date
    x_time_station =
        data_raw[2] > 0,
        datetime_from_time(start_date, data_raw[0])[0])
    data_dic = {'time': x_time_station}
    if verbose:
        for each in tracer:
            print(each, data_raw.shape,
    #i = 1
    for each in tracer:
        # Find column in which tracer appears
        # Split table header and look for it
        # Table header has start/end time while
        # nas_file.getNADict()['V'] only gives one time field
        i = (nas_file.getNADict()['NCOM'][-1]).split().index(each) - 1
        if conversion:
            data_dic[each] =
                data_raw[i + 1] > 0,
                data_raw[i] * 1 / air_dens_25 / mass_fraction[each])
            data_dic[each] =[i + 1] > 0,
        #i += 1

    return (data_dic)
Esempio n. 12
    def writeNAFiles(self, na_file=None, delimiter=default_delimiter, annotation=False,
                     float_format=default_float_format, size_limit=None, no_header=False):
        Writes the self.na_dict_list content to one or more NASA Ames files.
        Output file names are based on the self.nc_file name unless specified
        in the na_file_name argument in which case that provides the main name
        that is appended to if multiple output file names are required.

        TODO: no_header is NOT implemented.
        self.convert() # just in case not already called

        # Gets a list of NA file_names that will be produced.
        file_names = self.constructNAFileNames(na_file)

        # Set up some counters: file_counter is the expected number of files.
        #      full_file_counter includes any files that have been split across multiple output NA files
        #              because size_limit exceeded.
        file_counter = 1
        full_file_counter = 1
        file_list = []

        # Get any NASA Ames dictionary values that should be overwritten with local values
        local_attributes = nappy.utils.getLocalAttributesConfigDict()
        local_na_atts = local_attributes["na_attributes"]

        # define final override list by using defaults then locally provided changes
        overriders = local_na_atts
        for (okey, ovalue) in self.na_items_to_override.items():
            overriders[okey] = ovalue

        # Now loop through writing the outputs
        for na_dict_and_var_ids in self.na_dict_list:
            file_name = file_names[file_counter - 1]
            msg = "\nWriting output NASA Ames file: %s" % file_name
            if DEBUG: log.debug(msg)

            # Set up current na dict
            (this_na_dict, vars_to_write) = na_dict_and_var_ids

            # Override content of NASA Ames if they are permitted
            for key in overriders.keys():

                if key in permitted_overwrite_metadata:
                    if key in items_as_lists:
                        new_item = overriders[key].split()
                        if key in ("DATE", "RDATE"):
                            new_item = [int(list_item) for list_item in new_item]
                        new_item = overriders[key]

                    # Do specific overwrite for comments by inserting lines at start
                    if key in ("SCOM", "NCOM"):

                        # Use rule defined in config file in terms of where to put new comments
                        if comment_override_rule == "replace":
                            comments_list = new_item[:]
                        elif comment_override_rule in ("insert", "extend"):
                            new_comments = new_item[:]
                            existing_comments = this_na_dict.get(key, [])
                            comments_list = self._cleanWrapComments(existing_comments, new_comments, key, comment_override_rule)
                            raise Exception("Did not recognise comment_override_rule: " + str(comment_override_rule))

                        this_na_dict[key] = comments_list
                        this_na_dict["N%sL" % key] = len(comments_list)

                    elif not this_na_dict.has_key(key) or new_item != this_na_dict[key]:
                        this_na_dict[key] = new_item
                        msg = "Metadata overwritten in output file: '%s' is now '%s'" % (key, this_na_dict[key])
                        if DEBUG: log.debug(msg)

            # For certain FFIs create final Normal comments as a list of column headers before data section
            if add_column_headers == True:
                self._updateWithColumnHeaders(this_na_dict, delimiter)

            # Cope with size limits if specified and FFI is 1001
            # Seems to be writing different chunks of a too long array to different na_dicts to then write to separate files.
            if size_limit is not None and (this_na_dict["FFI"] == 1001 and len(this_na_dict["V"][0]) > size_limit):
                files_written = self._writeNAFileSubsetsWithinSizeLimit(this_na_dict, file_name, delimiter=delimiter,
                                                                        float_format=float_format, size_limit=size_limit,

            # If not having to split file into multiple outputs (normal condition)
      "Output NA file name: %s" % file_name)
                x = nappy.openNAFile(file_name, 'w', this_na_dict)
                x.write(delimiter=delimiter, float_format=float_format, annotation=annotation)

            # Report on what has been written
            msg = "\nWrote the following variables:" + "\n  " + ("\n  ".join(vars_to_write[0]))
            if DEBUG: log.debug(msg)

            msg = ""
            aux_var_count = vars_to_write[1]
            if len(aux_var_count) > 0:
                msg = "\nWrote the following auxiliary variables:" + "\n  " + ("\n  ".join(aux_var_count))

            singleton_var_count = vars_to_write[2]
            if len(singleton_var_count) > 0:
                msg = "\nWrote the following Singleton variables:" + "\n  " + ("\n  ".join(singleton_var_count))

            if len(file_list) > 0:
                msg = msg + ("\n\nNASA Ames file(s) written successfully: \n%s" % "\n".join(file_list))

            full_file_counter += len(file_list)
            file_counter += 1

            if DEBUG: log.debug(msg)

        full_file_count = full_file_counter - 1
        if full_file_count == 1:
            plural = ""
            plural = "s"
        msg = "\n%s file%s written." % (full_file_count, plural)

        if DEBUG: log.debug(msg)
        self.output_files_written = file_list

        return self.output_message
Esempio n. 13
# Standalone plot
b_stand = True
# Clean up
if b_stand:

# Access environment variable for directory
nas_data = os.environ['DATA']
# Data directory
nas_subd = '/Ebas_Ozone'
nas_src = '/Zeppelin_Mountain/NO0042G.20000101000000.20130101000000.uv_abs.ozone.air.1y.1h.NO01L_uv_abs_uk_0042.NO01L_uv_abs..nas'
nas_src_3 = '/Neumeyer/DE0060G.20000101000000.20170201090710.uv_abs.ozone.air.1y.1h.DE06L_O3Neumayer2.DE06L_uv_ab.lev2.nas'

# Open file (read header only)
nas_file = nap.openNAFile(nas_data + nas_subd + nas_src_3)
# Read actual data
# Access the ozone data
ozone_data_raw = np.array(nas_file.getNADict()['V'])
# Filter the data (0 - valid, >0 - invalid)
ozone_data = ozone_data_raw[:, np.where(ozone_data_raw[2] == 0)[0]]
# Close the nas-file

station_name = nas_file.getNADict()['NCOM'][13][30:-14]
air_dens = np.array(
    (1.4224, 1.1839))  # estimate for standard air density (-25 degC, 35 degC)
M_O = 15.9994  # [g/mol]
M_air = 28.949  # [g/mol]
mass_fraction = (3 * M_O / M_air)
Esempio n. 14
def plot():

    except NameError:
# Readin the model output

        model , names = readfile("GEOS_logs.npy","001") #001 represents CVO
# Processes the date 


        doy=[ datetime.datetime([i]),[i]),[i]),\
                      [i]),[i]),0)- \
              datetime.datetime(2006,1,1,0,0,0) \
              for i in range(len(year))]

        since2006=[doy[i].days+doy[i].seconds/(24.*60.*60.) for i in range(len(doy))]

#now read in the observations


    counter = 0
    fig =plt.figure(figsize=(20,12)) 
    ax = plt.subplot(111)
    for species in species_list:
    #Gives species exact model tags for convenience
        print species
        if species == 'ISOPRENE':
            species = 'TRA_6'

        elif species == 'ACETONE':
            species = 'ACET'

        elif species == 'TEMP':
            species = 'GMAO_TEMP'

        elif species == 'SURFACE_PRES':
            species = 'GMAO_PSFC'

        elif species == 'WINDSPEED':
            species = 'GMAO_WIND'

        elif species == 'SURFACE_SOLAR_RADIATION':
            species = 'GMAO_RADSW'

        elif species == 'ABS_HUMIDITY':
            species = 'GMAO_ABSH'

        elif species == 'REL_HUMIDITY':
            species = 'GMAO_RHUM'

        model_cut_switch = 0
        obs_switch = 0
        ofac = 1
        if species == 'O3':
            print 'yes'
            Units = 'ppbV'
            first_label_pos = 3
            obs_data_name = 'Ozone mixing ratio (ppbV)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e9
            species_type = 'Conc.'
            actual_species_name = 'O3'

        elif species == 'CO':
            units = 'ppbV'
            first_label_pos = 1
            obs_data_name = 'CO mixing ratio (ppbV)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e9
            species_type = 'Conc.'
            actual_species_name = 'CO'
            ofac = 2.0001

        elif species == 'NO':
            units = 'pptV'
            first_label_pos = 1
            obs_data_name = 'NO mixing ratio (pptv)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e12
            species_type = 'Conc.'
            actual_species_name = 'NO'

        elif species == 'NO2':
            units = 'pptV'
            first_label_pos = 1
            obs_data_name = 'NO2 mixing ratio (pptv)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e12
            species_type = 'Conc.'
            actual_species_name = 'NO2'

        elif species == 'C2H6':
            units = 'pptV'
            first_label_pos = 1
            obs_data_name = 'ethane mixing ratio (pptV)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e12
            species_type = 'Conc.'
            actual_species_name = 'C2H6'

        elif species == 'C3H8':
            units = 'pptV'
            first_label_pos = 1
            obs_data_name = 'propane mixing ratio (pptV)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e12
            species_type = 'Conc.'
            actual_species_name = 'C3H8'

        elif species == 'DMS':
            units = 'pptV'
            first_label_pos = 1
            obs_data_name = 'dms mixing ratio (pptV)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e12
            species_type = 'Conc.'
            actual_species_name = 'DMS'

        elif species == 'TRA_6':  #Isoprene
            units = 'pptV'
            first_label_pos = 1
            obs_data_name = 'Isoprene (pptv)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e12
            species_type = 'Conc.'

        elif species == 'ACET':
            units = 'pptV'
            first_label_pos = 1
            obs_data_name = 'acetone mixing ratio (pptV)_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1e12
            species_type = 'Conc.'
            actual_species_name = 'Acetone'

        elif species == 'GMAO_TEMP': # Temp from met fields
            units = 'K'
            first_label_pos = 3
            obs_data_name = 'Air Temperature (degC) Campbell_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1
            species_type = 'Temp.'
            actual_species_name = 'Surface Temperature'
            obs_switch = 1

        elif species == 'GMAO_PSFC': #Surface Pressure
            units = 'hPa'
            first_label_pos = 3
            obs_data_name = 'Atmospheric Pressure (hPa) Campbell_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1
            species_type = 'Pres.'
            actual_species_name = 'Surface Pressure'

        elif species == 'GMAO_WIND': #Wind Speed extirpolated from UWND and VWND 
            def read_diff_species():
                return model_cut
            units = r'$ms^{-1}$'
            first_label_pos = 3
            obs_data_name = 'Wind Speed (m/s) Campbell_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1
            species_type = 'Wind Speed'
            model_cut_switch = 1
            actual_species_name = 'Surface Windspeed'

        elif species == 'GMAO_RADSW': #Sensible heat flux form surface       
            units = r'$Wm^{-2}$'
            first_label_pos = 3
            obs_data_name = 'Solar Radiation (Wm-2) Campbell_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1
            species_type = 'Solar Radiation'
            actual_species_name = 'Surface Solar Radiation'

        elif species == 'GMAO_ABSH': #Absolute Humidity       
            units = 'molec/cm-3'
            first_label_pos = 3
            obs_data_name = ''
            unit_cut= 1
            species_type = 'Absolute Humidity'
            actual_species_name = 'Absolute Humidity'

        elif species == 'GMAO_RHUM': #Relative Humidity       
            units = '%'
            first_label_pos = 3
            obs_data_name = 'Relative Humidity (%) Campbell_(Mean)'
            unit_cut= 1
            species_type = 'Relative Humidity'
            actual_species_name = 'Relative Humidity'


# OK need to conver values from a list to a numpy array
        if obs_switch == 0:
        elif obs_switch == 1:

        valids1=var1 > 0



#Pre normalise obs data for lomb analysis
        standard_deviation_obs_p = np.std(var2)
        mean_obs_p = np.mean(var2)
        normal_var2 = var2-mean_obs_p
        normal_var2 = normal_var2/standard_deviation_obs_p

#Calculate variance of pre-processed obs data- should be 1 if normal
    #standard_dev_obs = np.std(normal_var_2, dtype=np.float64)
    #variance_obs = standard_dev_obs**2
    #print 'Variance - pre-processed obs data= ', variance_obs

#Define sampling intervals
        samp_spacing = 1./24.

#Convert model time array into numpy array

#Need to normalise model data also
        if model_cut_switch == 0:
            print model[:,k]
            model_cut = model[:,k]*unit_cut
        if model_cut_switch == 1:
            model_cut = read_diff_species()

   #Add seasonal emission trend onto ethane.
        first_season = np.linspace(0,100,num=91,endpoint=True)
        second_season = first_season[::-1]
        third_season = np.linspace(0,-100, num=91, endpoint=True)
        fourth_season = third_season[::-1]
        fourth_season =np.append(fourth_season,0)

        step = 24
        season_index = 0
        year_count = 0

        while 1==1:
            if count <91:
                sliced = model_cut[n:n_end]
                season_value = first_season[season_index]
                sliced = [a+season_value for a in sliced]
                #print 'season_1', count, season_index
                if season_index == 91:
                    season_index= 0

            elif count <182:
                sliced = model_cut[n:n_end]
                season_value = second_season[season_index]
                sliced = [a+season_value for a in sliced]
                #print 'season_2', count, season_index
                if season_index == 91:
                    season_index= 0

            elif count < 273:
                sliced = model_cut[n:n_end]
                season_value = third_season[season_index]
                sliced = [a+season_value for a in sliced]
                #print 'season_3', count, season_index
                if season_index == 91:
                    season_index= 0

            elif count < 365:
                sliced = model_cut[n:n_end]
                season_value = fourth_season[season_index]
                sliced = [a+season_value for a in sliced]
                #print 'season_4', count, season_index

                count = 0
                season_index = 0

            if year_count == 6:


        new_model_cut = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y,new_model_cut)

        standard_deviation_model_p = np.std(model_cut)
        mean_model_p = np.mean(model_cut)
        normal_model = model_cut-mean_model_p
        normal_model = normal_model/standard_deviation_model_p

        standard_deviation_model_p_corrected = np.std(new_model_cut)
        mean_model_p_corrected = np.mean(new_model_cut)
        normal_model_corrected = new_model_cut-mean_model_p_corrected
        normal_model_corrected = normal_model_corrected/standard_deviation_model_p_corrected

#Calculate variance of pre-processed model data- should be 1 if normal
    #standard_dev_model = np.std(normal_model, dtype=np.float64)
    #variance_model = standard_dev_model**2
    #print 'Variance - pre-processed model data= ', variance_model

#Define sampling frequency
        samp_freq = 24

#Lomb-scargle plot

#Plot axis period lines and labels
        #horiz_line_100 =np.arange(0,2000,1)
        #freq_year = [345]*len(annotate_line_y)
        #array_100 = [100]*len(horiz_line_100)
        #plt.plot(freq_year, annotate_line_y,'r--',alpha=0.4)
        #plt.text(345, 5, '1 Year', fontweight='bold')
        #plt.plot(horiz_line_100, array_100,'r--',alpha=0.4)
        #plt.text(1024, 80, '100%', fontweight='bold')

#Obs lomb
        fa, fb, nout, jmax, prob = lomb.fasper(time2, normal_var2, ofac, samp_freq)
#Divide output by sampling frequency
        fb = fb/samp_freq
        fb = np.log(fb)
        obs_smoothed=savitzky_golay(fb, window_size=301, order=1)
        obs_smoothed = np.exp(obs_smoothed)
#Calculate Nyquist frequency, Si and Si x 2 for normalisation checks.
    #nyquist_freq_lomb_obs = frequencies[-1]
    #Si_lomb_obs = np.mean(fb)*nyquist_freq_lomb_obs
    #print nyquist_freq_lomb_obs, Si_lomb_obs, Si_lomb_obs*2 

#plot up
    #plt.loglog(1./fa, fb,'kx',markersize=2, label='Cape Verde Obs. ')

#Model lomb
        fx, fy, nout, jmax, prob2 = lomb.fasper(since2006,normal_model, ofac, samp_freq)
#Divide output by sampling frequency
        fy = fy/samp_freq
        fy = np.log(fy) 
        model_smoothed=savitzky_golay(fy, window_size=301, order=1)   
        model_smoothed = np.exp(model_smoothed) 

#Model lomb
        fx, fy, nout, jmax, prob2 = lomb.fasper(since2006,normal_model_corrected, ofac, samp_freq)
#Divide output by sampling frequency
        fy_corrected = fy/samp_freq
        fy_corrected = np.log(fy)
        model_corrected_smoothed=savitzky_golay(fy_corrected, window_size=301, order=1)
        model_corrected_smoothed = np.exp(model_corrected_smoothed)
#Calculate Nyquist frequency, Si and Si x 2 for normalisation checks.
    #nyquist_freq_lomb_model = frequencies[-1]
    #Si_lomb_model = np.mean(fy)*nyquist_freq_lomb_model
    #print nyquist_freq_lomb_model, Si_lomb_model, Si_lomb_model*2 

#plot up
    #plt.loglog(1./fx, fy, 'gx', alpha = 0.75,markersize=2, label='GEOS v9.01.03 4x5 ')

        obs_periods = 1./fa
        model_periods = 1./fx

#Which dataset is shorter
    # obs longer than model
        if len(obs_smoothed) > len(model_smoothed):
            obs_smoothed = obs_smoothed[:len(model_smoothed)]
            freq_array = fx
            period_array = model_periods
    #model longer than obs
        if len(model_smoothed) > len(obs_smoothed):
            model_smoothed = model_smoothed[:len(obs_smoothed)]
            model_corrected_smoothed =  model_corrected_smoothed[:len(obs_smoothed)]
            freq_array = fa
            period_array = obs_periods

#calculate % of observations
        #covariance_array = np.hstack((fb,fy))
        compare_powers = model_smoothed/obs_smoothed 
        compare_powers =  compare_powers *100

        corrected_compare_powers = model_corrected_smoothed/obs_smoothed
        corrected_compare_powers =  corrected_compare_powers *100  

        ax.set_xscale('log', basex=10)
        ax.set_yscale('log', basey=10)
        #plt.plot(obs_periods,fb, color = 'k', marker='x', alpha = 0.75, markersize=2, label = 'Mace Head'  
        #plt.plot(period_array, corrected_compare_powers , color=colour_list[counter], marker='x', alpha = 0.75, markersize=2, label = species)
        plt.plot(period_array, compare_powers , color='black', marker='x', alpha = 0.75, markersize=2, label = species)
        #ax.plot(rest_cut_periods, rest_powers , color=colour_list[counter], marker='x', alpha = 0.75, markersize=2, label = species)  
  #percent1 = period_percent_diff(np.min(obs_periods),1,fb,fy,obs_periods,model_periods)
    #percent2 = period_percent_diff(1,2,fb,fy,obs_periods,model_periods)
    #percent3 = period_percent_diff(2,7,fb,fy,obs_periods,model_periods)
        leg=plt.legend(loc=4, prop={'size':21})
    #plt.text(1e-2, 3000,'Period: 2 hours to 1 day, a %% Diff. of: %.2f%%'  %(percent1),  fontweight='bold')
    #plt.text(1e-2, 500,'Period: 1 day to 2 days, a %% Diff. of: %.2f%%'  %(percent2),  fontweight='bold')
    #plt.text(1e-2, 90,'Period: 2 days to 7 days, a %% Diff. of: %.2f%%'  %(percent3),  fontweight='bold')
        plt.xlabel('Period (Days)', fontsize=21)
        plt.ylabel('Percent of Obs. PSD (%)', fontsize=21)
        plt.title('% PSD of Model compared to Obs.',fontsize=21)
#plt.savefig('', dpi = 200)

Esempio n. 15
def _read_single_file(ifile, firstday=None, lastday=None, time_offset=0):
    '''Read a single GAW WDCRG file.'''
    import nappy
    log = logging.getLogger(__name__)'Reading {}'.format(ifile))
    ds = nappy.openNAFile(ifile)
    keys = ds.getNADict().keys()
    # check for all required entries
    if 'DATE' not in keys:
        log.warning('Cannot get reference time - skip entry: {}'.format(ifile))
        return None
    if 'VNAME' not in keys:
        log.warning('Cannot get variable names - skip entry: {}'.format(ifile))
        return None
    if 'X' not in keys:
        log.warning('Cannot get dates - skip entry: {}'.format(ifile))
        return None
    if 'V' not in keys:
        log.warning('Cannot get values - skip entry: {}'.format(ifile))
        return None
    if 'NCOM' not in keys:
        log.warning('Cannot get comments - skip entry: {}'.format(ifile))
        return None
    idf = pd.DataFrame()
    # reference date
    refdate_list = ds['DATE']
    refdate = dt.datetime(refdate_list[0], refdate_list[1], refdate_list[2])
    # parse start dates, round to nearest hour
    offset = dt.timedelta(minutes=time_offset)
    start = [
        round_to_nearest_hour(refdate + dt.timedelta(days=i)) for i in ds['X']
    vnames = ds['VNAME']
    # parse end dates, round to nearest hour
    if 'end_time of measurement' in vnames[0]:
        end = [
            round_to_nearest_hour(refdate + dt.timedelta(days=i))
            for i in ds['V'][0]
        end = start
    # Observation is middle of time stamp
    idf['ISO8601'] = [
        refdate + ((i - refdate) + (j - refdate)) / 2 + offset
        for i, j in zip(start, end)
    nobs = idf.shape[0]
    # get station information
    station_name = 'unknown'
    station_lat = np.nan
    station_lon = np.nan
    for c in ds['NCOM']:
        if 'Station name' in c:
            station_name = c.split(':')[1].replace(' ', '')
        if 'Station latitude' in c:
            station_lat = np.float(c.split(':')[1].replace(' ', ''))
        if 'Station longitude' in c:
            station_lon = np.float(c.split(':')[1].replace(' ', ''))
    if station_name == 'unknown':
        log.warning('Unknown station name for file {}'.format(ifile))
    if np.isnan(station_lat):
        log.warning('Unknown station latitude for file {}'.format(ifile))
    if np.isnan(station_lon):
        log.warning('Unknown station longitude for file {}'.format(ifile))
    idf['lat'] = [station_lat for i in range(nobs)]
    idf['lon'] = [station_lon for i in range(nobs)]
    idf['original_station_name'] = [station_name for i in range(nobs)]
    # get observation type, unit, and values. This is currently hard-coded,
    # could probably be done better.
    ocol = -1
    for i, v in enumerate(vnames):
        # Skip standard deviation
        if 'stddev' in v:
        if 'numflag' in v:
        # Species check
        vals = v.split(',')
        ofnd = False
        if 'ozone' in vals[0]:
            obstype = 'o3'
            ocol = i
            ofnd = True
        if 'nitrogen_dioxide' in vals[0]:
            obstype = 'no2'
            ocol = i
            ofnd = True
        # Unit check
        if ofnd:
            u = vals[1]
            if 'nmol/mol' in u:
                obsunit = 'ppbv'
                scal = 1.0
            if 'mmol/mol' in u:
                obsunit = 'ppmv'
                scal = 1.0
            if 'ug/m3' in u:
                obsunit = 'ugm-3'
                scal = 1.0
            if 'ug N/m3' in u:
                obsunit = 'ugm-3'
                if obstype == 'no2':
                    scal = 46. / 14.
                if obstype == 'no':
                    scal = 30. / 14.
    if ocol < 0:
            'Cannot find proper obstype - skip entry: {}'.format(ifile))
        return None
    log.debug('species, unit, scalefactor: {}, {}, {}'.format(
        obstype, obsunit, scal))
    log.debug('Will read concentration data from column: "{}"'.format(
    obs = np.array(ds['V'][ocol]) * scal
    # Check for flags
    if 'numflag' in vnames[-1]:
        flag = np.array(ds['V'][-1])
        obs[np.where(flag != 0.0)] = np.nan
    idf['obstype'] = [obstype for i in range(nobs)]
    idf['unit'] = [obsunit for i in range(nobs)]
    idf['value'] = obs
    # Eventually reduce to specified time range
    if firstday is not None:'Only use data after {}'.format(firstday))
        idf = idf.loc[idf['ISO8601'] >= firstday]
    if lastday is not None:'Only use data before {}'.format(lastday))
        idf = idf.loc[idf['ISO8601'] < lastday]
    return idf