Esempio n. 1
    def create(self, config, map_data, resolution):
        Traverse the map, starting at already placed starting elements, and place elements where a
        player can walk.

        self.config = config
        self.map_data = map_data

        self.element_size = config.player_radius / resolution
        self.element_height = config.player_height

        self.size = Vector2(self.map_data.size.x / self.element_size, self.map_data.size.y / self.element_size)
        self.collider = Collider(map_data, config)

        # Place starting elements.

        # Keep testing elements until the task list is empty.
        pos = Vector3()
        while 1:
            if len(self.element_tasks) == 0:
            element = self.element_tasks.pop()

            if len(self.elements) % 5000 == 0:
                print "{} elements, {} tasks left...".format(len(self.elements), len(self.element_tasks))

            # Test each direction for walkability.
            for direction in Element.DIR_RANGE:
                pos.x = element.pos.x
                pos.y = element.pos.y
                pos.z = element.pos.z

                if direction == Element.DIR_UP:
                    pos.y -= 1
                elif direction == Element.DIR_RIGHT:
                    pos.x += 1
                elif direction == Element.DIR_DOWN:
                    pos.y += 1
                elif direction == Element.DIR_LEFT:
                    pos.x -= 1

                # See if an adjoining element already exists.
                new_element = self.get_element_xyz(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
                if new_element is None:

                    # If not, test if an element can be placed there.
                    reason, new_element = self.test_element(pos, direction, element)
                    if reason != Grid.REASON_NONE:

                element.elements[direction] = new_element
Esempio n. 2
class Grid(object):
    A grid of elements, describing where a player can walk on the map.

    # Grid file structures.
    FILE_HEADER = struct.Struct("<6sII")
    FILE_ELEMENT = struct.Struct("<hhhiiiiiii")

    # Grid collision reasons.

    def __init__(self):
        self.config = None
        self.map_data = None

        # The size of a single element.
        self.element_size = 0
        self.element_height = 0

        # The dimensions of this grid.
        self.size = None

        # Collision detection handler.
        self.collider = None

        # All elements in this grid.
        self.elements = []

        # A list of elements that still need to be examined.
        self.element_tasks = []

        # A (x + y * width) positional dictionary with element lists.
        self.element_hash = {}

        # A set of elements that need to be pruned when calling remove_pruned_elements.
        self.element_prune = set()

        # The map position currently being examined for collision.
        self.check_pos = Vector3()

    def add_walkable_element(self, pos2):
        Adds a new element to the grid at a point where the player can stand.

        x, y = self.map_to_element(pos2)
        element = self.add_element_xyz(x, y, pos2.z)

        # Set the element's sector-related data.
        sector_index = self.map_data.get_sector(x, y)
        sector = self.map_data.sectors[sector_index]
        self.set_element_properties(sector_index, element)

        if (sector.flags & Sector.FLAG_FLOOR_MOVES) != 0:
            element.special_sector = sector_index
        if (sector.flags & Sector.FLAG_CEILING_MOVES) != 0:
            element.special_sector = sector_index

        # Schedule for examination.

    def add_element_xyz(self, x, y, z):
        Adds a new element at a specific location in the grid.
        @return: the new Element object.

        element = Element(x, y, z)

        element_hash = x + (y * self.size.x)
        elements = self.element_hash.get(element_hash)
        if elements is None:
            elements = {}
            self.element_hash[element_hash] = elements
        elements[z] = element


        return element

    def place_starts(self):
        Place elements at starting thing locations.

        # Create a list of things that the grid generation starts at.
        start_things = []
        for thing_type in self.config.start_thing_types:

        # Add the initial things as initial elements to the navigation grid.
        for thing in start_things:
            pos = Vector3()
            pos.x = thing.x
            pos.y = thing.y
            pos.z = self.map_data.get_floor_z(pos.x, pos.y)

            collision, _ = self.collider.check_position(pos, self.config.player_radius, self.config.player_height)
            if collision == True:
                print "Thing at {} has no room to spawn, ignoring.".format(pos)


        # Add teleporter destinations as starting elements.
        for teleporter in self.map_data.teleporters:

            if teleporter.kind == Teleporter.TELEPORTER_THING:
                dest = Vector3()
                dest.x = teleporter.dest.x
                dest.y = teleporter.dest.y
                dest = Vector3()
                dest.x, dest.y = self.map_data.get_line_center(teleporter.dest_line)
            dest.z = self.map_data.get_floor_z(dest.x, dest.y)

            collision, _ = self.collider.check_position(dest, self.config.player_radius, self.config.player_height)
            if collision == True:
                print "Teleporter destination at {} has no room to spawn, ignoring.".format(dest)


        print "Added {} starting elements.".format(len(start_things))

    def remove_pruned_elements(self):
        Remove elements from the elements_prune set from the element list.

        # Filter prune elements from the element list.
        self.elements = filter(lambda element: element not in self.element_prune, self.elements)

        # Remove pruned elements from the element hash table.
        for element in self.element_prune:
            element_hash = element.pos.x + (element.pos.y * self.size.x)
            elements = self.element_hash.get(element_hash)
            if elements is None:

            del elements[element.pos.z]
            if len(elements) == 0:
                del self.element_hash[element_hash]

        # Remove the now invalid element connections.
        for element in self.elements:
            for direction in Element.DIR_RANGE:
                if element.elements[direction] in self.element_prune:
                    element.elements[direction] = None


    def write(self, filename):
        Writes this grid to a file.

        # Assign element indices.
        for index, element in enumerate(self.elements):
            element.index = index

        with open(filename, "wb") as f:
            header = Grid.FILE_HEADER.pack(Grid.FILE_ID, Grid.FILE_VERSION, len(self.elements))

            indices = [0] * 4
            for element in self.elements:
                if element.plane is None:
                    plane_hash = 0
                    plane_hash = hash(element.plane)

                # Gather indices for each element's direction and write it as a single struct.
                for direction in Element.DIR_RANGE:
                    if element.elements[direction] is None:
                        indices[direction] = -1
                        indices[direction] = element.elements[direction].index

                    if element.special_sector is None:
                        special_sector = -1
                        special_sector = element.special_sector

                element_data = self.FILE_ELEMENT.pack(

    def read(self, filename, map_data):
        Reads a grid file from disk.

        self.map_data = map_data

        with open(filename, "rb") as f:
            file_id, version, element_count = Grid.FILE_HEADER.unpack(

            # Validate header.
            if file_id != Grid.FILE_ID:
                print "Invalid grid file."
            if version != Grid.FILE_VERSION:
                print "Unsupported grid version {}".format(version)

            self.elements = []
            for _ in range(element_count):
                element = Element(0, 0, 0)
                data = Grid.FILE_ELEMENT.unpack(

                element.pos.x = data[0]
                element.pos.y = data[1]
                element.pos.z = data[2]
                plane_hash = data[3]
                element.special_sector = data[4]
                element.flags = data[5]
                element.elements[0] = data[6]
                element.elements[1] = data[7]
                element.elements[2] = data[8]
                element.elements[3] = data[9]

                # Find matching planes in sectors.
                for sector in self.map_data.sectors:
                    if hash(sector.floor_plane) == plane_hash:
                        element.plane = sector.floor_plane
                    print "Cannot find sector floor plane at element coordinates {}.".format(element.pos)

                if element.special_sector == -1:
                    element.special_sector = None


        # Set element references from stored indices.
        for element in self.elements:
            for direction in Element.DIR_RANGE:
                if element.elements[direction] != -1:
                    element.elements[direction] = self.elements[element.elements[direction]]
                    element.elements[direction] = None

        # Rebuild element position hash.
        for element in self.elements:
            element_hash = element.x + (element.y * self.width)
            elements = self.element_hash.get(element_hash)
            if elements is None:
                elements = {}
                self.element_hash[element_hash] = elements
            elements[element.z] = element

    def get_element_xyz(self, x, y, z):
        Returns an element at the x,y,z coordinates, or None if no element exists at
        those coordinates.

        element_hash = x + (y * self.size.x)
        elements = self.element_hash.get(element_hash)
        if elements is not None:
            return elements.get(z)

        return None

    def get_element_list(self, pos2):
        Returns a list of elements at the 2d coordinates, or None if no list exists at
        those coordinates.

        element_hash = pos2.x + (pos2.y * self.size.x)
        return self.element_hash.get(element_hash)

    def map_to_element(self, pos2):
        Maps a 2d map position to an element position.

        return ((pos2.x / self.element_size) + 1, (pos2.y / self.element_size) + 1)

    def element_to_map(self, pos2):
        Maps the center of a 2d element position to a map position.

        return (
            (pos2.x * self.element_size) - (self.element_size / 2),
            (pos2.y * self.element_size) - (self.element_size / 2),

    def create(self, config, map_data, resolution):
        Traverse the map, starting at already placed starting elements, and place elements where a
        player can walk.

        self.config = config
        self.map_data = map_data

        self.element_size = config.player_radius / resolution
        self.element_height = config.player_height

        self.size = Vector2(self.map_data.size.x / self.element_size, self.map_data.size.y / self.element_size)
        self.collider = Collider(map_data, config)

        # Place starting elements.

        # Keep testing elements until the task list is empty.
        pos = Vector3()
        while 1:
            if len(self.element_tasks) == 0:
            element = self.element_tasks.pop()

            if len(self.elements) % 5000 == 0:
                print "{} elements, {} tasks left...".format(len(self.elements), len(self.element_tasks))

            # Test each direction for walkability.
            for direction in Element.DIR_RANGE:
                pos.x = element.pos.x
                pos.y = element.pos.y
                pos.z = element.pos.z

                if direction == Element.DIR_UP:
                    pos.y -= 1
                elif direction == Element.DIR_RIGHT:
                    pos.x += 1
                elif direction == Element.DIR_DOWN:
                    pos.y += 1
                elif direction == Element.DIR_LEFT:
                    pos.x -= 1

                # See if an adjoining element already exists.
                new_element = self.get_element_xyz(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z)
                if new_element is None:

                    # If not, test if an element can be placed there.
                    reason, new_element = self.test_element(pos, direction, element)
                    if reason != Grid.REASON_NONE:

                element.elements[direction] = new_element

    def test_element(self, pos3, direction, element):
        Test if an adjoining element can be placed at the specified location.
        @param pos: the 3d map position to test.
        @param direction: the direction of the new element relative to it's previous element.
        @param element: the previous origin element. 

        map_x, map_y = self.element_to_map(pos3)
        if (
            map_x < self.map_data.min.x
            or map_x > self.map_data.max.x
            or map_y < self.map_data.min.y
            or map_y > self.map_data.max.y
            print "Grid leak at ({}, {})".format(map_x, map_y)
            return Grid.REASON_LEAK, None

        # Test collision.
        check_pos = self.check_pos
        check_pos.x = map_x
        check_pos.y = map_y
        check_pos.z = pos3.z
        collision, state = self.collider.check_position(check_pos, self.element_size, self.element_height)

        # Ignore sectors flagged as such.
        if state.special_sector is not None:
            sector = self.map_data.sectors[state.special_sector]
            if (sector.flags & Sector.FLAG_IGNORE) != 0:
                return Grid.REASON_IGNORE, None

        jump = False
        if collision == True:

            # Blocked by impassable line.
            if state.blockline == True:
                return Grid.REASON_BLOCK_LINE, None

            elif state.floorz > check_pos.z:

                # If the player can step up to a higher floor, do so.
                if state.floorz - check_pos.z <= self.config.step_height:
                    check_pos.z = state.floorz

                # If the player can jump up to a higher floor, do so.
                elif self.config.jump_height > 0 and state.floorz - check_pos.z <= self.config.jump_height:
                    check_pos.z = state.floorz
                    jump = True

                # If the sector moves during the game, ignore any higher height difference.
                elif state.floor_moves == False:
                    return Grid.REASON_TOO_HIGH, None

        # Steep slopes cannot be walked up, only down.
        if state.steep == True and state.floorz > element.pos.z:
            return Grid.REASON_SLOPE_TOO_STEEP, None

        # Snap to moving sector floor.
        if state.floor_moves == True:
            check_pos.z = state.floorz

        # Set origin element jumping flags.
        if jump == True:
            if direction == Element.DIR_UP:
                element.flags |= Element.FLAG_JUMP_NORTH
            elif direction == Element.DIR_RIGHT:
                element.flags |= Element.FLAG_JUMP_EAST
            elif direction == Element.DIR_DOWN:
                element.flags |= Element.FLAG_JUMP_SOUTH
            elif direction == Element.DIR_LEFT:
                element.flags |= Element.FLAG_JUMP_WEST

        # Drop to the lowest floor.
        check_pos.z = min(check_pos.z, state.floorz)

        # Player cannot fit in the sector.
        if (
            (check_pos.z < state.floorz and state.floor_moves == False)
            or (check_pos.z + self.element_height > state.ceilz and state.ceiling_moves == False)
        ) and state.blockthing == True:
            return Grid.REASON_CANNOT_FIT, None

        # See if an element exists in the updated location.
        new_pos = self.map_to_element(check_pos)
        new_element = self.get_element_xyz(new_pos[0], new_pos[1], check_pos.z)
        if new_element is None:

            new_element = self.add_element_xyz(new_pos[0], new_pos[1], check_pos.z)

            # Set new element properties to match collision results.
            if state.special_sector is not None:
                self.set_element_properties(state.special_sector, new_element)
            if state.floor_plane is not None:
                new_element.plane = state.floor_plane
            if state.floor_moves == True or state.ceiling_moves == True:
                new_element.special_sector = state.special_sector


        return Grid.REASON_NONE, new_element

    def set_element_properties(self, sector_index, element):
        Sets an element's properties (but not flags) from sector flags.

        sector = self.map_data.sectors[sector_index]

        # Set sector damage flag.
        if sector.damage > 0:
            if sector.damage <= 5:
                element.flags |= Element.FLAG_DAMAGE_LOW
            elif sector.damage <= 10:
                element.flags |= Element.FLAG_DAMAGE_MEDIUM
            elif sector.damage >= 20:
                element.flags |= Element.FLAG_DAMAGE_HIGH