Esempio n. 1
def test_run_tutorial(path):
    """ There are a lot of examples in tutorial, and all of them
    should be working.

    IPython notebook is converted to Python script, so tqdm bars and
    plotting is removed.
    # pylint: disable=exec-used
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        from nbconvert import PythonExporter  # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel
        code, _ = PythonExporter().from_filename(path)

        code_ = []
        for line in code.split('\n'):
            if not line.startswith('#'):
                if not any(bs in line for bs in BAD_PREFIXES):
                    line = line.replace("bar='notebook'", "bar=False")
                    line = line.replace("in tqdm_notebook", "in ")

        code = '\n'.join(code_)
        exec(code, {})
Esempio n. 2
def test_run_tutorial():
    """ There are a lot of examples in tutorial, and all of them
    should be working.

    IPython notebook is converted to Python script, so tqdm bars and
    plotting is removed.
    # pylint: disable=exec-used
    tutorials_dir = './../../examples/tutorials/'
    notebook = '09_solving_PDE_with_NN.ipynb'
    file = tutorials_dir + notebook

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        from nbconvert import PythonExporter
        code, _ = PythonExporter().from_filename(file)

    code_ = []
    for line in code.split('\n'):
        if not line.startswith('#'):
            if not any(bs in line for bs in BAD_PREFIXES):
                code_.append(line.replace('in tqdm_notebook', 'in '))

    code = '\n'.join(code_)
    exec(code, {})
Esempio n. 3
def test_run_notebooks(path, microbatch, device):
    """ There are a lot of examples in different notebooks, and all of them should be working.

    path : str
        Location of notebook to run.

    microbatch : int or None
        If None, then no microbatch is applied.
        If int, then size of microbatch used.

    device : str or None
        If None, then default device behaviour is used.
        If str, then any option of device configuration from :class:`.tf.TFModel` is supported.

    `device` is moved to separate parameter in order to work properly with `parametrize`.
    # pylint: disable=exec-used
    if path.startswith(TUTORIALS_DIR) and 'CPU' not in device:
        pytest.skip("Tutorials don't utilize device config.")

    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        from nbconvert import PythonExporter
        code, _ = PythonExporter().from_filename(path)

    code_ = []
    for line in code.split('\n'):
        if not line.startswith('#'):
            flag = sum([name in line for name in BAD_PREFIXES])
            if flag == 0:

    code = '\n'.join(code_)
    exec(code, {'MICROBATCH': microbatch, 'DEVICE': device})
Esempio n. 4
def pylint_notebook(path=None,
    """ Run pylint on entire Jupyter notebook.
    Under the hood, the notebook is converted to regular `.py` script,
    special IPython commands like magics removed, and then pylint is executed.

    If run outside Jupyter notebook, returns 1.

    path : str, optional
        Path to run linter on. If not provided, the callee notebook is linted.
    options : str
        Additional flags for linter execution, for example, the pylint configuration options.
    printer : callable
        Method for displaying results.
    ignore_comments : bool
        Whether to ignore markdown cells and comments in code.
    ignore_codes : sequence
        Pylint errors to ignore.
        By default, `invalid-name`, `import-error` and `wrong-import-position` are disabled.
    keep_script : bool
        Whether to keep temporal `.py` file after command execution.
    return_report : bool
        If True, then this function returns the string representation of produced report.
        If False, then 0 is returned.
    if not in_notebook():
        return 1

    from nbconvert import PythonExporter
    from pylint import epylint as lint

    path = path or get_notebook_path()
    options = options if options.startswith(' ') else ' ' + options
    ignore_codes = ignore_codes or [
        'invalid-name', 'import-error', 'wrong-import-position'

    # Convert the notebook contents to raw string without outputs
    code, _ = PythonExporter().from_filename(path)

    # Unwrap code lines from line/cell magics
    code_list = []
    cell_codes, cell_counter = [], 0
    cell_code_lines, cell_code_counter = [], 1

    for line in code.split('\n'):
        # Line magics: remove autoreload
        if line.startswith('get_ipython().run_line_magic'):
            if 'autoreload' in line:
                line = ''
                line = line[line.find(',') + 3:-2]

        # Cell magics: contain multiple lines
        if line.startswith('get_ipython().run_cell_magic'):
            line = line[line.find(',') + 1:]
            line = line[line.find(',') + 3:-2]

            lines = line.split('\\n')
            lines = [line]

        # Update all the containers
        for part in lines:
            cell_code_counter += 1

        if line.startswith('# In['):
            cell_counter += 1
            cell_code_counter = 0

    code = '\n'.join(code_list)

    # Create temporal file with code, run pylint on it
    temp_name = os.path.splitext(path)[0] + '.py'
    with open(temp_name, 'w') as temp_file:

    pylint_stdout, pylint_stderr = lint.py_run(temp_name + options,

    errors = pylint_stderr.getvalue()
    report = pylint_stdout.getvalue()
    if errors:
        printer('Errors \n', errors)

    # Create a better repr of pylint report: remove markdown-related warnings
    report_ = []
    for error_line in report.split('\n'):
        if temp_name in error_line:
            error_line = error_line.replace(temp_name, 'nb')
            code_line_number = int(error_line.split(':')[1])
            code_line = code_list[code_line_number - 1]

            # Ignore markdown and comments
            if ignore_comments and code_line.startswith('#'):

            # Ignore codes
            if sum(code in error_line for code in ignore_codes):

            # Create report message
            cell_number = cell_codes[code_line_number - 1]
            cell_code_number = cell_code_lines[code_line_number - 1] - 1
            error_code = error_line[error_line.find('(') +
                                    1:error_line.find('(') + 6]
            error_msg = error_line[error_line.find(')') + 2:]

            report_msg = f'Cell {cell_number}, line {cell_code_number}, error code {error_code}:'
            report_msg += f'\nPylint message: {error_msg}\nCode line   ::: {code_line}\n'


        if 'rated' in error_line:
            report_.insert(0, error_line.strip(' '))
            report_.insert(1, '-' * (len(error_line) - 1))
            report_.insert(2, '')


    # Cleanup
    if not keep_script:

    if return_report:
        return '\n'.join(report_)
    return 0