def main(): ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('fpm', help='e.g. /scratch/fpm_0.1000/') ap.add_argument('ll', type=float, help='e.g. 0.2 or 0.168') ap.add_argument('--with-peak', help='Find Peaks KDDensity estimation (slow)', default=True) ap.add_argument('fof', help='e.g. /scratch/fpm_0.1000/fof . Will write to {fof}/{ll}') ap.add_argument('--nmin', type=int, default=20, help='min number of particles to be in the catalogue') ns = ap.parse_args() cat = BigFileCatalog(ns.fpm, header='Header', dataset='1/') cat.attrs['BoxSize'] = numpy.ones(3) * cat.attrs['BoxSize'][0] cat.attrs['Nmesh'] = numpy.ones(3) * cat.attrs['NC'][0] cosmo = Planck15.match(Omega0_m=cat.attrs['OmegaM']) M0 = cat.attrs['OmegaM'][0] * 27.75 * 1e10 * cat.attrs['BoxSize'].prod() / cat.csize if cat.comm.rank == 0: print('BoxSize', cat.attrs['BoxSize']) print('Nmesh', cat.attrs['Nmesh']) print('Mass of a particle', M0) print('OmegaM', cosmo.Om0) if ns.with_peak: cat['Density'] = KDDensity(cat).density fof = FOF(cat, linking_length=ns.ll, nmin=ns.nmin) if ns.with_peak: features = fof.find_features(peakcolumn='Density') else: features = fof.find_features(peakcolumn=None) features['Mass'] = M0 * features['Length'] if fof.comm.rank == 0: print('Total number of features found', features.csize) print('Saving columns', features.columns) + '/%0.3f' % ns.ll, features.columns)
def main(argv): del argv """ -------------- setting paramaeters ------------------------""" params = FLAGS.flag_values_dict() params['Nmesh'] = [FLAGS.Nmesh] * 3 params['BoxSize'] = [FLAGS.boxsize] * 3 params['Nmesh2D'] = [FLAGS.Nmesh2D] * 2 params['BoxSize2D'] = [FLAGS.boxsize2D] * 2 params['zs_source'] = [float(zs) for zs in FLAGS.zs_source] if params['custom_cosmo']: cosmo = Planck15.match(Omega0_m=FLAGS.Omega_m) cosmo = cosmo.match(sigma8=FLAGS.sigma_8) else: if rank == 0: print('custom_cosmo is set to False. Using default cosmology.') cosmo = Planck15 if params['save3D'] or params['save3Dpower']: try: assert (params['interpolate'] == False) except: raise ValueError( 'interpolate must be set to False if requesting 3D outouts') """------- setting output dirs and saving parameters-----------""" dirs = {} if rank == 0: cmd = "git log --pretty=format:'%h' -n 1" githash =[cmd], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True).stdout.decode('utf-8') print('dumping under githash %s' % githash) output_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_path, githash) params_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd()), 'runs', githash) params['output_path'] = output_path print(params_path) if not os.path.isdir(params_path): os.makedirs(params_path) # make sure parameter file name is unique and we are not repeating a run num_run = 0 found = True while found: path_name = os.path.join(output_path, params['label'] + '%d/' % num_run) params_file = os.path.join(params_path, params['label'] + '%d.json' % num_run) if not os.path.isdir(path_name): os.makedirs(path_name) found = False if not os.path.isfile(params_file): found = False else: with open(params_file, 'r') as f: old_params = json.load(f) if old_params == params and not params['debug']: raise ValueError( 'run with same settings already exists: %s' % params_file) elif params['debug']: found = False else: num_run += 1 for result in ['cls', 'maps', 'snapshots']: dirs[result] = os.path.join(path_name, result) if not os.path.isdir(dirs[result]): os.makedirs(dirs[result]) fjson = json.dumps(params) f = open(params_file, "w") f.write(fjson) f.close() dirs = comm.bcast(dirs, root=0) params['snapshot_dir'] = dirs['snapshots'] """---------------------------run actual simulations-----------------------------""" sims_start = time.time() for ii in range(FLAGS.N_maps): if rank == 0: print('progress in percent:', ii / params['N_maps'] * 100) kmaps, kmaps_deriv, pm = run_wl_sim(params, cosmo=cosmo, num=ii) for jj, z_source in enumerate(params['zs_source']): kmap = kmaps[jj] mapfile = os.path.join( dirs['maps'], 'map_decon_zsource%d_map%d_of%d' % (z_source * 10, ii, params['N_maps']) + '.npy') save_2Dmap(kmap, mapfile) if rank == 0: print('2D map #%d at z_s=%.1f dumped to %s' % (ii, z_source, mapfile)) end = time.time() if rank == 0: print('time taken per sim in sec %d' % ((end - sims_start) / (params['N_maps'] * len(params['zs_source'])))) print('time takes before sims in sec %d' % (sims_start - start))
def main(): """ Script to compute FOF halos from treepm DM catalog. Compute virial mass which is needed for HOD models. Note: Before March 2020, used mass given by number of particles in halo, see psiRec/psirec/ """ ap = ArgumentParser() ap.add_argument('treepm', help='Directory of TreePM matter field, e.g. /scratch/treepm_0.1000/') ap.add_argument('ll', type=float, help='Linking length of finding halos, e.g. 0.2 or 0.168', default=0.2) ap.add_argument('fof', help=('Output directory of halo catalogs, e.g. ' '/scratch/treepm_0.1000/fof . Will write to {fof}/{ll_nmin_mvir}')) ap.add_argument('--nmin', type=int, default=20, help='min number of particles to be in the catalogue') ap.add_argument('--with-peak', help='Find Peaks KDDensity estimation (slow)', default=False) ns = ap.parse_args() cat = BigFileCatalog(ns.treepm, header='Header', dataset='1/') cat.attrs['BoxSize'] = np.ones(3) * cat.attrs['BoxSize'][0] cat.attrs['Nmesh'] = np.ones(3) * 512.0 # in TreePM catalog, there is no 'NC' attribute cosmo = Planck15.match(Omega0_m=cat.attrs['Omega0']) # In TreePM, we need to use 'Omega0' instead of 'OmegaM' in FastPM. # csize is the total number of particles M0 = (cat.attrs['Omega0'][0] * 27.75 * 1e10 * cat.attrs['BoxSize'].prod() / cat.csize) redshift = 1.0/cat.attrs['Time'][0]-1.0 if cat.comm.rank == 0: print('BoxSize', cat.attrs['BoxSize']) print('Mass of a particle', M0) print('OmegaM', cosmo.Om0) print('attrs', cat.attrs.keys()) print('Redshift', redshift) if ns.with_peak: posdef = 'peak' else: posdef = 'cm' # Halos which have more than nmin particles are selected. fof = FOF(cat, linking_length=ns.ll, nmin=ns.nmin) # Compute halo catalog. Mass column contains virial mass, which is needed # to get concentration needed for hod. halos = fof.to_halos( cosmo=cosmo, redshift=redshift, particle_mass=M0, mdef='vir', posdef=posdef, peakcolumn='Density') halos['log10M'] = np.log10(halos['Mass']) # print info if fof.comm.rank == 0: print('Total number of halos found', halos.csize) print('Saving columns', halos.columns) if not os.path.exists(ns.fof): os.makedirs(ns.fof) # Save the halo catalog to disk so can easily load it later to populate # galaxies with hod. out_fname = ns.fof + '/ll_{0:.3f}_nmin{1}_mvir'.format(ns.ll, ns.nmin+1) if ns.with_peak: out_fname += '_peakpos' # MS: Somehow crashes b/c some ranks don't see header file. running # a second time works though. maybe write header first with # single rank?, halos.columns) if fof.comm.rank == 0: print('Saved HaloCatalog to %s' % out_fname)
def run_hod(cat, HOD_model_name=None, hod_seed=42, add_RSD=False, RSD_LOS=None): """ Run HOD to get galaxy catalog from input halo catalog. Parameters ---------- cat : nbodykit Catalog object Input halo catalog, should use virial mass as 'Mass' column. """ if cat.comm.rank == 0: print('HOD model: %s' % HOD_model_name) cat.attrs['BoxSize'] = np.ones(3) * cat.attrs['BoxSize'][0] cat.attrs['Nmesh'] = np.ones( 3) * 512.0 # in TreePM catalog, there is no 'NC' attribute cosmo = Planck15.match(Omega0_m=cat.attrs['Omega0']) # In TreePM, we need to use 'Omega0' instead of 'OmegaM' in FastPM. # csize is the total number of particles M0 = (cat.attrs['Omega0'][0] * 27.75 * 1e10 * cat.attrs['BoxSize'].prod() / cat.csize) redshift = 1.0 / cat.attrs['Time'][0] - 1.0 # convert to HaloCatalog halos = HaloCatalog(cat, cosmo, redshift) if cat.comm.rank == 0: print('BoxSize', halos.attrs['BoxSize']) print('attrs', halos.attrs.keys()) print('RSDFactor', halos.attrs['RSDFactor']) print('Columns', halos.columns) # Define HOD if HOD_model_name in [ 'Zheng07_HandSeljak17_v2', 'Zheng07_HandSeljak17_centrals_v2', 'Zheng07_HandSeljak17_sats_v2', 'Zheng07_HandSeljak17_parent_halos_v2' ]: # (1) Hand & Seljak 1706.02362: # Uses {log10 Mmin, sigma log10 M, log10 M1, alpha, log10 Mcut} = {12.99, 0.308, 14.08, 0.824, 13.20}. # See Reid et al eq 17-19 # (2) halotools docs on zheng07 model: # See # logMmin - Minimum mass required for a halo to host a central galaxy. # sigma_logM - Rate of transition from <Ncen>=0 -> <Ncen=1>. # alpha - Power law slope of the relation between halo mass and <Nsat>. # logM0 - Low-mass cutoff in <Nsat>. # logM1 - Characteristic halo mass where <Nsat> begins to assume a power law form. # 11 June 2020: Zheng07_HandSeljak17_v2 uses fixed RSDFactor, which was wrong by factor of 1/a before. hodmodel = Zheng07Model.to_halotools(cosmo=cosmo, redshift=redshift, mdef='vir') # HOD parameters from Hand & Seljak 1706.02362 hodmodel.param_dict['logMmin'] = 12.99 hodmodel.param_dict['sigma_logM'] = 0.308 hodmodel.param_dict['logM1'] = 14.08 hodmodel.param_dict['alpha'] = 1.06 hodmodel.param_dict[ 'logM0'] = 13.20 # this is called Mcut in Hand et al and Reid et al. if cat.comm.rank == 0: print('Use zheng07model with:', hodmodel.param_dict) # Run HOD galcat = halos.populate(hodmodel, seed=hod_seed) # select which galaxies to keep if HOD_model_name == 'Zheng07_HandSeljak17_v2': # keep all pass elif HOD_model_name == 'Zheng07_HandSeljak17_centrals_v2': # select only centrals ww = galcat['gal_type'] == 0 # 0: central, 1: satellite galcat = galcat[ww] elif HOD_model_name == 'Zheng07_HandSeljak17_sats_v2': # select only satellites ww = galcat['gal_type'] == 1 # 0: central, 1: satellite galcat = galcat[ww] elif HOD_model_name == 'Zheng07_HandSeljak17_parent_halos_v2': # select centrals ww = galcat['gal_type'] == 0 # 0: central, 1: satellite galcat = galcat[ww] # set position to that of parent halo (in Mpc/h) halo_pos = galcat['Position'].compute() + np.nan halo_pos[:, 0] = galcat['halo_x'].compute() halo_pos[:, 1] = galcat['halo_y'].compute() halo_pos[:, 2] = galcat['halo_z'].compute() galcat['Position'] = halo_pos del halo_pos # set velocity to that of parent halo (in km/s) halo_vel = galcat['Velocity'].compute() + np.nan halo_vel[:, 0] = galcat['halo_vx'].compute() halo_vel[:, 1] = galcat['halo_vy'].compute() halo_vel[:, 2] = galcat['halo_vz'].compute() galcat['Velocity'] = halo_vel del halo_vel # Get RSD displacement = v_z/(aH(a)), where v_z is halo velocity. # Compute rsd_factor = 1/(aH(a)) = (1+z)/H(z) # see rsd_factor = (1. + redshift) / (100. * cosmo.efunc(redshift)) raise Exception( 'this is not correct for ms_gadget which has a^2 dx/dt for velocity.' ) galcat['VelocityOffset'] = rsd_factor * galcat['Velocity'] # columns: ['Position', 'Selection', 'Value', 'Velocity', 'VelocityOffset', 'Weight', 'conc_NFWmodel', 'gal_type', 'halo_hostid', 'halo_id', 'halo_mvir', 'halo_num_centrals', 'halo_num_satellites', 'halo_rvir', 'halo_upid', 'halo_vx', 'halo_vy', 'halo_vz', 'halo_x', 'halo_y', 'halo_z', 'host_centric_distance', 'vx', 'vy', 'vz', 'x', 'y', 'z'] else: raise Exception('Unknown hod_model %s' % HOD_model_name) if add_RSD: assert type(RSD_LOS) == np.ndarray assert RSD_LOS.shape == (3, ) print('cat attrs:', galcat.attrs) # It seems like halos.populate gives satellite velocity in km/s by drawing from NFW profile, and sets central velocity equal to halo velocity. # But not sure what units are assumed for halo velocity. Note we have different velocity a prefactor in ms_gadget and new MP-Gadget format. # Also, should probably use peak velocity instead of bulk velocity of halos for the centrals velocity. # So HOD just seems screwed up. raise Exception( 'todo: use RSDFactor of the catalog! VelocityOffset can be wrong by factor of a if catalog has a^2 dx/dt (ms_gadget) instead of a dx/dt.' ) galcat['Position'] = (galcat['Position'] + galcat['VelocityOffset'] * RSD_LOS) if cat.comm.rank == 0: print('galcat', galcat) print('attrs', galcat.attrs) print('columns', galcat.columns) print('fsat', galcat.attrs['fsat']) return galcat
def __init__(self, githash, label, rnum, local_path, alter_path=None): """ loads the parameter file of the run githash: string, abridged githash of commit under which the run was performed label : string, label of the run rnum : int, number of run under this label and githash local_path: string, path under which parameter files have been stored """ #-------------------------------------------------------------# params_path = os.path.join(local_path, 'runs', githash) params_file = os.path.join(params_path, label + '%d.json' % rnum) with open(params_file, 'r') as f: self.params = json.load(f) if alter_path is None: path_name = os.path.join(self.params['output_path'], self.params['label'] + '%d/' % rnum) else: path_name = os.path.join(alter_path, self.params['label'] + '%d/' % rnum) self.dirs = {} for result in ['cls', 'maps', 'snapshots']: self.dirs[result] = os.path.join(path_name, result) #-------------------------------------------------------------# cosmo = Planck15.match(Omega0_m=self.params['Omega_m']) self.cosmo = cosmo.match(sigma8=self.params['sigma_8']) = ParticleMesh(Nmesh=self.params['Nmesh'], BoxSize=self.params['BoxSize'], resampler='cic') BoxSize2D = [deg / 180. * np.pi for deg in self.params['BoxSize2D']] self.pm2D = ParticleMesh(BoxSize=BoxSize2D, Nmesh=self.params['Nmesh2D'], resampler='cic') z_int = np.logspace(-8, np.log10(1500), 10000) chis = cosmo.comoving_distance(z_int) #Mpc/h self.z_chi_int = scipy.interpolate.interp1d(chis, z_int, kind=3, bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.) self.theory_cls = {} self.measured_cls = {} print( 'Loading run with BoxSize %d, Nmesh %d, SourceRedshift %.2f, PGD %s and interpolation %s.' % (self.params['BoxSize'][0], self.params['Nmesh'][0], self.params['zs_source'][0], str( self.params['PGD']), str(self.params['interpolate']))) # count how many maps have been dumped NN = len(os.listdir(self.dirs['maps'])) if NN < self.params['N_maps']: print( 'less maps produces than requested. Requested:%d Produced:%d' % (self.params['N_maps'], NN)) self.N_maps = NN print('%d maps were produced in this run' % self.N_maps) self.Nyquist_3D = np.pi *[0] /[0] self.Nyquist_2D = np.pi * self.pm2D.Nmesh[0] / self.pm2D.BoxSize[0]