Esempio n. 1
    def _get_raw_image_data(self, image_group_number, channel_offset, height, width):
        Reads the raw bytes and the timestamp of an image.

        :param image_group_number: groups are made of images with the same time index, field of view and z-level.
        :type image_group_number: int
        :param channel_offset: the offset in the array where the bytes for this image are found.
        :type channel_offset: int

        :return: (int, array.array()) or None

        chunk = self._label_map[six.b("ImageDataSeq|%d!" % image_group_number)]
        data = read_chunk(self._file_handle, chunk)
        # All images in the same image group share the same timestamp! So if you have complicated image data,
        # your timestamps may not be entirely accurate. Practically speaking though, they'll only be off by a few
        # seconds unless you're doing something super weird.
        timestamp = struct.unpack("d", data[:8])[0]
        image_group_data = array.array("H", data)
        image_data_start = 4 + channel_offset
        # The images for the various channels are interleaved within the same array. For example, the second image
        # of a four image group will be composed of bytes 2, 6, 10, etc. If you understand why someone would design
        # a data structure that way, please send the author of this library a message.
        image_data = np.reshape(image_group_data[image_data_start::len(self._metadata.channels)], (height, width))
        # Skip images that are all zeros! This is important, since NIS Elements creates blank "gap" images if you
        # don't have the same number of images each cycle. We discovered this because we only took GFP images every
        # other cycle to reduce phototoxicity, but NIS Elements still allocated memory as if we were going to take
        # them every cycle.
        if np.any(image_data):
            return timestamp, Image(image_data)
        raise NoImageError
Esempio n. 2
    def _parse_metadata(self):
        Reads all metadata.

        metadata_dict = {}
        self._label_map = self._build_label_map()
        for label in self._label_map.keys():
            if label.endswith(six.b("LV!")) or six.b("LV|") in label:
                data = read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map[label])
                stop = label.index(six.b("LV"))
                metadata_dict[label[:stop]] = self._read_metadata(data, 1)

        height = metadata_dict[six.b('ImageAttributes')][six.b('SLxImageAttributes')][six.b('uiHeight')]
        width = metadata_dict[six.b('ImageAttributes')][six.b('SLxImageAttributes')][six.b('uiWidth')]
        channels = self._parse_channels(metadata_dict)
        date = self._parse_date(metadata_dict)
        fields_of_view = self._parse_fields_of_view(metadata_dict)
        frames = self._parse_frames(metadata_dict)
        z_levels = self._parse_z_levels(metadata_dict)
        total_images_per_channel = self._parse_total_images_per_channel(metadata_dict)
        self._metadata = Metadata(height, width, channels, date, fields_of_view, frames, z_levels, total_images_per_channel)
Esempio n. 3
    def _parse_metadata(self):
        Reads all metadata.

        metadata_dict = {}
        self._label_map = self._build_label_map()
        for label in self._label_map.keys():
            if label.endswith(six.b("LV!")) or six.b("LV|") in label:
                data = read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map[label])
                stop = label.index(six.b("LV"))
                metadata_dict[label[:stop]] = self._read_metadata(data, 1)

        height = metadata_dict[six.b("ImageAttributes")][six.b("SLxImageAttributes")][six.b("uiHeight")]
        width = metadata_dict[six.b("ImageAttributes")][six.b("SLxImageAttributes")][six.b("uiWidth")]
        channels = self._parse_channels(metadata_dict)
        date = self._parse_date(metadata_dict)
        fields_of_view = self._parse_fields_of_view(metadata_dict)
        frames = self._parse_frames(metadata_dict)
        z_levels = self._parse_z_levels(metadata_dict)
        total_images_per_channel = self._parse_total_images_per_channel(metadata_dict)
        self._metadata = Metadata(
            height, width, channels, date, fields_of_view, frames, z_levels, total_images_per_channel
Esempio n. 4
 def image_calibration(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_calibration), 1)
Esempio n. 5
 def image_metadata_sequence(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_metadata_sequence), 1)
Esempio n. 6
 def image_text_info(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_text_info), 1)
Esempio n. 7
 def image_metadata(self):
     if self._label_map.image_metadata:
         return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_metadata), 1)
Esempio n. 8
 def image_text_info(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_text_info), 1)
Esempio n. 9
 def custom_data(self):
     return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.custom_data))
Esempio n. 10
 def lut_data(self):
     return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.lut_data))
Esempio n. 11
 def grabber_settings(self):
     return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.grabber_settings))
Esempio n. 12
 def lut_data(self):
     return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.lut_data))
Esempio n. 13
 def roi_metadata(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.roi_metadata), 1)
Esempio n. 14
 def image_attributes(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_attributes), 1)
Esempio n. 15
 def image_calibration(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_calibration), 1)
Esempio n. 16
 def image_metadata_sequence(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_metadata_sequence), 1)
Esempio n. 17
 def image_attributes(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_attributes), 1)
Esempio n. 18
 def roi_metadata(self):
     return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.roi_metadata), 1)
Esempio n. 19
 def custom_data(self):
     return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.custom_data))
Esempio n. 20
 def grabber_settings(self):
     return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.grabber_settings))
Esempio n. 21
 def app_info(self):
     return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.app_info))
Esempio n. 22
 def app_info(self):
     return xmltodict.parse(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.app_info))
Esempio n. 23
 def image_metadata(self):
     if self._label_map.image_metadata:
         return read_metadata(read_chunk(self._fh, self._label_map.image_metadata), 1)