Esempio n. 1
def determine_sampling_interval(duration, loop):
    """Determines the loop sampling interval in milliseconds

        duration: loop duration in milliseconds
        loop: loop dictionary

        float: the sampling interval in milliseconds

    interval = get_from_dict_if_exists('dPeriod', loop)
    avg_interval = get_from_dict_if_exists('dAvgPeriodDiff', loop)

    if interval is None or interval <= 0:
        interval = avg_interval
        avg_interval_set = avg_interval is not None and avg_interval > 0

        if round(avg_interval) != round(interval) and avg_interval_set:
            message = ("Reported average frame interval (%.1f ms) doesn't"
                       " match the set interval (%.1f ms). Using the average"
                       " now.")
            warnings.warn(message % (avg_interval, interval), RuntimeWarning)
            interval = avg_interval

    if interval is None or interval <= 0:
        # In some cases, both keys are not saved. Then try to calculate it.
        interval = guess_sampling_from_loops(duration, loop)

    return interval
Esempio n. 2
    def test_get_from_dict_if_exists(self):
        test_dict = {
            six.b('existing'): 'test',
            'string': 'test2'

        self.assertIsNone(get_from_dict_if_exists('nowhere', test_dict))
        self.assertEqual(get_from_dict_if_exists('existing', test_dict), 'test')
        self.assertEqual(get_from_dict_if_exists('string', test_dict, convert_key_to_binary=False), 'test2')
Esempio n. 3
    def _determine_sampling_interval(duration, loop):
        """Determines the loop sampling interval in milliseconds

            duration: loop duration in milliseconds
            loop: loop dictionary

            float: the sampling interval in milliseconds

        interval = get_from_dict_if_exists('dPeriod', loop)
        if interval is None or interval <= 0:
            # Use a fallback if it is still not found
            interval = get_from_dict_if_exists('dAvgPeriodDiff', loop)
        if interval is None or interval <= 0:
            # In some cases, both keys are not saved. Then try to calculate it.
            interval = RawMetadata._guess_sampling_from_loops(duration, loop)
        return interval
Esempio n. 4
    def _parse_loop_data(self, loop_data):
        """Parse the experimental loop data

            loop_data: dictionary of experiment loops

            list: list of the parsed loops

        loops = get_loops_from_data(loop_data)

        # take into account the absolute time in ms
        time_offset = 0

        parsed_loops = []

        for loop in loops:
            # duration of this loop
            duration = get_from_dict_if_exists('dDuration', loop) or 0
            interval = determine_sampling_interval(duration, loop)

            # if duration is not saved, infer it
            duration = self.get_duration_from_interval_and_loops(
                duration, interval, loop)

            # uiLoopType == 6 is a stimulation loop
            is_stimulation = get_from_dict_if_exists('uiLoopType', loop) == 6

            parsed_loop = {
                'start': time_offset,
                'duration': duration,
                'stimulation': is_stimulation,
                'sampling_interval': interval


            # increase the time offset
            time_offset += duration

        return parsed_loops
Esempio n. 5
def guess_sampling_from_loops(duration, loop):
    """ In some cases, both keys are not saved. Then try to calculate it.
        duration: the total duration of the loop
        loop: the raw loop data

        float: the guessed sampling interval in milliseconds

    number_of_loops = get_from_dict_if_exists('uiCount', loop)
    number_of_loops = number_of_loops if number_of_loops is not None and number_of_loops > 0 else 1
    interval = duration / number_of_loops
    return interval
Esempio n. 6
    def get_duration_from_interval_and_loops(self, duration, interval, loop):
        """Infers the duration of the loop from the number of measurements and the interval

            duration: loop duration in milliseconds
            duration: measurement interval in milliseconds
            loop: loop dictionary

            float: the loop duration in milliseconds

        if duration == 0 and interval > 0:
            number_of_loops = get_from_dict_if_exists('uiCount', loop)
            number_of_loops = number_of_loops if number_of_loops is not None and number_of_loops > 0 else 1
            duration = interval * number_of_loops

        return duration