Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, driver_wrapper=None, force=False):
        self.driver_wrapper = driver_wrapper if driver_wrapper else DriverWrappersPool.get_default_wrapper(
        self.force = force
        if not self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional(
                'VisualTests', 'enabled') and not self.force:
        if 'PerceptualEngine' not in globals():
            raise Exception(
                'The visual tests are enabled, but needle is not installed')

        self.utils = self.driver_wrapper.utils
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.output_directory = DriverWrappersPool.visual_output_directory

        # Update baseline with real platformVersion value
        if '{platformVersion}' in self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name:
            platform_version = self.driver_wrapper.driver.desired_capabilities[
            baseline_name = self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name.replace(
                '{platformVersion}', platform_version)
            self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name = baseline_name
            self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory = os.path.join(
                DriverWrappersPool.output_directory, 'visualtests', 'baseline',

        self.baseline_directory = self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory
        engine_type = self.driver_wrapper.config.get_optional(
            'VisualTests', 'engine', 'pil')
        if engine_type == 'perceptualdiff':
            self.engine = PerceptualEngine()
        # elif engine_type == 'imagemagick':
        #    self.engine = MagickEngine()
        elif engine_type == 'pil':
            self.engine = PilEngine()
                "Engine '{}' not found, using pil instead. Review your properties.cfg file."
            self.engine = PilEngine()
        self.save_baseline = self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional(
            'VisualTests', 'save')

        # Create folders
        if not os.path.exists(self.baseline_directory):
        if not os.path.exists(self.output_directory):

        # Copy html template to output directory
        orig_template_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'resources',
        dst_template_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory,
        if not os.path.exists(dst_template_path):
            shutil.copyfile(orig_template_path, dst_template_path)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, driver_wrapper=None, force=False):
        self.driver_wrapper = driver_wrapper if driver_wrapper else DriverWrappersPool.get_default_wrapper()
        self.force = force
        if not self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'enabled') and not self.force:
        if 'PerceptualEngine' not in globals():
            raise Exception('The visual tests are enabled, but needle is not installed')

        self.utils = self.driver_wrapper.utils
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.output_directory = DriverWrappersPool.visual_output_directory

        # Update baseline with real platformVersion value
        if '{platformVersion}' in self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name:
            platform_version = self.driver_wrapper.driver.desired_capabilities['platformVersion']
            baseline_name = self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name.replace('{platformVersion}', platform_version)
            self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name = baseline_name
            self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory = os.path.join(DriverWrappersPool.visual_baseline_directory,

        self.baseline_directory = self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory
        engine_type = self.driver_wrapper.config.get_optional('VisualTests', 'engine', 'pil')
        if engine_type == 'perceptualdiff':
            self.engine = PerceptualEngine()
        elif engine_type == 'imagemagick':
            if 'MagickEngine' not in globals():
                self.logger.warn("Engine '{}' not found, using pil instead. It should be installed "
                                 "the master version of needle, not the 0.3.".format(engine_type))
                self.engine = PilEngine()
                self.engine = MagickEngine()
        elif engine_type == 'pil':
            self.engine = PilEngine()
                "Engine '{}' not found, using pil instead. Review your properties.cfg file.".format(engine_type))
            self.engine = PilEngine()
        self.save_baseline = self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'save')

        # Create folders
        if not os.path.exists(self.baseline_directory):
        if not os.path.exists(self.output_directory):

        # Copy html template to output directory
        orig_template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'resources', self.template_name)
        dst_template_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name)
        if not os.path.exists(dst_template_path):
            shutil.copyfile(orig_template_path, dst_template_path)
Esempio n. 3
class VisualTest(object):
    """Visual testing class

    :type driver_wrapper: toolium.driver_wrapper.DriverWrapper
    template_name = 'VisualTestsTemplate.html'  #: name of the report template
    report_name = 'VisualTests.html'  #: final visual report name
    driver_wrapper = None  #: driver wrapper instance
    results = {'equal': 0, 'diff': 0, 'baseline': 0}  #: dict to save visual assert results
    force = False  #: if True, screenshot is compared even if visual testing is disabled by configuration

    def __init__(self, driver_wrapper=None, force=False):
        self.driver_wrapper = driver_wrapper if driver_wrapper else DriverWrappersPool.get_default_wrapper()
        self.force = force
        if not self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'enabled') and not self.force:
        if 'PerceptualEngine' not in globals():
            raise Exception('The visual tests are enabled, but needle is not installed')

        self.utils = self.driver_wrapper.utils
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.output_directory = DriverWrappersPool.visual_output_directory

        # Update baseline with real platformVersion value
        if '{platformVersion}' in self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name:
            platform_version = self.driver_wrapper.driver.desired_capabilities['platformVersion']
            baseline_name = self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name.replace('{platformVersion}', platform_version)
            self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name = baseline_name
            self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory = os.path.join(DriverWrappersPool.output_directory,
                                                                         'visualtests', 'baseline', baseline_name)

        self.baseline_directory = self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory
        engine_type = self.driver_wrapper.config.get_optional('VisualTests', 'engine', 'pil')
        if engine_type == 'perceptualdiff':
            self.engine = PerceptualEngine()
        # elif engine_type == 'imagemagick':
        #    self.engine = MagickEngine()
        elif engine_type == 'pil':
            self.engine = PilEngine()
                "Engine '{}' not found, using pil instead. Review your properties.cfg file.".format(engine_type))
            self.engine = PilEngine()
        self.save_baseline = self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'save')

        # Create folders
        if not os.path.exists(self.baseline_directory):
        if not os.path.exists(self.output_directory):

        # Copy html template to output directory
        orig_template_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'resources', self.template_name)
        dst_template_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name)
        if not os.path.exists(dst_template_path):
            shutil.copyfile(orig_template_path, dst_template_path)

    def assert_screenshot(self, element, filename, file_suffix=None, threshold=0, exclude_elements=[]):
        """Assert that a screenshot of an element is the same as a screenshot on disk, within a given threshold

        :param element: either a WebElement, PageElement or element locator as a tuple (locator_type, locator_value).
                        If None, a full screenshot is taken.
        :param filename: the filename for the screenshot, which will be appended with ``.png``
        :param file_suffix: a string to be appended to the output filename
        :param threshold: percentage threshold for triggering a test failure (value between 0 and 1)
        :param exclude_elements: list of WebElements, PageElements or element locators as a tuple (locator_type,
                                 locator_value) that must be excluded from the assertion
        if not self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'enabled') and not self.force:
        if not (isinstance(threshold, int) or isinstance(threshold, float)) or threshold < 0 or threshold > 1:
            raise TypeError('Threshold must be a number between 0 and 1: {}'.format(threshold))

        # Search elements
        web_element = self.utils.get_web_element(element)
        exclude_web_elements = [self.utils.get_web_element(exclude_element) for exclude_element in exclude_elements]

        baseline_file = os.path.join(self.baseline_directory, '{}.png'.format(filename))
        filename_with_suffix = '{0}__{1}'.format(filename, file_suffix) if file_suffix else filename
        unique_name = '{0:0=2d}_{1}.png'.format(DriverWrappersPool.visual_number, filename_with_suffix)
        output_file = os.path.join(self.output_directory, unique_name)
        report_name = '{}<br>({})'.format(file_suffix, filename)

        # Get screenshot and modify it
        if (web_element or (exclude_web_elements and len(exclude_web_elements) > 0) or
                self.driver_wrapper.is_ios_test() or self.driver_wrapper.is_android_web_test()):
            img =
            img = self.mobile_resize(img)
            img = self.exclude_elements(img, exclude_web_elements)
            img = self.crop_element(img, web_element)
            # Faster method if the screenshot must not be modified
        DriverWrappersPool.visual_number += 1

        # Determine whether we should save the baseline image
        if self.save_baseline or not os.path.exists(baseline_file):
            # Copy screenshot to baseline
            shutil.copyfile(output_file, baseline_file)

            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'complete_report'):
                self._add_result_to_report('baseline', report_name, output_file, None, 'Screenshot added to baseline')

            self.logger.debug("Visual screenshot '{}' saved in visualtests/baseline folder".format(filename))
            # Compare the screenshots
            self.compare_files(report_name, output_file, baseline_file, threshold)

    def mobile_resize(self, img):
        """Resize image in iOS (native and web) and Android (web) to fit window size

        :param img: image object
        :returns: modified image object
        if self.driver_wrapper.is_ios_test() or self.driver_wrapper.is_android_web_test():
            scale = img.size[0] / self.utils.get_window_size()['width']
            if scale != 1:
                new_image_size = (int(img.size[0] / scale), int(img.size[1] / scale))
                img = img.resize(new_image_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
        return img

    def get_element_box(self, web_element):
        """Get element coordinates

        :param web_element: WebElement object
        :returns: tuple with element coordinates
        offset = self.utils.get_safari_navigation_bar_height()
        location = web_element.location
        size = web_element.size
        return (int(location['x']), int(location['y'] + offset),
                int(location['x'] + size['width']), int(location['y'] + offset + size['height']))

    def crop_element(self, img, web_element):
        """Crop image to fit element

        :param img: image object
        :param web_element: WebElement object
        :returns: modified image object
        if web_element:
            img = img.crop(self.get_element_box(web_element))
        return img

    def exclude_elements(self, img, web_elements):
        """Modify image hiding elements with a black rectangle

        :param img: image object
        :param web_elements: WebElement objects to be excluded
        if web_elements and len(web_elements) > 0:
            img = img.convert("RGBA")
            pixel_data = img.load()

            for web_element in web_elements:
                element_box = self.get_element_box(web_element)
                for x, y in itertools.product(xrange(element_box[0], element_box[2]),
                                              xrange(element_box[1], element_box[3])):
                        pixel_data[x, y] = (0, 0, 0, 255)
                    except IndexError:

        return img

    def compare_files(self, report_name, image_file, baseline_file, threshold):
        """Compare two image files and add result to the html report

        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_file: image file path
        :param baseline_file: baseline image file path
        :param threshold: percentage threshold
        :returns: error message
        if isinstance(self.engine, PilEngine):
            # Pil needs a pixel number threshold instead of a percentage threshold
            width, height =
            threshold = int(width * height * threshold)
            self.engine.assertSameFiles(image_file, baseline_file, threshold)
            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'complete_report'):
                self._add_result_to_report('equal', report_name, image_file, baseline_file)
            return None
        except AssertionError as exc:
            self._add_result_to_report('diff', report_name, image_file, baseline_file, str(exc))
            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional('VisualTests', 'fail') or self.force:
                raise exc
                self.logger.warn('Visual error: {}'.format(str(exc)))
                return str(exc)

    def _add_result_to_report(self, result, report_name, image_file, baseline_file, message=None):
        """Add the result of a visual test to the html report

        :param result: comparation result (equal, diff, baseline)
        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_file: image file path
        :param baseline_file: baseline image file path
        :param message: error message
        self.results[result] += 1
        row = self._get_html_row(result, report_name, image_file, baseline_file, message)
        self._add_data_to_report_before_tag(row, '</tbody>')

    def _add_data_to_report_before_tag(self, data, tag):
        """Add data to visual report before tag

        :param data: data to be added
        :param tag: data will be added before this tag
        with open(os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name), "r+") as f:
            report =
            index = report.find(tag)
            report = report[:index] + data + report[index:]

    def _update_report_summary(self):
        """Update asserts counter in report"""
        new_results = 'Visual asserts</b>: {} ({} failed)'.format(sum(self.results.values()), self.results['diff'])
        with open(os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name), "r+") as f:
            report =
            report = re.sub(r'Visual asserts</b>: [0-9]* \([0-9]* failed\)', new_results, report)

    def _add_summary_to_report(self):
        """Add visual data summary to the html report"""
        summary = '<p><b>Execution date</b>: {}</p>'.format('%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
        summary += '<p><b>Baseline name</b>: {}</p>'.format(path.basename(self.baseline_directory))
        summary += '<p><b>Visual asserts</b>: {} ({} failed)</p>'.format(sum(self.results.values()),
        self._add_data_to_report_before_tag(summary, '</div>')

    def _get_html_row(self, result, report_name, image_file, baseline_file, message=None):
        """Create the html row with the result of a visual test

        :param result: comparation result (equal, diff, baseline)
        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_file: image file path
        :param baseline_file: baseline image file path
        :param message: error message
        :returns: str with the html row
        img = '<img style="width: 100%" onclick="launchModal(this.src)" src="{}"/></td>'
        row = '<tr class=' + result + '>'
        row += '<td>' + report_name + '</td>'

        # baseline column
        baseline_col = img.format(
            path.relpath(baseline_file, self.output_directory).replace('\\', '/')) if baseline_file else ''
        row += '<td>' + baseline_col + '</td>'

        # image column
        image_col = img.format(path.relpath(image_file, self.output_directory).replace('\\', '/')) if image_file else ''
        row += '<td>' + image_col + '</td>'

        # diff column
        diff_file = image_file.replace('.png', '.diff.png')
        if os.path.exists(diff_file):
            # perceptualdiff engine
            diff_col = img.format(path.relpath(diff_file, self.output_directory).replace('\\', '/'))
        elif message is None:
            diff_col = ''
        elif message == '' or 'Image dimensions do not match' in message:
            # pil or perceptualdiff engine
            diff_col = 'Image dimensions do not match'
        elif 'by a distance of' in message:
            # pil engine
            m ='\(by a distance of (.*)\)', message)
            diff_col = + ' pixels are different'
        elif 'pixels are different' in message:
            # perceptualdiff engine without diff image
            m ='([0-9]*) pixels are different', message)
            diff_col = + ' pixels are different'
            diff_col = message
        row += '<td>' + diff_col + '</td>'

        row += '</tr>'
        return row
Esempio n. 4
class VisualTest(object):
    """Visual testing class

    :type driver_wrapper: toolium.driver_wrapper.DriverWrapper
    template_name = 'VisualTestsTemplate.html'  #: name of the report template
    report_name = 'VisualTests.html'  #: final visual report name
    driver_wrapper = None  #: driver wrapper instance
    results = {
        'equal': 0,
        'diff': 0,
        'baseline': 0
    }  #: dict to save visual assert results
    force = False  #: if True, screenshot is compared even if visual testing is disabled by configuration

    def __init__(self, driver_wrapper=None, force=False):
        self.driver_wrapper = driver_wrapper if driver_wrapper else DriverWrappersPool.get_default_wrapper(
        self.force = force
        if not self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional(
                'VisualTests', 'enabled') and not self.force:
        if 'PerceptualEngine' not in globals():
            raise Exception(
                'The visual tests are enabled, but needle is not installed')

        self.utils = self.driver_wrapper.utils
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.output_directory = DriverWrappersPool.visual_output_directory

        # Update baseline with real platformVersion value
        if '{platformVersion}' in self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name:
            platform_version = self.driver_wrapper.driver.desired_capabilities[
            baseline_name = self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name.replace(
                '{platformVersion}', platform_version)
            self.driver_wrapper.baseline_name = baseline_name
            self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory = os.path.join(
                DriverWrappersPool.visual_baseline_directory, baseline_name)

        self.baseline_directory = self.driver_wrapper.visual_baseline_directory
        engine_type = self.driver_wrapper.config.get_optional(
            'VisualTests', 'engine', 'pil')
        if engine_type == 'perceptualdiff':
            self.engine = PerceptualEngine()
        elif engine_type == 'imagemagick' and 'MagickEngine' not in globals():
                "Engine '%s' not found, using pil instead. You need needle 0.4+ to use this engine.",
            self.engine = PilEngine()
        elif engine_type == 'imagemagick':
            self.engine = MagickEngine()
        elif engine_type == 'pil':
            self.engine = PilEngine()
                "Engine '%s' not found, using pil instead. Review your properties.cfg file.",
            self.engine = PilEngine()
        self.save_baseline = self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional(
            'VisualTests', 'save')

        # Create folders
        if not os.path.exists(self.baseline_directory):
        if not os.path.exists(self.output_directory):

        # Copy html template to output directory
        orig_template_path = os.path.join(
            os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), 'resources',
        dst_template_path = os.path.join(self.output_directory,
        if not os.path.exists(dst_template_path):
            shutil.copyfile(orig_template_path, dst_template_path)

    def assert_screenshot(self,
        """Assert that a screenshot of an element is the same as a screenshot on disk, within a given threshold

        :param element: either a WebElement, PageElement or element locator as a tuple (locator_type, locator_value).
                        If None, a full screenshot is taken.
        :param filename: the filename for the screenshot, which will be appended with ``.png``
        :param file_suffix: a string to be appended to the output filename
        :param threshold: percentage threshold for triggering a test failure (value between 0 and 1)
        :param exclude_elements: list of WebElements, PageElements or element locators as a tuple (locator_type,
                                 locator_value) that must be excluded from the assertion
        if not self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional(
                'VisualTests', 'enabled') and not self.force:
        if not (isinstance(threshold, int) or isinstance(
                threshold, float)) or threshold < 0 or threshold > 1:
            raise TypeError(
                'Threshold must be a number between 0 and 1: {}'.format(

        # Search elements
        web_element = self.utils.get_web_element(element)
        exclude_web_elements = [
            for exclude_element in exclude_elements

        baseline_file = os.path.join(self.baseline_directory,
        filename_with_suffix = '{0}__{1}'.format(
            filename, file_suffix) if file_suffix else filename
        unique_name = '{0:0=2d}_{1}.png'.format(
            DriverWrappersPool.visual_number, filename_with_suffix)
        output_file = os.path.join(self.output_directory, unique_name)
        report_name = '{}<br>({})'.format(file_suffix, filename)

        # Get screenshot and modify it
        scrolls_size = self.get_scrolls_size()
        if (scrolls_size['x'] > 0 or scrolls_size['y'] > 0 or web_element
                or (exclude_web_elements and len(exclude_web_elements) > 0)
                or self.driver_wrapper.config.get(
                    'Driver', 'type').split('-')[0] == 'iexplore'
                or self.driver_wrapper.is_ios_test()
                or self.driver_wrapper.is_android_web_test()):
            img =
            img = self.remove_scrolls(img, scrolls_size)
            img = self.mobile_resize(img)
            img = self.exclude_elements(img, exclude_web_elements)
            img = self.crop_element(img, web_element)
            # Faster method if the screenshot must not be modified
        DriverWrappersPool.visual_number += 1

        # Determine whether we should save the baseline image
        if self.save_baseline or not os.path.exists(baseline_file):
            # Copy screenshot to baseline
            shutil.copyfile(output_file, baseline_file)

            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional(
                    'VisualTests', 'complete_report'):
                self._add_result_to_report('baseline', report_name,
                                           output_file, None,
                                           'Screenshot added to baseline')

                "Visual screenshot '%s' saved in visualtests/baseline folder",
            # Compare the screenshots
            self.compare_files(report_name, output_file, baseline_file,

    def get_scrolls_size(self):
        """Return Chrome and Explorer scrolls sizes if they are visible
        Firefox screenshots don't contain scrolls

        :returns: dict with horizontal and vertical scrolls sizes
        scroll_x = 0
        scroll_y = 0
        if (self.driver_wrapper.config.get(
                'Driver', 'type').split('-')[0] in ['chrome', 'iexplore']
                and not self.driver_wrapper.is_mobile_test()):
            scroll_height = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script(
                "return document.body.scrollHeight")
            scroll_width = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script(
                "return document.body.scrollWidth")
            window_height = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script(
                "return window.innerHeight")
            window_width = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script(
                "return window.innerWidth")
            scroll_size = 21 if self.driver_wrapper.config.get(
                'Driver', 'type').split('-')[0] == 'iexplore' else 17
            scroll_x = scroll_size if scroll_width > window_width else 0
            scroll_y = scroll_size if scroll_height > window_height else 0
        return {'x': scroll_x, 'y': scroll_y}

    def remove_scrolls(img, scrolls_size):
        """Remove browser scrolls from image if they are visible

        :param img: image object
        :param scrolls_size: dict with horizontal and vertical scrolls sizes
        :returns: modified image object
        if scrolls_size['x'] > 0 or scrolls_size['y'] > 0:
            new_image_width = img.size[0] - scrolls_size['y']
            new_image_height = img.size[1] - scrolls_size['x']
            img = img.crop((0, 0, new_image_width, new_image_height))
        return img

    def mobile_resize(self, img):
        """Resize image in iOS (native and web) and Android (web) to fit window size

        :param img: image object
        :returns: modified image object
        if self.driver_wrapper.is_ios_test(
        ) or self.driver_wrapper.is_android_web_test():
            scale = img.size[0] / self.utils.get_window_size()['width']
            if scale != 1:
                new_image_size = (int(img.size[0] / scale),
                                  int(img.size[1] / scale))
                img = img.resize(new_image_size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
        return img

    def get_element_box(self, web_element):
        """Get element coordinates

        :param web_element: WebElement object
        :returns: tuple with element coordinates
        scroll_x = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script(
            "return window.pageXOffset")
        scroll_x = scroll_x if scroll_x else 0
        scroll_y = self.driver_wrapper.driver.execute_script(
            "return window.pageYOffset")
        scroll_y = scroll_y if scroll_y else 0
        offset_x = -scroll_x
        offset_y = self.utils.get_safari_navigation_bar_height() - scroll_y

        location = web_element.location
        size = web_element.size
        return (int(location['x']) + offset_x, int(location['y'] + offset_y),
                int(location['x'] + offset_x + size['width']),
                int(location['y'] + offset_y + size['height']))

    def crop_element(self, img, web_element):
        """Crop image to fit element

        :param img: image object
        :param web_element: WebElement object
        :returns: modified image object
        if web_element:
            element_box = self.get_element_box(web_element)
            # Reduce element box if it is greater than image size
            element_max_x = img.size[
                0] if element_box[2] > img.size[0] else element_box[2]
            element_max_y = img.size[
                1] if element_box[3] > img.size[1] else element_box[3]
            element_box = (element_box[0], element_box[1], element_max_x,
            img = img.crop(element_box)
        return img

    def exclude_elements(self, img, web_elements):
        """Modify image hiding elements with a black rectangle

        :param img: image object
        :param web_elements: WebElement objects to be excluded
        if web_elements and len(web_elements) > 0:
            img = img.convert("RGBA")
            pixel_data = img.load()

            for web_element in web_elements:
                element_box = self.get_element_box(web_element)
                for x, y in itertools.product(
                        xrange(element_box[0], element_box[2]),
                        xrange(element_box[1], element_box[3])):
                        pixel_data[x, y] = (0, 0, 0, 255)
                    except IndexError:

        return img

    def compare_files(self, report_name, image_file, baseline_file, threshold):
        """Compare two image files and add result to the html report

        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_file: image file path
        :param baseline_file: baseline image file path
        :param threshold: percentage threshold
        :returns: error message
        if isinstance(self.engine, PilEngine):
            # Pil needs a pixel number threshold instead of a percentage threshold
            width, height =
            threshold = int(width * height * threshold)
            self.engine.assertSameFiles(image_file, baseline_file, threshold)
            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional(
                    'VisualTests', 'complete_report'):
                self._add_result_to_report('equal', report_name, image_file,
            return None
        except AssertionError as exc:
            self._add_result_to_report('diff', report_name, image_file,
                                       baseline_file, str(exc))
            if self.driver_wrapper.config.getboolean_optional(
                    'VisualTests', 'fail') or self.force:
                raise exc
                self.logger.warning('Visual error: %s', str(exc))
                return str(exc)

    def _add_result_to_report(self,
        """Add the result of a visual test to the html report

        :param result: comparation result (equal, diff, baseline)
        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_file: image file path
        :param baseline_file: baseline image file path
        :param message: error message
        self.results[result] += 1
        row = self._get_html_row(result, report_name, image_file,
                                 baseline_file, message)
        self._add_data_to_report_before_tag(row, '</tbody>')

    def _add_data_to_report_before_tag(self, data, tag):
        """Add data to visual report before tag

        :param data: data to be added
        :param tag: data will be added before this tag
        with open(os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name),
                  "r+") as f:
            report =
            index = report.find(tag)
            report = report[:index] + data + report[index:]

    def _update_report_summary(self):
        """Update asserts counter in report"""
        new_results = 'Visual asserts</b>: {} ({} failed)'.format(
            sum(self.results.values()), self.results['diff'])
        with open(os.path.join(self.output_directory, self.report_name),
                  "r+") as f:
            report =
            report = re.sub(r'Visual asserts</b>: [0-9]* \([0-9]* failed\)',
                            new_results, report)

    def _add_summary_to_report(self):
        """Add visual data summary to the html report"""
        summary = '<p><b>Execution date</b>: {}</p>'.format(
  '%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S'))
        summary += '<p><b>Baseline name</b>: {}</p>'.format(
        summary += '<p><b>Visual asserts</b>: {} ({} failed)</p>'.format(
            sum(self.results.values()), self.results['diff'])
        self._add_data_to_report_before_tag(summary, '</div>')

    def _get_html_row(self,
        """Create the html row with the result of a visual test

        :param result: comparation result (equal, diff, baseline)
        :param report_name: name to show in html report
        :param image_file: image file path
        :param baseline_file: baseline image file path
        :param message: error message
        :returns: str with the html row
        img = '<img style="width: 100%" onclick="launchModal(this.src)" src="{}"/></td>'
        row = '<tr class=' + result + '>'
        row += '<td>' + report_name + '</td>'

        # baseline column
        baseline_col = img.format(
            path.relpath(baseline_file, self.output_directory).replace(
                '\\', '/')) if baseline_file else ''
        row += '<td>' + baseline_col + '</td>'

        # image column
        image_col = img.format(
            path.relpath(image_file, self.output_directory).replace(
                '\\', '/')) if image_file else ''
        row += '<td>' + image_col + '</td>'

        # diff column
        diff_file = image_file.replace('.png', '.diff.png')
        if os.path.exists(diff_file):
            # perceptualdiff engine
            diff_col = img.format(
                             self.output_directory).replace('\\', '/'))
        elif message is None:
            diff_col = ''
        elif message == '' or 'Image dimensions do not match' in message:
            # pil or perceptualdiff engine
            diff_col = 'Image dimensions do not match'
        elif 'by a distance of' in message:
            # pil engine
            m ='\(by a distance of (.*)\)', message)
            diff_col = + ' pixels are different'
        elif 'pixels are different' in message:
            # perceptualdiff engine without diff image
            m ='([0-9]*) pixels are different', message)
            diff_col = + ' pixels are different'
            diff_col = message
        row += '<td>' + diff_col + '</td>'

        row += '</tr>'
        return row