Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(
            self, workspace: OptPathLike = None, basedir: OptPathLike = None,
            pwd: OptBytes = None) -> None:
        """Initialize instance variables and load workspace from file."""

        # Initialize instance variables with default values
        self.config = self._default_config.copy()
        self._ws = wsfile.WsFile()
        self.paths = [env.expand(path) for path in self._default_paths]
        self.logger = log.get_instance()

        # Bind session to workspace
        self.parent = self._ws

        # Load session configuration from file
        if env.is_file(self._config_file_path):

        # Load workspace from file
        filepath: OptPath = None
        if workspace and isinstance(workspace, (Path, str)):
            filepath = Path(workspace)
        elif self.config.get('restore_on_startup'):
            cfg_path = self.config.get('path')
            if isinstance(cfg_path, (Path, str)):
                filepath = Path(cfg_path)
        if isinstance(filepath, Path):
            self.load(workspace=filepath, basedir=basedir, pwd=pwd)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self,
                 workspace: OptPathLike = None,
                 basedir: OptPathLike = None,
                 pwd: OptBytes = None) -> None:
        """Initialize instance variables and load workspace from file."""

        # Initialize instance variables with default values
        self.config = self._default_config.copy()
        self._ws = wsfile.WsFile()
        self.paths = [env.expand(path) for path in self._default_paths]
        self.logger = log.get_instance()

        # Bind session to workspace
        self.parent = self._ws

        # Load session configuration from file
        if env.is_file(self._config_file_path):

        # Load workspace from file
        filepath: OptPath = None
        if workspace and isinstance(workspace, (Path, str)):
            filepath = Path(workspace)
        elif self.config.get('restore_on_startup'):
            cfg_path = self.config.get('path')
            if isinstance(cfg_path, (Path, str)):
                filepath = Path(cfg_path)
        if isinstance(filepath, Path):
            self.load(workspace=filepath, basedir=basedir, pwd=pwd)
Esempio n. 3
    def load(self, filepath: PathLike, pwd: OptBytes = None) -> None:
        """Load Workspace from file.

            filepath: String or :term:`path-like object`, that points to a valid
                workspace file. If the filepath points to a valid workspace
                file, then the class instance is initialized with a memory copy
                of the file. If the given file, however, does not exist, isn't a
                valid ZipFile, or does not contain a workspace configuration,
                respectively one of the errors FileNotFoundError, BadZipFile or
                BadWsFile is raised.
            pwd: Bytes representing password of workspace file.

        # Initialize instance Variables, Buffer and buffered ZipFile
        self._changed = False
        self._path = env.expand(filepath)
        self._pwd = pwd
        self._buffer = BytesIO()
        self._file = ZipFile(self._buffer, mode='w')

        # Copy contents from ZipFile to buffered ZipFile
        with warnings.catch_warnings():
            warnings.simplefilter("ignore", UserWarning)
                with ZipFile(self.path, mode='r') as fh:
                    for zinfo in fh.infolist():
                        data =, pwd=pwd)
                        # TODO ([email protected]): The zipfile standard
                        # module currently does not support encryption in write
                        # mode of new ZipFiles. See:
                        # When support is provided, the below line for writing
                        # files shall be replaced by:
                        # self._file.writestr(zinfo, data, pwd=pwd)
                        self._file.writestr(zinfo, data)
            except FileNotFoundError as err:
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    f"file '{self.path}' does not exist") from err
            except BadZipFile as err:
                raise BadZipFile(
                    f"file '{self.path}' is not a valid ZIP file") from err

        # Try to open and load workspace configuration from buffer
        structure = {
            'dc': self._get_attr_types(group='dc'),
            'hooks': self._get_attr_types(category='hooks')}
            with as file:
                cfg = inifile.load(file, structure=structure)
        except KeyError as err:
            raise BadWsFile(
                f"workspace '{self.path}' is not valid: "
                f"file '{self._config_file}' could not be loaded") from err

        # Link configuration
        self._set_attr_values(cfg.get('dc', {}), group='dc') # type: ignore
Esempio n. 4
    def append(self, source: PathLike, target: OptPathLike = None) -> bool:
        """Append file to the workspace.

            source: String or :term:`path-like object`, that points to a valid
                file in the directory structure if the system. If the file does
                not exist, a FileNotFoundError is raised. If the filepath points
                to a directory, a IsADirectoryError is raised.
            target: String or :term:`path-like object`, that points to a valid
                directory in the directory structure of the workspace. By
                default the root directory is used. If the directory does not
                exist, a FileNotFoundError is raised. If the target directory
                already contains a file, which name equals the filename of the
                source, a FileExistsError is raised.

            Boolean value which is True if the file has been appended.

        # Check source file
        src_file = env.expand(source)
        if not src_file.exists():
            raise FileNotFoundError(f"file '{src_file}' does not exist")
        if src_file.is_dir():
            raise IsADirectoryError(f"'{src_file}' is a directory not a file")

        # Check target directory
        if target:
            tgt_dir = PurePath(target).as_posix() + '/'
            if not self._locate(tgt_dir):
                raise FileNotFoundError(
                    f"workspace directory '{tgt_dir}' does not exist")
            tgt_dir = '.'
        tgt_file = Path(tgt_dir,
        if self._locate(tgt_file):
            raise FileExistsError(
                f"workspace directory '{tgt_dir}' already contains a file "
                f"with name '{}'")

        # Create ZipInfo entry from source file
        filename = PurePath(tgt_file).as_posix()
        date_time = time.localtime(src_file.stat().st_mtime)[:6]
        zinfo = ZipInfo(filename=filename, date_time=date_time) # type: ignore

        # Copy file to archive
        with'rb') as src:
            data =
        # TODO ([email protected]): The zipfile standard module currently
        # does not support encryption in write mode. See:
        # When support is provided, the below line shall be replaced by:
        # self._file.writestr(zinfo, data, pwd=pwd)
        self._file.writestr(zinfo, data)

        return True
Esempio n. 5
    def _get_path_expand(self,
                         check: bool = False,
                         create: bool = False):
        """Get expanded path.

            path (string or tuple or list):
            check (bool):
            create (bool):

            String containing expanded path.


        import os
        from nemoa.base import env

        path = str(env.join_path(args))

        # expand nemoa environment variables
        base = self._get_base()
        udict = {
            self._get_workspace() or 'none',
            self._get_base() or 'none',

        for key, val in self._config['default']['basepath'].items():
            udict[key] = str(env.join_path(val))
        for key, val in self._config['current']['path'].items():
            udict[key] = str(env.join_path(val))

        path = str(env.expand(path, udict=udict))

        # (optional) create directory
        if create:

        # (optional) check path
        if check and not os.path.exists(path):
            return None

        return path
Esempio n. 6
    def _set_path(self, path: PathLike) -> bool:
        """Set filepath.

        Path to a file containing or referencing the resource.

            Boolean value which is True on success, else False.

        if not isinstance(path, (str, tuple, Path)):
            raise TypeError("attribute 'path' is required to be path-like"
                            f", not '{type(path)}'")

        self._config['path'] = env.expand(path)

        return True
Esempio n. 7
    def _locate_logfile(
            self, filepath: PathLike = _default_file) -> OptPath:
        # Get valid logfile from filepath
        if isinstance(filepath, (str, Path)):
            logfile = env.expand(filepath)
            if env.touch(logfile):
                return logfile

        # Get temporary logfile
        logfile = Path(tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile().name + '.log')
        if env.touch(logfile):
                f"logfile '{filepath}' is not valid: "
                f"using temporary logfile '{logfile}'")
            return logfile
        return None
Esempio n. 8
    def _set_path(self, path: PathLike) -> bool:
        """Set filepath.

        Path to a file containing or referencing the resource.

            Boolean value which is True on success, else False.

        if not isinstance(path, (str, tuple, Path)):
            raise TypeError(
                "attribute 'path' is required to be path-like"
                f", not '{type(path)}'")

        self._config['path'] = env.expand(path)

        return True
Esempio n. 9
 def _locate_path(self,
                  workspace: OptPathLike = None,
                  basedir: OptPathLike = None) -> OptPath:
     if not workspace:
         return None
     if not basedir:
         # If workspace is a fully qualified file path in the directory
         # structure of the system, ignore the 'paths' list
         if env.is_file(workspace):
             return env.expand(workspace)
         # Use the 'paths' list to find a workspace
         for path in self.paths:
             candidate = Path(path, workspace)
             if candidate.is_file():
                 return candidate
         raise FileNotFoundError(f"file {workspace} does not exist")
     return Path(basedir, workspace)
Esempio n. 10
 def _locate_path(
         self, workspace: OptPathLike = None,
         basedir: OptPathLike = None) -> OptPath:
     if not workspace:
         return None
     if not basedir:
         # If workspace is a fully qualified file path in the directory
         # structure of the system, ignore the 'paths' list
         if env.is_file(workspace):
             return env.expand(workspace)
         # Use the 'paths' list to find a workspace
         for path in self.paths:
             candidate = Path(path, workspace)
             if candidate.is_file():
                 return candidate
         raise FileNotFoundError(
             f"file {workspace} does not exist")
     return Path(basedir, workspace)
Esempio n. 11
def as_path(text: str, expand: bool = True) -> Path:
    """Convert text into list.

        text: String representing a path.
        expand: Boolen value, whoch determines, if variables in environmental
            path variables are expanded.

        Value of the text as Path.

    # Check types of Arguments
    check.has_type("first argument 'text'", text, str)
    check.has_type("argument 'expand'", expand, bool)

    if expand:
        return env.expand(text)
    return Path(text)
Esempio n. 12
def as_path(text: str, expand: bool = True) -> Path:
    """Convert text into list.

        text: String representing a path.
        expand: Boolen value, whoch determines, if variables in environmental
            path variables are expanded.

        Value of the text as Path.

    # Check types of Arguments
    check.has_type("first argument 'text'", text, str)
    check.has_type("argument 'expand'", expand, bool)

    if expand:
        return env.expand(text)
    return Path(text)
Esempio n. 13
    def saveas(self, filepath: PathLike) -> None:
        """Save the workspace to a file.

            filepath: String or :term:`path-like object`, that represents the
                name of a workspace file.

        path = env.expand(filepath)

        # Update datetime =

        # Update 'workspace.ini'
        with, mode='w') as file:
                'dc': self._get_attr_values(group='dc'),
                'hooks': self._get_attr_values(category='hooks')}, file)

        # Remove duplicates from workspace

        # Mark plattform, which created the files as Windows
        # to avoid inference of wrong Unix permissions
        for zinfo in self._file.infolist():
            zinfo.create_system = 0

        # Close ZipArchive (to allow to read the buffer)

        # Read buffer and write workspace file
        if not isinstance(self._buffer, BytesIO):
            raise TypeError("buffer has not been initialized")
        with open(path, 'wb') as file:

        # Close buffer

        # Reload saved workpace from file
        self.load(path, pwd=self._pwd)
Esempio n. 14
 def test_expand(self) -> None:
     udict = {'var1': 'a/%var2%', 'var2': 'b'}
     val = env.expand('%var1%/c', 'd', udict=udict)
     self.assertEqual(val, Path('a/b/c/d'))
Esempio n. 15
 def test_expand(self) -> None:
     udict = {'var1': 'a/%var2%', 'var2': 'b'}
     val = env.expand('%var1%/c', 'd', udict=udict)
     self.assertEqual(val, Path('a/b/c/d'))
Esempio n. 16
 def _open_from_path(self, path: PathLike, *args: Any,
                     **kwds: Any) -> io.IOBase:
     self._file = open(env.expand(path), *args, **kwds)  # type: ignore
     self._close = True
     return self._file