Esempio n. 1
def test_no_outputs(nb_file):
    """Ensure that no cells have output."""
    pytest.importorskip("IPython", minversion="3.0")
    nb = load_notebook(os.path.join(examples_dir, "%s.ipynb" % nb_file))
    for cell in iter_cells(nb):
        assert cell.outputs == [], "Cell outputs not cleared"
        assert cell.execution_count is None, "Execution count not cleared"
Esempio n. 2
def test_no_outputs(nb_file):
    """Ensure that no cells have output."""
    pytest.importorskip("IPython", minversion="3.0")
    nb = load_notebook(os.path.join(examples_dir, "%s.ipynb" % nb_file))
    for cell in iter_cells(nb):
        assert cell.outputs == [], "Cell outputs not cleared"
        assert cell.execution_count is None, "Execution count not cleared"