Esempio n. 1
class GPU(Backend):
    Sets up a NervanaGPU based backend for matrix operations.
    Note that some functions defined in the generic Backend class such as are
    cross-map pooling and normalization and adaDelta are not implemented for
    this backend.
    default_dtype = np.float32

    def __init__(self, rng_seed, stochastic_round=False, device_id=0): = NervanaGPU(stochastic_round=stochastic_round)"Initialized NervanaGPU with stochastic_round=%s",
        self.rng_seed = rng_seed
        self.device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else 0

    def __getstate__(self):
        Defines what and how we go about serializing an instance of this class.

            self.__dict__: The full contents of the backend class instance,
                           except for the mem_pool which is on device and
                           cannot be serialized.
        if hasattr(self, 'mem_pool') and self.mem_pool is not None:
            self.mem_pool_pickle = {'shape': self.mem_pool.shape,
                                    'dtype': np.float32}
            self.mem_pool = None

        return self.__dict__

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        Defines how we go about deserializing into an instance of this class.

            self.__dict__: The full contents of the backend class instance,
                           except for the mem_pool which is on device and
                           cannot be serialized.
        self.mem_pool =['shape'],

    def init_mempool(self, shape, dtype=default_dtype):
        Allocates a memory pool for temporary storage
        self.mem_pool =, dtype=dtype)

    def alloc_host_mem(self, shape, dtype):
        return drv.pagelocked_empty(shape, dtype, order="C", mem_flags=0)

    def create_stream(self):
        return drv.Stream()

    def async_copy(self, dest, src, stream=None):
        drv.memcpy_htod_async(dest.gpudata, src, stream)

    def rng_init(self):
        Initialize and seed the pseudo random number genrator. Random numbers
        are generated on the host using numpy, then transfered to device.
        seed = None
        if 'rng_seed' in self.__dict__:
            seed = self.rng_seed
  "Seeding random number generator with: %s", str(seed))

    def flop_timing_init(self, decorate_fc, decorate_conv, decorate_ew):
        Initialize FLOP timing.  Wraps the specified MOP calls via a decorator
        to record elapsed time and number of operations.

           decorate_fc (list): string giving the function names of fully
                               connected layer forward/backward/update calls
                               to time.
           decorate_conv (list): string giving the function names of
                                 convolutional layer forward/backward/update
                                 calls to time.
           decorate_ew (list): string giving the function names of element-wise
                               calls to time.

            Must be called prior to first flop_timing_start call
        self.start = drv.Event()
        self.end = drv.Event()
        self.flop_timer = FlopsDecorator(self)

    def flop_timinig_start(self):
        Start a new FLOP timer.
            None: dummy value (not used)
        return self.start.record()

    def flop_timing_finish(self, start_time):
        Complete current FLOP timing.

            start_time (unused): ignored.

            float: elapsed time in seconds since prior flop_timing_start call.
        return self.end.time_since(self.start)

    def uniform(self, low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=1, dtype=default_dtype,
                persist_values=True, name=None, allocator=drv.mem_alloc):
        generate numpy random number and convert to a GPUTensor.
        If called with dype=None it will probably explode
        ary = np.random.uniform(low, high, shape)
        return, dtype=dtype, name=name)

    def normal(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=1, dtype=default_dtype,
               persist_values=True, name=None, allocator=drv.mem_alloc):
        Gaussian/Normal random number sample generation
        ary = np.random.normal(loc, scale, size)
        return, dtype=dtype, name=name)

    def fprop_fc(self, out, inputs, weights, layer=None):
        Forward propagate the inputs of a fully connected network layer to
        produce output pre-activations (ready for transformation by an
        activation function).

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the forward propagated results.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            layer (Layer): The layer object.
        """, inputs, out)

    def bprop_fc(self, out, weights, deltas, layer=None):
        Backward propagate the error through a fully connected network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the backward propagated errors.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            layer (Layer): The layer object.
        """, deltas, out)

    def update_fc(self, out, inputs, deltas, layer=None):
        Compute the updated gradient for a fully connected network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the updated gradient value.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            layer (Layer): The layer object.
        """, inputs.T, out)

    def fprop_conv(self, out, inputs, weights, ofmshape, ofmsize, ofmlocs,
                   ifmshape, links, nifm, padding, stride, ngroups, fpropbuf,
        Forward propagate the inputs of a convolutional network layer to
        produce output pre-activations (ready for transformation by an
        activation function).

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the forward propagated results.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                             layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              number of height and width neurons).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element
                                  in each output feature map stored in out.
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              number of height and width neurons).  For this
                              backend we expect these values to be square.
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           convolution operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            ngroups (int): Number of groups.
            fpropbuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                  convolved outputs for a single receptive
                                  field.  Not used for this backend.
            local (bool, optional): Whether to do local filtering (True) or
                                    convolution (False, the default)

        N: Number of images in mini-batch
        C: Number of input feature maps
        K: Number of output feature maps

        D: Depth  of input image
        H: Height of input image
        W: Width  of input image

        T: Depth  of filter kernel
        R: Height of filter kernel
        S: Width  of filter kernel
        ''', I=inputs, F=weights, O=out,
                           alpha=1.0, repeat=1)

    def bprop_conv(self, out, weights, deltas, ofmshape, ofmsize, ofmlocs,
                   ifmshape, links, padding, stride, nifm, ngroups, bpropbuf,
        Backward propagate the error through a convolutional network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the backward propagated errors.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element in
                                 each output feature map stored in out.
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           convolution operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            ngroups (int): Number of groups.
            bpropbuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                  backpropagated error for a single receptive
            local (bool, optional): Whether to do local filtering (True) or
                                    convolution (False, the default)
        """, F=weights, E=deltas, grad_I=out,
                           alpha=1.0, repeat=1)

    def update_conv(self, out, inputs, weights, deltas, ofmshape, ofmsize,
                    ofmlocs, ifmshape, links, nifm, padding, stride, ngroups,
                    fwidth, updatebuf, local=False, layer=None):
        Compute the updated gradient for a convolutional network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the updated gradient value.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element in
                                 each output feature map stored in out.
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           convolution operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            ngroups (int): Number of groups.
            fwidth (int): Filter width.
            updatebuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                   updated gradient for a single receptive
            local (bool, optional): Whether to do local filtering (True) or
                                    convolution (False, the default)
            layer (Layer): The layer object.
        """, I=inputs, E=deltas, grad_F=out,
                            alpha=1.0, repeat=1)

    def fprop_pool(self, out, inputs, op, ofmshape, ofmsize, ofmlocs, fshape,
                   ifmshape, links, nifm, padding, stride, fpropbuf):
        Forward propagate the inputs of a Pooling network layer to
        produce output pre-activations (ready for transformation by an
        activation function).

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the forward propagated results.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            op (string): The type of pooling operation to apply.  We support
                         "max", "avg", "l2" currently.
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              number of height and width neurons).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element in
                                 each output feature map stored in out.
            fshape (tuple): Dimensions of each filter (typically height and
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              number of height and width neurons).
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           pooling operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            fpropbuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                  pooled outputs for a single receptive field.
        op = op.lower()
        if op == "max":
  , I=inputs, O=out, repeat=1)
            raise AttributeError("unexpected pooling op type: %s", op)

    def bprop_pool(self, out, fouts, inputs, deltas, op, ofmshape, ofmsize,
                   ofmlocs, fshape, fpsize, ifmshape, links, nifm, padding,
                   stride, bpropbuf):
        Backward propagate the error through a pooling network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the backward propagated errors.
            fouts (GPUTensor): Forward propagated outputs from the previous
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            op (string): The type of pooling operation to apply.  We support
                         "max", "avg", "l2" currently.
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element in
                              each output feature map stored in out.
            fshape (tuple): Dimensions of each filter (typically height and
            fpsize (int): The size of each filter.
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           pooling operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            bpropbuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                  backpropagated error for a single receptive
        op = op.lower()
        if op == "max":
  , I=inputs, E=deltas, grad_I=out,
            raise AttributeError("unexpected pooling op type: %s", op)

    def logistic(self, x, out):
        Logistic sigmoid nonlinearity, 1/(1+exp(-x))

            x (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor

        """, out=out)

        return out

    def rectlin(self, x, out):
        Rectified Linear nonlinearity

            x (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor

        """, 0., out=out)
        return out

    def rectleaky(self, x, slope, out):
        out[:] =, x*slope)

    def rectleaky_derivative(self, x, slope, out):
        out[:] =, 0) * (1.0 - slope) + slope

    def sum(self, tsr, axes, out):

            tsr  (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            axes (int): Axis along which the reduction is performed. If axes
                        is None,  the tensor is flattened and reduced over
                        both dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor
        if axes is None:
            sze = tsr.shape[0]*tsr.shape[1]
  , 1), axis=0, out=out)
  , axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def mean(self, tsr, axes, out):
        Calculates the arithmetic mean of the elements along the specified

            tsr (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            axes (int): Axis along which the reduction is performed. If axes
                        is None,  the tensor is flattened and reduced over
                        both dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor
        if axes is None:
            sze = tsr.shape[0]*tsr.shape[1]
  , 1), axis=0, out=out)
  , axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def min(self, tsr, axes, out):
        Calculates the minimum of the elements along the specified

            tsr (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            axes (int): Axis along which the reduction is performed. If axes
                        is None,  the tensor is flattened and reduced over
                        both dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor
        if axes is None:
            sze = tsr.shape[0]*tsr.shape[1]
  , 1), axis=0, out=out)
  , axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def max(self, tsr, axes, out):
        Calculates the maximum of the elements along the specified

            tsr (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            axes (int): Axis along which the reduction is performed. If axes
                        is None,  the tensor is flattened and reduced over
                        both dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor
        if axes is None:
            sze = tsr.shape[0]*tsr.shape[1]
  , 1), axis=0, out=out)
  , axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def variance(self, tsr, axes, out, mean=None):
        Calculates the variance of the elements along the specified

            tsr (GPUTensor): the tensor on which to compute the variance
            axes (int, list, optional): the dimension(s) along which to
                                        variance.  If set to None, we will
                                        variance over all dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.
            mean (GPUTensor): the tensor containing mean of tsr

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        if mean is None:
            logger.error("GPUTensor requires mean to be specified.")
            raise ValueError("mean not specified"),  axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def fabs(self, x, out):
        Calculates absolute value of the elements in a tensor

            x (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out)
        return out

    def sqrt(self, x, out):
        Calculates square root of the elements in a tensor

            x (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out)
        return out

    def zeros(self, shape, dtype=default_dtype, persist_values=True):
        Allocate a new GPUTensor and fill it with zeros.

            shape (tupel): Shape of the desired GPUTensor
            dtype (dtype): Optional datatype
            persist_values (bool, optional): If set to True (the default), the
                                             values assigned to this Tensor
                                             will persist across multiple begin
                                             and end calls.  Setting to False
                                             may provide a performance increase
                                             if values do not need to be
                                             maintained across such calls

            GPUTensor: output
        return, dtype=dtype)

    def ones(self, shape, dtype=default_dtype, persist_values=True):
        Allocate a new GPUTensor and fill it with ones.

            shape (tupel): Shape of the desired GPUTensor
            dtype (dtype): Optional datatype
            persist_values (bool, optional): If set to True (the default), the
                                             values assigned to this Tensor
                                             will persist across multiple begin
                                             and end calls.  Setting to False
                                             may provide a performance increase
                                             if values do not need to be
                                             maintained across such calls

            GPUTensor: output
        return, dtype=dtype)

    def empty(self, shape, dtype=default_dtype, persist_values=True):
        Allocate a new GPUTensor.

            shape (tupel): Shape of the desired GPUTensor
            dtype (dtype): Optional datatype
            persist_values (bool, optional): If set to True (the default), the
                                             values assigned to this Tensor
                                             will persist across multiple begin
                                             and end calls.  Setting to False
                                             may provide a performance increase
                                             if values do not need to be
                                             maintained across such calls

            GPUTensor: output
        return, dtype=dtype)

    def array(self, ary, dtype=default_dtype, persist_values=True, name=None,
        Allocate a new GPUTensor and fill it with supplied numpy array.

            ary (ndarray): Numpy array with source data
            dtype (dtype, optional): Optional datatype
            persist_values (bool, optional): If set to True (the default), the
                                             values assigned to this Tensor
                                             will persist across multiple begin
                                             and end calls.  Setting to False
                                             may provide a performance increase
                                             if values do not need to be
                                             maintained across such calls
            name (string): Name for the GPUTensor
            allocator (pycuda): Pycuda memory allocator

            GPUTensor: output
        return, dtype=dtype, name=name)

    def add(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise addition

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def subtract(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise subtraction

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def multiply(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise multiplication

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def divide(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise division

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def greater(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise greater than testing

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def equal(self, left, right, out):
        Performs element-wise equality testing on each element of left and
        right, storing the result in out.  Each operand is assumed to be the
        same shape (or broadcastable as such).

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def not_equal(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise not equal testing

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def clip(self, a, a_min, a_max, out):
        Elementwise clipping between a range of specified values

            a (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            a_min (float): floor value.
            a_max (float): ceiling value.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, a_min, a_max, out=out)
        return out

    def log(self, a, out):
        Elementwise base-e logarithm

            a (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out)
        return out

    def tanh(self, a, out):
        Elementwise tanh

            a (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out)
        return out

    def argmax(self, a, out, axis=0):
        Calculates the indices of the maximal element value along the specified
        axis.  If multiple elements contain the maximum, only the elements of
        the first are returned.

            tsr (GPUTensor): The GPUTensor on which to find the maximum indices
            axis (int): The dimension along which to find the maximum.  If set
                        to None, find the overall maximum index of a flattened
                        representation of tsr.
            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the result.  Should be of the
                             appropriate type and expected shape

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out, axis=axis)
        return out

    def softmax(self, x, out):
        Softmax nonlinearity. Computes exp(x-max(x)) / sum_i exp(x_i-max(x_i))

            x (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        out[:] = (
         -, axis=0)), axis=0)) *
         -, axis=0)))
        return out

    def softmax_gradient(self, y, err, out):
        Gradient of the softmax nonlinearity.

            y (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            err (GPUTensor): backpropagated error.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        raise NotImplementedError("Softmax gradient should use shortcut")
        return out

    def make_binary_mask(self, tsr, keepthresh=0.5, dtype=default_dtype):
        Create a binary mask for dropout layers.

            tsr (GPUTensor): Output tensor
            keepthresh (float): fraction of ones
        """, out=tsr)

    def gdm_compound(self, ps_item, us_item, vs_item, momentum_coef,
                     learning_rate, epoch):
        Perform gradient descent update with momentum.

            ps_item (GPUTensor): parameter tensor (e.g. a weight matrix)
            us_item (GPUTensor): update tensor, contains gradient wrt. weights
            vs_item (GPUTensor): velocity tensor.
            momentum_coef (float): momentum coefficient.
            learning_rate (float): learning rate.
            epoch (int): epoch (used in conjunction with diagnostics).

        Outputs are written to vs_item (updated velocity)
        and ps_item (updated weights)
        vs_item[:] = vs_item * momentum_coef - us_item * learning_rate
        ps_item[:] = ps_item + vs_item

    def gdmwd_compound(self, ps_item, us_item, vs_item, momentum_coef,
                       learning_rate, wd, epoch):
        Perform gradient descent update with momentum and weight decay.

            ps_item (GPUTensor): parameter tensor (e.g. a weight matrix)
            us_item (GPUTensor): update tensor, contains gradient wrt. weights
            vs_item (GPUTensor): velocity tensor.
            momentum_coef (float): momentum coefficient.
            learning_rate (float): learning rate.
            wd (float): weight decay parameter.
            epoch (int): epoch (used in conjunction with diagnostics).

            ps_item, the updated weights.
            vs_item, the updated velocity.
            us_item, used as a temp buffer.
        vs_item[:] = vs_item * momentum_coef - us_item * \
            learning_rate - learning_rate * wd * ps_item
        ps_item[:] = ps_item + vs_item

    def exp_mavg(self, mavg, newval, rho):
        Calculate the exponential moving average

            mavg:  The running value of the moving average
            newval:  New sample to be added to the moving average
            rho:  Interpolation value

        mavg[:] = rho * mavg + (1.0 - rho) * newval

    def ada_update(self, ps_item, us_item, gs_item, ds_item, ls_item, ss_item,
                   rho, epsilon):
        Update rule for AdaDelta (Zeiler,

            ps_item: weight / parameter (will be updated)
            us_item: update
            gs_item: expected value of Gradient Squared (will be updated)
            ds_item: expected value of Delta Squared (will be updated)
            ls_item: learning rate (will be updated)
            ss_item: Scratch Space
            rho: decay constant (determines window size)
            epsilon: small positive constant for numerical stability
        # Accumulate E[Grad^2]
        gs_item[:] = gs_item * rho + (1.0 - rho) * us_item * us_item

        # Calculate Updates
        ls_item[:] = + epsilon) /
                                  (gs_item + epsilon)) * (-1.0) * us_item

        # Accumulate E[Delt^2]
        ds_item[:] = ds_item * rho + (1.0 - rho) * ls_item * ls_item

        # Final update to the params
        ps_item[:] = ps_item + ls_item

    def rms_update(self, params, updates, run_squares, velocity, scratch_space,
                   gamma, epsilon, learning_rate, momentum_coef):

        # Update running squares
        run_squares[:] = gamma * run_squares + (1. - gamma) * updates * updates

        # Now scale the gradient by lr / rms(grad) (with a epsilon term for
        # stability) and use it to update the params
        if momentum_coef == 0:
            params[:] = params - learning_rate * updates *
       + epsilon)
            velocity[:] = velocity * momentum_coef - \
                learning_rate * updates * \
       + epsilon)
            params[:] = params + velocity

    def fprop_bn_compound(self, inputs, beta, gamma, eps, xhat,
                          xmean, xvar, gmean, gvar, rho, out):
        Batch normalization forward pass, compounded to run in 3 kernel calls.

            inputs: input data to be normalized
            beta: location parameter
            gamma: scale parameter
            eps: small constant for numerical stability
            xvar: variance (updated)
            xhat: normalized input (updated)
            out: normalized and rescaled input (updated)
        xvar[:] =, axis=1)
        xmean[:] =, axis=1)
        gmean[:] = gmean * rho + (1.0 - rho) * xmean
        gvar[:] = gvar * rho + (1.0 - rho) * xvar

        xvar[:] = + eps))
        xhat[:] = xvar * (inputs - xmean)
        out[:] = xhat * gamma + beta
        return out

    def bprop_bn_compound(self, xhat, error, xvar, gamma,
                          beta_updates, gamma_updates):
        Batch normalization backward pass, compounded to run with 4 kernel

            xhat: normalized input data (updated)
            error: backpropagated deltas (updated)
            xvar: precomputed variance
            gamma: scale parameter
            beta_updates: gradient update for beta (updated)
            gamma_updates: gradient update for gamma (updated)
        gamma_updates[:] = * error, axis=1)
        beta_updates[:] =, axis=1)
        xhat[:] = (xhat * gamma_updates + beta_updates) / float(xhat.shape[1])
        error[:] = xvar * gamma * (error - xhat)
Esempio n. 2
class GPU(Backend):
    Sets up a NervanaGPU based backend for matrix operations.
    Note that some functions defined in the generic Backend class such as are
    cross-map pooling and normalization and adaDelta are not implemented for
    this backend.
    default_dtype = np.float32

    def __init__(self, rng_seed, stochastic_round=False, device_id=0): = NervanaGPU(stochastic_round=stochastic_round)"Initialized NervanaGPU with stochastic_round=%s",
        self.rng_seed = rng_seed
        self.device_id = device_id if device_id is not None else 0

    def __getstate__(self):
        Defines what and how we go about serializing an instance of this class.

            self.__dict__: The full contents of the backend class instance,
                           except for the mem_pool which is on device and
                           cannot be serialized.
        if hasattr(self, 'mem_pool') and self.mem_pool is not None:
            self.mem_pool_pickle = {'shape': self.mem_pool.shape,
                                    'dtype': np.float32}
            self.mem_pool = None

        return self.__dict__

    def __setstate__(self, state):
        Defines how we go about deserializing into an instance of this class.

            self.__dict__: The full contents of the backend class instance,
                           except for the mem_pool which is on device and
                           cannot be serialized.
        self.mem_pool =['shape'],

    def init_mempool(self, shape, dtype=default_dtype):
        Allocates a memory pool for temporary storage
        self.mem_pool =, dtype=dtype)

    def alloc_host_mem(self, shape, dtype):
        return drv.pagelocked_empty(shape, dtype, order="C", mem_flags=0)

    def create_stream(self):
        return drv.Stream()

    def async_copy(self, dest, src, stream=None):
        drv.memcpy_htod_async(dest.gpudata, src, stream)

    def rng_init(self):
        Initialize and seed the pseudo random number genrator. Random numbers
        are generated on the host using numpy, then transfered to device.
        seed = None
        if 'rng_seed' in self.__dict__:
            seed = self.rng_seed
  "Seeding random number generator with: %s", str(seed))

    def flop_timing_init(self, decorate_fc, decorate_conv, decorate_ew):
        Initialize FLOP timing.  Wraps the specified MOP calls via a decorator
        to record elapsed time and number of operations.

           decorate_fc (list): string giving the function names of fully
                               connected layer forward/backward/update calls
                               to time.
           decorate_conv (list): string giving the function names of
                                 convolutional layer forward/backward/update
                                 calls to time.
           decorate_ew (list): string giving the function names of element-wise
                               calls to time.

            Must be called prior to first flop_timing_start call
        self.start = drv.Event()
        self.end = drv.Event()
        self.flop_timer = FlopsDecorator(self)

    def flop_timinig_start(self):
        Start a new FLOP timer.
            None: dummy value (not used)
        return self.start.record()

    def flop_timing_finish(self, start_time):
        Complete current FLOP timing.

            start_time (unused): ignored.

            float: elapsed time in seconds since prior flop_timing_start call.
        return self.end.time_since(self.start)

    def uniform(self, low=0.0, high=1.0, shape=1, dtype=default_dtype,
                persist_values=True, name=None, allocator=drv.mem_alloc):
        generate numpy random number and convert to a GPUTensor.
        If called with dype=None it will probably explode
        ary = np.random.uniform(low, high, shape)
        return GPUTensor(ary.shape, dtype, allocator=allocator, name=name,

    def normal(self, loc=0.0, scale=1.0, size=1, dtype=default_dtype,
               persist_values=True, name=None, allocator=drv.mem_alloc):
        Gaussian/Normal random number sample generation
        ary = np.random.normal(loc, scale, size)
        return GPUTensor(ary.shape, dtype, allocator=allocator, name=name,

    def fprop_fc(self, out, inputs, weights, layer=None):
        Forward propagate the inputs of a fully connected network layer to
        produce output pre-activations (ready for transformation by an
        activation function).

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the forward propagated results.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            layer (Layer): The layer object.
        """, inputs, out)

    def bprop_fc(self, out, weights, deltas, layer=None):
        Backward propagate the error through a fully connected network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the backward propagated errors.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            layer (Layer): The layer object.
        """, deltas, out)

    def update_fc(self, out, inputs, deltas, layer=None):
        Compute the updated gradient for a fully connected network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the updated gradient value.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            layer (Layer): The layer object.
        """, inputs.T, out)

    def fprop_conv(self, out, inputs, weights, ofmshape, ofmsize, ofmlocs,
                   ifmshape, links, nifm, padding, stride, ngroups, fpropbuf,
        Forward propagate the inputs of a convolutional network layer to
        produce output pre-activations (ready for transformation by an
        activation function).

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the forward propagated results.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                             layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              number of height and width neurons).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element
                                  in each output feature map stored in out.
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              number of height and width neurons).  For this
                              backend we expect these values to be square.
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           convolution operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            ngroups (int): Number of groups.
            fpropbuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                  convolved outputs for a single receptive
                                  field.  Not used for this backend.
            local (bool, optional): Whether to do local filtering (True) or
                                    convolution (False, the default)

        N: Number of images in mini-batch
        C: Number of input feature maps
        K: Number of output feature maps

        D: Depth  of input image
        H: Height of input image
        W: Width  of input image

        T: Depth  of filter kernel
        R: Height of filter kernel
        S: Width  of filter kernel
        ''', I=inputs, F=weights, O=out,
                           alpha=1.0, repeat=1)

    def bprop_conv(self, out, weights, deltas, ofmshape, ofmsize, ofmlocs,
                   ifmshape, links, padding, stride, nifm, ngroups, bpropbuf,
        Backward propagate the error through a convolutional network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the backward propagated errors.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element in
                                 each output feature map stored in out.
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           convolution operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            ngroups (int): Number of groups.
            bpropbuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                  backpropagated error for a single receptive
            local (bool, optional): Whether to do local filtering (True) or
                                    convolution (False, the default)
        """, F=weights, E=deltas, grad_I=out,
                           alpha=1.0, repeat=1)

    def update_conv(self, out, inputs, weights, deltas, ofmshape, ofmsize,
                    ofmlocs, ifmshape, links, nifm, padding, stride, ngroups,
                    fwidth, updatebuf, local=False, layer=None):
        Compute the updated gradient for a convolutional network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the updated gradient value.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            weights (GPUTensor): The weight coefficient values for this layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element in
                                 each output feature map stored in out.
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           convolution operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            ngroups (int): Number of groups.
            fwidth (int): Filter width.
            updatebuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                   updated gradient for a single receptive
            local (bool, optional): Whether to do local filtering (True) or
                                    convolution (False, the default)
            layer (Layer): The layer object.
        """, I=inputs, E=deltas, grad_F=out,
                            alpha=1.0, repeat=1)

    def fprop_pool(self, out, inputs, op, ofmshape, ofmsize, ofmlocs, fshape,
                   ifmshape, links, nifm, padding, stride, fpropbuf):
        Forward propagate the inputs of a Pooling network layer to
        produce output pre-activations (ready for transformation by an
        activation function).

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the forward propagated results.
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            op (string): The type of pooling operation to apply.  We support
                         "max", "avg", "l2" currently.
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              number of height and width neurons).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element in
                                 each output feature map stored in out.
            fshape (tuple): Dimensions of each filter (typically height and
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              number of height and width neurons).
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           pooling operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            fpropbuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                  pooled outputs for a single receptive field.
        op = op.lower()
        if op == "max":
  , I=inputs, O=out, repeat=1)
            raise AttributeError("unexpected pooling op type: %s", op)

    def bprop_pool(self, out, fouts, inputs, deltas, op, ofmshape, ofmsize,
                   ofmlocs, fshape, fpsize, ifmshape, links, nifm, padding,
                   stride, bpropbuf):
        Backward propagate the error through a pooling network layer.

            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the backward propagated errors.
            fouts (GPUTensor): Forward propagated outputs from the previous
            inputs (GPUTensor): Will be either the dataset input values (first
                                layer), or the outputs from the previous layer.
            deltas (GPUTensor): The error values for this layer
            op (string): The type of pooling operation to apply.  We support
                         "max", "avg", "l2" currently.
            ofmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each output feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            ofmsize (int): Total size of each output feature map.
            ofmlocs (GPUTensor): Indices giving the location of each element in
                              each output feature map stored in out.
            fshape (tuple): Dimensions of each filter (typically height and
            fpsize (int): The size of each filter.
            ifmshape (tuple): Dimensions of each input feature map (typically
                              height and width).
            links (GPUTensor): Input receptive field indices.
            nifm (int): Total number of input feature maps.
            padding (int): Number of additional elements to include along each
                           dimension of each local receptive field during the
                           pooling operation.
            stride (int): Number of neurons to shift the filter at each step.
            bpropbuf (GPUTensor): Temporary storage buffer used to hold the
                                  backpropagated error for a single receptive
        op = op.lower()
        if op == "max":
  , I=inputs, E=deltas, grad_I=out,
            raise AttributeError("unexpected pooling op type: %s", op)

    def logistic(self, x, out):
        Logistic sigmoid nonlinearity, 1/(1+exp(-x))

            x (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor

        """, out=out)

        return out

    def rectlin(self, x, out):
        Rectified Linear nonlinearity

            x (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor

        """, 0., out=out)
        return out

    def rectleaky(self, x, slope, out):
        out[:] =, x*slope)

    def rectleaky_derivative(self, x, slope, out):
        out[:] =, 0) * (1.0 - slope) + slope

    def sum(self, tsr, axes, out):

            tsr  (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            axes (int): Axis along which the reduction is performed. If axes
                        is None,  the tensor is flattened and reduced over
                        both dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor
        if axes is None:
            sze = tsr.shape[0]*tsr.shape[1]
  , 1), axis=0, out=out)
  , axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def mean(self, tsr, axes, out):
        Calculates the arithmetic mean of the elements along the specified

            tsr (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            axes (int): Axis along which the reduction is performed. If axes
                        is None,  the tensor is flattened and reduced over
                        both dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor
        if axes is None:
            sze = tsr.shape[0]*tsr.shape[1]
  , 1), axis=0, out=out)
  , axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def min(self, tsr, axes, out):
        Calculates the minimum of the elements along the specified

            tsr (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            axes (int): Axis along which the reduction is performed. If axes
                        is None,  the tensor is flattened and reduced over
                        both dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor
        if axes is None:
            sze = tsr.shape[0]*tsr.shape[1]
  , 1), axis=0, out=out)
  , axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def max(self, tsr, axes, out):
        Calculates the maximum of the elements along the specified

            tsr (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            axes (int): Axis along which the reduction is performed. If axes
                        is None,  the tensor is flattened and reduced over
                        both dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor
        if axes is None:
            sze = tsr.shape[0]*tsr.shape[1]
  , 1), axis=0, out=out)
  , axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def variance(self, tsr, axes, out, mean=None):
        Calculates the variance of the elements along the specified

            tsr (GPUTensor): the tensor on which to compute the variance
            axes (int, list, optional): the dimension(s) along which to
                                        variance.  If set to None, we will
                                        variance over all dimensions.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.
            mean (GPUTensor): the tensor containing mean of tsr

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        if mean is None:
            logger.error("GPUTensor requires mean to be specified.")
            raise ValueError("mean not specified"),  axis=axes, out=out)
        return out

    def fabs(self, x, out):
        Calculates absolute value of the elements in a tensor

            x (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out)
        return out

    def sqrt(self, x, out):
        Calculates square root of the elements in a tensor

            x (GPUTensor): Input tensor
            out (GPUTensor): Output tensor

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out)
        return out

    def zeros(self, shape, dtype=default_dtype, persist_values=True):
        Allocate a new GPUTensor and fill it with zeros.

            shape (tupel): Shape of the desired GPUTensor
            dtype (dtype): Optional datatype
            persist_values (bool, optional): If set to True (the default), the
                                             values assigned to this Tensor
                                             will persist across multiple begin
                                             and end calls.  Setting to False
                                             may provide a performance increase
                                             if values do not need to be
                                             maintained across such calls

            GPUTensor: output
        return, dtype=dtype)

    def ones(self, shape, dtype=default_dtype, persist_values=True):
        Allocate a new GPUTensor and fill it with ones.

            shape (tupel): Shape of the desired GPUTensor
            dtype (dtype): Optional datatype
            persist_values (bool, optional): If set to True (the default), the
                                             values assigned to this Tensor
                                             will persist across multiple begin
                                             and end calls.  Setting to False
                                             may provide a performance increase
                                             if values do not need to be
                                             maintained across such calls

            GPUTensor: output
        return, dtype=dtype)

    def empty(self, shape, dtype=default_dtype, persist_values=True):
        Allocate a new GPUTensor.

            shape (tupel): Shape of the desired GPUTensor
            dtype (dtype): Optional datatype
            persist_values (bool, optional): If set to True (the default), the
                                             values assigned to this Tensor
                                             will persist across multiple begin
                                             and end calls.  Setting to False
                                             may provide a performance increase
                                             if values do not need to be
                                             maintained across such calls

            GPUTensor: output
        return, dtype=dtype)

    def array(self, ary, dtype=default_dtype, persist_values=True, name=None,
        Allocate a new GPUTensor and fill it with supplied numpy array.

            ary (ndarray): Numpy array with source data
            dtype (dtype, optional): Optional datatype
            persist_values (bool, optional): If set to True (the default), the
                                             values assigned to this Tensor
                                             will persist across multiple begin
                                             and end calls.  Setting to False
                                             may provide a performance increase
                                             if values do not need to be
                                             maintained across such calls
            name (string): Name for the GPUTensor
            allocator (pycuda): Pycuda memory allocator

            GPUTensor: output
        return GPUTensor(ary.shape, dtype, allocator=allocator, name=name,

    def add(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise addition

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def subtract(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise subtraction

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def multiply(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise multiplication

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def divide(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise division

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def greater(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise greater than testing

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def equal(self, left, right, out):
        Performs element-wise equality testing on each element of left and
        right, storing the result in out.  Each operand is assumed to be the
        same shape (or broadcastable as such).

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def not_equal(self, left, right, out):
        Elementwise not equal testing

            left (GPUTensor, numeric): left-hand side operand.
            right (GPUTensor, numeric): right-hand side operand.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, right, out=out)
        return out

    def clip(self, a, a_min, a_max, out):
        Elementwise clipping between a range of specified values

            a (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            a_min (float): floor value.
            a_max (float): ceiling value.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, a_min, a_max, out=out)
        return out

    def log(self, a, out):
        Elementwise base-e logarithm

            a (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out)
        return out

    def tanh(self, a, out):
        Elementwise tanh

            a (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out)
        return out

    def argmax(self, a, out, axis=0):
        Calculates the indices of the maximal element value along the specified
        axis.  If multiple elements contain the maximum, only the elements of
        the first are returned.

            tsr (GPUTensor): The GPUTensor on which to find the maximum indices
            axis (int): The dimension along which to find the maximum.  If set
                        to None, find the overall maximum index of a flattened
                        representation of tsr.
            out (GPUTensor): Where to store the result.  Should be of the
                             appropriate type and expected shape

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        """, out=out, axis=axis)
        return out

    def softmax(self, x, out):
        Softmax nonlinearity. Computes exp(x-max(x)) / sum_i exp(x_i-max(x_i))

            x (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        out[:] = (
         -, axis=0)), axis=0)) *
         -, axis=0)))
        return out

    def softmax_gradient(self, y, err, out):
        Gradient of the softmax nonlinearity.

            y (GPUTensor): input tensor.
            err (GPUTensor): backpropagated error.
            out (GPUTensor): where the result will be stored.

            GPUTensor: reference to out
        raise NotImplementedError("Softmax gradient should use shortcut")
        return out

    def make_binary_mask(self, tsr, keepthresh=0.5, dtype=default_dtype):
        Create a binary mask for dropout layers.

            tsr (GPUTensor): Output tensor
            keepthresh (float): fraction of ones
        """, out=tsr)

    def gdm_compound(self, ps_item, us_item, vs_item, momentum_coef,
                     learning_rate, epoch):
        Perform gradient descent update with momentum.

            ps_item (GPUTensor): parameter tensor (e.g. a weight matrix)
            us_item (GPUTensor): update tensor, contains gradient wrt. weights
            vs_item (GPUTensor): velocity tensor.
            momentum_coef (float): momentum coefficient.
            learning_rate (float): learning rate.
            epoch (int): epoch (used in conjunction with diagnostics).

        Outputs are written to vs_item (updated velocity)
        and ps_item (updated weights)
        vs_item[:] = vs_item * momentum_coef - us_item * learning_rate
        ps_item[:] = ps_item + vs_item

    def gdmwd_compound(self, ps_item, us_item, vs_item, momentum_coef,
                       learning_rate, wd, epoch):
        Perform gradient descent update with momentum and weight decay.

            ps_item (GPUTensor): parameter tensor (e.g. a weight matrix)
            us_item (GPUTensor): update tensor, contains gradient wrt. weights
            vs_item (GPUTensor): velocity tensor.
            momentum_coef (float): momentum coefficient.
            learning_rate (float): learning rate.
            wd (float): weight decay parameter.
            epoch (int): epoch (used in conjunction with diagnostics).

            ps_item, the updated weights.
            vs_item, the updated velocity.
            us_item, used as a temp buffer.
        vs_item[:] = vs_item * momentum_coef - us_item * \
            learning_rate - learning_rate * wd * ps_item
        ps_item[:] = ps_item + vs_item

    def ada_update(self, ps_item, us_item, gs_item, ds_item, ls_item, ss_item,
                   rho, epsilon):
        Update rule for AdaDelta (Zeiler,

            ps_item: weight / parameter (will be updated)
            us_item: update
            gs_item: expected value of Gradient Squared (will be updated)
            ds_item: expected value of Delta Squared (will be updated)
            ls_item: learning rate (will be updated)
            ss_item: Scratch Space
            rho: decay constant (determines window size)
            epsilon: small positive constant for numerical stability
        # Accumulate E[Grad^2]
        gs_item[:] = gs_item * rho + (1.0 - rho) * us_item * us_item

        # Calculate Updates
        ls_item[:] = + epsilon) /
                                  (gs_item + epsilon)) * (-1.0) * us_item

        # Accumulate E[Delt^2]
        ds_item[:] = ds_item * rho + (1.0 - rho) * ls_item * ls_item

        # Final update to the params
        ps_item[:] = ps_item + ls_item

    def rms_update(self, params, updates, run_squares, velocity, scratch_space,
                   gamma, epsilon, learning_rate, momentum_coef):

        # Update running squares
        run_squares[:] = gamma * run_squares + (1. - gamma) * updates * updates

        # Now scale the gradient by lr / rms(grad) (with a epsilon term for
        # stability) and use it to update the params
        if momentum_coef == 0:
            params[:] = params - learning_rate * updates *
       + epsilon)
            velocity[:] = velocity * momentum_coef - \
                learning_rate * updates * \
       + epsilon)
            params[:] = params + velocity

    def fprop_bn_compound(self, inputs, beta, gamma, eps, xvar, xhat, out):
        Batch normalization forward pass, compounded to run in 3 kernel calls.

            inputs: input data to be normalized
            beta: location parameter
            gamma: scale parameter
            eps: small constant for numerical stability
            xvar: variance (updated)
            xhat: normalized input (updated)
            out: normalized and rescaled input (updated)
        xvar[:] =, axis=1) +
        xhat[:] = xvar * (inputs -, axis=1))
        out[:] = xhat * gamma + beta
        return out

    def bprop_bn_compound(self, xhat, error, xvar, gamma,
                          beta_updates, gamma_updates):
        Batch normalization backward pass, compounded to run with 4 kernel

            xhat: normalized input data (updated)
            error: backpropagated deltas (updated)
            xvar: precomputed variance
            gamma: scale parameter
            beta_updates: gradient update for beta (updated)
            gamma_updates: gradient update for gamma (updated)
        gamma_updates[:] = * error, axis=1)
        beta_updates[:] =, axis=1)
        xhat[:] = (xhat * gamma_updates + beta_updates) / float(xhat.shape[1])
        error[:] = xvar * gamma * (error - xhat)
Esempio n. 3
    cuI = None

    nlF = ng.empty(dimF, dtype=dtype)
    nlF[:] = cuF.T
    cuF = None

    nlE = ng.empty(dimO, dtype=dtype)
    nlE[:] = cuE.T
    cuE = None

    nlB = ng.empty(dimI, dtype=dtype)
    nlU = ng.empty(dimF, dtype=dtype)
    nlO = ng.empty(dimO, dtype=dtype)
    #print drv.mem_get_info()

    ng.fprop_conv (conv, nlI, nlF, nlO, alpha=alpha, repeat=repeat)
    ng.bprop_conv (conv, nlF, nlE, nlB, alpha=alpha, repeat=repeat)
    ng.update_conv(conv, nlI, nlE, nlU, alpha=alpha, repeat=repeat)

    nlI = nlF = nlE = None

    print "\ncudnn vs nervanaLib:"

    parO = ng.empty((N,1), dtype=np.float32)
    parB = ng.empty((N,1), dtype=np.float32)
    parU = ng.empty((K,1), dtype=np.float32)
    maxO = parO[0:1,0:1]
    maxB = parB[0:1,0:1]
    maxU = parU[0:1,0:1]

    maxo  = ng.max(abs(cuO - nlO.T), partial=parO, out=maxO).get()[0,0]
Esempio n. 4
def run():
    ng = NervanaGPU(stochastic_round=False)

    dt = np.float32
    # N: Number of images in mini-batch
    # C: Number of input feature maps
    # K: Number of output feature maps

    # D: Depth  of input image
    # H: Height of input image
    # W: Width  of input image

    # T: Depth  of filter kernel
    # R: Height of filter kernel
    # S: Width  of filter kernel
    # * images:      (numColors, imgSizeY, imgSizeX, numImages) with stride given
    # * filters:     (numColors, filterPixels, numFilters) if conv
    # *              (numModules, numColors, filterPixels, numFilters) otherwise
    # *
    # * targets:     (numFilters, numModulesY, numModulesX, numImages)

    N = 128
    C = 3
    K = 64

    D = 1
    H = 64
    W = 64

    T = 1
    R = 8
    S = 8

    pad_h = pad_w = 0
    str_h = str_w = 4

    layer = ng.conv_layer(dt, N, C, K,
            D=D, H=H, W=W,
            T=T, R=R, S=S,
            pad_d=0, pad_h=pad_h, pad_w=pad_w,
            str_d=1, str_h=str_h, str_w=str_w,
            grid_P=0, grid_Q=0, update_size=None)

    numImages = N 
    numFilters = K

    numModulesY = int(math.ceil(float(H - R + 1 + 2*pad_h) / str_h))
    numModulesX = int(math.ceil(float(W - S + 1 + 2*pad_w) / str_w))

    print "Num Modules ", numModulesX, numModulesY

    # Set up images, filters, and outputs
    # imgd = np.loadtxt("im1.txt")
    # img = np.zeros((64, 64, 3))
    # print imgd.shape
    # for i in range(3):
    #     img[:, :, i] = imgd[i*64:(i+1)*64, :]
    # hostImages = np.tile(img)

    hostImages = np.random.rand(C, H, W, N)
    hostFilters = np.random.uniform(low=0.0, high=1.0, size=(C, S*R, numFilters)) #np.ones((C, S*R, numFilters)) #
    hostOutputs = np.zeros((numFilters, numModulesY, numModulesX, N))

    print "Input sum", np.sum(hostImages)

    # Run cc2 kernel    
    devI = ng.array(hostImages, dtype=dt)
    devF = ng.array(hostFilters, dtype=dt)
    devO = ng.array(hostOutputs, dtype=dt)

    ng.fprop_cuda_conv(layer, devI, devF, devO)

    print "CC2 input sum: ", np.sum(devI.asnumpyarray())
    print "CC2 output sum: ", np.sum(devO.asnumpyarray())

    # Run maxwel kernel
    # images: (C * H * W, N)
    # filters:  (C * S * R , numFilters)
    # outputs:  (numFilters * numModulesX * numModulesY, N)
    devI = ng.array(hostImages.reshape((C*H*W, N)), dtype=dt)
    devF = ng.array(hostFilters.reshape((C*S*R, numFilters)), dtype=dt)
    devO2 = ng.array(hostOutputs.reshape(numFilters*numModulesX*numModulesY, N), dtype=dt)

    ng.fprop_conv(layer, devI, devF, devO2)
    print "NG input sum: ", np.sum(devI.asnumpyarray())
    print "NG output sum: ", np.sum(devO2.asnumpyarray())

    hostOutputs1 = np.reshape(devO.asnumpyarray(), devO2.shape)
    hostOutputs2 = devO2.asnumpyarray()

    for i in xrange(hostOutputs1.shape[0]):
       for j in xrange(hostOutputs1.shape[1]):
           assert(abs(hostOutputs1[i, j] - hostOutputs2[i, j]) < 1e-4)
Esempio n. 5
# cpu output arrays
cpuO = np.zeros(dimO,             dtype=np.float32)
cpuB = np.zeros(slicable(dimI,1), dtype=np.float32)
cpuU = np.zeros(slicable(dimF),   dtype=np.float32)

# give gpu the input array without zero padding (not needed)
devI = ng.array(cpuI[:-1,:].reshape(dimI), dtype=dtype)
devF = ng.array(cpuF.reshape(dimF), dtype=dtype)
devE = ng.array(cpuE, dtype=dtype)

devO = devB = devU = 0

if "fprop"  in ops:
    devO = ng.empty(dimO, dtype=dtype)
    ng.fprop_conv(conv,  devI, devF, devO, alpha=1.0, repeat=repeat)

if "bprop"  in ops:
    devB = ng.empty(dimI, dtype=dtype)
    ng.bprop_conv(conv,  devF, devE, devB, alpha=1.0, repeat=repeat)

if "update" in ops:
    devU = ng.empty(dimF, dtype=dtype)
    ng.update_conv(conv, devI, devE, devU, alpha=1.0, repeat=repeat)

def pixel_indices(mt, pr, qs):

    T,R,S = conv.TRS
    D,H,W = conv.DHW
    C     = conv.C
Esempio n. 6
    cuI = None

    nlF = ng.empty(dimF, dtype=dtype)
    nlF[:] = cuF.T
    cuF = None

    nlE = ng.empty(dimO, dtype=dtype)
    nlE[:] = cuE.T
    cuE = None

    nlB = ng.empty(dimI, dtype=dtype)
    nlU = ng.empty(dimF, dtype=dtype)
    nlO = ng.empty(dimO, dtype=dtype)
    #print drv.mem_get_info()

    ng.fprop_conv(conv, nlI, nlF, nlO, alpha=alpha, repeat=repeat)
    ng.bprop_conv(conv, nlF, nlE, nlB, alpha=alpha, repeat=repeat)
    ng.update_conv(conv, nlI, nlE, nlU, alpha=alpha, repeat=repeat)

    nlI = nlF = nlE = None

    print "\ncudnn vs nervanaLib:"

    parO = ng.empty((N, 1), dtype=np.float32)
    parB = ng.empty((N, 1), dtype=np.float32)
    parU = ng.empty((K, 1), dtype=np.float32)
    maxO = parO[0:1, 0:1]
    maxB = parB[0:1, 0:1]
    maxU = parU[0:1, 0:1]

    maxo = ng.max(abs(cuO - nlO.T), partial=parO, out=maxO).get()[0, 0]
Esempio n. 7
# cpu output arrays
cpuO = np.zeros(dimO,             dtype=np.float32)
cpuB = np.zeros(slicable(dimI,1), dtype=np.float32)
cpuU = np.zeros(slicable(dimF),   dtype=np.float32)

# give gpu the input array without zero padding (not needed)
devI = ng.array(cpuI[:-1,:].reshape(dimI), dtype=dtype)
devF = ng.array(cpuF.reshape(dimF), dtype=dtype)
devE = ng.array(cpuE, dtype=dtype)

devO = devB = devU = 0

if "fprop"  in ops:
    devO = ng.empty(dimO, dtype=dtype)
    ng.fprop_conv(conv,  devI, devF, devO, alpha=1.0, repeat=repeat)

if "bprop"  in ops:
    devB = ng.empty(dimI, dtype=dtype)
    ng.bprop_conv(conv,  devF, devE, devB, alpha=1.0, repeat=repeat)

if "update" in ops:
    devU = ng.empty(dimF, dtype=dtype)
    ng.update_conv(conv, devI, devE, devU, alpha=1.0, repeat=repeat)

def pixel_indices(mt, pr, qs):

    T,R,S = conv.TRS
    D,H,W = conv.DHW
    C     = conv.C