Esempio n. 1
	def reload(self):
		self._nameservers = []
		ns = self._service.nameserversConfig()
		for n in ns:
			ip = IPAddress(n)
			if ip.version == 4:
				cfg = ConfigIP( default=toIP4List(ip.format()))
			elif ip.version == 6:
				cfg = ConfigIP6(default=ip.format())
Esempio n. 2
 def reload(self):
     self._nameservers = []
     ns = self._service.nameserversConfig()
     for n in ns:
         ip = IPAddress(n)
         if ip.version == 4:
             cfg = ConfigIP(default=toIP4List(ip.format()))
         elif ip.version == 6:
             cfg = ConfigIP6(default=ip.format())
def mod_network(ip_addr, unmod_nets, ip_map):

    ip_addr = IPAddress(ip_addr)

    # Looping through the list of unmod_nets and checking if IP is in network, if True then break
    for net in unmod_nets:
        in_network = ip_addr in net
        if in_network:

    # in_network would be False here if IP address wasn't in any of the unmod_networks
    if not in_network:
        return ip_addr.format()

    # Mapping current IP to mod IP
    net = ip_map[net]

    # Converting IPs to binary, only keeping the host and network bits respectively
    ip_addr = ip_addr.bits().replace('.', '')[net.prefixlen:]
    net ='.', '')[:net.prefixlen]

    # Modified IP address
    ip_addr = net + ip_addr
    octet = 8
    ip_addr = '.'.join([str(int(ip_addr[i:i + octet], 2)) for i in range(0, len(ip_addr), octet)])

    return ip_addr
Esempio n. 4
    def ping_check(self):
        bip_selfips = SCMD.tmsh.list("net self", ifc=self.sshifc)
        self_ips = [
            x['address'].split('/')[0] for x in list(bip_selfips.values())
        for self_ip in self_ips:
            self_ip = IPAddress(self_ip)
            if self_ip.version == 4:
                COMMAND = "ping -c 1 %s" % self_ip.format(ipv6_full)
            elif self_ip.version == 6:
                COMMAND = "ping6 -c 1 %s" % self_ip.format(ipv6_full)
                # TODO: Find out why we can't ping using ipv6 address on Lowell's BIG-IQs
                    "You got some weird IP address that isn't ipv4 or ipv6")

  "Ping %s from %s" %
                     (self_ip, self.options.device_biq
                      if self.options.device_biq else self.address_biq))
            resp = SCMD.ssh.generic(COMMAND, ifc=self.sshifc_biq)

            if '100% packet loss' in resp.stdout:
      "device: %s not reachable" % self.device)
                LOG.debug("device: %s - %s" % (self.device, resp))
                raise Exception("device: %s not reachable" % self.device)

        if self.device:
            self_ip = IPAddress(self.device.get_discover_address())
  "Verify given %s from yaml matches one on BIG-IP" %
            for a in list(bip_selfips.values()):
                bip_ip = IPAddress(a['address'].split('/')[0])
                if a['vlan'] == 'internal' and \
                   self_ip.version == bip_ip.version:
                    internal_ip = bip_ip

            if self_ip.format(ipv6_full) != internal_ip.format(ipv6_full):
      "Internal mismatch: %s. %s != %s." %
                         (self.device, self_ip, internal_ip))
                "This isn't ran as stages so skipping internal selfip check")
Esempio n. 5
def test_ipaddress_v4():
    ip = IPAddress('')
    assert ip.version == 4
    assert repr(ip) == "IPAddress('')"
    assert str(ip) == ''
    assert ip.format() == ''
    assert int(ip) == 3221225985
    assert hex(ip) == '0xc0000201'
    assert ip.bin == '0b11000000000000000000001000000001'
    assert ip.bits() == '11000000.00000000.00000010.00000001'
    assert ip.words == (192, 0, 2, 1)
Esempio n. 6
def test_ipaddress_v6():
    ip = IPAddress('fe80::dead:beef')
    assert ip.version == 6
    assert repr(ip) == "IPAddress('fe80::dead:beef')"
    assert str(ip) == 'fe80::dead:beef'
    assert ip.format() == 'fe80::dead:beef'
    assert int(ip) == 338288524927261089654018896845083623151
    assert hex(ip) == '0xfe8000000000000000000000deadbeef'
    assert ip.bin == '0b11111110100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011011110101011011011111011101111'
    assert ip.bits() == '1111111010000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:1101111010101101:1011111011101111'
    assert ip.words == (65152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57005, 48879)
Esempio n. 7
def get_version(request):
    func = request.GET.get('func', '')
    remote_addr = IPAddress(request.remote_addr)
    data = {
        'address': remote_addr.format(),
        'version': remote_addr.version,
        'ipv4_mapped': remote_addr.is_ipv4_mapped(),
    return Response(
            body='%s(%s);' % (func, json.dumps(data)),
Esempio n. 8
def test_ipaddress_v4():
    ip = IPAddress('')
    assert ip.version == 4
    assert repr(ip) == "IPAddress('')"
    assert str(ip) == ''
    assert ip.format() == ''
    assert int(ip) == 3221225985
    assert hex(ip) == '0xc0000201'
    assert ip.bin == '0b11000000000000000000001000000001'
    assert ip.bits() == '11000000.00000000.00000010.00000001'
    assert ip.words == (192, 0, 2, 1)
Esempio n. 9
def test_ipaddress_v6():
    ip = IPAddress('fe80::dead:beef')
    assert ip.version == 6
    assert repr(ip) == "IPAddress('fe80::dead:beef')"
    assert str(ip) == 'fe80::dead:beef'
    assert ip.format() == 'fe80::dead:beef'
    assert int(ip) == 338288524927261089654018896845083623151
    assert hex(ip) == '0xfe8000000000000000000000deadbeef'
    assert ip.bin == '0b11111110100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000011011110101011011011111011101111'
    assert ip.bits(
    ) == '1111111010000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:0000000000000000:1101111010101101:1011111011101111'
    assert ip.words == (65152, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 57005, 48879)
Esempio n. 10
    def reset_all(self):
        group = RCMD.device.DEFAULT_ALLBIGIQS_GROUP
        for device in [self.default] + self.peers:
            with SSHInterface(device=device) as sshifc:
      'Wiping storage on {0}'.format(device))
                SCMD.ssh.generic(SCMD.bigiq.ha.HA_WIPE_COMMAND, ifc=sshifc)

        with EmapiInterface(device=device, auth=AUTH.BASIC) as rstifc:
            RCMD.system.wait_restjavad([self.default] + self.peers, ifc=rstifc)

        # For IPv6 runs where localhost will get reset to IPv4.
        for device in [self.default] + self.peers:
            with EmapiInterface(device=device, auth=AUTH.BASIC) as rstifc:
                resp = rstifc.api.get(DeviceResolver.DEVICES_URI % group)
                selfip_expect = device.get_discover_address()
                selfips_actual = [x.address for x in resp['items']]
                if selfip_expect not in selfips_actual:
                        "selfip mismatch. Setting {0}".format(selfip_expect))
                    self_addr = IPAddress(selfip_expect)
                    payload = NetworkDiscover()
                    payload.discoveryAddress = self_addr.format(ipv6_full)
                    rstifc.api.put(NetworkDiscover.URI, payload=payload)
                    DeviceResolver.wait(rstifc.api, group)

        # For BZ workarounds..

        bigips = []
        context = ContextHelper()
        default_bigiq = context.get_icontrol(device=self.default).version
        session = context.get_config().get_session().name

        for device in context.get_config().get_devices():
            v = context.get_icontrol(device=device).version
            if v.product.is_bigip and v >= 'bigip 11.3.0':

        if default_bigiq > 'bigiq 4.3.0' and default_bigiq < 'bigiq 4.5.0':
            with EmapiInterface(device=self.default,
                                auth=AUTH.BASIC) as rstifc:
                RCMD.device.clean_dg_certs(bigips, ifc=rstifc)

            with EmapiInterface(device=self.default,
                                auth=AUTH.BASIC) as rstifc:
                RCMD.system.bz_help1([self.default] + self.peers, ifc=rstifc)

        if default_bigiq > 'bigiq 4.3.0' and default_bigiq < 'bigiq 4.5.0':
            with SSHInterface(device=self.default) as sshifc:
Esempio n. 11
class IpAddress(DatabaseObject):
    ''' Wraps the netaddr IPAddress class '''

    uuid = Column(String(36), unique=True, nullable=False, default=lambda: str(uuid4()))
    box_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
    _address = Column(String(40), unique=True)
    _ip_address = None

    def all(cls):
        ''' Returns a list of all objects in the database '''
        return dbsession.query(cls).all()

    def by_id(cls, _id):
        ''' Returns a the object with id of _id '''
        return dbsession.query(cls).filter_by(id=_id).first()

    def by_uuid(cls, _uuid):
        ''' Return and object based on a _uuid '''
        return dbsession.query(cls).filter_by(uuid=_uuid).first()

    def by_address(cls, addr):
        ''' Return and object based on an address '''
        return dbsession.query(cls).filter_by(address=addr).first()

    def address(self):
        if self._ip_address is None:
            self._ip_address = IPAddress(self._address)
        return self._ip_address.format()

    def address(self, value):
        ip = IPAddress(value)
        if ip.is_loopback():
            raise ValueError("You cannot use a loopback address")
        if ip.is_multicast():
            raise ValueError("You cannot use a multicast address")
        self._address = value

    def version(self):
        if self._ip_address is None:
            self._ip_address = IPAddress(self._address)
        return self._ip_address.version

    def is_private(self):
        if self._ip_address is None:
            self._ip_address = IPAddress(self._address)
        return self._ip_address.is_private()

    def to_xml(self, parent):
        ip_elem = ET.SubElement(parent, "ip")
        ip_elem.set("version", str(self.version))
        ET.SubElement(ip_elem, "address").text = self.address

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<IpAddress - %s>" % self.address

    def __str__(self):
        return self._address

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._address == other._address

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other
Esempio n. 12
def formatIp(ipAddress):
    ip = IPAddress(ipAddress)
    if ip.version == 6:
        return '[%s]' % ip.format()
    return ip.format()
class IpAddress(DatabaseObject):
    ''' Wraps the netaddr IPAddress class '''

    uuid = Column(String(36),
                  default=lambda: str(uuid4())

    box_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey(''), nullable=False)
    _address = Column(String(40), unique=True)
    _ip_address = None
    visable = Column(Boolean, default=True)

    def all(cls):
        ''' Returns a list of all objects in the database '''
        return dbsession.query(cls).all()

    def by_id(cls, _id):
        ''' Returns a the object with id of _id '''
        return dbsession.query(cls).filter_by(id=_id).first()

    def by_uuid(cls, _uuid):
        ''' Return and object based on a _uuid '''
        return dbsession.query(cls).filter_by(uuid=_uuid).first()

    def by_address(cls, address):
        ''' Return and object based on an address '''
        return dbsession.query(cls).filter_by(_address=address).first()

    def address(self):
        if self._ip_address is None:
            self._ip_address = IPAddress(self._address)
        return self._ip_address.format()

    def address(self, value):
        ip = IPAddress(value)
        if ip.is_loopback():
            raise ValidationError("You cannot use a loopback address")
        if ip.is_multicast():
            raise ValidationError("You cannot use a multicast address")
        self._address = value

    def version(self):
        if self._ip_address is None:
            self._ip_address = IPAddress(self._address)
        return self._ip_address.version

    def is_private(self):
        if self._ip_address is None:
            self._ip_address = IPAddress(self._address)
        return self._ip_address.is_private()

    def to_xml(self, parent):
        ip_elem = ET.SubElement(parent, "ip")
        ip_elem.set("version", str(self.version))
        ET.SubElement(ip_elem, "address").text = self.address

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<IpAddress - %s>" % self.address

    def __str__(self):
        return self._address

    def __eq__(self, other):
        return self._address == other._address

    def __ne__(self, other):
        return not self == other
Esempio n. 14
#!/usr/bin/env python

from netaddr import IPAddress, IPNetwork
import pprint

#single address
ip = IPAddress("")
print "ip.format(): {}".format(ip.format())
print "str(ip): {}".format(str(ip))

netblock = IPNetwork("")
print "Netmask: {}".format(netblock.netmask)
print "CIDR: {}".format(netblock.cidr)
print "Broadcast: {}".format(netblock.broadcast)

#you can use list() to generate a list of ips belonging to a netblock
ip_list = list(netblock)
#and get subnets too!
list_31 = list(netblock.subnet(31))
print "list_31[:3]: {}".format(list_31[:3])

#And we can work through the list of subnets
for subnet in list_31[:10]:
    addresses = [ str(x) for x in list(subnet) ]
    print "Addresses belonging to {}: {}".format(subnet,addresses)