Esempio n. 1
def netcdf_cf_1():

    # setup netcdf and netcdf_cf environment

    if gdaltest.netcdf_drv is None:
        return 'skip'

    # tst1 = gdaltest.GDALTest( 'NETCDF', 'trmm.tif', 1, 14 )
    # result = tst1.testCreateCopy(check_gt=1, check_srs=1, new_filename='tmp/', delete_copy = 0)
    result = netcdf_test_copy('data/', 1, 14, 'tmp/')
    if result != 'fail':
        # tst2 = gdaltest.GDALTest( 'GTIFF', '../tmp/', 1, 14 )
        # result = tst2.testCreateCopy(check_gt=1, check_srs=1, new_filename='tmp/netcdf_cf_1.tiff', delete_copy = 0)
        result = netcdf_test_copy('tmp/', 1, 14,
                                  'tmp/netcdf_cf_1.tif', [], 'GTIFF')

    result_cf = 'success'
    if gdaltest.netcdf_cf_method is not None:
        result_cf = netcdf_cf_check_file('tmp/', 'auto', False)

    if result != 'fail' and result_cf != 'fail':
        return 'success'
    return 'fail'
Esempio n. 2
def netcdf_cf_1():

    #setup netcdf and netcdf_cf environment

    if gdaltest.netcdf_drv is None:
        return 'skip'

    #tst1 = gdaltest.GDALTest( 'NETCDF', 'trmm.tif', 1, 14 )
    #result = tst1.testCreateCopy(check_gt=1, check_srs=1, new_filename='tmp/', delete_copy = 0)
    result = netcdf_test_copy( 'data/', 1, 14, 'tmp/' )
    if result != 'fail':
        #tst2 = gdaltest.GDALTest( 'GTIFF', '../tmp/', 1, 14 )       
        #result = tst2.testCreateCopy(check_gt=1, check_srs=1, new_filename='tmp/netcdf_cf_1.tiff', delete_copy = 0)
        result = netcdf_test_copy( 'tmp/', 1, 14, 'tmp/netcdf_cf_1.tif', [], 'GTIFF' )

    result_cf = 'success'
    if gdaltest.netcdf_cf_method is not None:
        result_cf = netcdf_cf_check_file( 'tmp/','auto',False )

    if result != 'fail' and result_cf != 'fail':
        return 'success'
        return 'fail'
Esempio n. 3
def netcdf_cf_3():

    if gdaltest.netcdf_drv is None:
        return 'skip'

    result = 'success'
    result_cf = 'success'

    result = netcdf_test_copy('data/trmm-wgs84.tif', 1, 14,

    if result == 'success':
        #tst = gdaltest.GDALTest( 'GTIFF', '../tmp/', 1, 14 )
        #result = tst.testCreateCopy(check_gt=1, check_srs=1, new_filename='tmp/netcdf_cf_3.tif', delete_copy = 0)
        result = netcdf_test_copy('tmp/', 1, 14,
                                  'tmp/netcdf_cf_3.tif', [], 'GTIFF')

    result_cf = 'success'
    if gdaltest.netcdf_cf_method is not None:
        result_cf = netcdf_cf_check_file('tmp/', 'auto', False)

    if result != 'fail' and result_cf != 'fail':
        return 'success'
        return 'fail'
Esempio n. 4
def netcdf_cf_3():

    if gdaltest.netcdf_drv is None:
        return 'skip'

    result = 'success'
    result_cf = 'success'

    result = netcdf_test_copy('data/trmm-wgs84.tif', 1, 14, 'tmp/')

    if result == 'success':
        # tst = gdaltest.GDALTest( 'GTIFF', '../tmp/', 1, 14 )
        # result = tst.testCreateCopy(check_gt=1, check_srs=1, new_filename='tmp/netcdf_cf_3.tif', delete_copy = 0)
        result = netcdf_test_copy('tmp/', 1, 14, 'tmp/netcdf_cf_3.tif', [], 'GTIFF')

    result_cf = 'success'
    if gdaltest.netcdf_cf_method is not None:
        result_cf = netcdf_cf_check_file('tmp/', 'auto', False)

    if result != 'fail' and result_cf != 'fail':
        return 'success'
    return 'fail'
Esempio n. 5
def netcdf_cf_2():

    if gdaltest.netcdf_drv is None:
        return 'skip'

    result = netcdf_test_copy('data/', 1, 14, 'tmp/')

    result_cf = 'success'
    if gdaltest.netcdf_cf_method is not None:
        result_cf = netcdf_cf_check_file('tmp/', 'auto', False)

    if result != 'fail' and result_cf != 'fail':
        return 'success'
    return 'fail'
Esempio n. 6
def netcdf_cf_2():

    if gdaltest.netcdf_drv is None:
        return 'skip'

    result = netcdf_test_copy('data/', 1, 14, 'tmp/')

    result_cf = 'success'
    if gdaltest.netcdf_cf_method is not None:
        result_cf = netcdf_cf_check_file('tmp/', 'auto', False)

    if result != 'fail' and result_cf != 'fail':
        return 'success'
    return 'fail'
Esempio n. 7
def netcdf_cfproj_testcopy(projTuples, origTiff, interFormats, inPath, outPath,
    """Test a Geotiff file can be converted to NetCDF, and projection in
    CF-1 conventions can be successfully maintained. Save results to file.

    :arg: projTuples - list of tuples
    :arg: interFormats - dict of intermediate format overrides
    :arg: outPath - path to save output
    :arg: resFilename - results filename to write to.

    silent = True
    gdaltest.netcdf_drv_silent = True
    bWriteGdalTags = "YES"
    # silent = False
    gdaltest.netcdf_drv_silent = False
#    bWriteGdalTags="NO"

    result = 'success'

    # Test if ncdump is available
        (_, err) = gdaltest.runexternal_out_and_err('ncdump -h')
    except OSError:
        # nothing is supported as ncdump not found
        print('NOTICE: netcdf version not found')
        return 'skip'

    i = err.find('netcdf library version ')
    # version not found
    if i == -1:
        print('NOTICE: netcdf version not found')
        return 'skip'

    if not os.path.exists(outPath):
    resFile = open(os.path.join(outPath, resFilename), "w")

    if not os.path.exists(outPath):

    heading = "Testing GDAL translation results to NetCDF\n"
    resFile.write(len(heading) * "=" + "\n")

#    now =
#    resFile.write("*Date/time:* %s\n" % (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))

    resPerProj = {}

    dsTiff = gdal.Open(os.path.join(inPath, origTiff), gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    s_srs_wkt = dsTiff.GetProjection()

    # objects to hold the various tests
    i_t = 0
    tst_res = {}

    for proj in projTuples:
            intFmt = interFormats[proj[0]]
        except KeyError:
            intFmt = netcdf_cfproj_def_int_format

        intExt = netcdf_cfproj_format_fnames[intFmt]

        # Our little results data structures
        if not silent:
            print("Testing %s (%s) translation:" % (proj[0], proj[1]))

        if not silent:
            print("About to create raster in chosen SRS")
        # projVrt = os.path.join(outPath, "%s_%s.vrt" % \
        #    (origTiff.rstrip('.tif'), proj[0] ))
        projRaster = os.path.join(outPath, "%s_%s.%s" %
                                  (origTiff.rstrip('.tif'), proj[0], intExt))
        srs = osr.SpatialReference()
        t_srs_wkt = srs.ExportToWkt()
        if not silent:
            print("going to warp file " + origTiff + "\n" + s_srs_wkt + "\ninto file " + projRaster + "\n" + t_srs_wkt)
        dswarp = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(dsTiff, s_srs_wkt, t_srs_wkt, gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour, 0)
        drv_inter = gdal.GetDriverByName(intFmt)
        drv_netcdf = gdal.GetDriverByName("netcdf")
        dsw = drv_inter.CreateCopy(projRaster, dswarp, 0)
        if not silent:
            print("Warped %s to %s" % (proj[0], projRaster))

        projNc = os.path.join(outPath, "" %
                              (origTiff.rstrip('.tif'), proj[0]))
        # Force GDAL tags to be written to make testing easier, with preserved datum etc
        # ncCoOpts = "-co WRITE_GDAL_TAGS=yes"
        if not silent:
            print("About to translate to NetCDF")
        dst = drv_netcdf.CreateCopy(projNc, dsw, 0, ['WRITE_GDAL_TAGS=' + bWriteGdalTags])
        # For drivers like HFA, line below ESSENTIAL so that all info is
        # saved to new raster file - which we'll reopen later and want
        # to be fully updated.
        dsw = None
        del dst
        if not silent:
            print("Translated to %s" % (projNc))

        transWorked, resDetails = netcdf_cfproj_test_cf(proj, projNc)
        resPerProj[proj[0]] = resDetails

        resFile.write("%s (%s): " % (proj[0], proj[1]))
        if transWorked:
            if 'missingProjName' in resPerProj[proj[0]]:
                resFile.write("\tMissing proj name '%s'\n" %
            for attrib in resPerProj[proj[0]]['missingAttrs']:
                resFile.write("\tMissing attrib '%s'\n" % (attrib))
            for cVarStdName in resPerProj[proj[0]]['missingCoordVarStdNames']:
                resFile.write("\tMissing coord var with std name '%s'\n"
                              % (cVarStdName))
            if 'cfcheck_error' in resPerProj[proj[0]]:
                resFile.write("\tFailed cf check: %s\n" %

        # test file copy
        # We now copy to a new file, just to be safe
        projNc2 = projNc.rstrip('.nc') + ''
        projRaster2 = os.path.join(outPath, "%s_%s2.%s" %
                                   (origTiff.rstrip('.tif'), proj[0], intExt))

        tst_res[i_t + 1] = netcdf_test_copy(projRaster, 1, None, projNc2, [], 'NETCDF')
        tst_res[i_t + 2] = netcdf_test_copy(projNc2, 1, None, projRaster2, [], intFmt)

        if tst_res[i_t + 1] == 'fail' or tst_res[i_t + 2] == 'fail':
            result = 'fail'

        i_t = i_t + 2


    if not silent:
        print("\n" + "*" * 80)
        print("Saved results to file %s" % (os.path.join(outPath, resFilename)))

    # result = 'success'
    resFile = open(os.path.join(outPath, resFilename), "r")
    resStr =
    if resStr.find('BAD') != -1:
        print('\nCF projection tests failed, here is the output (stored in file %s)\n' %
              (os.path.join(outPath, resFilename)))
        result = 'fail'

    return result
Esempio n. 8
def netcdf_cfproj_testcopy(projTuples, origTiff, interFormats, inPath, outPath,
    """Test a Geotiff file can be converted to NetCDF, and projection in
    CF-1 conventions can be successfully maintained. Save results to file.

    :arg: projTuples - list of tuples
    :arg: interFormats - dict of intermediate format overrides
    :arg: outPath - path to save output
    :arg: resFilename - results filename to write to.

    silent = True
    gdaltest.netcdf_drv_silent = True
    bWriteGdalTags = "YES"
    # silent = False
    gdaltest.netcdf_drv_silent = False
    #    bWriteGdalTags="NO"

    result = 'success'

    # Test if ncdump is available
        (_, err) = gdaltest.runexternal_out_and_err('ncdump -h')
        # nothing is supported as ncdump not found
        print('NOTICE: netcdf version not found')
        return 'skip'

    i = err.find('netcdf library version ')
    # version not found
    if i == -1:
        print('NOTICE: netcdf version not found')
        return 'skip'

    if not os.path.exists(outPath):
    resFile = open(os.path.join(outPath, resFilename), "w")

    if not os.path.exists(outPath):

    heading = "Testing GDAL translation results to NetCDF\n"
    resFile.write(len(heading) * "=" + "\n")

    #    now =
    #    resFile.write("*Date/time:* %s\n" % (now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M")))

    resPerProj = {}

    dsTiff = gdal.Open(os.path.join(inPath, origTiff), gdal.GA_ReadOnly)
    s_srs_wkt = dsTiff.GetProjection()

    # objects to hold the various tests
    i_t = 0
    tst_res = {}

    for proj in projTuples:
            intFmt = interFormats[proj[0]]
        except KeyError:
            intFmt = netcdf_cfproj_def_int_format

        intExt = netcdf_cfproj_format_fnames[intFmt]

        # Our little results data structures
        if not silent:
            print("Testing %s (%s) translation:" % (proj[0], proj[1]))

        if not silent:
            print("About to create raster in chosen SRS")
        # projVrt = os.path.join(outPath, "%s_%s.vrt" % \
        #    (origTiff.rstrip('.tif'), proj[0] ))
        projRaster = os.path.join(
            outPath, "%s_%s.%s" % (origTiff.rstrip('.tif'), proj[0], intExt))
        srs = osr.SpatialReference()
        t_srs_wkt = srs.ExportToWkt()
        if not silent:
            print("going to warp file " + origTiff + "\n" + s_srs_wkt +
                  "\ninto file " + projRaster + "\n" + t_srs_wkt)
        dswarp = gdal.AutoCreateWarpedVRT(dsTiff, s_srs_wkt, t_srs_wkt,
                                          gdal.GRA_NearestNeighbour, 0)
        drv_inter = gdal.GetDriverByName(intFmt)
        drv_netcdf = gdal.GetDriverByName("netcdf")
        dsw = drv_inter.CreateCopy(projRaster, dswarp, 0)
        if not silent:
            print("Warped %s to %s" % (proj[0], projRaster))

        projNc = os.path.join(outPath,
                              "" % (origTiff.rstrip('.tif'), proj[0]))
        # Force GDAL tags to be written to make testing easier, with preserved datum etc
        # ncCoOpts = "-co WRITE_GDAL_TAGS=yes"
        if not silent:
            print("About to translate to NetCDF")
        dst = drv_netcdf.CreateCopy(projNc, dsw, 0,
                                    ['WRITE_GDAL_TAGS=' + bWriteGdalTags])
        # For drivers like HFA, line below ESSENTIAL so that all info is
        # saved to new raster file - which we'll reopen later and want
        # to be fully updated.
        dsw = None
        del dst
        if not silent:
            print("Translated to %s" % (projNc))

        transWorked, resDetails = netcdf_cfproj_test_cf(proj, projNc)
        resPerProj[proj[0]] = resDetails

        resFile.write("%s (%s): " % (proj[0], proj[1]))
        if transWorked:
            if 'missingProjName' in resPerProj[proj[0]]:
                resFile.write("\tMissing proj name '%s'\n" %
            for attrib in resPerProj[proj[0]]['missingAttrs']:
                resFile.write("\tMissing attrib '%s'\n" % (attrib))
            for cVarStdName in resPerProj[proj[0]]['missingCoordVarStdNames']:
                resFile.write("\tMissing coord var with std name '%s'\n" %
            if 'cfcheck_error' in resPerProj[proj[0]]:
                resFile.write("\tFailed cf check: %s\n" %

        # test file copy
        # We now copy to a new file, just to be safe
        projNc2 = projNc.rstrip('.nc') + ''
        projRaster2 = os.path.join(
            outPath, "%s_%s2.%s" % (origTiff.rstrip('.tif'), proj[0], intExt))

        tst_res[i_t + 1] = netcdf_test_copy(projRaster, 1, None, projNc2, [],
        tst_res[i_t + 2] = netcdf_test_copy(projNc2, 1, None, projRaster2, [],

        if tst_res[i_t + 1] == 'fail' or tst_res[i_t + 2] == 'fail':
            result = 'fail'

        i_t = i_t + 2


    if not silent:
        print("\n" + "*" * 80)
        print("Saved results to file %s" %
              (os.path.join(outPath, resFilename)))

    # result = 'success'
    resFile = open(os.path.join(outPath, resFilename), "r")
    resStr =
    if resStr.find('BAD') != -1:
            '\nCF projection tests failed, here is the output (stored in file %s)\n'
            % (os.path.join(outPath, resFilename)))
        result = 'fail'

    return result