Esempio n. 1
def _validateNetworkSetup(networks, bondings):
    _netinfo = netinfo.NetInfo()

    for network, networkAttrs in networks.iteritems():
        if networkAttrs.get('remove', False):
            if set(networkAttrs) - set(['remove']):
                raise ConfigNetworkError(
                    ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, 'Cannot specify '
                    'any attribute when removing')

    for bonding, bondingAttrs in bondings.iteritems():
        if 'options' in bondingAttrs:
            Bond.validateOptions(bonding, bondingAttrs['options'])

        if bondingAttrs.get('remove', False):
            if bonding not in _netinfo.bondings:
                raise ConfigNetworkError(
                    ne.ERR_BAD_BONDING, "Cannot remove "
                    "bonding %s: Doesn't exist" % bonding)

        nics = bondingAttrs.get('nics', None)
        if not nics:
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS,
                                     "Must specify nics for bonding")
        if not set(nics).issubset(set(_netinfo.nics)):
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_NIC,
                                     "Unknown nics in: %r" % list(nics))
Esempio n. 2
def _validateNetworkSetup(networks, bondings):
    for network, networkAttrs in networks.iteritems():
        if networkAttrs.get('remove', False):
            if set(networkAttrs) - set(['remove']):
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS, 'Cannot specify '
                                         'any attribute when removing')

    currentBondings = netinfo.bondings()
    currentNicsSet = set(netinfo.nics())
    for bonding, bondingAttrs in bondings.iteritems():
        if 'options' in bondingAttrs:
            Bond.validateOptions(bonding, bondingAttrs['options'])

        if bondingAttrs.get('remove', False):
            if bonding not in currentBondings:
                raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_BONDING, "Cannot remove "
                                         "bonding %s: Doesn't exist" % bonding)

        nics = bondingAttrs.get('nics', None)
        if not nics:
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_PARAMS,
                                     "Must specify nics for bonding")
        if not set(nics).issubset(currentNicsSet):
            raise ConfigNetworkError(ne.ERR_BAD_NIC,
                                     "Unknown nics in: %r" % list(nics))
Esempio n. 3
    def testValidateBondingOptions(self):
        if not os.path.exists(netinfo.BONDING_MASTERS):
            raise SkipTest("bonding kernel module could not be found.")

        opts = 'mode=802.3ad miimon=150'
        badOpts = 'foo=bar badopt=one'

        with self.assertRaises(neterrors.ConfigNetworkError) as cne:
            Bond.validateOptions('bond0', badOpts)
        self.assertEqual(cne.exception.errCode, neterrors.ERR_BAD_BONDING)
        self.assertEqual(Bond.validateOptions('bond0', opts), None)
Esempio n. 4
    def testValidateBondingOptions(self):
        if not os.path.exists(netinfo.BONDING_MASTERS):
            raise SkipTest("bonding kernel module could not be found.")

        opts = 'mode=802.3ad miimon=150'
        badOpts = 'foo=bar badopt=one'

        with self.assertRaises(neterrors.ConfigNetworkError) as cne:
            Bond.validateOptions('bond0', badOpts)
        self.assertEqual(cne.exception.errCode, neterrors.ERR_BAD_BONDING)
        self.assertEqual(Bond.validateOptions('bond0', opts), None)