def testVariablesSetDevice(self): batch_size = 5 height, width = 224, 224 num_classes = 1000 inputs = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, height, width, 3)) # Force all Variables to reside on the device. with tf.variable_scope('on_cpu'), tf.device('/cpu:0'): darknet.darknet_19(inputs, num_classes) with tf.variable_scope('on_gpu'), tf.device('/gpu:0'): darknet.darknet_19(inputs, num_classes) for v in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='on_cpu'): self.assertDeviceEqual(v.device, '/cpu:0') for v in tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope='on_gpu'): self.assertDeviceEqual(v.device, '/gpu:0')
def testTrainEvalWithReuse(self): train_batch_size = 5 eval_batch_size = 2 height, width = 150, 150 num_classes = 1000 with self.test_session() as sess: train_inputs = tf.random_uniform( (train_batch_size, height, width, 3)) darknet.darknet_19(train_inputs, num_classes) eval_inputs = tf.random_uniform( (eval_batch_size, height, width, 3)) logits, _ = darknet.darknet_19(eval_inputs, num_classes, is_training=False, reuse=True) predictions = tf.argmax(logits, 1) output = self.assertEquals(output.shape, (eval_batch_size, ))
def testGlobalPool(self): batch_size = 2 height, width = 448, 448 num_classes = 1000 inputs = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, height, width, 3)) logits, end_points = darknet.darknet_19(inputs, num_classes) self.assertTrue('darknet_19/Logits')) self.assertListEqual(logits.get_shape().as_list(), [batch_size, num_classes]) pre_pool = end_points[scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_18'] self.assertListEqual(pre_pool.get_shape().as_list(), [batch_size, 14, 14, 1024])
def testEvaluation(self): batch_size = 2 height, width = 224, 224 num_classes = 1000 with self.test_session() as sess: eval_inputs = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, height, width, 3)) logits, _ = darknet.darknet_19(eval_inputs, num_classes, is_training=False) predictions = tf.argmax(logits, 1) output = self.assertEquals(output.shape, (batch_size, ))
def testBuildLogits(self): batch_size = 5 height, width = 224, 224 num_classes = 1000 inputs = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, height, width, 3)) logits, end_points = darknet.darknet_19(inputs, num_classes) predictions = end_points['Predictions'] self.assertTrue('darknet_19/Logits')) self.assertListEqual(logits.get_shape().as_list(), [batch_size, num_classes]) self.assertTrue('darknet_19/Predictions')) self.assertListEqual(predictions.get_shape().as_list(), [batch_size, num_classes])
def testUnknownBatchSize(self): batch_size = 1 height, width = 224, 224 num_classes = 1000 with self.test_session() as sess: inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (None, height, width, 3)) logits, _ = darknet.darknet_19(inputs, num_classes) self.assertTrue('darknet_19/Logits')) self.assertListEqual(logits.get_shape().as_list(), [None, num_classes]) images = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, height, width, 3)) output =, {inputs: images.eval()}) self.assertEquals(output.shape, (batch_size, num_classes))
def testAllEndPointsShapes(self): batch_size = 5 height, width = 224, 224 num_classes = 1000 inputs = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, height, width, 3)) _, end_points = darknet.darknet_19(inputs, num_classes) endpoints_shapes = { scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_1': [batch_size, 224, 224, 32], scope_prefix + 'MaxPool_1': [batch_size, 112, 112, 32], # scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_2': [batch_size, 112, 112, 64], scope_prefix + 'MaxPool_2': [batch_size, 56, 56, 64], # scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_3': [batch_size, 56, 56, 128], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_4': [batch_size, 56, 56, 64], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_5': [batch_size, 56, 56, 128], scope_prefix + 'MaxPool_3': [batch_size, 28, 28, 128], # scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_6': [batch_size, 28, 28, 256], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_7': [batch_size, 28, 28, 128], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_8': [batch_size, 28, 28, 256], scope_prefix + 'MaxPool_4': [batch_size, 14, 14, 256], # scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_9': [batch_size, 14, 14, 512], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_10': [batch_size, 14, 14, 256], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_11': [batch_size, 14, 14, 512], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_12': [batch_size, 14, 14, 256], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_13': [batch_size, 14, 14, 512], scope_prefix + 'MaxPool_5': [batch_size, 7, 7, 512], # scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_14': [batch_size, 7, 7, 1024], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_15': [batch_size, 7, 7, 512], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_16': [batch_size, 7, 7, 1024], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_17': [batch_size, 7, 7, 512], scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_18': [batch_size, 7, 7, 1024], # 'Conv2D_19': [batch_size, 7, 7, num_classes], # Logits and predictions 'global_pool': [batch_size, 1, 1, num_classes], 'Logits': [batch_size, num_classes], 'Predictions': [batch_size, num_classes] } self.assertItemsEqual(endpoints_shapes.keys(), end_points.keys()) for endpoint_name in endpoints_shapes: expected_shape = endpoints_shapes[endpoint_name] self.assertTrue(endpoint_name in end_points) self.assertListEqual( end_points[endpoint_name].get_shape().as_list(), expected_shape)
def testGlobalPoolUnknownImageShape(self): batch_size = 2 height, width = 448, 448 num_classes = 1000 with self.test_session() as sess: inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, (batch_size, None, None, 3)) logits, end_points = darknet.darknet_19(inputs, num_classes) self.assertTrue('darknet_19/Logits')) self.assertListEqual(logits.get_shape().as_list(), [batch_size, num_classes]) pre_pool = end_points[scope_prefix + 'Conv2D_18'] images = tf.random_uniform((batch_size, height, width, 3)) logits_out, pre_pool_out =[logits, pre_pool], {inputs: images.eval()}) self.assertTupleEqual(logits_out.shape, (batch_size, num_classes)) self.assertTupleEqual(pre_pool_out.shape, (batch_size, 14, 14, 1024))