Esempio n. 1
from network import ANN
from compare import *
from train   import Trainer
import numpy as np

x = np.array([[4, 5.5], [4.5, 1], [9, 2.5], [6,2], [10, 10]], dtype = float)
y = np.array([[70], [89], [85], [75], [10]], dtype = float)
N = ANN(2, 5, 1, 0.000001)

x = x / np.amax(x)
y = y / np.amax(y)

print "y -> net(y)"
print y, "\n------------\n", N.forward(x)

ag = analyticalGrad(N, x, y)
ng = numericalGrad (N, x, y)

print "Analytical grad: ", sum(ag), ", ", ag.shape
print "Numerical grad: ",  sum(ng), ", ", ng.shape

T = Trainer(N)

ag = analyticalGrad(N, x, y)
ng = numericalGrad (N, x, y)

print "Analytical grad: ", sum(ag), ", ", ag.shape
print "Numerical grad: ",  sum(ng), ", ", ng.shape
Esempio n. 2
training_features = np.asarray(training_features)

# Build training labels
training_labels = []
for i in range (len(training)):
	training_labels.append( list(np.asarray( list(training[i][1]), dtype = int ))) 
training_labels = np.asarray(training_labels)

print ("\nWeight W2:", nn.W2)
#print ("\nTraining features: \n", pd.DataFrame(training_features))
#print ("\nTrue: \n", pd.DataFrame(training_labels))

output = nn.forward(training_features) #probs of last layer
print ("\nOutput: ", output)

msqe = nn.get_mean_squared_error_for_epoch(output, training_labels) #array with all squared errors for all examples 
print ("\nMean Squared Error: ", msqe)

#nn.a1 is the output from the hidden layer
#nn.w2 is the weights from the hidden to the output layer

#dJdW1, dJdW2 = nn.costFunctionPrime(output, training_labels, training_features)
#dJdW1, dJdW2 = nn.costFunctionPrime(output, training_labels, training_features)

#print ("\ndJdW2: ", dJdW2)
#print ("\ndJdW2 w/ learning rate: ", dJdW2*l_rate)