class DQNAgent(): """Deep Q-learning agent.""" # def __init__(self, # env, device=DEVICE, summary_writer=writer, # noqa # hyperparameters=DQN_HYPERPARAMS): # noqa rewards = [] total_reward = 0 birth_time = 0 n_iter = 0 n_games = 0 ts_frame = 0 ts = time.time() # Memory = namedtuple( # 'Memory', ['obs', 'action', 'new_obs', 'reward', 'done'], # verbose=False, rename=False) Memory = namedtuple('Memory', ['obs', 'action', 'new_obs', 'reward', 'done'], rename=False) def __init__(self, env, hyperparameters, device, summary_writer=None): """Set parameters, initialize network.""" state_space_shape = env.observation_space.shape action_space_size = env.action_space.n self.env = env self.online_network = DQN(state_space_shape, action_space_size).to(device) self.target_network = DQN(state_space_shape, action_space_size).to(device) # XXX maybe not really necesary? self.update_target_network() self.experience_replay = None self.accumulated_loss = [] self.device = device self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.online_network.parameters(), lr=hyperparameters['learning_rate']) self.double_DQN = hyperparameters['double_DQN'] # Discount factor self.gamma = hyperparameters['gamma'] # XXX ??? self.n_multi_step = hyperparameters['n_multi_step'] self.replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer(hyperparameters['buffer_capacity'], hyperparameters['n_multi_step'], hyperparameters['gamma']) self.birth_time = time.time() self.iter_update_target = hyperparameters['n_iter_update_target'] self.buffer_start_size = hyperparameters['buffer_start_size'] self.summary_writer = summary_writer # Greedy search hyperparameters self.epsilon_start = hyperparameters['epsilon_start'] self.epsilon = hyperparameters['epsilon_start'] self.epsilon_decay = hyperparameters['epsilon_decay'] self.epsilon_final = hyperparameters['epsilon_final'] def get_max_action(self, obs): ''' Forward pass of the NN to obtain the action of the given observations ''' # convert the observation in tensor state_t = torch.tensor(np.array([obs])).to(self.device) # forward pass q_values_t = self.online_network(state_t) # get the maximum value of the output (i.e. the best action to take) _, act_t = torch.max(q_values_t, dim=1) return int(act_t.item()) def act(self, obs): ''' Greedy action outputted by the NN in the CentralControl ''' return self.get_max_action(obs) def act_eps_greedy(self, obs): ''' E-greedy action ''' # In case of a noisy net, it takes a greedy action # if self.noisy_net: # return self.act(obs) if np.random.random() < self.epsilon: return self.env.action_space.sample() else: return self.act(obs) def update_target_network(self): """Update target network weights with current online network values.""" self.target_network.load_state_dict(self.online_network.state_dict()) def set_optimizer(self, learning_rate): self.optimizer = optim.Adam(self.online_network.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) def sample_and_optimize(self, batch_size): ''' Sample batch_size memories from the buffer and optimize them ''' # This should be the part where it waits until it has enough # experience if len(self.replay_buffer) > self.buffer_start_size: # sample mini_batch = self.replay_buffer.sample(batch_size) # optimize # l_loss = l_loss = self.optimize(mini_batch) self.accumulated_loss.append(l_loss) # update target NN if self.n_iter % self.iter_update_target == 0: self.update_target_network() def optimize(self, mini_batch): ''' Optimize the NN ''' # reset the grads self.optimizer.zero_grad() # caluclate the loss of the mini batch loss = self._calulate_loss(mini_batch) loss_v = loss.item() # do backpropagation loss.backward() # one step of optimization self.optimizer.step() return loss_v def _calulate_loss(self, mini_batch): ''' Calculate mini batch's MSE loss. It support also the double DQN version ''' states, actions, next_states, rewards, dones = mini_batch # convert the data in tensors states_t = torch.as_tensor(states, device=self.device) next_states_t = torch.as_tensor(next_states, device=self.device) actions_t = torch.as_tensor(actions, device=self.device) rewards_t = torch.as_tensor(rewards, dtype=torch.float32, device=self.device) done_t = torch.as_tensor(dones, dtype=torch.uint8, device=self.device) # noqa # Value of the action taken previously (recorded in actions_v) # in state_t state_action_values = self.online_network(states_t).gather( 1, actions_t[:, None]).squeeze(-1) # NB gather is a differentiable function # Next state value with Double DQN. (i.e. get the value predicted # by the target nn, of the best action predicted by the online nn) if self.double_DQN: double_max_action = self.online_network(next_states_t).max(1)[1] double_max_action = double_max_action.detach() target_output = self.target_network(next_states_t) # NB: [:,None] add an extra dimension next_state_values = torch.gather( target_output, 1, double_max_action[:, None]).squeeze(-1) # Next state value in the normal configuration else: next_state_values = self.target_network(next_states_t).max(1)[0] next_state_values = next_state_values.detach() # No backprop # Use the Bellman equation expected_state_action_values = rewards_t + \ (self.gamma**self.n_multi_step) * next_state_values # compute the loss return nn.MSELoss()(state_action_values, expected_state_action_values) def reset_stats(self): ''' Reset the agent's statistics ''' self.rewards.append(self.total_reward) self.total_reward = 0 self.accumulated_loss = [] self.n_games += 1 def add_env_feedback(self, obs, action, new_obs, reward, done): ''' Acquire a new feedback from the environment. The feedback is constituted by the new observation, the reward and the done boolean. ''' # Create the new memory and update the buffer new_memory = self.Memory(obs=obs, action=action, new_obs=new_obs, reward=reward, done=done) # Append it to the replay buffer self.replay_buffer.append(new_memory) # update the variables self.n_iter += 1 # TODO check this... # decrease epsilon self.epsilon = max( self.epsilon_final, self.epsilon_start - self.n_iter / self.epsilon_decay) self.total_reward += reward def print_info(self): ''' Print information about the agent ''' fps = (self.n_iter - self.ts_frame) / (time.time() - self.ts) # TODO replace with proper logger print('%d %d rew:%d mean_rew:%.2f eps:%.2f, fps:%d, loss:%.4f' % (self.n_iter, self.n_games, self.total_reward, np.mean(self.rewards[-40:]), self.epsilon, fps, np.mean(self.accumulated_loss))) self.ts_frame = self.n_iter self.ts = time.time() if self.summary_writer is not None: self.summary_writer.add_scalar('reward', self.total_reward, self.n_games) self.summary_writer.add_scalar('mean_reward', np.mean(self.rewards[-40:]), self.n_games) self.summary_writer.add_scalar('10_mean_reward', np.mean(self.rewards[-10:]), self.n_games) self.summary_writer.add_scalar('epsilon', self.epsilon, self.n_games) self.summary_writer.add_scalar('loss', np.mean(self.accumulated_loss), self.n_games)
def trainSQL0(file_name="SQL0", env=GridworldEnv(1), batch_size=128, gamma=0.999, beta=5, eps_start=0.9, eps_end=0.05, eps_decay=1000, is_plot=False, num_episodes=200, max_num_steps_per_episode=1000, learning_rate=0.0001, memory_replay_size=10000, n_step=10, target_update=10): """ Soft Q-learning training routine when observation vector is input Retuns rewards and durations logs. """ num_actions = env.action_space.n input_size = env.observation_space.shape[0] model = DQN(input_size, num_actions) target_model = DQN(input_size, num_actions) target_model.load_state_dict(model.state_dict()) optimizer = optim.Adam(model.parameters(), lr=learning_rate) # optimizer = optim.RMSprop(model.parameters(), ) use_cuda = torch.cuda.is_available() if use_cuda: model.cuda() memory = ReplayMemory(memory_replay_size, n_step, gamma) episode_durations = [] mean_durations = [] episode_rewards = [] mean_rewards = [] steps_done, t = 0, 0 for i_episode in range(num_episodes): if i_episode % 20 == 0: clear_output() if i_episode != 0: print("Cur episode:", i_episode, "steps done:", episode_durations[-1], "exploration factor:", eps_end + (eps_start - eps_end) * \ math.exp(-1. * steps_done / eps_decay), "reward:", env.episode_total_reward) # Initialize the environment and state state = torch.from_numpy(env.reset()).type(torch.FloatTensor).view( -1, input_size) for t in count(): # Select and perform an action action = select_action(state, model, num_actions, eps_start, eps_end, eps_decay, steps_done) next_state_tmp, reward, done, _ = env.step(action[0, 0]) reward = Tensor([reward]) # Observe new state next_state = torch.from_numpy(next_state_tmp).type( torch.FloatTensor).view(-1, input_size) if done: next_state = None # Store the transition in memory memory.push(model, target_model, state, action, next_state, reward) # Move to the next state state = next_state # plot_state(state) # env.render() # Perform one step of the optimization (on the target network) optimize_model(model, target_model, optimizer, memory, batch_size, gamma, beta) #### Difference w.r.t DQN if done or t + 1 >= max_num_steps_per_episode: episode_durations.append(t + 1) episode_rewards.append( env.episode_total_reward ) ##### Modify for OpenAI envs such as CartPole if is_plot: plot_durations(episode_durations, mean_durations) plot_rewards(episode_rewards, mean_rewards) steps_done += 1 break if i_episode % target_update == 0 and i_episode != 0: target_model.load_state_dict(model.state_dict()) print('Complete') env.render(close=True) env.close() if is_plot: plt.ioff() ## Store Results + '-sql0-rewards', episode_rewards) + '-sql0-durations', episode_durations) return model, episode_rewards, episode_durations
# epsilon greedy def pick_action(observation, net): if(random.random() < epsilon): return random.randint(0, num_actions-1) action = torch.argmax( net(torch.tensor(observation).float().unsqueeze(0))) return action net = DQN() net.load_state_dict(torch.load("model.h5", map_location="cpu")) criterion = nn.MSELoss() optimizer = optim.Adam(net.parameters(), lr=0.01) starttime = time.time() buffer = collections.deque(maxlen=N) lr = 1e-3 for i in range(num_episodes): observation = env.reset() observation = preprocess(observation) observation = [observation, observation, observation, observation] j = 0 while(True): j += 1
LR = 0.005 test_time = False n_steps = 8 n_actions = env.action_space.n img_height = 64 img_width = 64 policy_net = None network_path = "" if os.path.exists(network_path): policy_net = torch.load(network_path) print("successfully loaded existing network from file: " + network_path) else: policy_net = DQN(img_height, img_width, n_actions) target_net = DQN(img_height, img_width, n_actions).to(device) target_net.load_state_dict(policy_net.state_dict()) target_net.eval() optimizer = optim.RMSprop(policy_net.parameters(), lr=LR) memory = ReplayMemory(10000) steps_done = 0 logfile = "train_log.txt" with open(logfile, "w+") as f: f.write("CS4803 MineRL Project Logs:\n") def append_log(s): with open(logfile, "a") as f: f.write(s + "\n") def state_from_obs(obs): # get the camera image from the observation dict and convert the image # to the correct shape: (C, H, W)
class AgentCartpole: def __init__(self, p): self.p = p self.target_dqn = DQN(self.p['HIDDEN_DIM']) self.eval_dqn = DQN(self.p['HIDDEN_DIM']) self.memory = ReplayMemory(self.p['MEMORY_SIZE'], [4]) self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.eval_dqn.parameters(), self.p['LEARNING_RATE']) try: self.eval_dqn.load_state_dict(torch.load("Model/")) self.target_dqn.load_state_dict(torch.load("Model/")) print("Data has been loaded successfully") except: print("No data existing") def act(self, state): r = random.random() if r > self.p['EPSILON']: x = torch.FloatTensor(state) q_value = self.eval_dqn(x) action = torch.argmax(q_value).item() return action else: action = random.randint(0, self.p['N_ACTIONS']-1) return action def learn(self): if self.memory.index < self.p['BATCH_SIZE']: return # Get the state dict from the saved date eval_dict = self.eval_dqn.state_dict() target_dict = self.eval_dqn.state_dict() # Updating the parameters of the target DQN for w in eval_dict: target_dict[w] = (1 - self.p['ALPHA']) * target_dict[w] + self.p['ALPHA'] * eval_dict[w] self.target_dqn.load_state_dict(target_dict) # Get a sample of size BATCH batch_state, batch_action, batch_next_state, batch_reward, batch_done = self.memory.pop(self.p['BATCH_SIZE']) # Update the treshold for the act() method if needed everytime the agent learn if self.p["EPSILON"] > self.p["EPSILON_MIN"]: self.p["EPSILON"] *= self.p["EPSILON_DECAY"] loss = nn.MSELoss() # Compute q values for the current evaluation q_eval = self.eval_dqn(batch_state).gather(1, batch_action.long().unsqueeze(1)).reshape([self.p["BATCH_SIZE"]]) # Compute the next state q values q_next = self.target_dqn(batch_next_state).detach() # Compute the targetted q values q_target = batch_reward + q_next.max(1)[0].reshape([self.p["BATCH_SIZE"]]) * self.p["GAMMA"] self.optimizer.zero_grad() l = loss(q_eval, q_target) l.backward() self.optimizer.step() def random(self): env = gym.make('CartPole-v1') env = env.unwrapped env.reset() rewards = [] while True: env.render() action = env.action_space.pop(self.p['BATCH_SIZE']) observation, reward, done, info = env.step(action) rewards.append(reward) if done: break env.close() plt.ylabel("Rewards") plt.xlabel("Nb interactions") plt.plot(rewards) plt.grid() def dqn_cartpole(self): env = gym.make('CartPole-v1') env = env.unwrapped rewards = [] for i in range(self.p['N_EPISODE']): state = env.reset() rewards.append(0) for s in range(self.p['N_STEPS']): # env.render() action = self.act(state) n_state, reward, done, _ = env.step(action) if done: reward = -1 rewards[-1] += reward self.memory.push(state, action, n_state, reward, done) self.learn() state = n_state print('Episode : ', i, ', Rewards : ', rewards[-1]) # Save the eval model after each episode, "Model/") # Display result n = 50 res = sum(([a]*n for a in [sum(rewards[i:i+n])//n for i in range(0,len(rewards),n)]), []) print(rewards) plt.ylabel("Rewards") plt.xlabel("Episode") plt.plot(rewards) plt.plot(res) plt.grid() plt.legend(['Rewards per episode', 'Last 50 runs average']) env.close()
class TrainNQL: def __init__(self, epi, cfg=dcfg, validation=False): #cpu or cuda torch.cuda.empty_cache() self.device = cfg.device #torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") self.state_dim = cfg.proc_frame_size #State dimensionality 84x84. self.state_size = cfg.state_size #self.t_steps= tsteps self.t_eps = cfg.t_eps self.minibatch_size = cfg.minibatch_size # Q-learning parameters = #Discount factor. self.replay_memory = cfg.replay_memory self.bufferSize = cfg.bufferSize self.target_q = cfg.target_q self.validation = validation if (validation): self.episode = epi else: self.episode = int(epi) - 1 self.cfg = cfg modelGray = 'results/ep' + str(self.episode) + '/' modelDepth = 'results/ep' + str(self.episode) + '/' tModelGray = 'results/ep' + str(self.episode) + '/' tModelDepth = 'results/ep' + str(self.episode) + '/' if os.path.exists(modelGray) and os.path.exists(modelDepth): print("Loading model") self.gray_policy_net = torch.load(modelGray).to(self.device) self.gray_target_net = torch.load(tModelGray).to(self.device) self.depth_policy_net = torch.load(modelDepth).to(self.device) self.depth_target_net = torch.load(tModelDepth).to(self.device) else: print("New model") self.gray_policy_net = DQN(noutputs=cfg.noutputs, nfeats=cfg.nfeats, nstates=cfg.nstates, kernels=cfg.kernels, strides=cfg.strides, poolsize=cfg.poolsize).to(self.device) self.gray_target_net = DQN(noutputs=cfg.noutputs, nfeats=cfg.nfeats, nstates=cfg.nstates, kernels=cfg.kernels, strides=cfg.strides, poolsize=cfg.poolsize).to(self.device) self.depth_policy_net = DQN(noutputs=cfg.noutputs, nfeats=cfg.nfeats, nstates=cfg.nstates, kernels=cfg.kernels, strides=cfg.strides, poolsize=cfg.poolsize).to(self.device) self.depth_target_net = DQN(noutputs=cfg.noutputs, nfeats=cfg.nfeats, nstates=cfg.nstates, kernels=cfg.kernels, strides=cfg.strides, poolsize=cfg.poolsize).to(self.device) if not validation and self.target_q and self.episode % self.target_q == 0: print("cloning") self.depth_policy_net = DQN(noutputs=cfg.noutputs, nfeats=cfg.nfeats, nstates=cfg.nstates, kernels=cfg.kernels, strides=cfg.strides, poolsize=cfg.poolsize).to(self.device) self.depth_target_net = DQN(noutputs=cfg.noutputs, nfeats=cfg.nfeats, nstates=cfg.nstates, kernels=cfg.kernels, strides=cfg.strides, poolsize=cfg.poolsize).to(self.device) self.gray_target_net.load_state_dict(self.gray_target_net.state_dict()) self.gray_target_net.eval() self.depth_target_net.load_state_dict( self.depth_target_net.state_dict()) self.depth_target_net.eval() self.gray_optimizer = optim.RMSprop(self.gray_policy_net.parameters()) self.depth_optimizer = optim.RMSprop( self.depth_policy_net.parameters()) self.memory = ReplayMemory(self.replay_memory) def get_tensor_from_image(self, file): convert = T.Compose([ T.ToPILImage(), T.Resize((self.state_dim, self.state_dim), interpolation=Image.BILINEAR), T.ToTensor() ]) screen = screen = np.ascontiguousarray(screen, dtype=np.float32) / 255 screen = torch.from_numpy(screen) screen = convert(screen).unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) return screen def get_data(self, episode, tsteps): #images=torch.Tensor(tsteps,self.state_size,self.state_dim,self.state_dim).to(self.device) #depths=torch.Tensor(tsteps,self.state_size,self.state_dim,self.state_dim).to(self.device) images = [] depths = [] dirname_rgb = 'dataset/RGB/ep' + str(episode) dirname_dep = 'dataset/Depth/ep' + str(episode) for step in range(tsteps): #proc_image=torch.Tensor(self.state_size,self.state_dim,self.state_dim).to(self.device) #proc_depth=torch.Tensor(self.state_size,self.state_dim,self.state_dim).to(self.device) proc_image = [] proc_depth = [] dirname_rgb = 'dataset/RGB/ep' + str(episode) dirname_dep = 'dataset/Depth/ep' + str(episode) for i in range(self.state_size): grayfile = dirname_rgb + '/image_' + str(step + 1) + '_' + str( i + 1) + '.png' depthfile = dirname_dep + '/depth_' + str( step + 1) + '_' + str(i + 1) + '.png' #proc_image[i] = self.get_tensor_from_image(grayfile) #proc_depth[i] = self.get_tensor_from_image(depthfile) proc_image.append(grayfile) proc_depth.append(depthfile) #images[step]=proc_image #depths[step]=proc_depth images.append(proc_image) depths.append(proc_depth) return images, depths def load_data(self): rewards = torch.load('files/reward_history.dat') actions = torch.load('files/action_history.dat') ep_rewards = torch.load('files/ep_rewards.dat') print("Loading images") best_scores = range(len(actions)) buffer_selection_mode = 'default' if (buffer_selection_mode == 'success_handshake'): eps_values = [] for i in range(len(actions)): hspos = 0 hsneg = 0 for step in range(len(actions[i])): if (len(actions[i]) > 0): if actions[i][step] == 3: if rewards[i][step] > 0: hspos = hspos + 1 elif rewards[i][step] == -0.1: hsneg = hsneg + 1 accuracy = float(((hspos) / (hspos + hsneg))) eps_values.append(accuracy) best_scores = np.argsort(eps_values) for i in best_scores: print('Ep: ', i + 1) dirname_gray = 'dataset/RGB/ep' + str(i + 1) dirname_dep = 'dataset/Depth/ep' + str(i + 1) files = [] if (os.path.exists(dirname_gray)): files = os.listdir(dirname_gray) k = 0 for file in files: if re.match(r"image.*\.png", file): k = k + 1 k = int(k / 8) while (k % 4 != 0): k = k - 1 if (k > self.bufferSize): k = self.bufferSize print(k) #os.system("free -h") #with torch.no_grad(): images, depths = self.get_data(i + 1, k) print("Loading done") for step in range(k - 1): #print(len(rewards),i) #print(len(rewards[i]), step) reward = self.cfg.neutral_reward if rewards[i][step] >= 1: reward = self.cfg.hs_success_reward elif rewards[i][step] < 0: reward = self.cfg.hs_fail_reward reward = torch.tensor([reward], device=self.device) action = torch.tensor([[actions[i][step]]], device=self.device, dtype=torch.long) #image = images[step].unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) #depth = depths[step].unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) #next_image = images[step+1].unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) #next_depth = depths[step+1].unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) image = images[step] depth = depths[step] next_image = images[step + 1] next_depth = depths[step + 1] self.memory.push(image, depth, action, next_image, next_depth, reward) #print("Memory size: ",getsizeof(self.memory)) #torch.cuda.empty_cache() def train(self): if len(self.memory) < self.minibatch_size: return for i in range(0, len(self.memory), self.minibatch_size): #transitions = self.memory.sample(self.minibatch_size) transitions = self.memory.pull(self.minibatch_size) print('Batch train: ' + str(int(i / self.minibatch_size) + 1) + "/" + str(int(len(self.memory) / self.minibatch_size) + 1)) aux_transitions = [] for t in transitions: proc_sgray = torch.Tensor(self.state_size, self.state_dim, self.state_dim).to(self.device) proc_sdepth = torch.Tensor(self.state_size, self.state_dim, self.state_dim).to(self.device) proc_next_sgray = torch.Tensor(self.state_size, self.state_dim, self.state_dim).to(self.device) proc_next_sdepth = torch.Tensor(self.state_size, self.state_dim, self.state_dim).to(self.device) count = 0 for sgray, sdepth, next_sgray, next_sdepth in zip( t.sgray, t.sdepth, t.next_sgray, t.next_sdepth): proc_sgray[count] = self.get_tensor_from_image(sgray) proc_sdepth[count] = self.get_tensor_from_image(sdepth) proc_next_sgray[count] = self.get_tensor_from_image( next_sgray) proc_next_sdepth[count] = self.get_tensor_from_image( next_sdepth) count += 1 proc_sgray = proc_sgray.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) proc_sdepth = proc_sdepth.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) proc_next_sgray = proc_next_sgray.unsqueeze(0).to(self.device) proc_next_sdepth = proc_next_sdepth.unsqueeze(0).to( self.device) #('sgray','sdepth','action','next_sgray','next_sdepth','reward') one_transition = Transition(proc_sgray, proc_sdepth, t.action, proc_next_sgray, proc_next_sdepth, t.reward) aux_transitions.append(one_transition) transitions = aux_transitions # Transpose the batch (see for # detailed explanation). This converts batch-array of Transitions # to Transition of batch-arrays. batch = Transition(*zip(*transitions)) #print(batch.sgray) # Compute a mask of non-final states and concatenate the batch elements # (a final state would've been the one after which simulation ended) gray_non_final_mask = torch.tensor(tuple( map(lambda s: s is not None, batch.next_sgray)), device=self.device, dtype=torch.bool) gray_non_final_next_states = [s for s in batch.next_sgray if s is not None]) depth_non_final_mask = torch.tensor(tuple( map(lambda s: s is not None, batch.next_sdepth)), device=self.device, dtype=torch.bool) depth_non_final_next_states = [s for s in batch.next_sdepth if s is not None]) sgray_batch = sdepth_batch = action_batch = reward_batch = # Compute Q(s_t, a) - the model computes Q(s_t), then we select the # columns of actions taken. These are the actions which would've been taken # for each batch state according to policy_net sgray_action_values = self.gray_policy_net(sgray_batch).gather( 1, action_batch) sdepth_action_values = self.depth_policy_net(sdepth_batch).gather( 1, action_batch) # Compute V(s_{t+1}) for all next states. # Expected values of actions for non_final_next_states are computed based # on the "older" target_net; selecting their best reward with max(1)[0]. # This is merged based on the mask, such that we'll have either the expected # state value or 0 in case the state was final. next_sgray_values = torch.zeros(self.minibatch_size, device=self.device) next_sgray_values[gray_non_final_mask] = self.gray_target_net( gray_non_final_next_states).max(1)[0].detach() next_sdepth_values = torch.zeros(self.minibatch_size, device=self.device) next_sdepth_values[depth_non_final_mask] = self.depth_target_net( depth_non_final_next_states).max(1)[0].detach() # Compute the expected Q values expected_sgray_action_values = (next_sgray_values * + reward_batch expected_sdepth_action_values = (next_sdepth_values * + reward_batch # Compute Huber loss gray_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss( sgray_action_values, expected_sgray_action_values.unsqueeze(1)) depth_loss = F.smooth_l1_loss( sdepth_action_values, expected_sdepth_action_values.unsqueeze(1)) # Optimize the model self.gray_optimizer.zero_grad() gray_loss.backward() for param in self.gray_policy_net.parameters():, 1) self.gray_optimizer.step() # Optimize the model self.depth_optimizer.zero_grad() depth_loss.backward() for param in self.depth_policy_net.parameters():, 1) self.depth_optimizer.step()
args = parser.parse_args() data = BATCH_SIZE = args.bsz GAMMA = args.gamma EPS_START = args.eps_start EPS_END = args.eps_end EPS_DECAY = args.eps_decay TARGET_UPDATE = 10 n_actions = 10 img_height = 64 img_width = 64 policy_net = DQN(img_height, img_width, n_actions).to(device) target_net = DQN(img_height, img_width, n_actions).to(device) target_net.load_state_dict(policy_net.state_dict()) target_net.eval() optimizer = optim.RMSprop(policy_net.parameters()) memory = ReplayMemory(10000) steps_done = 0 num_pretraining = 10000 loss_history = [] if not args.no_train: loadExpertData(data, memory) for i in range(num_pretraining): loss_history.append(pretraining_step()), 'pretrain-model')'loss_history', np.array(loss_history)) else: