Esempio n. 1
File: Progetto: goossaert/npy
def create_network():
    # Create the network
    network = Network()
    network.learning_rate = 0.1

    # Pick 'LabelMax' as a labelling function, which means that when
    # classifying a data instance, the label given to the instance is the one
    # for which the value of the output function is the highest
    network.label_function = 'la_max'

    # Add units (layers) to the network:
    # Input unit: no need for activation and update functions
    network.add_unit( 2 )
    # Hidden unit
    network.add_unit( 3, 'ac_sigmoid', 'up_backpropagation' )
    # Output unit
    network.add_unit( 1, 'ac_sigmoid', 'up_backpropagation' )

    return network