def test(model_name, goal_pos=1, EWC_flag=True): episode_len = 50 # Length of each game. obs_size = 7 * 7 # MiniGrid uses a 7x7 window of visibility. act_size = 7 # Seven possible actions (turn left, right, forward, pickup, drop, etc.) inner_size = 64 # Number of neurons in two hidden layers. avg_reward = 0.0 # For tracking average regard per episode. env_name = 'MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0' # Size of the grid test_avg_reward = open( "data-{model}/test_avg_rewards.txt".format(model=model_name), 'a+') # Setup OpenAI Gym environment for guessing game. env = gym.make(env_name) if goal_pos == 2: env.set_posX(2) env.set_posY(5) elif goal_pos == 3: env.set_posX(5) env.set_posY(2) # Check the model directory last_checkpoint = utils.search_last_model('torch_models/', model_name) # Instantiate a policy network policy = Policy(obs_size=obs_size, act_size=act_size, inner_size=inner_size) policy.load_state_dict( torch.load("torch_models/{model}/{model}-{step}.pth".format( model=model_name, step=last_checkpoint))) if EWC_flag: try: with open("data-{model}/FIM.dat".format(model=model_name), 'rb') as f: FIM = pickle.load(f) policy.set_FIM(FIM) except FileNotFoundError: with open("data-{model}/nonD_FIM.dat".format(model=model_name), 'rb') as f: FIM = pickle.load(f) policy.set_FIM(FIM) print("Loaded previous checkpoint at step {step}.".format( step=last_checkpoint)) # Run forever. episodes = 1001 for step in range(episodes): # MiniGrid has a QT5 renderer which is pretty cool. env.render('human') time.sleep(0.01) # Run an episode. (states, actions, discounted_rewards) = network.run_episode(env, policy, episode_len) avg_reward += np.mean(discounted_rewards) if step % 100 == 0: print('Average reward @ episode {}: {}'.format( step + int(last_checkpoint), avg_reward / 100)) if step != 0: test_avg_reward.write(str(avg_reward / 100) + "\n") avg_reward = 0.0
'episode': episode, 'episode_len': episode_len, 'P_state_dict': P.state_dict(), 'V_state_dict': V.state_dict(), 'O_state_dict': gym.observation.state_dict()#, #'optimizerP': optimizerP.state_dict(), #'optimizerV': optimizerV.state_dict() }, path_to_chkpt) print('...Done')""" #load weights else: checkpoint = torch.load(path_to_chkpt, map_location=cpu) episode = checkpoint['episode'] episode_len = checkpoint['episode_len'] P.load_state_dict(checkpoint['P_state_dict']) V.load_state_dict(checkpoint['V_state_dict']) gym.observation.load_state_dict(checkpoint['O_state_dict']) #optimizer optimizerP = optim.SGD(params=list(P.parameters()), lr=1e-2) optimizerV = optim.SGD(params=list(V.parameters()), lr=4e-2) ############################################################################# #one-step actor critic ############################################################################## """
def run(episodes=1600, episode_len=50, inner_size=64, lr=0.001, env_name='MiniGrid-Empty-8x8-v0', training=False, goal_pos=1): obs_size = 7 * 7 # MiniGrid uses a 7x7 window of visibility. act_size = 7 # Seven possible actions (turn left, right, forward, pickup, drop, etc.) avg_reward = 0.0 # For tracking average regard per episode. first_write_flag = True # Need this due to a weird behavior of the library need_diag_FIM = True # Avoid the FIM calculus if not required need_nondiag_FIM = False # Same as above but with non diagonal FIM model_name = "EWC_model_diag_FIM_3_tasks" # Retrieve the correct model if it exists EWC_flag = True # If true, uses ewc_loss if not EWC_flag: need_nondiag_FIM = False need_diag_FIM = False # Check whether the data directory exists and, if not, create it with all the necessary stuff. if not os.path.exists("data-{model}/".format(model=model_name)): print("Task 2 data directory created.") os.makedirs("data-{model}/".format(model=model_name)) output_reward = open("data-{model}/reward.txt".format(model=model_name), 'a+') output_avg = open("data-{model}/avg_reward.txt".format(model=model_name), 'a+') output_loss = open("data-{model}/loss.txt".format(model=model_name), 'a+') # Setup OpenAI Gym environment for guessing game. env = gym.make(env_name) if goal_pos == 2: env.set_posX(2) env.set_posY(5) elif goal_pos == 3: env.set_posX(5) env.set_posY(2) # Check the model directory last_checkpoint = utils.search_last_model('torch_models/', model_name) # Instantiate a policy network policy = Policy(obs_size=obs_size, act_size=act_size, inner_size=inner_size) # If there's a previous checkpoint, load this instead of using a new one. if os.listdir('torch_models/{model}/'.format(model=model_name)): policy.load_state_dict( torch.load("torch_models/{model}/{model}-{step}.pth".format( model=model_name, step=last_checkpoint))) if need_diag_FIM and EWC_flag: with open("data-{model}/FIM.dat".format(model=model_name), 'rb') as f: FIM = pickle.load(f) policy.set_FIM(FIM) elif need_nondiag_FIM and EWC_flag: with open("data-{model}/nonD_FIM.dat".format(model=model_name), 'rb') as f: FIM = pickle.load(f) policy.set_FIM(FIM) print("Loaded previous checkpoint at step {step}.".format( step=last_checkpoint)) else: print("Created new policy agent.") # Use the Adam optimizer. optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(params=policy.parameters(), lr=lr) try: for step in range(episodes): # MiniGrid has a QT5 renderer which is pretty cool. env.render('human') time.sleep(0.01) # Run an episode. (states, actions, discounted_rewards) = network.run_episode(env, policy, episode_len) # From list to np.array, then save every element in the array discounted_rewards_np = np.asarray(discounted_rewards) if step % 100 == 0 and training: output_reward.write(str(discounted_rewards_np) + "\n") avg_reward += np.mean(discounted_rewards) if step % 100 == 0: print('Average reward @ episode {}: {}'.format( step + int(last_checkpoint), avg_reward / 100)) if not first_write_flag and training: output_avg.write(str(avg_reward / 100) + "\n") else: first_write_flag = False avg_reward = 0.0 # Save the model every 1000 steps if step % 500 == 0 and training: policy.state_dict(), 'torch_models/{model}/{model}-{step}.pth'.format( model=model_name, step=step + int(last_checkpoint))) print("Checkpoint saved.") # Repeat each action, and backpropagate discounted # rewards. This can probably be batched for efficiency with a # memoryless agent... if training: optimizer.zero_grad() episode_loss = [] for (step, a) in enumerate(actions): logits = policy(states[step]) dist = Categorical(logits=logits) if EWC_flag: loss = -dist.log_prob(actions[step]) * discounted_rewards[ step] + ewc.ewc_loss(policy, 2) else: loss = -dist.log_prob( actions[step]) * discounted_rewards[step] loss.backward() episode_loss.append([0]) current_loss = sum([x for x in episode_loss]) / episode_len if training: optimizer.step() output_loss.write(str(float(current_loss)) + "\n") except KeyboardInterrupt: if training: print("Training ended.") else: print("Simulation ended.") # Now estimate the diagonal FIM. if need_diag_FIM: utils.diagonal_FIM(policy, env, episode_len, model_name) elif need_nondiag_FIM: utils.non_diagonal_FIM(policy, env, episode_len, model_name)