def delete(self, channel_id): """ tries to delete a channel and update equipments interfaces """ try: interface = Interface.get_by_pk(int(channel_id)) try: channel = except AtributeError: channel = try: interfaces = Interface.objects.all().filter( except Exception as err: return {"error": str(err)} iface_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name('access') equip_dict = self._get_equipment_dict(interfaces) self._update_equipments(equip_dict, iface_type, self.user, channel) channel.delete(self.user) return {"channel":} except (InterfaceException, InvalidKeyException, InterfaceTemplateException) as err: return {"error": str(err)}
def update(self, data): try: id_channel = data.get('id_channel') nome = data.get('nome') if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(nome): raise InvalidValueError(None, 'Channel number', 'must be integer.') lacp = data.get('lacp') int_type = data.get('int_type') vlan_nativa = data.get('vlan') envs_vlans = data.get('envs') ids_interface = data.get('ids_interface') if ids_interface is None: raise InterfaceError('No interfaces selected') if type(ids_interface) == list: interfaces_list = ids_interface else: interfaces_list = str(ids_interface).split('-') api_interface_facade.verificar_vlan_nativa(vlan_nativa) # verifica se o nome do port channel já existe no equipamento = PortChannel.get_by_pk(int(id_channel)) if not nome == api_interface_facade.verificar_nome_channel( nome, interfaces_list) # buscar interfaces do channel interfaces = Interface.objects.all().filter(channel__id=id_channel) ids_list = [] for i in interfaces: ids_list.append( self._dissociate_interfaces_from_channel(ids_list, ids_interface) # update channel = str(nome) = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(lacp) int_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name(str(int_type)) self._update_interfaces_from_http_put(ids_interface, int_type, vlan_nativa, envs_vlans) except Exception as err: return {"error": str(err)} return {"port_channel":}
def create(self, data): """ Creates a new Port Channel """ try: interfaces = data.get('interfaces') nome = data.get('nome') lacp = data.get('lacp') int_type = data.get('int_type') vlan_nativa = data.get('vlan') envs_vlans = data.get('envs') api_interface_facade.verificar_vlan_nativa(vlan_nativa) # Checks if Port Channel name already exists on equipment interfaces = str(interfaces).split('-') api_interface_facade.check_channel_name_on_equipment( nome, interfaces) = PortChannel() = str(nome) = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(lacp) int_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name(str(int_type)) ifaces_on_channel = [] for interface in interfaces: if interface: iface = Interface.get_by_pk(int(interface)) self._update_interfaces_from_a_channel( iface, vlan_nativa, ifaces_on_channel, int_type) if 'trunk' in int_type.tipo: self._create_ifaces_on_trunks(sw_router, envs_vlans) except Exception as err: return {"error": str(err)} return {'port_channel':}
def handle_post(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Trata as requisições de POST para criar uma nova interface para o equipamento URL: /interface/ """ # Obtém dados do request e verifica acesso try: # Obtém os dados do xml do request xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) # Obtém o mapa correspondente ao root node do mapa do XML # (networkapi) networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'Não existe valor para a tag networkapi do XML de requisição.') # Verifica a existência do node "interface" interface_map = networkapi_map.get('interface') if interface_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'Não existe valor para a tag interface do XML de requisição.') # Valid id_equipamento value id_equipamento = interface_map.get('id_equipamento') if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_equipamento): self.log.error( u'Parameter id_equipamento is invalid. Value: %s', id_equipamento) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'id_equipamento', id_equipamento) else: id_equipamento = int(id_equipamento) # Check existence Equipamento.get_by_pk(id_equipamento) # Verify permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION, None, id_equipamento, AdminPermission.EQUIP_WRITE_OPERATION): return self.not_authorized() # Valid name value nome = interface_map.get('nome') if not is_valid_string_minsize(nome, 1) or not is_valid_string_maxsize(nome, 20): self.log.error(u'Parameter nome is invalid. Value: %s', nome) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'nome', nome) # Valid protegida value protegida = interface_map.get('protegida') if not is_valid_boolean_param(protegida): self.log.error( u'Parameter protegida is invalid. Value: %s', protegida) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'protegida', protegida) else: protegida = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(protegida) # Valid descricao value descricao = interface_map.get('descricao') if descricao is not None: if not is_valid_string_minsize(descricao, 3) or not is_valid_string_maxsize(descricao, 200): self.log.error( u'Parameter descricao is invalid. Value: %s', descricao) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'descricao', descricao) # Valid "id_ligacao_front" value id_ligacao_front = interface_map.get('id_ligacao_front') if id_ligacao_front is not None: if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_ligacao_front): self.log.error( u'The id_ligacao_front parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_ligacao_front) raise InvalidValueError( None, 'id_ligacao_front', id_ligacao_front) else: id_ligacao_front = int(id_ligacao_front) ligacao_front = Interface(id=id_ligacao_front) else: ligacao_front = None # Valid "id_ligacao_back" value id_ligacao_back = interface_map.get('id_ligacao_back') if id_ligacao_back is not None: if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_ligacao_back): self.log.error( u'The id_ligacao_back parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_ligacao_back) raise InvalidValueError( None, 'id_ligacao_back', id_ligacao_back) else: id_ligacao_back = int(id_ligacao_back) ligacao_back = Interface(id=id_ligacao_back) else: ligacao_back = None tipo_interface = interface_map.get('tipo') if tipo_interface == None: tipo_interface = "Access" tipo_interface = TipoInterface.get_by_name(tipo_interface) vlan = interface_map.get('vlan') # Cria a interface conforme dados recebidos no XML interface = Interface( interface=nome, protegida=protegida, descricao=descricao, ligacao_front=ligacao_front, ligacao_back=ligacao_back, equipamento=Equipamento(id=id_equipamento), tipo=tipo_interface, vlan_nativa=vlan ) interface.create(user) networkapi_map = dict() interface_map = dict() interface_map['id'] = networkapi_map['interface'] = interface_map return self.response(dumps_networkapi(networkapi_map)) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_put(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Trata uma requisição PUT para alterar informações de uma interface. URL: /interface/<id_interface>/ """ # Get request data and check permission try: # Valid Interface ID id_interface = kwargs.get('id_interface') if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_interface): self.log.error( u'The id_interface parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_interface) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'id_interface', id_interface) # Get interface and equipment to check permission interface = Interface.get_by_pk(id_interface) id_equipamento = interface.equipamento_id # Check permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION, None, id_equipamento, AdminPermission.EQUIP_WRITE_OPERATION): return self.not_authorized() # Get XML data xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no networkapi tag in XML request.') interface_map = networkapi_map.get('interface') if interface_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no interface tag in XML request.') # Valid name value nome = interface_map.get('nome') if not is_valid_string_minsize(nome, 1) or not is_valid_string_maxsize(nome, 20): self.log.error(u'Parameter nome is invalid. Value: %s', nome) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'nome', nome) # Valid protegida value protegida = interface_map.get('protegida') if not is_valid_boolean_param(protegida): self.log.error( u'Parameter protegida is invalid. Value: %s', protegida) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'protegida', protegida) else: protegida = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(protegida) # Valid descricao value descricao = interface_map.get('descricao') if descricao is not None: if not is_valid_string_minsize(descricao, 3) or not is_valid_string_maxsize(descricao, 200): self.log.error( u'Parameter descricao is invalid. Value: %s', descricao) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'descricao', descricao) # Valid "id_ligacao_front" value id_ligacao_front = interface_map.get('id_ligacao_front') if id_ligacao_front is not None: if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_ligacao_front): self.log.error( u'The id_ligacao_front parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_ligacao_front) raise InvalidValueError( None, 'id_ligacao_front', id_ligacao_front) else: id_ligacao_front = int(id_ligacao_front) # Valid "id_ligacao_back" value id_ligacao_back = interface_map.get('id_ligacao_back') if id_ligacao_back is not None: if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_ligacao_back): self.log.error( u'The id_ligacao_back parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_ligacao_back) raise InvalidValueError( None, 'id_ligacao_back', id_ligacao_back) else: id_ligacao_back = int(id_ligacao_back) tipo = interface_map.get('tipo') tipo = TipoInterface.get_by_name(tipo) vlan = interface_map.get('vlan') with distributedlock(LOCK_INTERFACE % id_interface): # Update interface Interface.update(user, id_interface, interface=nome, protegida=protegida, descricao=descricao, ligacao_front_id=id_ligacao_front, ligacao_back_id=id_ligacao_back, tipo=tipo, vlan_nativa=vlan) return self.response(dumps_networkapi({})) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_put(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Treat requests POST to add Rack. URL: channel/editar/ """ try:'Editar Channel') # User permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION): self.log.error( u'User does not have permission to perform the operation.') raise UserNotAuthorizedError(None) # Load XML data xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) # XML data format networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the networkapi tag of XML request.') channel_map = networkapi_map.get('channel') if channel_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the channel tag of XML request.') # Get XML data id_channel = channel_map.get('id_channel') nome = channel_map.get('nome') if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(nome): raise InvalidValueError( None, 'Numero do Channel', 'Deve ser um numero inteiro.') lacp = channel_map.get('lacp') int_type = channel_map.get('int_type') vlan_nativa = channel_map.get('vlan') envs_vlans = channel_map.get('envs') ids_interface = channel_map.get('ids_interface') if ids_interface is None: raise InterfaceError('Nenhuma interface selecionada') if type(ids_interface) == list: interfaces_list = ids_interface else: interfaces_list = str(ids_interface).split('-') port_channel = PortChannel() interface = Interface() amb = Ambiente() api_interface_facade.verificar_vlan_nativa(vlan_nativa) # verifica se o nome do port channel já existe no equipamento channel = port_channel.get_by_pk(int(id_channel)) if not nome == channel.nome: api_interface_facade.verificar_nome_channel( nome, interfaces_list) # buscar interfaces do channel interfaces = Interface.objects.all().filter(channel__id=id_channel) ids_list = [] for i in interfaces: ids_list.append( ids_list = [int(y) for y in ids_list] if type(ids_interface) is list: ids_interface = [int(x) for x in ids_interface] desassociar = set(ids_list) - set(ids_interface) for item in desassociar: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None else: if ids_interface is not None: ids_interface = int(ids_interface) if ids_interface is not None: for item in ids_list: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None else: for item in ids_list: if not item == ids_interface: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None # update channel channel.nome = str(nome) channel.lacp = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(lacp) int_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name(str(int_type)) # update interfaces if type(ids_interface) is not list: i = ids_interface ids_interface = [] ids_interface.append(i) for var in ids_interface: alterar_interface(var, interface, channel, int_type, vlan_nativa, user, envs_vlans, amb) interface = Interface() server_obj = Interface() interface_sw = interface.get_by_pk(int(var)) interface_server = server_obj.get_by_pk( try: front = except: front = None pass try: back = except: back = None pass server_obj.update(user,, interface=interface_server.interface, protegida=interface_server.protegida, descricao=interface_server.descricao, ligacao_front_id=front, ligacao_back_id=back, tipo=int_type, vlan_nativa=int(vlan_nativa)) port_channel_map = dict() port_channel_map['port_channel'] = port_channel return self.response(dumps_networkapi({'port_channel': port_channel_map})) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_delete(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Trata uma requisição DELETE para excluir um port channel URL: /channel/delete/<channel_name>/<interface_id> """ try:'Delete Channel') # User permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION): self.log.error( u'User does not have permission to perform the operation.') raise UserNotAuthorizedError(None) interface_id = kwargs.get('channel_name') interface = Interface.get_by_pk(int(interface_id)) equip_list = [] try: channel = except: channel = pass try: interfaces = Interface.objects.all().filter( except: return self.response(dumps_networkapi({})) for i in interfaces: equip_list.append( equip_list = set(equip_list) equip_dict = dict() for e in equip_list: equip_dict[str(e)] = interfaces.filter(equipamento__id=e) tipo = TipoInterface() tipo = tipo.get_by_name('access') for e in equip_dict: for i in equip_dict.get(e): try: front = except: front = None pass try: back = except: back = None pass i.update(user,, interface=i.interface, protegida=i.protegida, descricao=i.descricao, ligacao_front_id=front, ligacao_back_id=back, tipo=tipo, vlan_nativa='1') status = api_interface_facade.delete_channel( user, e, equip_dict.get(e), channel) channel.delete(user) return self.response(dumps_networkapi({})) except api_interface_exceptions.InterfaceException, e: return self.response_error(410, e)
def handle_post(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Treat requests POST to add Rack. URL: channel/inserir/ """ try:'Inserir novo Channel') # User permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION): self.log.error( u'User does not have permission to perform the operation.') raise UserNotAuthorizedError(None) # Load XML data xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) # XML data format networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the networkapi tag of XML request.') channel_map = networkapi_map.get('channel') if channel_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the channel tag of XML request.') # Get XML data interfaces = channel_map.get('interfaces') nome = channel_map.get('nome') lacp = channel_map.get('lacp') int_type = channel_map.get('int_type') vlan_nativa = channel_map.get('vlan') envs_vlans = channel_map.get('envs') port_channel = PortChannel() interface = Interface() amb = Ambiente() cont = [] api_interface_facade.verificar_vlan_nativa(vlan_nativa) # verifica se o nome do port channel já existe no equipamento interfaces = str(interfaces).split('-') api_interface_facade.verificar_nome_channel(nome, interfaces) # cria o port channel port_channel.nome = str(nome) port_channel.lacp = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(lacp) port_channel.create(user) int_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name(str(int_type)) for var in interfaces: if not var == '' and not var is None: interf = interface.get_by_pk(int(var)) try: sw_router = interf.get_switch_and_router_interface_from_host_interface( interf.protegida) except: raise InterfaceError('Interface não conectada') if is not None: raise InterfaceError( 'Interface %s já está em um Channel' % sw_router.interface) if cont is []: cont.append(int( elif not in cont: cont.append(int( if len(cont) > 2: raise InterfaceError( 'Mais de dois equipamentos foram selecionados') if sw_router.ligacao_front is not None: ligacao_front_id = else: ligacao_front_id = None if sw_router.ligacao_back is not None: ligacao_back_id = else: ligacao_back_id = None Interface.update(user,, interface=sw_router.interface, protegida=sw_router.protegida, descricao=sw_router.descricao, ligacao_front_id=ligacao_front_id, ligacao_back_id=ligacao_back_id, tipo=int_type, vlan_nativa=vlan_nativa, channel=port_channel) if 'trunk' in int_type.tipo: interface_list = EnvironmentInterface.objects.all().filter( for int_env in interface_list: int_env.delete() if type(envs_vlans) is not list: d = envs_vlans envs_vlans = [] envs_vlans.append(d) for i in envs_vlans: amb = amb.get_by_pk(int(i.get('env'))) amb_int = EnvironmentInterface() amb_int.interface = sw_router amb_int.ambiente = amb try: range_vlans = i.get('vlans') except: range_vlans = None pass if range_vlans: api_interface_facade.verificar_vlan_range( amb, range_vlans) amb_int.vlans = range_vlans amb_int.create(user) port_channel_map = dict() port_channel_map['port_channel'] = port_channel return self.response(dumps_networkapi({'port_channel': port_channel_map})) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_put(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Trata uma requisição PUT para alterar informações de uma interface. URL: /interface/<id_interface>/ """ # Get request data and check permission try: # Valid Interface ID id_interface = kwargs.get('id_interface') if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_interface): self.log.error( u'The id_interface parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_interface) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'id_interface', id_interface) # Get interface and equipment to check permission interface = Interface.get_by_pk(id_interface) id_equipamento = interface.equipamento_id # Check permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION, None, id_equipamento, AdminPermission.EQUIP_WRITE_OPERATION): return self.not_authorized() # Get XML data xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error( 3, u'There is no networkapi tag in XML request.') interface_map = networkapi_map.get('interface') if interface_map is None: return self.response_error( 3, u'There is no interface tag in XML request.') # Valid name value nome = interface_map.get('nome') if not is_valid_string_minsize( nome, 1) or not is_valid_string_maxsize(nome, 20): self.log.error(u'Parameter nome is invalid. Value: %s', nome) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'nome', nome) # Valid protegida value protegida = interface_map.get('protegida') if not is_valid_boolean_param(protegida): self.log.error(u'Parameter protegida is invalid. Value: %s', protegida) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'protegida', protegida) else: protegida = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(protegida) # Valid descricao value descricao = interface_map.get('descricao') if descricao is not None: if not is_valid_string_minsize( descricao, 3) or not is_valid_string_maxsize( descricao, 200): self.log.error( u'Parameter descricao is invalid. Value: %s', descricao) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'descricao', descricao) # Valid "id_ligacao_front" value id_ligacao_front = interface_map.get('id_ligacao_front') if id_ligacao_front is not None: if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_ligacao_front): self.log.error( u'The id_ligacao_front parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_ligacao_front) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'id_ligacao_front', id_ligacao_front) else: id_ligacao_front = int(id_ligacao_front) # Valid "id_ligacao_back" value id_ligacao_back = interface_map.get('id_ligacao_back') if id_ligacao_back is not None: if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_ligacao_back): self.log.error( u'The id_ligacao_back parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_ligacao_back) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'id_ligacao_back', id_ligacao_back) else: id_ligacao_back = int(id_ligacao_back) tipo = interface_map.get('tipo') if tipo is not None: tipo = TipoInterface.get_by_name(tipo) vlan = interface_map.get('vlan') with distributedlock(LOCK_INTERFACE % id_interface): # Update interface Interface.update(user, id_interface, interface=nome, protegida=protegida, descricao=descricao, ligacao_front_id=id_ligacao_front, ligacao_back_id=id_ligacao_back, tipo=tipo, vlan_nativa=vlan) return self.response(dumps_networkapi({})) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_post(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Trata as requisições de POST para criar uma nova interface para o equipamento URL: /interface/ """ # Obtém dados do request e verifica acesso try: # Obtém os dados do xml do request xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) # Obtém o mapa correspondente ao root node do mapa do XML # (networkapi) networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error( 3, u'Não existe valor para a tag networkapi do XML de requisição.' ) # Verifica a existência do node "interface" interface_map = networkapi_map.get('interface') if interface_map is None: return self.response_error( 3, u'Não existe valor para a tag interface do XML de requisição.' ) # Valid id_equipamento value id_equipamento = interface_map.get('id_equipamento') if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_equipamento): self.log.error( u'Parameter id_equipamento is invalid. Value: %s', id_equipamento) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'id_equipamento', id_equipamento) else: id_equipamento = int(id_equipamento) # Check existence Equipamento.get_by_pk(id_equipamento) # Verify permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION, None, id_equipamento, AdminPermission.EQUIP_WRITE_OPERATION): return self.not_authorized() # Valid name value nome = interface_map.get('nome') if not is_valid_string_minsize( nome, 1) or not is_valid_string_maxsize(nome, 20): self.log.error(u'Parameter nome is invalid. Value: %s', nome) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'nome', nome) # Valid protegida value protegida = interface_map.get('protegida') if not is_valid_boolean_param(protegida): self.log.error(u'Parameter protegida is invalid. Value: %s', protegida) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'protegida', protegida) else: protegida = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(protegida) # Valid descricao value descricao = interface_map.get('descricao') if descricao is not None: if not is_valid_string_minsize( descricao, 3) or not is_valid_string_maxsize( descricao, 200): self.log.error( u'Parameter descricao is invalid. Value: %s', descricao) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'descricao', descricao) # Valid "id_ligacao_front" value id_ligacao_front = interface_map.get('id_ligacao_front') if id_ligacao_front is not None: if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_ligacao_front): self.log.error( u'The id_ligacao_front parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_ligacao_front) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'id_ligacao_front', id_ligacao_front) else: id_ligacao_front = int(id_ligacao_front) ligacao_front = Interface(id=id_ligacao_front) else: ligacao_front = None # Valid "id_ligacao_back" value id_ligacao_back = interface_map.get('id_ligacao_back') if id_ligacao_back is not None: if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(id_ligacao_back): self.log.error( u'The id_ligacao_back parameter is not a valid value: %s.', id_ligacao_back) raise InvalidValueError(None, 'id_ligacao_back', id_ligacao_back) else: id_ligacao_back = int(id_ligacao_back) ligacao_back = Interface(id=id_ligacao_back) else: ligacao_back = None tipo_interface = interface_map.get('tipo') if tipo_interface is None: tipo_interface = 'Access' tipo_interface = TipoInterface.get_by_name(tipo_interface) vlan = interface_map.get('vlan') # Cria a interface conforme dados recebidos no XML interface = Interface(interface=nome, protegida=protegida, descricao=descricao, ligacao_front=ligacao_front, ligacao_back=ligacao_back, equipamento=Equipamento(id=id_equipamento), tipo=tipo_interface, vlan_nativa=vlan) interface.create(user) networkapi_map = dict() interface_map = dict() interface_map['id'] = networkapi_map['interface'] = interface_map return self.response(dumps_networkapi(networkapi_map)) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_post(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Treat requests POST to add Rack. URL: channel/inserir/ """ try:"Inserir novo Channel") # User permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION): self.log.error(u'User does not have permission to perform the operation.') raise UserNotAuthorizedError(None) # Load XML data xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) # XML data format networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the networkapi tag of XML request.') channel_map = networkapi_map.get('channel') if channel_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the channel tag of XML request.') # Get XML data interfaces = channel_map.get('interfaces') nome = channel_map.get('nome') lacp = channel_map.get('lacp') int_type = channel_map.get('int_type') vlans = channel_map.get('vlan') envs = channel_map.get('envs') port_channel = PortChannel() interface = Interface() amb = Ambiente() cont = [] interfaces = str(interfaces).split('-') interface_id = None # verifica a vlan_nativa vlan = vlans.get('vlan_nativa') if vlan is not None: if int(vlan) < 1 or int(vlan) > 4096: raise InvalidValueError(None, "Vlan Nativa", "Range valido: 1 - 4096.") if int(vlan) < 1 or 3967 < int(vlan) < 4048 or int(vlan)==4096: raise InvalidValueError(None, "Vlan Nativa" ,"Range reservado: 3968-4047;4094.") # verifica se o nome do port channel já existe no equipamento channels = PortChannel.objects.filter(nome=nome) channels_id = [] for ch in channels: channels_id.append(int( if channels_id: for var in interfaces: if not var=="" and not var==None: interface_id = int(var) interface_id = interface.get_by_pk(interface_id) equip_id = equip_interfaces = for i in equip_interfaces: try: sw = i.get_switch_and_router_interface_from_host_interface(i.protegida) except: sw = None pass if is not None: if in channels_id: raise InterfaceError("O nome do port channel ja foi utilizado no equipamento") #cria o port channel port_channel.nome = str(nome) port_channel.lacp = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(lacp) port_channel.create(user) int_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name(str(int_type)) for var in interfaces: if not var=="" and not var==None: interf = interface.get_by_pk(int(var)) try: sw_router = interf.get_switch_and_router_interface_from_host_interface(interf.protegida) except: raise InterfaceError("Interface não conectada") if is not None: raise InterfaceError("Interface %s já está em um Channel" % sw_router.interface) if cont is []: cont.append(int( elif not in cont: cont.append(int( if len(cont) > 2: raise InterfaceError("Mais de dois equipamentos foram selecionados") if sw_router.ligacao_front is not None: ligacao_front_id = else: ligacao_front_id = None if sw_router.ligacao_back is not None: ligacao_back_id = else: ligacao_back_id = None Interface.update(user,, interface=sw_router.interface, protegida=sw_router.protegida, descricao=sw_router.descricao, ligacao_front_id=ligacao_front_id, ligacao_back_id=ligacao_back_id, tipo=int_type, vlan_nativa=vlans.get('vlan_nativa'), channel=port_channel) if "trunk" in int_type.tipo: interface_list = EnvironmentInterface.objects.all().filter( for int_env in interface_list: int_env.delete() if envs is not None: amb = amb.get_by_pk(int(envs)) amb_int = EnvironmentInterface() amb_int.interface = sw_router amb_int.ambiente = amb try: range_vlans = vlans.get('range') except: range_vlans = None pass if range_vlans: api_interface_facade.verificar_vlan_range(amb, range_vlans) amb_int.vlans = range_vlans amb_int.create(user) port_channel_map = dict() port_channel_map['port_channel'] = port_channel return self.response(dumps_networkapi({'port_channel': port_channel_map})) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_put(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Treat requests POST to add Rack. URL: channel/editar/ """ try:"Editar Channel") # User permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION): self.log.error(u'User does not have permission to perform the operation.') raise UserNotAuthorizedError(None) # Load XML data xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) # XML data format networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the networkapi tag of XML request.') channel_map = networkapi_map.get('channel') if channel_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the channel tag of XML request.') # Get XML data id_channel = channel_map.get('id_channel') nome = channel_map.get('nome') if not is_valid_int_greater_zero_param(nome): raise InvalidValueError(None, "Numero do Channel", "Deve ser um numero inteiro.") lacp = channel_map.get('lacp') int_type = channel_map.get('int_type') vlans = channel_map.get('vlan') envs = channel_map.get('envs') ids_interface = channel_map.get('ids_interface') if ids_interface is None: raise InterfaceError("Nenhuma interface selecionada") # verifica a vlan_nativa vlan = vlans.get('vlan_nativa') if vlan is not None: if int(vlan) < 1 or int(vlan) > 4096: raise InvalidValueError(None, "Vlan Nativa", "Range valido: 1 - 4096.") if int(vlan) < 1 or 3967 < int(vlan) < 4048 or int(vlan)==4096: raise InvalidValueError(None, "Vlan Nativa" ,"Range reservado: 3968-4047;4094.") port_channel = PortChannel() interface = Interface() amb = Ambiente() # verifica se o nome do port channel está sendo usado no equipamento channels = PortChannel.objects.filter(nome=nome) channels_id = [] for ch in channels: channels_id.append(int( if len(channels_id)>1: if type(ids_interface) is list: for var in ids_interface: if not var=="" and not var==None: interface_id = int(var) else: interface_id = int(ids_interface) interface_id = interface.get_by_pk(interface_id) equip_id = equip_interfaces = for i in equip_interfaces: try: sw = i.get_switch_and_router_interface_from_host_interface(i.protegida) except: sw = None pass if sw is not None: if is not None: if in channels_id and is not id_channel: raise InterfaceError("O nome do port channel ja foi utilizado no equipamento") #buscar interfaces do channel interfaces = Interface.objects.all().filter(channel__id=id_channel) ids_list = [] for i in interfaces: ids_list.append( ids_list = [ int(y) for y in ids_list ] if type(ids_interface) is list: ids_interface = [ int(x) for x in ids_interface ] desassociar = set(ids_list) - set(ids_interface) for item in desassociar: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None else: if ids_interface is not None: ids_interface = int(ids_interface) if ids_interface is not None: for item in ids_list: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None else: for item in ids_list: if not item== ids_interface: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None #update channel port_channel = port_channel.get_by_pk(id_channel) port_channel.nome = str(nome) port_channel.lacp = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(lacp) int_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name(str(int_type)) #update interfaces if type(ids_interface) is not list: i = ids_interface ids_interface = [] ids_interface.append(i) for var in ids_interface: alterar_interface(var, interface, port_channel, int_type, vlans, user, envs, amb) interface = Interface() server_obj = Interface() interface_sw = interface.get_by_pk(int(var)) interface_server = server_obj.get_by_pk( try: front = except: front = None pass try: back = except: back = None pass server_obj.update(user,, interface=interface_server.interface, protegida=interface_server.protegida, descricao=interface_server.descricao, ligacao_front_id=front, ligacao_back_id=back, tipo=int_type, vlan_nativa=int(vlan)) port_channel_map = dict() port_channel_map['port_channel'] = port_channel return self.response(dumps_networkapi({'port_channel': port_channel_map})) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_delete(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Trata uma requisição DELETE para excluir um port channel URL: /channel/delete/<channel_name>/<interface_id> """ try:"Delete Channel") # User permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION): self.log.error(u'User does not have permission to perform the operation.') raise UserNotAuthorizedError(None) interface_id = kwargs.get('channel_name') interface = Interface.get_by_pk(int(interface_id)) equip_list = [] try: channel = except: channel = pass try: interfaces = Interface.objects.all().filter( except: return self.response(dumps_networkapi({})) for i in interfaces: equip_list.append( equip_list = set(equip_list) equip_dict = dict() for e in equip_list: equip_dict[str(e)] = interfaces.filter(equipamento__id=e) tipo = TipoInterface() tipo = tipo.get_by_name("access") for e in equip_dict: for i in equip_dict.get(e): try: front = except: front = None pass try: back = except: back = None pass i.update(user,, interface=i.interface, protegida=i.protegida, descricao=i.descricao, ligacao_front_id=front, ligacao_back_id=back, tipo=tipo, vlan_nativa="1") status = api_interface_facade.delete_channel(user, e, equip_dict.get(e), channel) channel.delete(user) return self.response(dumps_networkapi({})) except api_interface_exceptions.InterfaceException, e: return api_interface_exceptions.InterfaceException(e)
def handle_post(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Treat requests POST to add Rack. URL: channel/inserir/ """ try:"Inserir novo Channel") # User permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION): self.log.error( u'User does not have permission to perform the operation.') raise UserNotAuthorizedError(None) # Load XML data xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) # XML data format networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the networkapi tag of XML request.') channel_map = networkapi_map.get('channel') if channel_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the channel tag of XML request.') # Get XML data interfaces = channel_map.get('interfaces') nome = channel_map.get('nome') lacp = channel_map.get('lacp') int_type = channel_map.get('int_type') vlan = channel_map.get('vlan') envs = channel_map.get('envs') port_channel = PortChannel() interface = Interface() amb = Ambiente() cont = [] port_channel.nome = str(nome) port_channel.lacp = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(lacp) port_channel.create(user) interfaces = str(interfaces).split('-') int_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name(str(int_type)) for var in interfaces: if not var=="" and not var==None: interf = interface.get_by_pk(int(var)) try: sw_router = interf.get_switch_and_router_interface_from_host_interface(interf.protegida) except: raise InterfaceError("Interface não conectada") if is not None: raise InterfaceError("Interface %s já está em um Channel" % sw_router.interface) for i in if is not None: raise InterfaceError("Equipamento %s já possui um Channel" % sw_router.equipamento.nome) if cont is []: cont.append(int( elif not in cont: cont.append(int( if len(cont) > 2: raise InterfaceError("Mais de dois equipamentos foram selecionados") if sw_router.ligacao_front is not None: ligacao_front_id = else: ligacao_front_id = None if sw_router.ligacao_back is not None: ligacao_back_id = else: ligacao_back_id = None Interface.update(user,, interface=sw_router.interface, protegida=sw_router.protegida, descricao=sw_router.descricao, ligacao_front_id=ligacao_front_id, ligacao_back_id=ligacao_back_id, tipo=int_type, vlan_nativa=vlan, channel=port_channel) if "trunk" in int_type.tipo: interface_list = EnvironmentInterface.objects.all().filter( for int_env in interface_list: int_env.delete(user) if envs is not None: if not type(envs)==unicode: for env in envs: amb_int = EnvironmentInterface() amb_int.interface = sw_router amb_int.ambiente = amb.get_by_pk(int(env)) amb_int.create(user) else: amb_int = EnvironmentInterface() amb_int.interface = sw_router amb_int.ambiente = amb.get_by_pk(int(envs)) amb_int.create(user) port_channel_map = dict() port_channel_map['port_channel'] = port_channel return self.response(dumps_networkapi({'port_channel': port_channel_map})) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)
def handle_put(self, request, user, *args, **kwargs): """Treat requests POST to add Rack. URL: channel/editar/ """ try:"Editar Channel") # User permission if not has_perm(user, AdminPermission.EQUIPMENT_MANAGEMENT, AdminPermission.WRITE_OPERATION): self.log.error( u'User does not have permission to perform the operation.') raise UserNotAuthorizedError(None) # Load XML data xml_map, attrs_map = loads(request.raw_post_data) # XML data format networkapi_map = xml_map.get('networkapi') if networkapi_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the networkapi tag of XML request.') channel_map = networkapi_map.get('channel') if channel_map is None: return self.response_error(3, u'There is no value to the channel tag of XML request.') # Get XML data id_channel = channel_map.get('id_channel') nome = channel_map.get('nome') lacp = channel_map.get('lacp') int_type = channel_map.get('int_type') vlan = channel_map.get('vlan') envs = channel_map.get('envs') ids_interface = channel_map.get('ids_interface') if ids_interface is None: raise InterfaceError("Nenhuma interface selecionada") if vlan is not None: if int(vlan) < 1 or int(vlan) > 4096: raise InvalidValueError(None, "Vlan" , vlan) if int(vlan) < 1 or 3967 < int(vlan) < 4048 or int(vlan)==4096: raise InvalidValueError(None, "Vlan Nativa" ,"Range reservado: 3968-4047;4094.") port_channel = PortChannel() interface = Interface() amb = Ambiente() cont = [] #buscar interfaces do channel interfaces = Interface.objects.all().filter(channel__id=id_channel) ids_list = [] for i in interfaces: ids_list.append( ids_list = [ int(y) for y in ids_list ] if type(ids_interface) is list: ids_interface = [ int(x) for x in ids_interface ] desassociar = set(ids_list) - set(ids_interface) for item in desassociar: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None else: if ids_interface is not None: ids_interface = int(ids_interface) if ids_interface is not None: for item in ids_list: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None else: for item in ids_list: if not item== ids_interface: item = interface.get_by_pk(int(item)) = None #update channel port_channel = port_channel.get_by_pk(id_channel) port_channel.nome = str(nome) port_channel.lacp = convert_string_or_int_to_boolean(lacp) int_type = TipoInterface.get_by_name(str(int_type)) #update interfaces if type(ids_interface) is list: for var in ids_interface: alterar_interface(var, interface, port_channel, int_type, vlan, user, envs, amb) else: var = ids_interface alterar_interface(var, interface, port_channel, int_type, vlan, user, envs, amb) port_channel_map = dict() port_channel_map['port_channel'] = port_channel return self.response(dumps_networkapi({'port_channel': port_channel_map})) except InvalidValueError, e: return self.response_error(269, e.param, e.value)