Esempio n. 1
            def _cancel_watch_if_broken():
                # Loop until we should cancel the watch, either because of
                # inactivity or because of stop() having been called.
                while not self._stopped:
                    # If WATCH_TIMEOUT_SECS has now passed since the last watch
                    # event, break out of this loop.  If we are also writing a
                    # key within the tree every WATCH_TIMEOUT_SECS / 3 seconds,
                    # this can only happen either if there is some roundtrip
                    # connectivity problem, or if the watch is invalid because
                    # of a recent compaction.  Whatever the reason, we need to
                    # terminate this watch and take a new overall status and
                    # snapshot of the tree.
                    time_now = monotonic_time()
                    if time_now > last_event_time + WATCH_TIMEOUT_SECS:
                        if self.round_trip_suffix is not None:
                            LOG.warning("Watch is not working")
                            LOG.debug("Watch timed out")

                    if self.round_trip_suffix is not None:
                        # Write to a key in the tree that we are watching.  If
                        # the watch is working normally, it will report this
                        # event.
                        etcdv3.put(self.prefix + self.round_trip_suffix,

                    # Sleep until time for next write.
                    eventlet.sleep(WATCH_TIMEOUT_SECS / 3)
                    LOG.debug("Checked %s watch at %r", self.prefix, time_now)

                # Cancel the watch
    def test_must_update(self):
        # Start a real local etcd server.

        # Set up minimal config, so EtcdWatcher will use that etcd.

        # Ensure etcd server is ready.

        # Try a put with MUST_UPDATE; should fail as does not yet exist.
        succeeded = etcdv3.put("/testkey",

        # Try a put with mod_revision 0, i.e. must create.
        succeeded = etcdv3.put("/testkey", "testvalue", mod_revision=0)

        # Try again with MUST_UPDATE; should now succeed.
        succeeded = etcdv3.put("/testkey",

        # Try again with mod_revision 0; should now fail.
        succeeded = etcdv3.put("/testkey", "testvalue2", mod_revision=0)

        # Kill the etcd server.
Esempio n. 3
 def _write_old_key(self, lease):
     # If there's a legacy election key, try to write that now too.
     # Don't worry if there's a problem, as we only do this to
     # assist during an upgrade.
         if self._old_key:
             etcdv3.put(self._old_key, self.id_string, lease=lease)
     except Exception as e:
         self._log_exception("write old key", e)
 def update_in_etcd(self, key, value, mod_revision=None):
     return etcdv3.put(key, value, mod_revision=mod_revision)
 def create_in_etcd(self, key, value):
     return etcdv3.put(key, value, mod_revision=0)
Esempio n. 6
    def _become_master(self):

        Function to become the master. Never returns, and continually loops
        updating the key as necessary.

        raises: RestartElection if it fails to become master (e.g race
                conditions). In this case, some other process has become
                Any other error from etcd is not caught in this routine.

            ttl_lease = etcdv3.get_lease(self._ttl)
            self._master = etcdv3.put(self._key,
        except Exception as e:
            # We could be smarter about what exceptions we allow, but any kind
            # of error means we should give up, and safer to have a broad
            # except here. Log and reconnect.
            self._log_exception("become master", e)
            self._master = False

        if not self._master:
  "Race: someone else beat us to be master")
            raise RestartElection()"Successfully become master - key %s, value %s",
                 self._key, self.id_string)

        # If there's a legacy election key, try to write that now too.

            while not self._stopped:
                    LOG.debug("Refreshing master role")
                    # Refresh the lease.
                    ttl = ttl_lease.refresh()
                    # Also rewrite the key, so that non-masters see an event on
                    # the key.
                    if not etcdv3.put(self._key,
                        LOG.warning("Key changed or deleted; restart election")
                        raise RestartElection()
                    LOG.debug("Refreshed master role, TTL now is %d", ttl)
                except RestartElection:
                except Exception as e:
                    # This is a pretty broad except statement, but anything
                    # going wrong means this instance gives up being the
                    # master.
                    self._log_exception("refresh master role", e)
                    raise RestartElection()

                # If there's a legacy election key, try to write that now too.

  "Exiting master refresh loop, no longer the master")
            self._master = False
        raise RestartElection()
Esempio n. 7
def put(resource_kind, namespace, name, spec, annotations={}, labels=None,
    """Write a Calico v3 resource to etcdv3.

    - resource_kind (string): E.g. WorkloadEndpoint, Profile, etc.

    - name (string): The resource's name.  This is used to form its etcd key,
      and also goes in its .Metadata.Name field.

    - namespace (string): The namespace to put the resource in.

    - spec (dict): Resource spec, as a dict with keys as specified by the
      'json:' comments in the relevant golang struct definition (for example,

    - annotations (dict): Annotations to set on the resource.  These are merged
      with existing annotations; i.e. existing annotations with other keys are
      unchanged, and existing annotations with the same keys are overwritten by
      these new values.

    - mod_revision (string): If specified, indicates that the write should only
      proceed if replacing an existing value with that mod_revision.

    Returns True if the write happened successfully; False if not.
    key = _build_key(resource_kind, namespace, name)
    value = None
        # Get the existing resource so we can persist its metadata.
        value, _ = _get_with_metadata(resource_kind, namespace, name)
    except etcdv3.KeyNotFound:
    except ValueError:
        LOG.warning("etcd value not valid JSON, so ignoring")
    if value is None:
        # Build basic resource structure.
        value = {
            'kind': resource_kind,
            'apiVersion': '',
            'metadata': {
                'name': name,
    # Ensure namespace set, for a namespaced resource.
    if _is_namespaced(resource_kind):
        assert namespace is not None
        value['metadata']['namespace'] = namespace
    # Ensure that there is a creation timestamp.
    if 'creationTimestamp' not in value['metadata']:
        value['metadata']['creationTimestamp'] = timestamp_now()
    # Ensure that there is a UID.
    if 'uid' not in value['metadata']:
        value['metadata']['uid'] = str(uuid.uuid4())
    # Set annotations and labels if specified.  (We previously used to merge
    # here, instead of overwriting, but (a) for annotations there is actually
    # no use case for that, because we only use annotations on endpoints for
    # which Neutron is the sole source of truth; and (b) for the use case where
    # labels are used to represent security group membership it is crucial that
    # we overwrite and don't merge; otherwise a VM could never be removed from
    # a security group.)
    if annotations:
        value['metadata']['annotations'] = annotations
    if labels:
        value['metadata']['labels'] = labels
    # Set the new spec (overriding whatever may already be there).
    value['spec'] = spec
    return etcdv3.put(key, json.dumps(value), mod_revision=mod_revision)